School for the Musical Ghouls

*lokang smiles and picks up one of the scallops wrapped in bacon then eats it in one bite then smiles* lokang: simply divine, your very different from the people i met..i dont mean that as an insult either

rune:ok*he follows ember*
(who you talking too?)

(nvm) she looks around as they walk (her and Fawna, Fawna is showing her around)

(gtg bye be on later)
(wait...damnit lokangs alone now-.-)

*lokang sighs now being alone finishes his food pays for his and fawnas food and walks away he walks out of the shop and goes in front of a tall building with a peak that ends in a point* lokang: here seems as good as anywhere*he jumps up with no effort and soars to the top landing with grace and watches the town below*
(I have an idea for that I'm smart hold on xD )

Fawna glanced back at Lokang blushing again she heard what he said before she got up,"come along"she said stopping for him to catch up. She didn't like this feeling it was making her angry and her head was going mad and her knees were shaking.

Ember hummed as they walked,"sorry my humming sucks but maybe you could...?"she offered smiling.

(I see you see me Paradise~)
*rune softly sings a song making sure his voice didnt resonate through the air as he didnt want it to go all around him and walks with ember while singing*

*lokang follows fawna jumping down from the high building* lokang: guess i can stay for a bit, few more days till hell breaks loose*he smiles lightly at the coming battle with the white walkers*
Fawna blinked oblivious to the battle,".... weirdo"she said and walked into a book store closing her umbrella she looked around and went to the manga section without anyone seeing her and sat on a big teddy bear and began reading Maid-sama. Fawna couldnt help it manga was her only weakness that and seeing blood.

Ember smiled leaning on Rune enjoying his song,"your a good singer"she whispered happily.
"Chocolate or vanilla what? Depending on what you are asking i have a different opinion on each. Ice cream i prefer Vanilla, candy is chocolate, it really all depends on what it is."
*lokang follows silently he sits on the opposite end and picks up a slayers manga book and starts reading it musing over the fact this fiction book was the real story of the first slayer*

*rune finishes the song and smiles* rune: thanks...i guess im good but its not really good without lokangs instrumental powers...thats why me and him make such good partners. that and we have known eachother for hundreds of years.
Ember laughed'"such a young friendship"she said as they walked.

Fawna blushed at Lokang and pushed him off,"s-sit on the floor"she said then finished her manga and began reading the third volume of Lovely Complex.

"pfffft i ment people"Tammy said then giggled,"joking i ment ice cream"she said smiling,"i like vannilla too but I love when theres sprinkles on it or skittles on it.... yummy"she said.
"Skittles on my ice cream huh? An idea i havnet ever even thought of in the slightest. Although it sounds delicious. Maybe you would like to have a bowl with me sometime?"
(back for an hour) she finds her favorite book and grabs it she smiles then she listens to the others who are talking wanting to know whats going on with them
(Gabe you just missed is Paradise was just on xD )

Tammy nodded,"nobody did it was an accident for me but it is good..... um.... s-s-sure"she said a bit nervous.

Fawna read her book trying not to be so red she'd rather turn blue and with that she began holding her breath to turn back to blue.
she wanted to say hi to them but wasn;t so sure if they would be mean or nice to her . she began to read the book easly still listening to the people
"I'll take your word on it then. It sounds great. The sweet and fruity mix. Sounds like a enjoyable mix. So this is the door to the room with the piano in it then?" He asked as they stopped outside a big pair of double doors.
*lokang having been on the opposite end of the book store falls on his head slightly tearing the page*lokang: aww, i loved this book...*he waves his hand over the rip and it is repaired*lokang: why did you push me?*he rubs his head*

rune: youve got no those few hundred years we felled armies of unimaginable power....destroyed countless threats to all existance and so much more, thats why were so close...
(sorry laggy)

Tammy smiled and nodded opening the door showing the piano inside.

Fawna looked away and shrugged a bit,"i-i don't know either...."she said nervously.

"we never did any of that yet youv'e been inside me..."Ember said smirking widely.
she coughed loudly and dropped the book , she picked the book back up seeing a little splash of blood on it from her cough and she tensed up a bit
Ember giggled,"maybe tonight you can go back inside"she said smirking.

Fawna nodded blushing,"y-yeah....."she said although looked angry. she was only angry at herself for not understanding the feelings that were rising.
Sven looked at the mahogany grand piano with a look large men give food, women give Chaning Tatum, and children give to every toy commercial to come on tv. It was a look of absolute want. He sat down and dragged hand all the way across the keys relishing in the pure sound it made. "Wow this is waaaay better then the one I have at my house. How and where did you get it so i can get one?"
lokang:oh ok*he feels a blush creeping up on his face but hides it and turns around continuing to read not sure what he was feeling, hatred or love or annoyance all where confusing to him*

rune: uhh*he stops himself from drooling*
she looks around and when she knows she is invisable she buys the book and with the smallest tear ever in her left eye she exites the store
"I made it.... well me and my uncle... Fairy's are known for crafting nstruments you know"Tammy said smiling<"if you know whats on the inside you can find out how to make it sound better on the outside"she said softly touching the piano play a naruto song the one before sasuke left the villlage then laughed,"sorry"she said.(Im a nerd)

Fawna looked at Lokang and lkicked the inside of his knee causing him to colapse then felt her chest tighten,"w-what just happened"she mumbled and stood up it felt like an ashma attack but it wasnt she felt like she couldnt breath,"maybe somewhere else.... I think theres something wrong with the environment here"she said.

Ember snickered then looked at Lava who was still asleep.
*lokang quickly gets up and looks at her*lokang: are you ok? damnit.....bad things always happen to people around me...

rune: well, i think we should do that away from lava...dont want to teach him that stuff too young...

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