School for the Musical Ghouls

*rune facepalms and cuts the handcuffs off with nothing but air*rune: your free mua cherry(french i belive...or as close as i could type it lol)

*lokang lands on the ground hard his wrists bleeding bad the scent of blood spreading*
(back) she looked at him his eyes told his story for her his eyes told it all and so she didn't think what she thought for awhile anymore (who is 'you know who'
(An old chara inside type thing for the older people around chuchuchu)

Fawna smelled the blood and ran over to his room she opened the door quickly seeing Lokang on the floor. She jolted never in her life being more frantic. She quickly closed the door and ran over,"I-it's huge! You stupid- n-no time Fawn"she said and kissed his cheek the wound closed but she wasn't sure because she still saw blood. She grabbed his arm and licked the blood feeling with her tongue for the wound. Blood on her pure pale lips as her tongue glided to see.

Ember giggled and hugged him,"so innocent"she said and kissed his cheek.

Danny then smiled and decided to act stupid."Bleh! Don't make a face other then smiling!"he declared then hugged her,"you'll get wrinkles"he added pouting.
she looked at him then said , " okay " she was weirded out yet not so weirded out to leave she felt confused alittle
*lokang seems unconsious, but he continues breathing*

rune: heh, well you may still be out of jail but i think some probation may be needed*he smirks*
Ember laughed and got up and patted his head,"heh cute innocence"she said then snapped her fingers and her room was clean again she stretched and snapped her fingers with her eyes closed two new rooms were made one a baby room and the other a cute master bedroom with a big bathtub. She then looked at the dials on her door and set it to the one with a lock then picked up Lava and walked into the baby room and set her down on the black cloud for her to be rocked and be comfy,"heat!"she yelled and the room was hotter.

Fawna put her head on his chest and sighed in relief,"you idiot.,."she said then found her eyes drifting on his body then she jolted up and moved away,"I should wash off this blood..."she mumbled and went to the bathroom and washed her face.

Danny snickered,"here!"he said putting cat ears on her,"I knew you'd look cute"he said smiling.
*lokang smirked and licked a bit of blood off his finger*lokang: too bad....not like before..*he stands up and washes it off his hands*lokang wispers to himself: why does the peace of death elude me...where i may find someone who wouldnt hate me for causing death...

rune: nice powers.....if i get the chance ill show you the house i created out of gold and gems, what a fine house that was....too bad i couldnt take it with me
"thanks"then she thought {nice and a little bit crazy} she wondered why he is acting crazy and wild and she couldn't think of it not again
Fawns came out of the bathroom and saw Lokang out again and glared,"you idiot making me twist and turn and sweat a bit you scared me! What if I had a heart attack!"she asked then jolted blushing slightly and smiled a bit,"but your okay so it's fine..."she said softly."but from now on you are my servent! You will attend me and never leave my side no matter what are we clear? Good!"she said but didn't let him respond. She pouted and walked to the door,"lets go!"she said.

Embers face had black markings and her eye was red on half her face,"yeah a pritty price to pay for power huh?"she asked smiling.

Danny looked down a bit sad,"sorry I'm just trying to lighten the mood"he said softly with a weak smile.
" Its okay I would be happy but my reason to be has been leaving me for awhile and so i am glumey more than usual" she says with a sigh
lokang:eh, got nothing better to do before the final battle. *he walks to the door and opens it*lokang:after you

rune: oh my god...maybe you should let me do things like that from now not affected by overusing my powers as you most ive passed out for an hour
Ember laughed,"it's nothing Hun"she said smiling then looked away,"besides you won't have to look at it for long"she said.

Fawna walked by Lokang and glanced at him then leaned on him a bit,"I'm tired so let me lean on you"she said with her head held high then she looked up at him.

Danny blinked,"tell me all about it ill be your friend and your diary don't worry"he said smiling comfortably.
lokang: as you wish.*he lowers his shoulder a bit for her to lean on him*

rune: ok, but i still would like it for you to take it easy for a bit...magic can be draining even to the strongest
Fawna blushed slightly then smiled to herself she quickly went back to normal walking into her garden with the ice sculptures. Fawna looked at Lokang for a moment,"bad! Don't every cut yourself again you here!"she said but then smiled and sat down,"sit next to me for warmth"she demanded.

Ember nodded,"only be worried if my whole body is like that"she said changing back to normal again. Ember then looked at Rune and brushed his hair with her hand,"your so innocent"she said softly.
lokang thinks: damn, bossy much*he sits next to her and sighs*

rune: not as much as you think*he smirks and kisses her neck*
Fawna leaned on him allowing her body to relax and it began shaking,"I'm sorry about what I said before.... I didn't mean it...."she said holding his arm where the wound was. Her slend soft fingers gliding back and forth over the exact spot where it was,"I don't hate you..... But I do worry about you.... And I don't think your weird.... I-I just didn't know what to say...."she said softly as she fixed her dazed eyes on his arm,"I don't like blood.... It gives me a bad feeling.... Danny says that I'm scared of blood.... I never really thought I was.... Until today"she said softly.

Ember snickered,"how predictable going for my neck after I tease you about your innocence"she said then looked at him and licked his neck,"but I enjoy it"she said smirking.
lokang: its sorry for overreacting to what still unstable with emotions and i can easily be overwhelmed by them*he looks down sadly*

rune: oh maybe ill go for more *he smirks pervishly*
Fawna looked at him,"don't make that face..... It's making my heart hurt"she said softly,"smile.... Please...."she said then held up her arm next to his there were scars of some cuts,"but your not the only one of us who did this to ourselves...."she said looking away.

Ember smirked,"sounds purrrrrrfect"she said and pinned him to the wall her eyes locked on his she kissed him passionately.
lokang: smileing...ill give it a shot*he tries his best to smile but he looks a bit wierd smiling*lokang: better?

rune: perfect indeed*he kisses her back*
Embers eyes looked a bit hexed the water people had called for this and was going to force Rune away with Ember loving him in an obsessed way.

Fawna giggled slightly,"yes....."she said then jolted blushing,"I-I mean.... I'm going to um... I will um.... I your making my heart beat on purpose so stop"she said blushing but didn't move she was all too comfortable.
"Record deal you say. Hmmm, well how about a duet between you and me. I can sing kind of. But only backup mostly, i have a baritone style singing voice and it mostly sounds nice as an undertone. I could just do back up and piano if you want?" He smiled as they made there way towards a large pair of double doors he presumed led to the gym.
Tammy jolted, "i can't sing I can only play piano.....sorry" she said a bit sadly. She walked in to the gym and smiled there was a cute pool that was on the opposite side of the gym and had something of a glass doom surrounding it.
"Well then, you can play piano and i can play saxophone, or i can go solo. I guess either will work. But a duet sounds more fun. Doesn't it?" He flashed her a smile.
Tammy nodded blushing ever so slightly,"y-yeah ahaha! So piano and saxaphone sounds good"she said and sat by him,"but wouldn't you like to make sure im on your leval first?"she asked worriedly.

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