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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

Shadow heard the headmaster and leaned to him, speaking in low tone "Fishy indeed...i just hope nothing bad happened to them, it would be a bad way to start school you know.." He looked at the students "All kinds of people...say, headmaster...i wonder why some people are even here as students..some look like they dont need it at all.. you get what im saying?" He looked back at the headmaster when he finished saying that.

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I'm running even more behind than I thought, he waved his arms around and yelled ," Situm est ad me mittebant!" He teleported mere inches from the face of Midori, smack in middle of the main hall. He began, speaking a bit frantically, "Sorry for the sloppiness, I just got out of a character building exercise with my students, and I didn't want to be too late on the first day." his mind was all over the place, he was on the verge of an anxiety attack, he turned to Shadow without taking a breath,"Oh, hello Professor." He doubled over and began to pant, having not taken a breath in about a minute.
Ivy only nodded as she took a sip from her own cup she sniffed on an accident she froze her fangs flashed she was going to attack the humans she smelled. No Ivy be good don't you dare bite that girl 4 feet away from you if you do you ruin your royal life and chance at a vampire type school. She tried to think it was to late she lunched at the human girl her cup dropping and falling with a clash it broke glass and the substance of blood was every where Ivy didn't care though she grabbed the girl by the neck and was ready to bite her. The human girl screamed. "Ivy Anne Vega please don't kill me please." The girl begged being held by Ivy's weight. Ivy didn't listen she leaned in close to the girl's neck and as she her fangs started showing more and more until they fully showed she was inches away for the end of everything. The human girl screamed. "Help me someone please help me!" She yelled. Ivy laughed and thought. No one can save you from your worst nightmare. She was now one inch away from biting the human girl.
Cross nodded in agreement with his colleague. "That is true, maybe he was.." He sharply turned to face both of them, but in a "monster" stance. "...testing them." He laughed and turned back toward the crowd of students. He realized his hair was still pulled back revealing his earrings, he quickly took the hair tie out.
Headmaster Midori stood in surprise when Ajax appeared in front of him with the explanation. Then he gave Aj "And did you inform the students of where they needed to be?" Suddenly there was a commotion as one of the vampire students from earlier grabbed onto a girl. Master Midori flung out his hand and, using his mind, grabbed the jaw of the vampire and slowly pulled it back. Master Midori wasn't trying to hurt the vampire, but his main worry was for the girl that was in her clutches. Had he reacted too late?

Michael hopped off of his bunk and ran after Philis. "Hey, wait up," he ran all the way to the main hall and sat next to some new faces. He hoped he wasn't late. Then he realized that there was a tension in the room. What had happened?
Alia watched in horror as a vampire launched at a girl, fangs sharpened. She desperately tried to help, but only succeeded in making the air around her colder. Why can't I do anything right? she almost screamed. Then, the headmaster flung out his hand and the next thing Alia knew, the vampire's head was being pulled back. Alia's eyes widened and she wondered what would happen to the girl.
"Let go of me." Ivy said her teeth in the skin of the girl all she had to do was bite down and drink. Ivy instead not knowing who the person that had her jaw was kicked at the person. "Leave me alone I'm thirsty besides she is a regular old human!" Ivy yelled kicking again she watched as the other students all watched her. Thinking Lucia could read her mind she thought... Lucia help me before I hurt this human girl and the Headmaster and get myself thrown out of here! Ivy yelled to Lucia praying Lucia could read minds and help the Headmaster stop her before she got thrown out of here.
Mei sat amazed, she was watching the vampire girl and the commotion. She had no intentions of helping because she had froze up. She grabbed the person next to her's arm, the boy had just sat down. Mei didn't even notice herself do it. She leaned back, stiffening up. Even if she tired to help, it wouldn't matter. Not with her like this at least.

Shadow recoiled slighty in surprise, the professor had just appeared "oh!..hello.." then we witnessed the headmaster flinging out his hand, first day and theres something going on already. He had to expect it, there were going to be troublemakers in this school, as well as people who cant control their powers. He better be ready for it.."what just happened headmaster?" He said regaining his composture and calm face.

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Ajax stood up and brushed the hair out of his face, immediately ready to take action. He saw the vampire being pulled back and said the Headmaster, "Shall I subdue her further?" As he waved his hands slowly back and forth, readying a sleeping spell.
"Give me a minute professor shadow, ajax," Midori rasped. He was concentrating hard so as not to hurt anyone. This girl he was trying to hold back was really putting all of her effort into the fight. Headmaster Midori slowly approached the vampire. His face was contorted with struggling concentration. It made him look angry even though he wasn't. Man am I out of shape, he thought. Then he spoke, "We are here to fight these struggles with you… Ivy was it? But everyone here is just as valuable as the next. There will be no sucking the blood of students. We do have small vials of fresh blood for the occasional emergency. You're welcome to them. All I ask is that you come to us with these struggles. We will teach you to control your hunger and capitalize on it. But before any of that, I need you to let the student go, do you understand?"

Michael jumped as someone grabbed his arm. "It's not smart to try and bite me," he said, forming his arm into steel. Then he turned his head to see who it was. It was just a girl, she seemed nervous. He let his arm go back to normal. Then he put some thought to making her feel more comfortable. Suddenly, his arm was covered in down feathers. It took some concentration to keep the shift a reality though.
Ivy didn't hear anything then she bit down on human girl but she didn't drink she just bit down hard. Lucia please help me. Ivy thought as bit down more and more not drinking the blood that was coming out of the girl. Stop this Ivy! Her nice side said. Do it! Yelled the monster that was inside her now. Ivy shook her head and kept biting without draining the girl she bit down more and more hoping Lucia would get the clue.
"No need"say drake as he wondered into the hall and spoke with a stirn voice"Head master please accept my apology ill take care of Ivy myself"He glared over at Ivy with a look of disapointment
Feeling that the girl wasn't going to heed what he had said, Master Midori lurched forward. He was able to move the young girl out of the way just enough. Then Ivy's teeth dug into his hand. She wasn't really paying attention to him, and getting bitten didn't really feel good. But he would never been made Headmaster if he couldn't handle such a thing. "Miss Ivy…" then he heard Drake speak, "What are you thinking Drake?"
"Nothing Much but she needs to be taught a lesson and We have our own laws for this kind of behavior...She wont be killed or anything like that"He says trying to reasure the headmaster"And This is one of the ressons I enroled in this school is to keep an eye on this sort of behavior"He says bowing to the headmaster
Lucia's eyes widened almost immediately as Ivy launched towards a human girl, fangs out and ready. Before she could react, the headmaster grabbed Ivy by the jaw, and had pulled her back just in time. Her breath was caught in her throat as she watched Ivy bite down onto the girl. An unknown anger tore at Lucia's heart, causing her eyes to flood with a black substance.

Control yourself. You are among other students. Contain your anger. She told herself calmly, the silver and red brace around her neck beginning to glow as she struggled to control herself. Closing her eyes, she let out a deep breath and stood completely still. The light from her brace began to die down, and she reopened her eyes. They had returned to their normal red, but irritation lingered in her gaze.

"Ivy. Stop this at once." Lucia said to the vampire in the headmaster's grasp. Grabbing Ivy's head, she tore her away from the human girl with little effort. A stern look was plastered on her face as she wrapped a bandage around the human girl's neck.

"Please forgive her. Not all vampires are like this." She murmured comfortingly to the girl, a grateful look on the human's face as she stumbled away.

Whipping back to Ivy, her eyes seemed to stare straight through her skull.

"What were you thinking? Keep yourself under control." Lucia hissed, the sudden outburst of anger causing the students around them to shudder. Her eyes widened, staring at the ground guiltily.

"My... Sincerest apologies. I seem to have... Lost my temper." Lucia whispered, taking a few small steps backwards.
When Philis walked into the room he noticed that the it was already quite full and everyone was facing away from the front, some with looks of horror on their faces. He turned to where they were all facing and saw a vampire being restrained by the headmaster and a girl on the ground in front of him.

"Oh frickin hell first day? Well as events become more grim, the easier it is to be calm and the more control I can keep over my powers." he muttered to himself.

"If she got into school then she must have some form of control at least so if she is able to lose control like that, then what stops Drake? I mean, he didn't exactly seem satisfied with that fake blood stuff. Okay let's stop this train of thought before I can't sleep tonight."

"No need..." said Drake

"Okay I think he is able to keep control if he deals like this like it is some sort of rare crime."
"Stay away from me or I will drain her!" Ivy yelled launching back to the girl she latched her fangs in again. She slowly started draining the girl. The girl screamed an ear pricing scream and stupidly try to force Ivy away from her again. Ivy smirked. "Drake don't do it or I will kill her!" Ivy yelled again slowly draining the girl a little more the monster in her smiled.
Ajax's hand motions sped up slightly, but he still did nothing, I might injure some of the younger students,he thought to himself. It took a lot of restraint for him to just stand there and watch, but he has heard only good things about the Headmaster, and trusted his opinion here almost completely. He awaited a signal from him before taking an aggressive action towards the student.
"I'm sorry Drake, but we don't follow the vampire code here. If you came just to enforce the vampire laws, then you're not welcome. We handle things differenty here at SMA…" Then in one quick motion, Lucia tore her away, leaving bloody marks in his hand. Then Ivy launched at the girl again. Headmaster Midori had had quite enough. Dealing with vampires was one thing, but threatening other students was another thing entirely. He quickly whipped out his Katana and pointed it right between Ivy's eyes. "Put… her… down."
you miss understood... I came here to learn but also to control these lesser vampires"He glared around "Oh and that katana wont do much good against her if she really is a vampire princess"
Lucia appeared next to Ivy quickly, picking her up effortlessly by the neck and slamming her against a locker. She continued to hold her there until her blood lust would die down.

"Get the girl out of here." She murmured to Drake and the headmaster, a calm look dawning on her face as she turned back to Ivy. The human girl was gripping her neck, trying to stop the blood that poured out of her neck.

"Ivy." Lucia simply said, staring straight into her eyes. Her grip on her neck tightened, trying to hold her from her struggling.

"Please calm down..." She whispered to her, the brace on her neck suddenly glowing again.
Shadow moved his hands, two shadowy humanoid looking creatures appeared at the vampire's sides "Okay okay! Thats enough dammit! If you dont stop yourself all of us will have to use force, you must be smarter than that! If you dont control yourself..you will meet your "final death"..vampire" The creatures stand ready for combat, blocking any exit she might have.

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Ajax stoodfast, the air around him was now pulsating around him slightly. He began to wave his hands in odd patterns at startling speed, Ajax was now focused entirely on the task at hand, now hearing of the true power the student possesses, he knew he would need his all to put this girl down with such a weak spell. He managed to squeeze out,"Headmaster... Just say... The Word...She will sleep."
"right"Drake said noding simply.he licked his thumb and flitted((thats what its called when vampires move really fast)) towards the rubbing his thumb againts the girls wound it healing almost instantly and he moved the girl to the other end of the hall before rushing back next to Lucia and turned to the headmaster and bowed"Sorry again headmaster but please let Lucia and I take care of this"

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