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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

"Alright, my name is Philis. I guess we should be glad that sleep spell, dust, stuff didn't come over here otherwise we would really need to use Michael for a pillow." with only the faintest hint of a joking tone in his voice since he was finally becoming calm again.

"Do either of you have any guesses about how long it will take for this to settle down and the assembly to start?"
Headmaster Midori nodded at the girl. At least she understood. Then he looked back to Ivy and said, "An emergency blood ration has been retrieved for you, but we would ask that you either take it outside or after the assembly. We just don't want to gross anybody out you know? Now, if there isn't anything else, we'll begin the assembly." Headmaster Midori projected his voice throughout the room. This wasn't magic, he just could make a loud voice, "Everyone wake up. The situation is under control and there is nothing to fear. It's time to start the assembly. My name is Headmaster Midorikawa Chiaki. You may call me what you like as long as I approve of it first."

Michael morphed back into a human, scratching the back of his neck and giving them a nervous smile.
"My name's Michael," he finally said, extending a hand to Mei. Then he looked back to Philis and said, "I don't know man, it shouldn't be too long,"
Mei accepted the hand shake, but quickly retreated to her previous position. She nodddd in agreement as he headmaster started his speeh. "Not too long at all." She giggled.

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"Yes Headmaster I think I'll wait.... Again I am deeply sorry to all the Lucia,Drake, the girl, and well my own self. I wasn't in perfect control of my bloodlust like I usually am and I swear what I did a few minutes ago will never happen again and I will clean up any mess I made and help the girl into different clothes she deserves that of me." Ivy said looking at the girl, Lucia, David, and all of the staff she bowed as she apologized and looked over at the Headmaster's hand. "Headmaster did I hurt you badly when I bit you?" She asked.
Shadow stood there, listening to the headmaster's speech, after a moment, he looked at the vampire, and rose his eyebrow when she was apologizing, not sure if it was a good idea to let her go just yet. He though for a second, and raised his hand a bit, the shadow creatures let her go, one of them laid agaisnt the wall and was absorbed by it and the other one walked towards the table, move below it and was absorbed by the floor below the table, these creatures were sentient shadows of inanimate objects, given humanoid shape, and were unaffected by the dust as they have no anatomy, they do not sleep, eat or breathe. He knew it was a good idea to have that creation

right from the start. After the creatures disappeared, he looked at Ivy "there, you're free...do not abuse your freedom or ill send a football team of them after you, okay? Please, i dont really want to do that but i will if i hear you repeat what you just did" He then looked at the headmaster, leaned towards him and whispered "Hey, headmaster, think it would be a good idea to send my "shadow guardians" as hall monitors? If they see trouble, they can stop it. That is, if you feel okay with that."
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"Headmaster can I make a suggestion for me only.... Have one of Mister Shadow's shadowy creatures follow me until I control and ground my bloodlust fully." Ivy said looking at Shadow and the Headmaster.
Ajax looked over at Shadow and chuckled ,"Yes, I suppose it will have to be pushed back a bit."

He called for Batarang, the fruit bat quickly flew in and perched himself on Ajax's shoulder.

What am a I supposed to do here, this whole thing would be so much simpler if they weren't students. What if I could just teach them control? I could probably control most of the students.

He looked back at Shadow, "Professor Shadow Ally, what would you think of teaching some of the more wild students some control? I have the Control 101 textbook back in my room, just finished reading it as a matter of fact."

I really need some new reading material, I think I've read most of my collection.
Alia woke up back in her spot in the hall. Groggily, she looked around and noticed other students waking up as well. What is going on? The first teacher she met, the short one, had cast some sort of sleeping spell on them, obviously. It must have been very powerful, she thought. The Caelum Dryas aren't affected by general sleeping spells. As the rest of the room woke up, she focused her attention towards the front of the room, where the Headmaster was.
Shadow looked at Ivy, slighty surprised "huh, so you truly repent...i suppose that could be done...the casting time will be longer for a permanent shadow guardian, and i will need some components..but its nothing i cant get today." Then he looked at Ajax "Arent you the proffesor of the control class?...i mean, i dont have anything agaisnt your idea since i only have one class...but i wanna know....why you ask me that?" Said Shadow, tilting his head a bit

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"I wouldn't have been made Headmaster if I couldn't handle a vampire bite Ivy," the Headmaster responded kindly, "And I think that's a very good idea to have it follow you around. I can respect that." Then he looked back to Professor Shadow, "Perhaps it could assist you while cleaning the wall as well. If the professor can arrange that, that is. And as an answer to your question Professor, that is a very good idea to have your shadows as a sort of hall monitor."
Ajax began and scratched his chin, then widened his eyes slightly, "Oh yes, sorry, my wording was a bit odd there. What I meant was that I may need your help with some of the more... Testing days for these students. Just wanted to know if you would be willing to help, is all."

What's the matter with you Ajax? Did you think you read that textbook for fun? That's one of the courses you're teaching this year, get your head on straight.

He started to speak again, breathing slightly rapidly beforehand, "I'm really not the strongest of creatures, and I'm pretty sure that the students don't want to constantly be doused by sleeping spells and the like. I figured one of your companions would be able to assist me on days that the students may have a hard time controlling themselves."
"I am deeply sorry I bit you." Ivy said to the headmaster. Then she slowly turned to Drake and Lucia. "Lucia and Drake if they allow me to help the girl change clothes will you follow just to keep me in check?" Ivy asked them she knew Drake was mad and she didn't blame him no vampire Royal from any royal family bites or drains a human or threatens a human life. She then looked at Professor Shadow. "Professor Shadow sir how soon can you get me my own 'Shadow guardian'?" Ivy asked Shadow.
Shadow gave a nod to the headmaster "I will make the shadow guardians as hall monitors before this night." Then he looked at Ajax, he seemed to be about to say something but decided agaisnt it "dumbass, Ajax aint physically strong, his shadow wouldnt be either" he thought then he told him "Ehh...i could give you my shadow as a helper, if i ordered him, he can follow your orders, he is nearly as strong as i am" Then he looked at Ivy "Well, Ivy, ill gather the components, it will take me an hour or so, as soon as i do that, i will call you, or i may come to you. Your own shadow guardian will be made physically stronger than you, and with your abilities, albeit them being watered down." He said all this smiling.

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Ajax sighed slightly, relieved that his excuse for his slip actually sounded believable.

He grinned, "Thank you Professor Shadow, I'll keep you informed. I should be fine for now."


Shadow seems like a nice fellow, but I really think I'll be able to handle the students on my own. I hope he didn't notice that moment of stupidity I had back there.
"Yes Professor.... Headmaster the girl needs new clothes should one of the staff follow me so that I can help her?" Ivy said to Professor Shadow she turned to the headmaster and asked her question. She looked at girl Drake had healed and the girl slowly walked over by Ivy. "You are right Ivy. This shirt is history it is almost falling off and my pants are so badly blood stained I don't think washing them would be a good idea." The girl said facing the headmaster and Ivy.
"We'll take care of it Ivy, don't worry about it." Master Midori waved over some helpers to bring the girl away and give her new clothes. "Now, we really must get these proceedings under way. Your packets will show which teachers you have. Please feel free to ask them any questions at this time."
Alia opened her packet, like the headmaster instructed, and found the list of her classes. They included: Arcane Studies with Ajax Wellington, Music with Cross Angelico, and Enchantology with Shadow Ally. Arcane Studies mus be the class with the strange teacher. The one he called Control. she thought. Of course my father signed me up for that. At least I have Music to look forward to. She walked up to the front of the room where Professor Angelico was standing. He looked very young, but had an air of wisdom that seemed out of place with his age. "Excuse me, sir?" she asked. "I was wondering what type of things we'd be doing in Music?"
Shadow now smiled at the students "if you have any questions about me or my class, please dont be shy and come ask" It was a pretty fatherly tone, specifically like a kind dad. What could he say? He loved teaching young people what he knew.

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Ivy looked her packet but she was confused Control and Music were there but as far she could tell that was it.... She looked the headmaster again and raised her hand. "Excuse me headmaster it might be me but I only see two classes." She said her hand raised now she looked down at her packet again.
"Who teaches that?" Ivy asked trying to find it in her packet somewhere. Now Ivy looked over to the control teacher. "Control 101 is that just control on your abilities Mr.Ajax?" Ivy asked the Control 101 teacher. She looked for Professor Shadow's name.
"It's not a class, it's training. Control, that will be your specialty here at SMA. That's what you'll be known for. Call it a major if you'd like."
"Shouldn't I have more then two classes though I only see music and Control 101 for my classes." Ivy said asking a question at the same time. She looked at her 'blood' spill and the glass and went to pick up the glass. She then threw the broken glass and the pieces away then calmly she cleaned up the blood stain from the cup and from biting the girl once done she went back over to the headmaster. "Sorry you can answer my question I was just cleaning up the glass and the two blood stains from my accident and mistake." Ivy told the headmaster grabbing her packet again.
When opening his packet Philis was not surprised in the least considering he had done all the picking himself.

"Alchemy, Arcane studies, Control and Enchantology, how about you guys?"
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