School for the Musical Ghouls

Ember nodded. Fawna walked over to her and held out her hand not looking at Lokang at all."but you gave it to me~"Ember whined."I regret it give it back I hate white hair it makes me feel innocent and that I am not. I am not the snow but rather hail forming from the deapths of your demise so- give me"she said. Ember pouted and gave her the crystal and kissed it letting the guys keep there prize. Fawna's hair went backl to a short blue and the cute blue faded off her face."I should remmind myself how long it takes to regenerate those powers...."she mumbled finally looking at Lokang she quickly began running away and Ember snickered deviously.
lokang: even after i think she still has feelings...but i can sense something different about her, whatever though its not my buisness

rune: shut up you know you like her*lokang looks at rune like hes nuts* lokang: like?
"hey you cant look at those thats not how you play!"Danny said pouting as he put all his cards into a deck and put his hand on the top of his deck.

Ember gasped,"how dare you say that after cuddling together so cutely even as a cat I could feel your warmth!"she yelled."by the way when you like someone you want to do this"Ember added then kissed Rune,"and when you love them you want to get in there pants"she said bluntly then acter like she didnt say anything."these poor children Rune we must help them"Ember said wiggling her nose with Runes. Fawna hid away in her room then looked around and hid under her blanket."oh by the way Lokang aren't you like her servent"Ember asked.
Stephanie wins the game ," I won " she smiles happily and then says , " can we do something else , I have something i wanna sing to you to see if it is any good "

(ignore my last post)

she got up and turned into a dog and said ," its an easy way to end a game you don't know how to play and i just thought of something i need to do unless i want to " she stops there and walks out trying to find the place
(=_=.............. okeeeeeeey)

Danny sulked in the corner growing mushrooms,"no I dont wanna play with you you manie... sniffle.... fawna always lets me win~"he whined.
Lokang: by will i am sort of...i cant see much better tnings to do so i took the demand

*rune goes next to ember and wispers in her ear explaining that lokang shouldnt even have emotions and the emotions he has figured out dont include love*
she goes back to him and says " i will play with you later I have to go meet this person if i don't he will do horrid things to many others " she walks off again
Ember jolted,"wwwwwhhhhhhyyyyy!!!!!!?????"she yelled then sulked and rolled on the floor,"god why do you do this?"she said then looked at Lokang and got close to him,"how would you feel if I showed you this?!"she yelled then showed a picture of Fawna and Lokang kissing.

Danny blinked then sighed and yawned,"now im tired... I felt so bad to see her sad like that...."he said and began walking to his room.
Lokang: du hell....when did that happen..seriously?!?!? Ahg, i know what this feeling is...confuzzled

*rune cracks up and laughs so hard that he falls to the ground holding his sides*
(Many when you come back you NEED to go into detail with what happened because I serious do NOT know in my head reading your post i was like,"wait what wtf?! What just happened!")

Ember sighed,"I drew it anyway continuing..."she said as the picture dissappeared."now how do you feel about this?!"she said and a picture appeared with Fawna kissing another guy.
*lokangs eyebrow twitches* rune: hes jelous*lokanf zaps rune* lokang: i knew that...*his eyebrow continues to twitch*
"Great a break through!"Ember said."okay so if this guy was real how would you feel about him if he was real? And what would you do to him?"she asked.

(wow i just realized how mean that was I'm really sorry don't take it to heart I would just love to see more detail because it really helps me give ideas sorry again if I hurt your feelings I shouldnt even be talking about detail to much I cant even spell sorry >.<)
Lokang: he...isnt real?*his eyebrow twitches more* rune mumbles: aggrivation..

Lokang: i would hate him and possibly unleash a thoulsand demons on him*he looks a bit shocked by his words*lokang: did i just say that?
Ember clapped excitedly then hugged Lokang,"good good!"she yelled then gave the picture to Lokang,"you can tear that up"she said."okay now what if you saw this?"she asked showing Fawna crying with cuts all over her arms and legs and a blood puddle. Ember smirked waiting for a raction hopefully the right one which would be something along the lines of pitty or sadness or protective.
Ember nodded,"perfect"she said,"okay and this~"she said showing a picture of Fawna leaning in for a kiss then Ember added a voice over hiding behind the picture,"I love you Lokang"she said . Ember smiled waiting for a reaction.
Ember twiched a bit,"Rune darling me love~ if I wasn't so in love with you I wouldv'e smacked you asking why didnt you tell me soon but since you are I'm just going to bonk your head playful~"she said and bonked his head lightly and kissed him. She then looked at Lokang,"want to do something fun....?"she asked smirking widely.
Ember laughed then smiled,"of course not darling we're going to tell Fawna that he's baddley hurt'she explained and kissed him,"so innocent"she said smirking and levatated Lokang so he would go on the bed and let him lay there.
"Pool huh?", he looked to the big Olympic grade swimming pool that had a wonderfully clean chlorine smell to it, "Yeah looks like it would be nice for a refreshing swim. Hmmm, i have extra clothes back at my room. And dragons have a very high internal body heat so ill be dry in minutes, ten or so for clothes on my body. Well i think ill go for a dip." He pulled his shirt up off his head. His toned abs and pecs were sporting minor scars here and there with a long one across his core, diagonally from six inches under his left nipple to his right side next to his belly button. He had a very prominent six pack. He stretched back and forth then reached for his toes. He then ran and dove into the pool like an Olympian, as he broke the water he began powerful strokes to swim from one side to the other and so on.

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