School for the Musical Ghouls

" fine then bye and meet me at the italian resturant i need to tell you something before i get ki" stops there and runs out the door in dog form and hides trying not to be to oviously angrey/sad/happy/ and all the other emotions

(kk i guess)
(Whats happened so far? Where where rune and lokang again lol? I forgot ....and where has zed been? Anyone know if hes quit or if hes just spazzing...)
(I have a question... Where haw YOU been xD ill repost the last thing that I typed for our charas)

Ember smirked,"you.go bring her the news"she said smiling ,"then maybe later we can have a little fun of our own~"she said.
(Uhm, overly depressed and unmotivated so i couldnt muster up the energy to do...pretty much anything[>.<] so i didnt come on for awhile[barely got the energy today] ill try to b on more tho)

Rune: fine fine*he puts on his best worried face and runs to ffawna* rune: fawna, lokangs really hurt! He doesnt look like hes gonna make it*he looka around* rune: gotta go get him help*rune runs off and sneaks into some bushes near ember* rune wispers: hide, she may react differently if she sees us
(Okay don't try too hard just have fun okay I was kinda worried you got hurt with your workout or something xD I was like,"don't tell me this guy picked up a car and was crushed" XDDD anyway only reply if you really feel up to it don't push yourself k?)
(Ok but if i only replied when i felt like it i doubt i would be back anytime soon, sometimes this site cheers me up a bit tho so im gonna try to reply and stay on more, also by the looks of it youve learned how to use the shoutbox cos u chainged ur notification colorXD)
Ember nodded and hid holding Runes hand she looked at him for a moment,"I hope it goes well"she whispered.

Fawna ran to Lokang and jolted seeing him asleep she looked around and quickly put her head on his chest hearing his heart she sighed in relief. Fawna looked at Lokang,"your probably just weak..."she said softly running her hands through his hair she smiled slightly as she brushed her hand on his cheek with soft eyes then touched her chest,"it's melting..."she mumbled under her breath then shook it away,"no it's not I just... Want to be his friend"she thought.

(Yeah xD I was too shy to do it so it took a while to build that curage ya noe)
*lokang opens his eyes softly and looks at her* lokang: i-i know im a grim and grims arent supposed to feel emotion..but when i see you i feel something i havent before...rune said....that i must like you, do you feel the same?

(Yeah, im not tooshy on the net but in rl god am i so friggin shy sometimes so it wasnt too hard to get the courage to use sb, we should talk on there sometime[live updating so itd be much better thn pm's or posts lol] of course if i dissapear my nook ran outa power lol)
Fawna blushed and looked at him glancing away slightly then took a deep breath,"since I met you... My heart has thawed out and I can feel it beat again.... I think it is.... Where I come from... If your heart melt for someone... It's either raging hatred!... Or"she said softly then touched where his heart would be,"affection for someone.... So I think I might have the disease called liking someone...."she said then turned her back to him,"is it bad? To like you?"she asked worriedly.
Lokang: as far as i know liking someone is iit isnt bad to liker someone...but i cant ensure id always be life has always been dangerous, since i joined runes forces more so...but what i can make sure is that id never let anyone hurt you...and failing that id rip their head off*he smiles at her his more demonic grim reaper attitude getting to him and he shakes his head clearing his thoughts*
(sorry I had to eat vitamins again they chewy)

Fawna blushed and held his hand, "then... How does this work?" she asked being that she's never been in a relationship. She then brushed her hand on his cheek, "Rune told be you were badly hurt....where?" she asked.
Lokang: i have no idea whatsoever, and about may wanna know...*he scratches the bavk of his head* lokang: hes a smartass

(Ok, so what about my question/proposal/idkidunnohowtodescribe? xD )
Fawna blinked then nodded she smiled softly, "I'm glad your not hurt...." she said then looked around, "do you think we should ask Ember and Rune what to do?" she asked still holding his hand.

Ember was in the bushes kissing Rune with her arms wrapped around him as she sat on his lap her lips stick rubbing off on his lips.

(the sb thing? Of course but not now I'm worried I might have to put my phone to charge soon)
Lokang: i think their trying to send information rite now*he nods twards the bushes rune and ember are making out in and busts out laughing*

(Oh ok, ttommorow probly cos my nook is on 18% and my mom mite cut the wifi soon lol)
(what's a nook?)

Fawna blinked and moved away from the bush blushing then walked out covering her face nervously. She then walked into town looking around a bit.

Ember pulled away noticing Lokang, "so how did things go?" she asked with her head popping out of the Bush.
lokang: i told her i liked her...she told me she liked me...then...she walked away*he sits down confusion on his face* lokang: emotions....are confusing as hell

rune: tell me about it*rune chuckles and lokang smiles a bit*

(nook is like the kindle cept crappy but cheaper n nook comes from barns and noble)
Ember laughed,"she's the type to run away from me"she said then smirked,"lets go find her!"she said and then looked at Rune,"I mean..."she said hugging him,"YOU should go find her Lokang ah but first..."she said then snapped her fingers and a paper with writing appeared it looked like it was torn from a diary and the paper was titled,"what women like"."just do these things and I'm sure your relationship will be awesome"she said.

Fawna was walking around and saw a cute clothing store. She went inside and began looking around the owner started to flirt with her to get her to buy things but Fawna didn't notice or care.

The paper:

"1.) hugged from behind

2.) kissed on the neck

3.) kissed (all kinds but mostly tongue)

4.) cherished

5.) getting gifts from there lover

6.) hearing 'I love you'

7.) taking pictures withy there bf

8.) plushies

9.) dancing with the bf

10.) getting a locket with a picture of them together."

(realize these r from Embers p.o.v don't use them in rl xD )
(lol i wont, doubt id have the chance cos i havent had a gf in a year, kinda sad but idc anymore lol)

lokang: okay....i think ive got it so far..

rune: gifts wouldnt be a problem, me and lokang both are expert smiths with jewlery....didnt you make that one king a new crown?

lokang: fixed it more like, cant replace a crown with magic in it but you can fix it

rune: the cherished you mite have trouble with*lokang smacks rune upside the head*lokang: i cherish alot of things, like quesedias

rune: yes but you hate them the next day*both of them crack up*
Ember shook her head,"you guys..."she said,"ah but I know if a man did number 1 and 2 to me at the same time I'd probably fall for him in an instant"she said touching her face imagining a shadow figure doing that to her then sighed in content. Ember then jolted an made the picture that caused Lokang to be jealous reappear,"you remember this right? Do you really think you should let the beautiful Fawna alone for too long?"she asked looking at the picture then looke at Rune and made Fawna in the picture turn into her,"and how do you feel darling~?"she asked smirking widely.

(That's a shame if a cute guy with your personality came into my neighbor hood they'd be gobbled up before I'd get to them... A lot of the guys around me are conceded or think there thugs =_= I hate when guys say,"I'm a thug yo! Don't mess with me!" It pisses me off when there not joking)
*rune squints and his hair bursts into fire he trys his best to remain calm dispite his anger showing through his hair* rune: perfect, are there any mountains that need to be blown to the next dimension?

lokang: im going to find fawna...*he walks through a shadow disspaearing reappearing from a shadow near fawna*lokang: hi fawna

(thug= the kids i laugh at when they hit me because it tickles. most guys act like their badass but rlly arent, the football players at my old school where wimps even though they bragged so much and acted strong, most fights ive only needed to laugh and they go away because they know if i laugh at them they dont stand a chance in hell of winning, but one time i laughed so hard i fell on the floor...wich wasnt good for me because its stone flooring>.<)
Ember jolted and smiled,"how passionate~"she sang and hugged him,"I like a man who gets jealous."she whispered in his ear an nibbled it slightly.

Fawna blinked her face was straight. The store owners hand was on her hip an pulling on her shirt. Fawna didn't really care she only reacted to Lokangs touch really."you should try this shirt on"he said smiling still trying to get her to by something.
lokang: ill trust you wont look if she does try it on...or else you may find yourself a few digits short of a neck

rune: yeah*his fire on his hair goes out and he smiles* rune: i love you*he kisses her lightly but passionatly*
( xD aw I hate those thugs but today we got a transfer from Sweden and everyone says he's howt probably because he's white xD lucky tho he doesn't like black girls so I stood a chance I'm just sad that the Hispanic girls where all over him after he said that then I was like "nope I don't have a chance my Russian Puerto Rican a$$ TT^TT I should've talked to him if I wasn't nervous as acted weird like usual I would've caught his attention~)

Ember blushed and turned into her natural form burning Runes shirt off,"s-sorry"she said a bit sad and moved away.

Fawna turned a bright red and the guy backed off holding his hands up. Fawna looked at Lokang and put her hand in his,"I um... Want to go on a date... With you..."she said nervously,"so I came here.... And I'm looking for something cute to wear"she said then girls walked in looking around the store.

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