School for the Musical Ghouls

Ember smiled,"you can go by clothes in the shopping district"she said then leaned on him,"but if your in here you can't get in trouble for using magic here and the trainning room of course"she said smirking.
*rune smiled and relaxed a little and let her lean on him then he looks at his haor wixh was never fixed*rune: uhm....i couls still use this curse removed.....*he taps his shirt and it changes into a loose call of duty shirt, not pleased wirh its size he does it again and its replaced with a tighter one*rune: feels great not to have to create them bht only change them...i mean every day i would usually have fire shoot at me deadly wights try to kill me or something nearly kill me and usually my shirt doesnt survive battles...of course now i doubt id have as many problems like that...i dont feel too many dangerous creatures here...and my little annoyance the wights seem to be awestruck to where i went....great, thia is like a vacation.
Ember laughed,"tomorrow classes start did you get your supplies"she asked as she put her hand in his Firey hair she then looked at her now blazing hand and licked it then snapped her fingers and the fire on his head and her hand were gone,"I'm teaching a health magics class and since your a wizard you'll probably be involved"she explained.
Rune: well....i probably have most of what i need already have in my bag*he pats his magic bag* rune: standard transporting bag for adventurers with a few...extra... things in it, or may i say a few hundred*he chuckles* rune: i think ill get the firth garden removed along with some other of the rooms i added without thinking about why i bought them, anyways what will i need? Ill go out into town and get them if i xont have them....*he accidentally taps one of his rings and a light stream of water shoots from it and he quickly taps it again to make it stop*
Ember blinked then laughed,"nice loop whole"she said and kissed his cheek,"ah where is it"she said and began throwing stuff out of her cabinets then began digging in her hat and took out a necklace,"here"she said and gave it to him,"the principal wont be able to see what you do"she whispered,"do what you gatta do this just makes sure you won't be in trouble"she said.
*rune looks at the necklace*rune: why would i.....*he shakes his head confused* rune: honestly these charms arent a loophole....anyone can do sagecrafting...some better than others although. I love to craft gems and charms , ever smelled the horrinle odor of a trolls cave? I made a charm that makes it impossoble to smell bad odors, wich helped me multiple times.
"Yes but the principal is stricked a charm is a loop whole because it can help you in a fight anything tht can cause, help or win a fight aren't allowed"Ember said sighing,"basically wizards and witches become mortals here"she said sighing,"lucky I can use magic whenever I want because I am a faculty member"she said smirking.
Rune: even if i wasnt a not a mortal either way...not immortal though, and i keep one charm for...emergencys....if i didnt have it if there was some sort of an attack? Id be in trouble as without a weapon id only have magic....the fourth ring summons my splitter, it only works for good and will never slay those with evil intentions...wich is why i would rather use it...because if i where to get into a fight with a good person? It wouldnt kill mite even fight against me...although id rather not know what would happen*he sighs* ive seen too much blood already.

(Meant to say those with GOOD intentions)
Ember giggled,"well I suppose so"she said and got up hugging her egg and got a basin purring hot water in it and put the egg inside,"bath time"she thought looking at the time,"give me your card"she said holding her hand out.
*rune sighs and hands her his card wondering how old that egg was*rune: i need to ask, will you teach your dragon right from wrong once its born? Even the good ones...they are still dragons...they have a rage that burns deep inside them and a lust for treausure...ive only met a few that can controll there rage and dont have their lust that most are born with...most become evil...ive been knocked through 12 feet of solid stone by ones tail before, now THAT woke me up*he chuckles*
Ember shot a glare,"of course!"she said,"if you love something you teach it right from wrong...... I've raised many many dragons that have become brave to stand by the sides of adventurers and leave me another egg"she said,"I'm what most you call an animal trainer......."she said glaring then kissed the egg smiling,"you must never be angry around the egg or else it understands what anger is and wants to imitate it...... Innocence and smiling along with mating is what you show the egg"she said softly as she looked at Runes card,"never give this to someone unless its a teacher are we clear?"she said as she put a whole in the card and put it on a key chain,"you seem like the type"she mumbled and made the card the center of a necklace,"never lose it"she reminded handing it to him.
*rune smiled, this girl was brave enough and smart enough to raise dragons, a very respectible feat to him*rune:but... have you ever met one of the original immortal dragons? The ones of times watching...salinor, aquetoth.....and there used to be one...a times lord turned evil...redok the hardest fight was afainst him to stop him from destroying more life than he had...i even know the two dragons of time.....their true names...wich gives me power over them...not complete command but some...also making me one of the two dragon lords...wich is kinda neat, i mean theres only one other dragon lord out there! Dragons have helped me mant times before...most of them know more than anyone else...and can cast spells faster than anyone alive...
"Every dragon has a reason for there madness...... And none of them oppose me"Ember said,"all the dragons know who I am and how I help them..... I know all there is about them..... And it makes me cry when one dies...... They are just like us..... They have feelings and family.... Some destroy places because they've been dumped or are sick or have a head ache sometimes the church bells in the villages give them headaches"she said.
Rune: redok just wanted to destroy...just like men they have madness...except they cant usually stop it...if they are brought up rite they can...but redok unlike the other lords of time....was corrupted by power...true silver turned strong as a dark elf blade....he went across the lands looting castles and destroying places for 10 years....ive been annpyed before....but what he was....was pure evil...just like a man dragons can be corrupted....and as i was once told' you will be tested with corruption, and if you fail... you will break', a oracle told me that....but also an oracle accidentally knocked me off a 4th story window*he laughs and smiles*rune: so, would you ever like to meed one of the dragons of time? I have access to their sanctuary from my bag...its sort of like a mini-realm inside every still be here...and yet wed still be there at the same time, i need to learn that magic but its not something easily learned....most magic is simple compared to it, those who learn it arent even respected for it though....such hard struggle...and yet so few know how hard it truely is.
Ember shook her head,"don't you know? A egg that is bathed in a human's scent will be eaten"she said softly and kissed her egg,"I love my darling Blaze"she said,"if it's a girl if its a boy he's Hydro"she said smiling,"namin them is my favorite part"she said then looked at Rune smirking then grabbed his hand she look at her egg and smiled.
Rune: ive never actually seen a dragon eat...they can? I mean...i thought they where like elfs...i once knew a dragon named fought on the side of good in the war on the order of maflor(bloody war that nearly brought all civilization to its knees by raising an army of necromancers and liche stopped by rune, his mentor, the lords of time, and one other wizard)rune: ive never been good at na,ing things....i swear if i had to name a dragon i could only na,e it after its have to use the ancient way of finding the truth about a dragons life...looking into its eyes, stupid if the dragon wants to kill you and is more powerful than you...but if not? Its good for telling everything about a dragon.
"....... Is that how you mother named you?"Ember asked glaring then sighed,"you name the egg that's what's good about it so when it hatches like birth you already know and it doesn't matter there personality if there a baby and don't have one"she said scrubbing the egg.
Rune: my mother never named me......she died just after i was born*he looks away* along with my father, my sisters, my brothers....everyone... the people i was once of? There all dead....*he hides his face to hide the fact he was crying*
Ember jolted,"don't cry don't cry"she said hugging him and rubbing his back,"I'm sorry...... I just love being a mother to my eggs.... I was only a little girl when my father died but even though she was always sad and heartbroken she always loved me and cared for me so much..... I always thought that everyone needs that feeling..... And it's very hard for me to have children of my own"she said patting his head.
Rune wispers more to himself than anyone else: better to have your heart broken then never to have it feel love...*he shakes his head to focus his thoughts*rune: im sorry...ive been through alot, its never easy being a wizard, but whats life without a little danger?*he smiles*
Ember smiled and kissed Rune,"your a wonderful man and wizard Rune"she said softly brushing her hand through his hair.

(it's a Sunday late at night Danny's free 0w0 and school is the next day :D )
*rune feels a bit of confidence and kisses ember passionatly wrapping his around her*rune: thank you, your a wonderful wich and eoman*he smiles showing his white teeth*
Ember blushed and cut him off kissing him again pulling him close,"yeah thanks"she said softly against his lips looking at them for another kiss.

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