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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

The redhead shook her head, smiling slightly. "No, I don't have any more questions, thank you." She gave a small bow, then turned to look at Mei. "Ready to go find our dorm now?"
Now that Rythmn had gone she turned to her new headmaster and asked the only questions that she needed to know,

"Where is my dorm and do I have any roommates?"
Master Midori nodded and checked a sheet lying next to him. Then he returned his attention to the girl and said, "The dormitory hall is on the right. The room number is in your packet. If you have any questions about the whereabouts of your room, you can ask the maid. As for roommates, it looks like yours is Anika Grimm," Master Midori frowned, "But she seems to be a little late. If that is the case, we might stick three in one room. Or give you your own room. Whichever you prefer."
"I would prefer my own room. Thankyou." With that Cynthia went to her room and inspected it. It looked pretty nice. I guess it won't be so bad here.
"Yes! Merci, ma amie!" She smiled as Peony began to push the chest with the lead of Rhythm.

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As Cynthia scurried off, Master Midori called after her. "If Anika does show, you'll have to share a room though!" Then he sighed and shook his head. Kids. Gosh, it was only a few years ago that I was in their shoes. Now I'm the headmaster of a new school? This is going to be interesting.
Lucia stopped in her place as the familiar scent of another vampire caught her attention. Turning to the side, her glowing eyes met with who she immediately recognized as Drake Kuran. A smile spread her across her lips, the sharp tips of her glistening fangs showing slightly.

"Good morning, Drake Kuran," She murmured in her usual, rainfall-like voice. Returning his bow, she lifted her head when he noticed Ivy standing behind her. Opening her mouth to introduce Ivy, she stopped when Ivy seemed to have covered the introduction. Lucia cleared her throat, turning back towards Drake.

"I had many choices to go to high class vampire academies. However, out of most of them, this school caught my attention the most." Lucia said softly while sipping her drink. She heard Ivy hiss beside her, and an overwhelming feeling of anger and hatred illuminated off of her. Calmly placing a hand on Ivy's shoulder, she reassured her with a small smile.

"I assure you, Drake meant none of that. There is no need for violence," Lucia gave Ivy the rest of her blood tablet drink, hoping it would calm her down some.

"Why have you come? I presumed a vampire academy would have been more to your liking." She asked him, glancing around the school and noticing many people were fazed by Drake, and herself. Not many people caught sight of royal vampires, and it was rare when they did.
Cross approached the school gate with his luggage strolling behind him; making a click with every full turn of a wheel. He had made them special for this occasion. This was his first job! He smiled giddily as Zero, his assistant, ran ahead of him. He walked through the gates and toward the groups of kids and teachers with his hands behind his back holding his trumpet case, leaning forward, and walking with his legs straight. This was so exiting, he looked at all of the potential in each student and smiled as each showed their skill. He saw Midori and dropped his trumpet. Zero caught it of course. Cross ran to Midori shouting "Midori-Senapi~" then crashed into him giving him a hug.
"I've come to teach your music class!" Cross moved away, leaving his hand on Midori's shoulder. "How is the outlook on the students so far?" He winked and pulled his blonde hair back into a ponytail.

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"Our music class huh? Well, most of the students seem pretty promising. But there are a few. There will always be few. You know what I mean. The ones who won't make it through a day without getting in trouble. But, we were one of those kids now weren't we?" responded Midori, punching Cross in the arm.
Cross laughed. "Anyway, do you happen to know where I will be living this school year?" Cross said, looking around the campus. He chose the perfect castle to host a school. Cross loved old architecture, he noticed many other students admiring it. "Maybe I'll just... people watch before going to my room." He said gazing at the students, analyzing each movement.
When Cynthia came out she managed leaned against a wall to observe new things. Nothing was out of the ordinary. While many people had seemed to move to their dorms a few people were still there. Including someone who looked like a new teacher. I can't wait for classes. Those will definately be interesting. She sighed and pulled a book from her bag. She decided that she would read in her corner until something interesting happened.
Rhythm wandered down the hall until she eventually reached the room she was looking for. She had to admit, the rooms given to the students looked quite comfortable. Smiling a bit, she walked in, turning back to look again at her roommate. "So, uh... What side of the room do you want...?"
"Ummm... I don't care?" Mei got off of her chest and wandered into the room. "I will take what you don't want!" She smiled and gestured to the room space.
The red haired girl blinked rapidly a few times before nodding a bit and deciding to take over the left side of the room. "Okay, then. This side's mine." She nodded once to herself, as if confirming her statement, then rolled her suitcase over and shoved it in against the wall beside her desk. Once that was done, she set her dark purple backpack down on the floor near the head of her bed, pulling out the book she was currently reading and putting it on the desk. "There. I'm unpacked." With that, she flopped herself down on her bed, slipping her bulky purple headphones down to hang around her neck. She then proceeded to stare blankly at her roommate, waiting to see if the black haired girl would do something interesting.
Cross sat on his luggage and watched. Off in the distance he saw a young girl, first thing he noticed? Her hair. it was long and black with a small braid in it. He wanted to badly to braid it like his mother had taught him. He causally walked over to the girl and leaned onto a tree awkwardly. He was making it apparent he wanted something from her. "Hello." He stated, looking over her shoulder at her book

@Anastasia Riddle

Mei nodded with Rhythm. She hunched over and pulled her chest to the end of her bed. She watched her roommate "unpack" then felt extremely awkward when she stared at Mei. She quickly turned around and unlocked her chest with the key that was around her neck, under her kimono. She pulled out two flower pots and a glass bin thing. They all had dirt in them. She looked over to Rhythm, who was still looking at her, and quickly swayed her hand over the pots. Up sprouted a sweet pepper plant, strawberry plant, and flowers in the glass container. She then sat on her bed and returned Rhythm's stare.
Rhythm watched in amazement as her roommate waved her hand and made plants grow. She grinned at the other girl. "That was cool! I wish I could do something useful like that."
Mei smiled at the complement, she was all too used to people freaking out and trying to kill her. "I'm sure your talent is very useful! What can you do?" She smiled trying to be pleasant. "Vous avez du talent!"
Rhythm shrugged, looking away. "I guess I can kinda control sound waves... Sorta... I don't really know much about it yet, but I can make a sort of energy with sound waves and use it as a weapon or a... 'charger' of sorts..." She shook her head. "I've only really tested the 'charger' on myself and one of those electric cars, though..." She knew it was sound waves because she always heard music whenever she used her 'energy-thing.' Besides, why else would she have such an impressive vocal range~?
Being allowed to keep Niohoggr, having so much weight taken off his shoulders and seeing such amazing architecture, Philis was feeling overjoyous. He realized his mistake a second later when he threw the book out of someone's hand into the crowd, then running after it and apologizing to the owner of the book. After that fiasco he ran right back to the headmaster.

"Sorry about that... felt a little overjoyed and that never ends well... But anyway, Thank you so very much!" he said exitedly

"But I should probably get to my room before I screw up again."

"Um, excuse me, sorry to bother you again headmaster, but do I have any room mates?"
After hours of work, Ajax finally unpacked his hundred or so books and put them neatly onto his extended book shelf, in height order, of course. He also set up the desks, just in general, he set everything in the classroom up. It looked quite nice, in there, he thought, not a speck of dust in sight. He goes into the other room and grabs one of his books to read quietly in his room, which is attached to the classroom. He reads this oversized history textbook, which is a comprehensive study of music through the ages, up until March 2014. It was given to him a colleague to read over. Then he said to Batarang, "We should start a Glee club, wouldn't that be wonderfully, Batty?" Batarang nodded in agreement and they both read on while Ajax simultaneously made a call to Cross, he had his phone number from a contact sheet that he had on a shelf right next to him. (@Mei Miyamoto )(I hope that that works). "Cross, do we have a Glee club yet?" Ajax says.
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Alia tried to remain serious as her mother and father escorted her to the take-off platform. Her brother, Tameron, followed closely behind, carrying one of her bags. They were a strange procession, as hardly anyone ever left the floating villages. Many were staring at them as they walked past. Alia kept her head held high and didn't acknowledge the pitiful glances that were often thrown her way. They really were sorry, but she knew that they would have done nothing different if it had been their children.

She remembered the day that she received the letter. Her father had called her and Tameron down to the study. It was slightly unusual, as he only asked for them when they were in trouble or he had to leave.

"What is it, father?" Tameron had asked.

He looked at Alia and then handed her a letter. It had been from The School of Magical Arts, confirming her enrollment. She read through it twice, then looked back at her father. "You're making me go because of my inability to control my powers, right?"

He nodded and told her to pack her bags and made Tameron go with her. Alia and Tameron had talked while they were packing, discussing everyday topics and doing their best to avoid crying.

"Why just you?" Tameron had demanded, suddenly.

Alia had looked up in surprise. "Well, you can fully control your powers and do amazing things with them. Whenever I get any strong emotion, my powers just... explode."

In just a few minutes, they had finished and were ready to go. Then, they, and their mother and father, left the house.

Now, here they were. Alia wouldn't be seeing them for a while, and she wasn't overly depressed. Her mother and father gave Tameron all of their attention and barely paid Alia any mind. However, she would greatly miss Tameron. They were best friends, more than brother and sister. When the family reached the platform, Tameron hugged her tightly and whispered, "I'll write you a lot. Maybe I'll send you a communication crystal so we can talk."

Alia smiled at that and thanked him. She turned to her mother and father and gave them both small hugs. They put all her bags in a transportation device that would deliver them to the school. Then, waving goodbye, she opened her wings and took off, not looking back.

She arrived quickly at the large castle that was to be her school and home for the next few years. Or more, she thought, grimly. Then, pasting a big smile on her face, she entered the school.
Lucia sipped the last of her blood tablet beverage, and than closed her eyes for a quick second or two, as if to relax herself from all the commotion. Different emotions from different people flooded into her, causing an overwhelming feeling of stress to wash over her. It had gotten quite chaotic, now that most of the students had arrived and were finding their dorms.

"It was nice meeting with the both of you," She murmured, bowing respectively towards the two vampires next to her. Her glowing red eyes flicked up to Drake's, meeting his gaze with a gleam.

"Will I be seeing you later, Drake Kuran?" Lucia asked, a smile on her face as she held the back of her hand towards him, waiting for him to kiss her soft, delicate skin.
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