School for the Musical Ghouls

*rune followed tammy listening to numb by usher in a pair of headphones and singing along to it in a amazing flowing voice and the song ends so he takes the earphones out*the band idea sounds great, i used to be the singer in 'the hells flame' i doubt youve heard of em, we where sorta an underworld band, never went into the other dimensions
"the schools student body is very diversed so you shouldn't be so suriprised if people did know"Tammy said then thought,"your a very good singer by the way"she said softly.
Rune: ahh, if there was some demons here itd be great, i wonder if my friend lokang resides here(ill apply him later) he was a great guitar and drum player. Thank you for the compliment...but i still have room to improve
"Everyone learns something new everyday"Tammy said smiling,"what would you like?"she asked opening the gate and walking to the town.
*rune smiles* rune: your very wise, and im not sure what i want...ive got a recipie for a delicious kind of food not sure if the cooks here can replicate food from techen due to its food being the hardest to match. Techen, such a wonderful place...i definitly will go back there one day, but for now...theres too many blizzards there and i cant push them away with storm magic*he cracks his neck and winces*ow! One building falls on you and you never feel the end of the neck pain, is there a massage place here? I need one before this thing in my neck gets even more messed up
"no but here"Tammy said and began massaging his neck,"you shouldn't get hurt the principal is a very powerful wizard and he said that anyone who gets hurt will have to heal like a mortal...."she said sadly,"it's not such a good thing........"she mumbled as her wings fluttered she took out a pouch,"I'm not supposed to do this....."she said and gave him the pouch,"it's fairy dust..... rare.... but it helps heal..... i can tell that you probably can't stay out of trouble."she said.
*rune smiles but refuses the fairy dust*rune: theres definitly something unhealable in my neck, i have a demon...the king if hell..trapped insode me, the thing is that hw gives me a super healing hasnt healed in 20 years...wich leads me to nelive im either hexed or missing a vertabrae, either way fairy dust cant help that...once i get a chance ill visit an old friend to get it fixed. For now a massage seems to quell it..*he smiles as she massages his neck*thank you, id like to meet the principal, is he on the councel of wizards? If so i must have met him...theres only 10 left on it, even though true wizards havent been all to common...ive known those who say there a wizard but few know what the title truely means.
Tammy smiled and patted his head,"sorry"she said and put the fairy dust on her wings and she smiled,"I'll be able to make more soon"she said as her wings sparkled,"lets go get pizza"she said and began walking again then walked into a pizzaria with a robot and a computer with a card swipped and a keyboard,"hmmmmm extralarge and three drinks"she said softly
*rune smiled at the order*rune: perfect order*he looks at his hair wich is still on fire*rune:i need to get this curse taken off me, thankfully i dont burn at all. Dragon flame to the face proves it..wich still was unpleasnt*he looks at his shirt*rune thinks: but....i need to start wearing fire resistant clothes before i wind up naked haha
"ah p-please don't"Tammy said nervously blushing and covering her face a bit then swipped her card,"I'll pay for lunch"she said and sat down as the robot dropped there food on there table.
*rune smiled and took a bite of a slice*rune:mmh, this is very good. My compliments to the chief*he finishes two slices and drinks his drink then leans back in his seat* rune: i wonder how my friends are doing in thraxon...there was some trouble last i heard.*he pulls out a clear crystal ball, unmistakably the crystal of oracles seers and rarely wizards and looks into it. A few minutes later he looks away and takes a deep breath as he heald his breath for over a minute*rune: seen worse, thankfully my mentor(also runes father, who adopted rune as his son) is there helping.
Tammy frowned,"it's best not to look at those things...... they remind you of the other realm..... and you'll miss family and friends"she said softly then began eatting she loved pizza and her wings fluttered.
*rune looked at her and his face showed his sadness*rune: i-i dont have any living original family...they where all killed...ive been without my friends for many years before..i spent 20 years in solitude once so i can controll my desire to go back.
Tammy smiled,"sorry but not all of us have the restraint"she said and drank her soda she thought about something,"i need a new music notebook"she mumbled and began writing something on her hand as her wings began working as a tempo. A cat girl walked up to Tammy and hissed,"book warm"she said taking a sliceand walking away. Tammy gulped holding her breath when she saw the cat girl then sighed when she left.
Rune:ohh, so this one likes taking peoples pizza*he waves his hand and casts a spell to disintigrate the piece and watches the girls stolen pizza crumble* i dont like those who take advantage of others, and am bound by wizard law to give them reckoning for doing wrong onto others.*he pulls his magic bag off his back*rune: so, you need a notebook? Ive got a supply room in here, most likely theres several in there...but this things glitchy on commands so id have to go inside to retrieve one
"watch what your doing! You might get in trouble! Magic is not allowed out of class remember! I can't stop my uncle from putting a spell on you"Tammy said worriedly,"I don't care if she takes it I don't care if she's mean I dont care but if you get in trouble you'll lose points and then I'll have to deal with it too"she said and sighed she sipped her soda as she hugged her knees,"I shouldn't have taken you as a roommate........"she said softly.
Rune: your uncle should know wizard law forces me to stop wrongdoing, it was a small spell also...nothing detectible, luckily i learned to controll my anger unlike most wizards, and wizard law also is the most serious contract in exsistance' stop all wrongdoings you can, and wherever good can be done, do it' the main wizard laws rule... and if one breaks it and there mentor finds out the mentor has to pu ish week as a goat*he shivers* and thats a light punishment...if my mentor was in a bad mood he mite put me into a vortex of a thoulsand horrors....most would break from that kind of terror...ive fallen into one...ill never forgot it.
*rune looks down and then looks at tammy*rune: theres a reason the contract is so serious...a wizard has to stay good...or else evil trys to tempt us...ive had evil spirits try to tempt me before...and i almost gave in once. A week as a goat isnt as bad as it may seem though...i know a man who was turned into a mule by my mentor...his punishment for a crime was to stay as he is for the rest of his life.
Tammy jolted,"I never want to meet your mentor my mentor is always telling me a fairy stays in libraries to learn about they way to help dreamers dream"she said,"and music is always one of them.... I'm happier to be a fairy then a sieren."she said then giggled.
*rune supressed a laugh*rune: he may seem mean, but the people he punishes deserve it.the man who was turned into a mule, his crime was trying to send the land of anathor into a unending war of bloodshed...and he almost succeeded. He is kind and caring most of the time...but distant all the same
"ah!"Tammy said as her phone vibrarted she picked it up,"h-hello unlce?"she said then jolted and frowned,"yes..... okay.... right away"she said and got up."I'll save the rest for later"she said and the robot put everything in a to-go bag. Tammy grabbed it then Rune's hand and flew out she flew into the tower where the principal's office was and setRune down in the chair then fluttered off.
*rune looks around in suprise his hair still on fire he pats it out only to have it reignite again*rune:ah dang it, wonder if anyone here knows hoe to remove necromancer king curses...
"Hello Rune"said a man who turned in the chair said. He smiled,"Rune I see your talking to my niece....... Do me a favor.... Don't...."he said seriously,"anyway your room will be in the penthouse in the dorm building it's far far away from my niece and by the way I understand the code but all the other students aren't allowed to use magic and some of them can't it's a disadvantage to them for you to use it on them"he explained.
*rune smiled, he liked this guy, reminded jim of a king he omce knew*rune: well, i only used magic on the stolen pizza...wich i wouldnt have cared if it was my own but the girl who stole it from your niece...theives anger me, especially when they steal from people i know. So this dorm, am i allowed to to my prefferences? There is a dangerous thing for me to be around ceartan things and not enough of another to counteract it*his skin flashes red and then back to normal and he winces*rune: you dont happen to have a place where i can get rid of pent up power? I can feel a nusance ive long had acting up again...*his skin flashes red again*

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