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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

as the door opens an Ominus feeling followed Drake as he entered the room without a word"So you guys are my room mates huh"he says giving them a look of disgust"well i guess Ill have to stay here then".He floats up to the other top bunk and lays their staring at the ceiling.
"Hey, that's my spot!" remarked Michael. More angry at the unwelcome entrance than anything else. But he still did want the high bunk, it made him feel at home in the trees.
"Okay, thank you!" Alia smiled and walked to the dorms, reaching into her packet to find her room number. Cynthia Aster, hmm? Sounds like an interesting name. She walked into the dorms and was surprised by the large dragon waiting there. It turned and looked directly at Alia. "Can I help you?" It asked in a kind voice.

"Yes, could you show me where this room is?" Alia asked without flinching. Since she lived in the sky, dragons were seen everywhere, and were often ridden on or taken in to be part of the family. A small, white dragon was often stopping by her family's house.

Once at her room, Alia thanked the dragon and walked inside. One of the beds was already taken, so Alia put the small bag she carried on the other. She noticed her bags in one corner and decided to unpack until the announcement was made.
Lucia listened to his words, blushing slightly in embarrassment when Drake pointed out the glass of blood she had given Lucia. Turning her back to him to hide her red face, she cleared her throat once more.

"I did what I had to do, and if shedding a few drops of my blood is the solution, than I'll do it." She waved him off politely as he walked away, letting out a sigh of relief that he hadn't said anymore. She flashed Ivy a small smile before motioning for her to follow.

"Come. I'll show you where the dorm is," She strode down the hallway, and turned right. Unlocking a door in front of her, she stepped inside to their dorm. The right bed had already been taken by Lucia, her velvet bags sitting on the white sheets.

"I apologize once more for Drake's behavior. He really is a gentleman once you get to know him better. He just doesn't like to show it when he first meets someone," Lucia shrugged and laughed quietly.
"Ladies and gentlemen, now for our main attraction" he said mockingly, "Should've brought some popcorn."

"But back to being serious, My name is Philis and this snake is named Niohoggr."
After finally speaking with the headmaster, Dorris scurried off to the room with the assigned number, 1012. Of course, the day before the opening of the school, he made his clones carry his big chest filled with books, elixirs, flasks, and different type of magical stones. He passed by the majestic hallway, only now did he admire the architecture of the school. He took a good look at the big old door that led to his classroom. He never smelled such intense magic like this one gave... Or perhaps it was just the smell of his leftover experiment which he specifically prepared for the first day of class. With a big shove by two to three Dorrises, they entered the room scurrying but with a more refined movement they are. He is not just some rodent, he was born and nurtured in the world of Magical Beasts, elegant and majestic beasts that were summoned for special purposes. (But why is he teaching instead of being summoned?)

[i've talked this with the God-Like Resident, apparently Dorris' class changed to Alchemy instead of Morals]
(I'll make the assembly happen in the morning. I just want to give the people who have been off a little more time to get acquainted if they'd like.)

Michael jumped back when he saw the snake. he went cross-eyed, staring at the snake with horror. He was completely frozen in his tracks. He never much got along with snakes. They were always sneaking about and biting things they shouldn't be. Given, they were probably scared of those things. But every time Michael had tried to shape shift and talk to one, they would slither away. It didn't help that one time he woke up to find a snake about to bite his nose. "S-s-s-snake?" He grabbed the gerbil off his shoulder and hid it in his hands, still shaking.
Philis was surprised, he was not expecting the big laughing shapeshifter (he knows because Drake looks like a vampire) to be afraid of a tiny snake. He wasn't quite sure how to respond to this, since he hadn't had Niohoggr long there was no comfort from that, but the cash register did say it was fairly passive for a snake, whatever that meant.

"Whatever," he thought, "I can't exactly comfort or reassure him much, well I guess I should mention Niohoggr will be in his cage at night so there shouldn't be anything to worry about there."

"Okay, just so you know Niohoggr will be in his cage at night, this one here on my desk, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about."
Michael nodded, still shaking a little. "Alright. Just as long as he doesn't come near Jerome, I think I'll be fine." He backed away and jumped up, doing a backflip and landing on the top bunk next to drake. Then he scooted away a little. He just wanted to be as far away from the snake as he could be.
"Well.. not to scare you but I haven't had him very long so is it possible you could talk to him or something?" wincing as he said it for fear of an exploding Michael.

"I mean, when you shape shift your vocal cords change too and since you have been on your own since you were a kid you must have tried at least." still fearing the worst.
He pushed Micheal of hte bunk onto the floor"Now stay town their before I drain you dry...which reminds me"he said turning his suit case up right and took out a packet of what looked like medicine.he popped out one tablet and flipped it into the air,as soon as he did this he rushed around the room at vampiric speed getting out a shampaine glass and water bottle,filling glass glass with water and putting hte bottle down before grabbing the tablet as it fell back down and crumbling it in one hand letting the powder fall into the water filled glass,dispersing and turning the water crimson red.Drake took a sip and his eyes shimmered red.
Michael tumbled to the floor. He really didn't like this new kid. He thought he was all high and mighty or something. As the vampire came down for a glass, Michael leapt back onto the top bunk saying, "Watch your words, I'm not without my own powers." Then he shape shifted into a large snake and hissed angrily. In actuality, he was timidly saying hi to the other snake, but that's now what it sounded like to the others.
Rhythm stared at her with wide eyes for a moment, blushing lightly. 'Amazing?' She shook her head. "Huh...? Oh, the opening... thingy... Uhh..." She shook her head again, trying to clear it of the shock. "Probably soon... We should probably get going... Yeah, let's do that..." She nodded once to herself, then walked out the door, pausing to see if Mei would follow.
"Oh hello little mouse, are you trying to make yourself seem more intimidating by taking on that form." teased Niohoggr in the most annoyingly high and mighty British voice you can imagine.
Drake finished the rest of his drink and scrumched up his face"aaarrrggg repulsing stuff never as good as the real thing"He floated up to look back at the now snake boy"will you please move you dam reptile I'm trying to retain myself from violence as the headmaster asked of me"he said breathing slowly trying to keep himself calm.
Michael hissed at the snake, "Would you prefer this form?" Michael slowly shifted to the shape of a hawk. It was getting harder to shift. He usually had to go from one form right back to human, doing two shifts from human was a bit of a stretch for him. He weakly squawked at the snake, then turned back to a human and said, "I really want this bunk Drake, I've slept up in high places ever since I was a little kid. I just can't sleep on a bottom bunk, unless you want me screaming from nightmares all night."
"Oh my! Now I am surely afraid of the weakling hawk who is using hollow threats, just tell me what you want beastling." Said Niohoggr in a bored tone with a vile emphasis on beastling.
"That might actually make the night more peacful"Drake said with a smirk"Any way like I would sleep on a bed"he huffed as he layed his suircase down of the floor pressing a button as it unfolded into a padded Coffin "Now thats better"Drake said flopping into it pulling out a Manga called 'Vampire Kiss:Blood relations' and started reading it from a book marker he had in it
Shadow entered the halls of the school stretching as he looked around the place "Its a nice change of pace...been a while since i have been in this kind of school..not since i was a student.." He walked, looking for the headmaster. After a minute or two of searching, he finds the man, "Hey!" he said as he walked towards him "im not late am i?"
Michael looked back sadly. This definitely wasn't the impression he wanted to give to them. He cast a confused look to Drake. Then why did he want the top so bad? Then he looked back to Philis, "To be honest Philis… your snake's a jerk." 
"No, you're not late, but you're cutting it a little close. I am Headmaster Midorikawa Chiaki. Who are you?
Drake gave a snigger and peered up over the top of his book "well I don't think I'll ever here that sentance ever again"he says returning his attention back to the manga
Philis let out a long exasperated sigh.

"Of course he is, why would this be simple? But is he a sarcastic jerk or just a jerk?" he said in an exhausted tone

"And what did he say about Jerome?"
With one last stretch, he feels his back pop a bit "Shadow Ally, I came here to be the teacher of enchantology...nice to meet you" He stared at the man for a moment, waved his fingers once, a minor spell "discern bloodline", a moment later he says "Wyvern..." he nods "pretty interesting! I have the feeling that there is going to be all kinds of people in this school eh?"
(sorry again... Rhythm you have a horrible roomie </3) Mei followed obediently nodding, Peony on her shoulder. She pulled her kimono up and jogged to the door, smiling at the glowing girl. "Where do we go? Should we just roam?" She looked to Rhythm, then stepped out of the door. 
Cross wandered to his room where he put his things away, then into his classroom. It was empty besides chairs and stands on racks on the edges of the walls, not to mention the ton of percussion instruments in the far corner. He smiled and built his own stand at the front of the room, it was on a small platform. He stood on it and looked out, raised his hands, and conducted music in his head in 4/4 time. When he opened his eyes to find that the music was really in his head he stopped, smiled and got off of the platform. There was a small hall to his right, he went to it. There was a door on the right and the left. The right was the instrument room, where students could leave the instruments if the like, and on the left was a large practice room. All he could do was smile. Looking at his watch he decided it was time to go explore this wonderful campus he would now call home. He left into the hall and went outside to end up sitting on a bench staring at the clear sky.
((Nah, everyone gets busy and distracted and stuff, so no prob~))

"Umm..." Rhythm took a moment to think, glancing around a bit. "Maybe just go back to the front doors and see if people will lead us to wherever we need to be...?" She suggested, rather pathetically in her opinion.

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