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Fantasy School of Magical Arts

Mei nodded, smiling. "Okay!" She walked backwards, holding her hand out for Rhythm to take. Mei was starting to jog toward the doors. "Lets go~"
Blinking rapidly, she took the offered hand with some hesitation. The red haired girl wasn't used to people holding her hand, or really much contact at all. Usually, people just stayed away from her, for one reason or another.
Mei's smile grew as her friend, she now assumed they were friends, took her hand. She spun around and started running down the hall. "Off to the ceremony~" She sang. As they exited the front doors, she greeted the sun with a brilliant smile. "Who should we ask?" Mei asked Rhythm, turning back into her semi-co-dependence.
"Say, headmaster, ive been hearing that theres gonna be an opening event anytime soon, could you point me time and place, and also, when and where do i start?" Said Shadow as he laid agaisnt the wall looking at the headmaster
"Well, we'll be having the meeting right about now actually. It's in the main hall. There the kids will be given their classes and meet the teachers. All you have to do is be present and stand at the front to answer any questions. Then the room number of your class is in your introductory packet." Master Midori looked up to a large horn on the wall of the castle. A bellows next to it started to move, making a loud noise through the horn to indicate the assembly.
Rhythm looked up from her feet when she heard something loud echoing through the halls. Then, there was a flood of people, all moving in the same direction. Shrugging, the redhead decided to just follow the flow of people and hope that they were going in the right direction.

The grass bowed down to the direction the wind instructed it, almost as if to Aria who was sitting on the windowsill of a magnificent enormous stone mansion known by the neighboring homes as the Montgomery Manor. Almost everyone in the town knew of the family, consisting of two girls who almost looked to be twins, though Aria is the youngest of the girls. She brushed a few strands of dark hair from her face while she watched the light rain patter onto the window pane. "Aria!" Mrs. Montgomery shouted from three floors below. It was somewhat surprising for Aria, considering usually both parents and even her sister Madison used the call box that was placed within virtually every room of the home. For a moment, she hesitated in surprise, but quickly made up for it by hurrying downstairs. "What are you wearing," Mrs. Montgomery frowned upon her daughters torn jeans and San Diego tee shirt. "Clothes." Aria answered casually as she pulled out a carton of orange juice from the fridge that was decorated with Christmas cards and magnets. "You've been accepted, sweetie." Aria didn't even have to ask what her mother was talking about. She almost spit out her orange juice which she had taken a big sip of. Even if she was a vampire, and everything but blood tasted awful to her, her doctor had advised Aria that it would help control her blood lust. Barely, she managed to swallow. "Really?" Just then Madison strutted in the room, wearing a pink bathrobe with rubber duckies all over it, her nearly black hair slightly sleep tousled. "You heard her." She chimed in, sitting at the stool at the kitchen counter. "We've already packed for you." Said Mrs. Montgomery, not giving Aria the chance to speak.

The black Cadillac pulled into the front driveway of the school, containing a chauffeur, and the two dark haired vampire sisters. The first to come out was Madison, not hesitating to fluff out her perfect long curls whom Aria also possessed. A few moments later Aria stepped down onto the asphalt, large doll like hazel eyes scanning over the beautiful school in admiration but almost robotically. "Well are you just going to stare at it or are we going to go make me the queen bee of this place already?" Madison asked sarcastically, quirking her brows. Aria rolled her eyes, giving Madison the signal to beckon the chauffeur to bring their bags. There were at least six, all considerably large. Aria started to help, attempting to take two of her sister's ridiculously heavy suitcases, but Madison grabbed her arm and pulled her along to the school, not bothering to give a thought to the poor man taking care of their belongings

Shadow looked at the horn "huh, speaking about it.." he gave a nod to the headmaster "Thanks, ill be moving then." He started to walk towards the main hall and await the rest of the students and teachers
Mei was pulled along with Rhythm. She held on to her roomies hand, making sure not to get lost. "Oh my gosh." She said as the two entered the hall.

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Ajax decided that it was just the right time to call for the first class. He went over to the old microphone in the corner of the room and spoke calmly into it, "Anyone currently awake and enrolled in 'Control 101' please come to room 201 and 3/8ths, upperclassmen, let the freshmen figure it out. How quickly you find this room will give you a bonus on the midterm, and trust me, you'll need it. You have forty five minutes" Ajax repeated the message one more time, then went back to his chair in the front of the classroom and looked over at the fifty or so desks in the room, he was fairly excited to meet his new class this year. He giggled as he looked over at the illusory wall in confidence that the freshmen this year would not have too much luck in finding the classroom.
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Ajax glanced over to the clock on the wall, then to his students. He was slightly disappointed, there were only two of them. He sighed, then gestured to Batarang that he should go outside and get some food for himself, "This may take a while." Batarang put his face onto Ajax's hand and flew out the window, and spent a while just eating berries from a bush that he had never seen before. These taste even better than strawberries ,he thought to himself.
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Ivy heard the sound and looked at Lucia. "Time for the meeting let's go." Ivy said as she finished placing things where she wanted them and laid her bags on her bed for the moment. She then grabbed a glass and put a blood-tablet that was darker then Lucia's and kept it in her hands then she turned back to Lucia and waited for her so they could go. Ivy thought cause they were both royal girl vampires that they should try and stick together.
"Looks like that's us." Aria nodded, gulping nervously. "Don't worry about it darling." Madison said, stroking her sisters shoulder after she noticed the anxious shaking in her voice. "I'm good, it's just.." She trailed off. "First day jitters." Finally Aria finished, managing a dimpled smile. "Alright then. Ready?" Aria nodded, following her sister to their first class, control. It sounded like a pretty wise choice to have the vampire girls do control for their very first class, considering controlling blood lust would be very difficult throughout the day. The girls continued to the classroom, separating to two completely different sides of the room. Aria by the window, Madison by the door. The first thing the two girls noticed was the teacher, sitting comfortably with experience at the chair in front of the classroom.

Ajax pulled out his attendance sheet and marked them down along with their times, Prof. Wellington began calmly, barely moving a muscle, "Good, that was an average time." He adjusted slightly in the seat, and grabbed a large textbook with the title "CONTROL: THE BASICS", he seemed to be on the last few pages. Ajax was sure of his knowledge base, but not of the curriculum he was required to teach.
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Alia hurried down the hall, frantically looking for the room. Finally, she stumbled upon the room that was listed on her sheet and took a deep breath. She walked in, slightly flustered and took a seat in the middle of the class. A man was already at the teacher's desk, reading through a textbook. If he's teaching this class, why does he need the textbook? She wrote it off as a quirk and relaxed in her chair, waiting.
Ajax closes the textbook, finished. The curriculum is fairly basic this year, there isn't really too much in the ways of studying from the textbooks that these students will have to do, by his standards at least. Ajax looked around at the classroom and saw that there were a good number of students in the room, he assumed that the rest went to the assembly.. There were some easily distinguishable characters in the crowd, this is going to be an interesting year, he thought to himself.

He stood up and showed off his true height, three foot flat, what did the students expect, he was a Halfling after all.

He began talking quite confidently, "Hello class, you may call me Professor Wellington, or Mr. Wells, whichever you prefer.. Now then, it's time for class to begin, what is your name son?" He said to a rather muscular student in the front of the class who was already spacing out, Ajax absolutely despised stupidity.

The boy scoffed and said, "John, that's my name."

Ajax looked him dead in the eye and said, "Goodnight John." Then pulled a pistol from his inner coat whilst whispering some draconic under his breath. He pause for a moment, John was terrified, unable to move. Ajax put a round directly into his head.

Ajax began to scratch his gun, I sure do hope that nobody lunges at me, I don't want to have to injure anybody, thought Ajax

He began, eerily calm, "Now class, who can tell me the name of the class that we are in right now?"
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Alia widened her eyes and shrunk back in her seat. What was that?! She looked around the class and saw more startled expressions, so she concluded that, thankfully, this wasn't a normal thing on the surface lands. With the rest of the class, she murmured, "Control 101." Silently, she thought, Maybe the teacher should learn some control.
Ajax frowned slightly, disappointed with the response, he said calmly "One more time class, with feeling?"

Some upperclassmen, who failed his class last year, chuckled lightly in the back of the room.
Cynthia got up from the wall and left. She went to the crowd of people going to the opening ceremony thingy. Why is a class in progress if the ceremony hasn't started yet? Oh, well. Not my problem. She sat down in the spacious hall and waited for it to begin. Once again reading her book till someone did something acknowledgeable.
After a moment of walking, Shadow arrived at the hall and went to the front, as he was told by the headmaster. He stood there waiting, while he did so, he started to look around, at the students, looking at their faces, reading their auras, using a single silent casting of "discern bloodline" he started to see what kind of races could be in this school. He smiled, there were all kinds of people, he also felt slighty baffled, "why would Cainite vampires or Elves could need to go to a magic school?" He thought. Maybe not all of them are old or experienced as people tend to say. But that matters little, if they came to learn from his wisdom, he will gladly teach them.

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After a while of just standing there, Ajax dropped the act, he wasn't getting any more of a reaction from these kids. "Release", he said, then his pistol emitted a purple dust in all directions, and turned into his companion fruit bat, Batarang. The wound on the student's head shot out the same purple dust and when it cleared, the wound was gone. The student rose from his chair, shaking tremendously, he tripped over his own feet just standing there. Ajax started," So, that is how your brain imagines death will feel like. I'm sorry but I just like to start off my classes..."

He deadpans, then waits for a few moments,"...With a bang."

He shakes his head as if to acknowledge the pun.

He raises his voice slightly, "Thank you all for attending, it has been fun. You will all receive a 1.005 curve on your midterm, trust me, if you've seen your base curriculum already (textbook) already, that could be the difference in passing or failing this course. This has not been an official class, but thank you all for attending, you may leave now, and I'll give you all the standard welcome shpeal during your first real class ." He says to his fruit bat at a decent volume, "Batarang, go on, make some friends." Batarang sprung from from his hands and greeted some of the students.
Philis was still getting his last few words out then the announcement was called for the assembly.

*sigh*"Great, okay we will have finish this later so for now I am going to put Niohoggr in his cag-" As the call for the first class went

"Oh crap oooooh crap, where do I go? The headmaster is at the assembly but the man said I would need the extra marks, but the headmaster might say something important, but it is Control which I really need oh no oh no oh no. Okay stop, calm down think this through. the headmaster told us beforehand that the assembly would be taking place, while Control does seem like an important class, the headmaster should be more important."

After calming down Philis put Niohoggr in his cage and turned to his room mates.

"Well I'm going to the assembly, I'll see you guys later." As he left the door.

(I was writing this before David/Ajax posted that so this was a literal choice)
Alia got up, trembling slightly. What a strange teacher. A fake class? She decided it was best to get good marks in a fake class session then miss the first couple of minutes of an assembly. She walked back into the hall where the assembly was being held and looked around. The students and teachers all looked very interesting, to say the least. It was an exciting thing, not seeing the perfectly clean rooms of her house and instead seeing people reading on the floor and a teacher with a fruit bat. What a lovely place.
Lucia closed her eyes as the sound echoed loudly through the entire school, signalling the start of the assembly. Despite the loud noise, she stayed calm, and ignored the bellowing of the noise outside. Gripping another clear champagne glass, she poured water into it slowly, dropping in a blood tablet with a slight plop. She brought the cool liquid to her lips, the almost sour substance slipping down her throat coolly. She let out a small sigh before turning towards Ivy.

"Let's get to the assembly, shall we?" A smile spread across her lips as she strode out of the dorm.

Students ran past her and Ivy quickly, hurrying to get to the assembly. A few of them stopped in their tracks, feeling the powerful auras of Lucia flow through their veins. But they snapped out of it in a matter of seconds, and proceeded down the hallway. Lucia smoothed her beautiful, waist long hair as if trying to relax herself from the commotion.

"Quite a lot of people, aren't there?" She asked Ivy softly. The crimson shade of red glowed in her eyes as she scanned the sea of people around her.
Master Midori looked around. He noticed that most of the teachers were present. However, some students were missing. He leaned over to Shadow and said, "That's an awful lot of missing students for the first day don't you think? I'd like to start, but there's something fishy going on. Speaking of which… where's Professor Ajax?"

Master Midori grabbed a small horn on the table. Though it looked small, it was magically enhanced to be the school's PA system. In a very kind tone, he said, "Professor Ajax, your assistance is needed in the main hall."

Master Midori tried to make the professor sound like he was important, rather than late to something. This was all because he wanted the students to keep the respect of the professors. Once the respect is gone, it's hard to keep things in control.

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