School for the Musical Ghouls

Fawna blinked then nodded,"sure"she said and began walking she looked at Lokang,"what a odd ball"she mumbled smiling softly then blinked wondering what that was.

Ember smiled and kissed Rune she looked at Lava and put her hand on her head,"doing just fine..."she said softly.
*lokang hears the comment but doesnt care walking with fawna to a resturaunt opening the door for her being a gentleman* lokang: after you

*runes smile remains and he looks almost purely happy with no hint of sadness for once*
Fawna walked in twirling a piece of her hair with her finger then jolted and stopped she sat down and waited to order while looking in the mirror at her pale white as snow skin on her face. She sighed and froze the mirror disliking the reflection the mirror then shattered and she looked away,"7 years bad luck"she said.

Ember smirked at Rune and pounce on him and locked his cheek,"rawr!"she said.
(i am just going to guess i am supposed to be in school so here I go)

Stephaniewalks into school looking around seeing others talking and some boys stareing at her . she feels odd and when she sees the school principle she walks over to the principle and says ," Hello I am the new student " the principle looks at her and says " hello " (can i say the principle can mind stufff telepathicaly) the principle minds to her , "{ what kind of goul are you }" then stephanie minds to the principle , "{ i am a shape shifter i will show you }" then the Principle and the rest of the studets there look at her as she changes into a dog, then into a dinosaur , and then back to her human form
(Erm sorry your statement is invalid xD not being mean the Principal is one of the students uncles so he's a wizard and half fairy but is almost never seen all students talk to his niece to understand whats going on but Tammy's buisy so yeah but pritty sure one of my male charas are free so maybe he can assist? But just delet that and say shes in town at the pizzaria or a italian resturant or something because the school is in another realm and nobody can leave or anything so yeeeeeaaaah sorry i just assumed youve been stalking for a while.)

(Wait you might get confused the town and the school are in the same realm but there not on earth or anything. Ummmmm the town is just for food clothes and other items and such but nobody works its just robots and everyone gets a student id card that had points on it that you use in town you earnpoints based on your grades understand?)
(fine forget last post i will try again sorry)

Stephanie walks into the itailian resturant for a bite to eat , the waiter takes her order and she sits down she looks around at the others in the resturant and she feels weird from being in her human form and everyone else not (i will just pretend if no one is in thsat returant that there will be some students there okay)
Danny walked through the door everyone watched as he brushed part of his blond hair behind his ear and the red tips seemed to glow. His Blue eyes glimmered as he looked around he twirled his drumsticks in his hand and the girls squealed. Danny walked by Stephaine her table was on fire but he froze it making a sculpture and sat at a table looking at the menú on the touch screen in front of him.

Danny:View attachment 8878
the waiter brought her food to her and she smiled and began to eat alittle at time

(big picture)
Danny jolted a bit hearing so many girls scream,"ice prince!"they yelled one of the ran so fast she knocked over Stephanies food. He ley out a sigh and made made an ice rose and walked over to her,"sorry about that...."he said and ordered his food the robot put his food at the table and another one were she was sitting. Danny sat down and began eating girls watching with a lot of intensity.
she ate her food then walked out the resturant never been so mad at crazed fans ever in her life until now she looked around them changes into a dog and began walking around looking for something her dog form could get into

(i have to o in 14 minutes so can you reply quickly as will i)
Danny finished noticing the mob and began running again swipping his card on the way out he ran making ice trails so he would go faster he then jolted causing a dog to slip,"ah damn!"he yelled feeling bad,"if I leave it here it will get trampled"he mumbled.

(Sorry I play pokemon so im kinda slow plus the fact my phone is hard to Type with cuz im not used to it yet but ill try)
she got up in her dog form and said , " you are not the easyest person to like the second time you and those creazy girls have ruined my day 2 times " she growls at him and then turns and walks off (I gtg bye be on in an hour)

( I am back)
Danny rolled his eyes,"yes because it's totoally my fault your such an ugly mutt and my fault I'm so cold to girls that they think I want to talk to them! Oh wait its not!"he snarled angrily.
she turned around and turned into a vishious lion ," I am surprized they like you your ugly , rude , dumb and you don't even know how mean you are if those girls saw you as I did they would want to rip you to peices too bad I can't or i would " turns into a cheetah and runs off with a small tear and she didn't even know why she was tearing up

(i gtg bye)
Danny shot a glare,"if all the other girls saw me lke you did i could actually live MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!"he yelled after her then frozze the ground underneath her as windows around shattered and trees turnd into shards around him. He was starting to despise the idiotic girls that would piss him off daily and the ones that would chase him and the ones who try to abuse him and do the naugjhty to him he hated all females and Stephaine was the last straw. The shards backed him up and ones turned into a mirror and he pointed it at her,"you see this its a hidious monster and a lowly type of animal with a mutt power while me on the other hand its a pure blooded drummer prince from the ice kingdom and do you know what I WANT its to have some alone time to myself without idiotic girl pestering me and trying to hurt the girls that I'm friends with so don't give me ANY of your problems on MY shoulders1"he yelled then walked away with his hands in his pockets. some of the girls grew scared of Danny but quickly ignored it and ran up to him with squels.
she actualy for a moment felt bad for him so she said , "I am sorry that must be horrible to have them chase you but at least people like you everybody calls me a mutt and everything else like it i am just something or someone to beat on " she turned into her human form and walked off and them with a split second this mean girl and her friends pushed her down and she broke her arm because her arm twisted as she fell and landed on it twisted she cried in her mind as her arm bleeded but she didn't cry for real because the pain of being made fun of was worse than the pain of her arm. she got up andlooked at her arm
Danny felt a bit of pitty for the mutt and walked over to her freezing the girls the pushed her down without even a glance he just walked by them. He then put his hand on her arm fixing the bone,"listen I didn't mean to sound like such a horriable person I just deal with a lot of pressure okay?"he said. Danny glance around and turned into his nerdy form without anyone looking and put up the hood. Even in his nerdy form he was cute but not as sexy as his true form."Ice has properties to change how you look.... if you can handle the cold..... come..."Danny explained and pulled her a long walking to the nurses office. None of the crazed fans seemed to run after him. He was cute but not who they were after at the moment. He looked at her,"is anything else hurt?"he asked.
she said ," no and Thanks" she felt weird saying Thanks since she so rarely said it and because she new that he only helped her because he felt bad for her in the term pitty, she hated him because of the pitty but thought , { I guess he isn't all bad he is actualy nice I think. If those girls only like him because of his looks they were crazy} his looks were nothing the only thing she liked about him was his personality and his gerneraly kind self

(i got to go

Danny yawned a bit and streched,"okay then"he said and tapped on the wall with his drummsticks."well I have to hurry and get to my room and lock the doors and windows so I can practice"he said as he looked out the door room a bit nervous he stepped outside and began tip toeing out.

(k peace 0w0)
(back for 4 minutes little time)

she watched him as he went and though , {he needs a body gaurd}

she just then though of a lyric to her song and wrote it down with her other hand on her lyric paper that was in her pocket

(i gtg for now be back on tomorrow bye)
(kk peace out girl scout!)

Danny got to his room and did what he said he'd do and pulled the curtains to cover the windows, He then sat at his drum set and began playing it was loud but a good beat.
*rune chuckles and kisses ember happily* rune: roooaaarrrrrr*another roar rips through the area and he looks around* rune: uh? hmm...i dont sense anything so whatever

lokang:ahh, bad luck is like drugs to us reapers*he picks up a shard of the broken mirror and smiles seeing his reflection, at least he had good looks, that was one thing people couldnt say was worthy of hating him, the waiter comes up*lokang: ill have....*he points to something on the menue* lokang: the scallops wrapped in bacon, and... a glass of red wine please.
Fawna looked away,"no drinking on campus....."she said softly. Fawna then pulled the glass away to throw it out but slit her wrist by accident,"not again"she said and threw out the glass then ordered something as well.

Ember kissed his cheek,"i wonder what it is..."she said tilting her head a bit at Rune.

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