School for the Musical Ghouls

Rune: sorry*he hides the pain from embers words and forces a smile*

Lokang: i-is that a good hot too l oddly*he notes that for zome reason he cannot feel the coldness of the ice*
Fawna shook her head,"I dunno...."she mumbled,"but I want to get closer.... Maybe we should.... Should ask the nurse...."she said mumbling the last parts and kissed him.

Ember jolted and hugged him,"oh my love I didn't mean like that I just don't want to hurt you or see you sad or cry"she whispered then jolted,"R-Rune... Be a man for a moment or stay innocent either is nice but-"she said and passed out hitting her head on the hard wood floor.
*rune looks suprised creating a pillow under her to stop any bad injuries before she hits the ground*rune: i know i should be worried...but i swear it feels like dejavo

*lokang kisses her back passionatly his eyes sparkling, he hears rune talking far away and facepalms* lokang: oy, why did the golden lord choose rune as his vassal...and whg the hell did i swear allegance to him..(lokang and rune both have awesome hearing)
Fawna was dazed but then blinked confusedly, "was that code for you didn't like it?" she asked moving away she looked a bit sad as she sat up.

Ember looked at the pillow, "what?" she asked and moved away, "okay then....anyway do you wanna cry or something? It might hurt me but erm its okay" she said sitting on his lap and putting his head on her shoulder.
Lokang: no, its the code for my lord is a damned idiot....if you heard what just happened with him and ember youd know, the kiss however was amazing...ive never felt so warm.

Rune: no im ok now....something feels off though...*he looks around and stares at one of the gems* rune: i am wondering about that gem...its not normal.
Fawna blushed and smiled, "erm.... W-would you mind....doing it again?" she asked leaning in.

Ember blinked, "what could be wrong with it?" she asked as she began walking towards it.
Lokang wispers: it would be an honor*he slowly leans in too and kisses her slowly but strongly*

Rune: dont, dont toutch isnt a gem at all..and since it had hidden myself in my bag*he pulls something out of his pocket and flings it at the gem a black chackaram(circular, bladed weapon preffered by wizards and other of that kind) it goes right through the gem and embedds in a wall* rune: it could hide from the principal, isnt that right, greater demon?* a voice replys with a sinister "yes " and a hulking form appears in front of them as if the demon was hundreds of things held together in skin,its shape constantly shifting* rune: this, could prove fun.
Ember smirked and turned into her natural form and looked at Rune,"how do we win?"she asked cracking her knuckles she then looked at Rune,"and we'll make a competition heh if I win you wear what I want you to and vice versa k?"she asked then smirked and wrapped around the monster burning it with the intensity of the sun. Ember laughed trying her hardest to win.

Fawna kissed back enjoying every second then pulled away blushing deeply,"I'm glad I'm with you.... I might be trying to end my life right now if I didn't meat you"she said softly and hugged him.
*the demon simply laughs* aragamon: you think you can beat me that way? a demon of another world beaten with fire of this mortal dimension? *the demon morphs to embers eyes, becoming her worst deepest fears and nightmares alive*rune: oh, great*he pulls something out of his sleeve and flings it into the demon, hitting it in the chest sending it howling backward changing into its regular form*
Ember jolted she didn't get scared in fact she grew angry and mad. Ember laughed maniacally burning brighter,"f*** you water! You will never stop me! EVER!!!"she yelled and began causing the trees by her to melt and the floor to singe a lot of the school was fire proof. Ember then jolted as she was splashed with water and grew dizzy,"ahahah haha.... Ha"she said and sat on the floor cutely brushing the wet solid hair from her eyes.
aragamon: ahh, fear and rage. so much power*the demon grows larger and an aura grows from it* rune: let me correct my earlier statement....this is going to be hell, complete and utter hell.
Ember glared,"eh? Bigger have you ever seen a fire element?! I am the ultimate power! I am FIRE!"she yelled and became brighter and bigger then before a small tear escaping her eyes turning into steam the truth was she feared Rune leaving and then crying herself to death. Ember laughed,"I'll kill you I will!"she yelled angrily then laughed.
aragamon: fool, rage and fear only feul me*rune puts his hand on embers shoulder* rune: let me handle him, he cannot stop me.

aragamon: i put a hole through your stomach last time, i will hit your head this time*it shoots a black tentackle seeming to be made of black mist at rune and rune simply puts his hand up a thin layer of fire surrounding it and the tentackle dissolves* rune: you may not know this,ember, but concentrated flame, can be used as an offence and defence. better than normal flame in most cases.
Ember twiched,"are you saying I'm weak?!"she yelled then jolted and grew tired,"I don't need a man who doesn't love me! And thinks of me as someone who he has to protect! I shouldn't need that I'm stronger then anyone!"she yelled angrily then jolted and threw up,"ew...."she mumbled then glared at Rune,"I don't need you!"she yelled sounding like she was trying to convince herself rather then Rune. She slithered off leaving a trail of burn marks. Ember was far off trying to calm down and figure out why she was so much hot blooded then usual.
*rune looks at ember distracted and aragamon takes the chance, striking out at runes face he scrapes his cheeck leaving a few black, spike-like things in his flesh, rune stumbles backward and aragaman sends another attack into runes stomach leaving more spines, another into his chest and another to the face, rune catches himself from falling, his power building up in him* rune: ENOUGH!*he stretches his hand out and a single stream of fire shoots out, gold, blue and red, all around the hottest thing in existance, the true fire of a flameborn, right into aragamon. aragamon disintigrates in a millisecond and rune slumps down and looks at the spines in his stomach and chest* rune: damn, you bastard....greater deamon poision.
Ember finally cooled off and walked back to Rune with her eyes closed,"I've come to the conclusion that what I said was stupid and I was angry and I think I need anger management and I'm possibly sick I kept throwing up"she explained then looked at Rune and jolte back,"what happened?!"she yelled and looked at him she looked at him not knowing what to do,"I don't- I don't?!"she yelled in shock then blinked,"what is up with my min lately I can't remember anything!"she said and touched her head,"goge I think I ate something or did something to make me feel so weird!"she said then looked at Rune,"what do we do Rune?"she asked.(never replied to Fawna 0v0)
(am outa ideas currently)rune: well, you ran off, i was distracted, aragamon beat the hell out of me and left poision only warlocks(incredibly powerful ones at that) or the silent brothers(mostly dead after a battle in their home city) have a hope in hell of stopping, i blew aragamon to hell. he will probably be back soon though.
Ember blinked,"I'm sorry...."she said and laid by Rune like a loyal pet,"we can't do anything"she mumbled looking at him then stretched,"sorry my love"she said as tears strolled down her cheeks turning to steam due to her tramendous body heat. Ember jolted and moved away from Rune and threw up again,"yeah I might have a fever"she mumbled.
Rune: its ok, my injuries can be...postponed*he slips something out of his pocket and puts it on his finger:a small ring with 3 red gems in it. He smiles as the poision fades and his injuries heal* rune: now, we have to go find you some medicine because i dont think i have anything for colds, wait, what the hell ive got something for pretty much anything EXCEPT colds? Eh, stranger things havehappened.(hiya:D)

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