School for the Musical Ghouls

lokang: well, i-i guess thats ok...*he looks at the girls and looks back to fawna and smiles but he thinks i predict this will go to hell real fast

rune quickly covers up his shoulders and magically creates a new shirt thinking how close that was*rune: its ok, no harm done..
Ember blinked,"what are you hiding? I've seen your body many times..."she said tilting her head changing back to normal.

Fawna looked at Lokang and looked around at the girls she waved at them and they waved back. Each had a talent in design,"hey Na"one said then looked at Lokang she reached out to touch him but her hand froze,"off limits"Fawna mumbled holding his hand tighter,"fine fine"the girl said and the ice melted,"so why are you here?"another asked,"date planning?"the last said looking at clothes. Fawna nodded,"but something he'd like on me"Fawna explained an the girls nodded.
lokang: im not really that picky...*he scratches his head in thought* lokang: intellect is better than beauty in most cases...or so ive heard*he smiles lightly*

rune: um, nothing...just something i caused awhile ago and dont want you to worry about
"If it has anything to do with you I'm ganna worry Rune now lets me see"Ember said and pinned him to the floor she burnt his clothes off and looked at his chest to see.

Fawna blushed and hugged his arm,"s-so lets go to the trainning area we can make it whatever feild we want"she offered and began walking out holding his hand softly and barely holding on.
lokang: okay*He holds her hand also as they walk*

*nothing was on his chest but on his shoulders there where many many dark scars* rune: i-i used*he sighs not being able to say it*
Fawna was really nervous walking aroun then jolted it started raining to water the plants in the realm. Fawna jolted she didn't like rain at all she began running to get out of the rain and began hiding under a box.

Ember blinked,"I don't understand"she mumbled and licked around the scars to see how long they had been there but got distracted licking Runes body she then moved away,"ehem.... What happened?"she asked.
Lokang: its ok, its just rain.....even without magic i can stop something like this*lokang pushes his own energy outward creating a small area around him where the rain didnt toutch but bounced off his energy, lokang offees his hand to her* lokang : want to keep going?

Rune: its nothing...dont worry about it..its not important anymore*he creates yet another shirt on him* rune: if these shirts cost have spent my fortune already

(Rune self-injured alot before he met ember)
(Okay I get it now xD )

Ember smiled slightly,"fine fine... Is there anything you wanna do?"she said touching his waist.

Fawna blushed and nodded grabbing his hand,"Ember said when you like someone they have-"she started bluntly but felt a drop on her back and got closer to Lokang.
(Sure we can rp still right?)

Fawna blinked,"she's older then she looks..."she said then wanted into the trainning room and stretched looking at the panel,"where should we go"she asked.

Ember sighed pouting,"I ment something else but why not to eat a romantic dinner in the roof top garden?"she asked smirking.
Rune: thatd be nice...havent eaten on a roof in...33 years when i was at king thorgoods party

Lokang: um...maybe a dinner or a movie? Heard thats good for dates...

(Yeah we can still rp)
Fawna thought,"how about this... People in my realm use it for dates all the time"she said and the room transformed into a ice skating rink and music began playing with Lokang getting a coat and ice skates and Fawna going natural with ice skates.

Ember smirked,"this will be fun"she said and kissed him then teleported them to the roof. She smirked spinning around a bit.
*rune smiles and waves his hand creating a tsble width lots of food on it* rune: itll have that magic-y taste but theres no way for me to cook so itll hsve to do

*lokang skarddddtes with her not bothered with the cold he leaves the coat behind*(ok im outa matetials, once u post lets sb for awhile cos i need to think more up lol)
Ember smiled and kissed him, "i suppose so" she said then sat at the table looking at the flowers surrounding them.

Fawna smiled and skated, "in my realm this is how we show affection by showing off" she said and began doing tricks then did a no hands cartwheel into a Lutz. Fawna smirked slightly her eyes changing colors beautifully as she looked at the ice. They always stayed close to the color blue though.
(ok back ssry ive been gone whats happened so far?)

rune: its a nice just needs something....*he snaps his fingers* rune: how could i forget my favorite party trick*several large gems of different typs(ruby,emerald,diamond) appear around the edge of the roof lights glowing in them casting romantic light around the rooftop*

lokang: i know, ive been there, was about 600 years ago...i wonder if its still the same as when i was there
Fawna chuckled,"probably not"she said circling him then doing an 8 and humming a bit,"sounds cute"she thought skating to a certain beat.

Ember blushed and sat there in awe,"so... Pretty..."she managed as her eyes sparkled with joy.(nothing much xD ) shouldve seen the parties in the underworld....hundreds of thoulsands of these things going for hours and hours....once this school year is over i think ill return there and throw a few more*he smiles and looks at the lights then at ember lovingly*

lokang: good, its a beautiful place, with a beautiful princess(fawna is the princess there rite?)*he skates around and makes the shape of a beautiful flower in the ice with his skates and smiles*
Fawns looked at him surprised then smirked accepting the challenge and began skating a bit more gracefully leaning back then spun rapidly.

Ember looked at Rune and blushed,"we should.... Probably eat before the food gets cold"she said somehow feeling nervous. Ember then came to the realization that she never really talked to Rune and worried about this.
rune: ok*he sits down gently and looks around the table, he proceeds to pick up two things that look like tiny calzones(the things with cheese,spinach, some mushy stuff wrapped in bread) and puts them on his plate leaving a few more* rune: i love these things.....

lokang: nice skill*he spins around going backward seemingly weightless on the ice*
"Why thank you"Fawna said and did another lutz and put her hand on the ice skating backwards with one foot in the air then stopped,"your move"she said smirking.

Ember jolted and looked at the food Rune touched and served herself one and tried it,"I've never had one before"she mumbled then gulped and ate one more,"it doesn't taste bad actually"she said eatting it. Ember smiled happily,"good taste Rune!"she said happily.
Rune: being around 1600 years has advantages...ive been to countless feasts so i know the good foods...funny..i seem so mich like those mortals, dont you think there admirable? They live such short lives...yet they live them so fully and happily. They do things in a year gods and immortals take hundreds to do sometimes...i know why they do..because if i wasnt a wizard and i hadnt taken over the rule of be like completely mortal...i think ill live around 180 tjoulsand more years...i plan on living every second like this moment*he smiles*rune: to the fullest*he raises his glass of wine for a toast*

*lokang spins around multiple times going fastar and faster then he digs hi skates in creating a huge shower of ice crystals sparkling all over the area* lokbang: your turn
Fawna smirked and made it start snowing spinning and dancing on the ice creating snowflakes and jumping higher and higher then jolted slipping she grabbed Lokang by the shoulder pulling him down ontop of her. Fawna let out a chuckle that slowly turned into a laugh,"that was fun hahaha!"she said then kissed the corner of his lips pulling Lokang down by his shoulders. Fawna realized what she did and blushed,"sorry...."she said softly her minty cold breath against his lip barely a gap between there lips she looked him in the eyes as her sparkled beautifully against her pale skin her nose becoming red along with her now rosey red cheeks.

Ember smiled and raised her glass nodding she took a hefty gulp to become enchanted with the taste. Oh the taste she had longed for the addiction from her younger days returning her enjoyment and remembrance of this taste she licked the taste from the tip of the glass only to find herself gazing at Rune. She gracefully lifted her hand and poured herself more filling her glass to the brim. Her movements graceful, slow, and seductive almost enchanting. Ember smirked taking another sip as she leaned back crossing one leg over the other,"my Rune it seems like you have stories to tell I'd enjoy hearing from a man such as yourself"she said seductively as she ran her fingers through her soft red hair and pursed her lips against the glass. She drank a bit more enchanting and lady-like this time being as seductive as she could picking her hair up and eyeing Rune.
Rune: oh ive got so many...where could i begin...well the beginning of how i got to be who i am is not very pretty, the best way to describe it would be this*he waves his hand and a illusion of a planet long destroyed appears*

the illusion zooms in revealing a city of people, high class technology beyond anything known today is all around and people practice fighting and spar in a park, the illusion shows a palace where a beautiful woman holds a baby while a handsome man walks around doing stuff around the palace, the woman talks to the baby sweetly and smiles, suddenly the palace shakes and the woman gasps"honey, what was that?" She asks, the man looks angry and sad at the same time"madara the destroyer..he has come here to this world...take rune and get far away from this world" he says sternly and walks out the doot

Lokang: i-i love you fawna*he kisses her passionatly and fully*
Fawna blushed never in her life feeling so much heat for someone she wrapped her arms around his neck returning the kiss as passionately as she could pressing her body up against his,"I-I feel... Hot"she mumbled and kissed him again. When they seperated she found herself breathing heavily she saw the heat from her once Icey breath,"L-Lokang...... I feel really hot right now"she explained nervously.

Ember facepalmed,"your innocence is unbareable my love"she mumbled and began eatting while watching the illusion,"just once if wish for this man to understand my sexual words when he isn't in the mood"she mumbled glaring then got up and blocked Runes veiw of the illusion,"no matter how much you would like to look at this sadness I'd rather enjoy a happier time with my lover even though we can not reproduce"she muttered angrily her cheeks were red her eyes even more passionate then usual. Yes it's true she's was a light weight and easily drunk girl but that's just how she is especially with the fantastically strong the whine was.

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