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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

"Sorry about that he shouldn't have called me a brat Lucia... Um we still need to go to our dorm." Ivy said her eyes shut for a second and her eyes were the red they originally had been and she took a deep breath and relaxed. She then bowed politely to the guy and to Lucia. I'm a princess why do I keep bowing especially to the other vampires? Ivy thought to herself in wonder she needed 'blood' again but she saw Lucia finish the drink. No need to worry Ivy you have some tablets for 'blood' in one of your bags just relax till you get to yours and Lucia's room. She told herself then looked back at Lucia.
Zero answered his cell, then was greeted with a question. "Well, I will ask Cross~" Zero replied in a childish voice, then passed to phone to Cross, asking him the question. "I hadn't thought about it much... I will ask Midori-Senpai about it! If I am able, would you want to help?" He asked, starting to give off a flirtatious tone. It didn't matter if you were a guy or a gal, Cross would try to flirt. He started toward his room with Zero and his luggage following obediently.
The headmaster turned as Philis approached him again, asking about roommates. Oh, can't kids just be content in finding out when the other person comes to their room? Things are changing I guess. He looked down to Philis and said, "Yes, roommates. You've got two for the moment. A shapeshifter and a vampire it looks like. Their names are Michael and Drake. Hmm, it looks like one of them is coming right now."

Michael woke up to the sound of the birds, like he did every day. A pigeon had dropped a note at his door the day before. The note had asked him to attend the School of Magical Arts. He had brushed it off as usual. Michael had been raised in a nice little town, but when it was discovered he was a shapeshifter, he was shunned and called the devil's child. Thus, he ran away and made a home in the forest outside his town. For three years he just ran around and had fun, making friends with the other animals of the forest. But today was different. Now he had to make a decision. He always left these things to the last minute. He wanted to go to the school and be accepted by other people, but that would mean he'd have to get his act together, and he didn't want to do that. After a long think, he finally swung down from the tree with the letter. He grabbed his few possessions, including a large acoustic guitar, and said goodbye to his friends. Then, he started on his jog. As he went, Jerome the Gerbil sat on his shoulder. Out of all the animals he had met, Jerome had always been the one to stick with him. Jerome even stood between Michael and a tiger to protect his friend. As Michael ran, his hood blew back, revealing his long red hair. He ran until the sun was high in the sky. Then he finally came to the doors of the school. He jogged through the doors and came to a stop, not even panting. "I'm not late am I," then he saw the other boy standing there, "Hey, I'm Michael. What's your name?"
"Yes, more than willing. Should be a lot of fun,." Ajax said dryly, concentrating on his book, he was fascinated by his colleague's theory of how the sound of electronic music actually originated from Beethoven and Ragtime.

"Also, what's that tone in your voice? Do you have something caught in your throat?" Ajax said, not mockingly, but out of misreading of the situation. He knows that Cross is a bit of a player with the ladies, but he was entirely ignorant that he also tried to "get" with men.
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"Thank you sir, I am going to go there now so I can begin to sort stuff out and so I don't lose control again." Philis said before rushing off to find his room. Upon arriving there, he saw he was so far the first one there and decided to take the top of the bunk bed.

"I will never get over being defensive will I? Oh well, not like it matters much anyway, the hanging desk is nice though, its should be a good place for books and a place for Niohoggr while he is in here, I should probably leave him here during that hamster teacher's class, what was his name again? Whatever, I will get it when I see the class schedule, but what class does he teach? Oh no! I might bring Niohoggr there by accident!"

After a few minutes of thinking like this, Philis decided he should let his tail out.

"Might as well, it's not like it's the only tale I've seen today, but it is the only one like it I've seen without horns. Maybe it's rare fore someone to only be a small part demon."

Eventually he snapped back to reality and began unpacking things, if he could he would try to make them levitate to where he wanted them.
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Michael checked in, and then ran in the direction he had seen the boy go. He mustn't have heard me, he thought. He heard the Headmaster saying something about an assembly coming up. As he burst into his new dorm, he just caught the sight of Philis' tail as he turned around to make something levitate. "Nice tail you got there," he remarked.

Drake took Lucia's hand and kissed the top of it

"Of course you will Lady Lucia...That is how I should address you whilst at hte school maybe teach some of the lower class vampires a lesson"he says hissing as he looked behind himself slightley before saying sarcastically"Oh and Ivy Make sure you try to be more respectful of you uppers next time ok" And with That Drake walked of towards the headmaster "Good morning Headmaster I belive I come to you for my room?"He said politley
"Lucia who was that and why did he say he was an Upper?" Ivy asked Lucia politely her fangs hidden behind her smile her eyes started to shut. Conceal it don't let it show conceal it don't see it! She yelled in her mind trying to stop her visions but it was to let in a second she saw her and the guy that called her a brat 2 years from now fighting seeing who was better. Then she was brought back to a year before the fight and she saw her parents getting taken away and she was trying to fight them. Her eyes opened and they were wide with fear and she was shaking from what she had just seen with her parents she couldn't control what she did next. She let out a ear pricing scream and fell to the ground dry sobbing she couldn't actually cry cause she was royal and royals like her parents could cry.

(Sorry about the frozen words)
Master Midori looked at the high class student. "Yes, your room number is 1222. Oh, and Drake… we're all equals here. Remember that."
(Sotry rhythm!) Mei stared in amazement at her. "You... are amazingg." She studdered. "When do you think opening ceremony will be?" She said, trying to quickky change the topic. She felt very i timidated with her roomie.

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Lucia's eyes gleamed slightly as his soft lips touched the top of her hand, and his gentle grasp let go. She nodded towards him, the small smile still spread across her blood red lips. Her red gaze followed Drake as he left, glancing away when he met with the headmaster. Setting the champagne glass on a table, she clasped her hands together calmly before responding to Ivy.

"Oh, don't mind Drake. He's always been very- What's the word?... Ah yes. Judgmental. However, I don't quite understand why he disrespects you so much." Lucia said in almost a whisper, turning towards Ivy with a calm aura surrounding her. She felt a sudden emotional rush weigh over Ivy, and before she could ask what was wrong, an earsplitting scream escaped Ivy's lips.

Lucia didn't even flinch as the scream pierced the air around her. Leaning down, she placed a cold, yet warm hand on Ivy's back comfortingly.

"What's wrong?" She asked quietly in her mesmerizing voice. Her long white hair draped down, almost touching the floor as she held her position near Ivy. Something obviously had made her upset. Lucia was curious why.
Alia looked around, not knowing what to do. She spotted an older man talking to a boy and decided that he looked important. Walking up to him, she asked, "Ummm, are you the headmaster?"
When the new person entered the room and announce he had see Philips tail, he jumped back and immediately hid it and dropped the book he was moving. He then realized his mistake and felt embarrassed.

"Hi, uh sorry about jumping like that, it's just that in the past if I ever got caught with my tail out I would be yelled at for hours and if anyone saw my ability then I would at the very least be disowned, guess how the day before yesterday went?." he said as plainly as he could muster, still trying to stop himself from losing control.

"So are you Micheal? No you're Drake right?"
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"Yes indeed I am young lady. What do you need?" replied Master Midori.

Mike gave a surprised look, "Drake? I thought you were Drake. I'm Philis," he joked, "No, but in all seriousness, I'm Michael. And hey man, I know exactly what you're talking about. I was disowned when I was a little kid. The closest thing to family I have now is this little guy." he said, pointing to his hamster.
"Fine fine but Not among these other vampires the vampires still ahve their own laws to obey bye...but I will try to do my best"he said with a half hearted grin.He then heard the scream as it reached his ears and he just ignored it"He walked back towards Lucia and Ivy as he headed back towards the school gates
"I was wondering where I'm supposed to go. I just got here so I'm not sure if there was already an introduction thing or something like that." Alia looked sheepishly at the headmaster and hoped she wasn't too late.
"Oh Lucia in a year from now my parents will be taken from me and I won't be able to stop the people who take them away from me I'll be Queen in a year now then I will not be able to stay here and learn how to better control my powers." Ivy told Lucia she stood but was still shaking from the vision of her parents being taken away. She took deep breaths and hummed a song she wrote a year ago trying to calm herself but it wasn't helping she kept shaking.
"Even among vampires," remarked Master Midori, looking back to Drake quickly. "Don't let this become a problem. Outside of school you live your own lives, but here, you're family." Then he turned back to the girl, listening to her questions. "Well, you'll check into your room first. I believe you're rooming with Cynthia Aster. Okay? We'll be having an assembly in a little bit."
Lucia rubbed her back gently, staring at the floor and wondering if what Ivy said was true. Standing up without a word to Ivy, she picked up the delicate glass in her fingers. Sighing, she despised what she had to do next. But this was the only way Ivy would calm down. Raising her wrist to her lips, Lucia bit down gently. Her skin broke as her fangs pierced her pale skin, causing blood to pool on her wrist immediately. Lowering her wrist, she held it over the glass and watched the dark, crimson liquid drip into it. She did not do this often. Her blood was something other vampires would kill to get a taste of.

Filling the glass, Lucia wrapped a bandage around her wrist to cover the two bite marks.

"Here. This will calm you down." She murmured softly, handing Ivy the glass. The salty, delicious smell of blood wafted into Lucia's nose, causing her eyes to widen slightly. But she controlled her blood lust and instead, cleared her throat as she noticed Drake walking back towards them.

"Are you staying for orientation?" She asked Drake calmly, hoping he wouldn't notice the bandage wrapped around her wrist. Smoothing her white dress, she tried to distract herself from the sweet scent of blood.
"Oh, okay then. Should I go to my dorm right now or should I wait until after the assembly?" She thought for a moment, then added, "My parents sent my bags here on a transportation device. Have they arrived yet?"
Ivy looked at the glass and smiled a little then slowly brought the glass to her lips and sipped from it. She smiled again as she felt herself calm down she took another drink and kept drinking till it was empty then she breathed and was fully calm her shaking stopped and her eyes weren't wide anymore either this made her smile again. "Thanks for that Lucia." She said as she put the glass back on the table it was on.
"Yeah I am I'm acctually attending this school just cos my dad wants me too keep an eye on the Vampires here"he says giving a sigh"But having a second Vampire Lord at this school might keep them in line a bit more"He semlt the blood and noticed the glass"Wow your going some lengths to cheer her up hehe"he says before walking off towards his dorm room

When he got their he knocked on the door slowly and waited to see if anyone would answer.
Master Midori gave her a smile and said, "Of course. Any bags received have been placed in their respective dorms. It's your choice to wait or go to your dorm now. I'll make a campus wide announcement when you need to come. As long as you don't have to be in class or at an assembly, you're free to do what you wish on campus. We even have a small square for magical shopping. This is unique to the area, and to help raise money for the school, it is open to the magical public."
"Cool, well choose a bed before Drake comes in so you wont have to argue or anything, no matter how entertaining that may end up being"

*knock knock knock*

"Too late I guess, COME IN."

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