School for the Musical Ghouls

Tammy smiled seeing that he was enjoying herself,"let me know what your done!"she yelled and sat down and began reading she was blushing from seeing his body she had never seen a males body being that she didnt go to pools the beach or the gym.
He got out and dried off part of his clothes with a towel that was near and handy. He looked and found Tammy to be sitting and reading a book. "Sorry about that. I just don't have the luxury to swim for enjoyment very often. I apologize for the rudeness. So anything else you wanna show me." He asked with his upper body still wet because it found it relaxing. His hair was in wet strings on his face and neck from the water. He just put his shirt over his shoulder and held his shoes in hand looking at her.
Tammy handed him a towel,"no its fine I didnt mind it was kind cool"she said getting up then lookled away with her hand covering her eyes so she wouldnt see him."lets go to the health class its right next to the math class"she said and began walking then bumped into the wall. She joltd and rubbed her head,"ow"she managed.
"Sure that sounds good to me.", he said accepting the towel and drying off his upper body a bit. He put his shirt back on and began to walk to the doors when he saw Tammy run into a wall. "Ummm, what are you doing?"
(okay i will try and be more detailed let me give it a shot i need a minute)

she walked off to this ally where she was told to meet (this will be a little weird and crazy so tell me if this isn't allowed....) her body gaurd and she said ," what are you doing here " then the man said , " Royalty always needs to be protected from crazed people " then she say almost madder than anything ever heard ," But no one knows I am Royalty so I get treated as they would if i wasn't royalty " then he says angrey ," Your family is worried you of all royalty shouldn't just run off prin" she cuts him off ," SHHHH! someone could hear you and know my secret now please you can stay but promise to keep your distance and not tell people i am you know who " he nodds and reports to his other boss that he is with Stephanie and she is safe and so she goes to him and says ," promise" he says ," okay " his voice sounded low and deep and the man looked like this :,r:7,s:400,i:25
(anyoine on can we have it be on school scene for a while right now i only have about 14 then i will be back on in a hour)
(Sure go ahead as long as you not killing anyone 0-0 *really didn't understand what your saying*)

(unless your asking it to be the next day if so no because then everyone will be rushed to put there charas to sleep and that makes things really weird )
:( (i am never online when the characters go to school so can we just say it be next day and have it be school time if possible)
(Sorry no I don't like rushing people to finish a day and we haven't done anything school wise since you joined it's still a day off keep in mind that you JUST join so yeah the day isn't even over xD and days don't end at the same time ours does either btw)
"Really, well i am about average in the dragon world but i guess many humans and others aren't the same. Especially for someone who has never seen an unclothed guy before i guess. Well shall we move on then?"
Tammy nodded and began flying then blinked,"give me a second"she said and sped up turning into a green light. She flew somewhere and back with a sigh going back to normal,"lets continue"she said holding something in her hand as they walked out her mind was in a haze and she couldn't see straight she wondered why."hmmmm Fawna!"she yelled. Fawna appeared out of the darkness with a blank expression,"sorry,... Am I freezing your wings?"Fawna replied."of course.... But why are you so cold?"Tammy asked worriedly."hm? Should you really ask an ice Princess that?"Fawna asked and Tammy shook her head in response."anyway it seems your buisy... I'm just doing my practice"she said then looked at the pool and froze it,"of yes this is where you practice... We're leaving now"Tammy said and began walking out. Fawna nodded as they left.

Tammy smiled,"sorry my wings gota tad drizzled so when Fawna came and began sending chills I just got a bit too cold..."she explained,"sorry I'm kinda the weakest creature at school.... I'm a book worm too so my only power is finding out where books are and learning from them... Not really something to fight with"she explained.
(Mandy, just a FYI. You don't need to announce when you're leaving and when you get back. A little heads up when there you have an extended absence, but no need otherwise. Not to sound pushy, but I was reading the past couple of pages, and a lot of the posts were just you asking questions and saying you were leaving and coming back. Questions can also be sent by PM).
(*gasp* your alive!!!!! Sorry about having Rune defeat the white walkers without chu~ why were you gone for so long just didn't feel like rping?)
(Well, I don't want to violate what I said to Mandy, but I suppose i owe you an explanation. I actually thought this RP was dead for a while, then after it got started again, since Lost in Paradise didn't respond, I kinda didn't either since my character and hers were "involved, and it would have been weird if he just forgot about her. Plus, I'm in a ton of RPs right now, especially some really cool private ones. BTW, if you're into sci-fi, there is a really cool one called "Render". It is kinda slow right now, so if you join, it could pick back up.)
(okay understood) Stephanie walks back to her room in dog form and then something dark and black was in the corner of her ceiling and she barks wildly and ran out her room the thing chasing her (the thing looks like....,r:0,s:0,i:84 )

" help , help " she cried as she ran away and the thing she knew well it was the demon who hates her kingdom and wants to kill all her family and take over

she shriked many times as she ran hopeing someone would care enough to help her
Danny blinked hearing and jolted seeing Stephanie run by. He quickly jumped out and froze the beast with his Icey breath. He then picked her up and began running not to positive his ice would hold. "why are you always in danger!" he yelled running. Danny hid in his cold room and put her in a blanket not sure if she would feel cold or not. Danny breathed hard, "i always hated sports" he said then chuckled.
The beast moans and dissapeared ,then Stephanie said "Thank You For saving me and do you really wanna know why i am 'always' in danger" she really didn't want to tell him but if she had to she would
Danny blinked, "erm no it was a joke" he said and stood up and dusted his pants, "anyway is that thing weak to ice maybe?" he asked hopefully.
" yes it is" she said then she thought { it is weak to ice we've descovered its weakness this is just what my father has been trying to find out }
Danny blinked and yawned, "so I guess you'll be safe here? The only good ice weidlers in the universe are in my kingdom under my rule so if you tell me where they reign I can abolish them for you" he said and smiled.
" As odd as it sounds they live in our shadows and in the darkness so unless they show themselves it is almost impossible to get them but there is one way to find them " she says then remembers the way to find them
danny blinked,"was that a dramatic pause?"he asked smiling then jolted up and got popcorn he then held up the bowl to Stephaine,"i heard that normal blood tempurature beings like this want some?"he asked smiling he had an ice glove that was melting,"i can't touch hot things"he explained.

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