School for the Musical Ghouls

(Can we move rune and ember along pls?)

*lokand is still fighting slashing at the assailants with his scythe trying hard to take the remaining 5 down before he looses too much blood from the gash across his chest*
(Ember and Lava where in a cloud I was waiting for you to react to dat saaaaan)

Fawna walked inside just in time for Lokands blood to splatter on her face. Fawna twiched slightly but the blood frozze into ice and fell off her face.(Lokand is the grim reaper or something right?)
(Hes a grim reaper or now the grim reaper aka death himself and ohh)* lokang stops a scythe from hitting fawna* lokang: hurry and get put of here! These damned assasi-*one of them stabs him in the stomach and lokang gasps*

Rune: whered ember go? * he starts floating and salinor flys up alongside rune*
Ember popped her head out from behind the cloud and waved at Rune,"shhh Lava's sleeping"she whispered.

Fawna walked over to him with a blank expression and kissed his cheek all the wounds were imidiatly healed. She then looked at him and patted his head everything coming at them turned to ice when it got to a certain distance.
*the figures break through the ice and attack again lokang blocks their attacks killing two of them within a secon and the other three retreat* lokang: thank you maam, i dont belive i have met you before, will you tell me your name?

Rune wispers: ok, should we let a fire dragon sleep on a cloud made of water? Im not sure but i think that is a bad idea.
Fawna blinked,"my name is Fawna Frost princess of the ice kingdom......"she said patting his head again,"good boy"she said softly in monotone.

Ember blinked then pouted,"yeah but I don't want to wake her up..."she said sadly touching her cheek.
Lokang: im not a dog, my name is lokang the grim reaper...well i just found out i was the true reaper thoug, i think i have been to the ice kingdom on my travels with my lord, nice place but a bit cold*he chuckles at the irony of his comment*

Rune wispers: ok, i think ive got an idea*he flys down to the ground and pulls something out of his bag then flys back up opening it wind spirits fly out able to carry anything without disturbing it at all* rune wispers: can tthese guys take lava down to land? They wont drop her or wake her up.
Ember looked like a worried mother,"o-okay...."she said.

Fawna nodded,"of course it is.... And you are a dog all Men are"she said flatly.
Lokang: stereotypes, gotta love and hate them, a curse and a blessing*he chuckles*

Rune: take the young dragon to the ground slowly and dont wake it up*the wind spirits softly pick lava up and float slowly to the ground careful not to disturb lavas sleep and they set lava down(dont know if lava is a boy r girl0.0)
Fawna smiled ever so slightly then began walking she glanced back a bit if he followed her it ment he wanted to know more if he didnt do anything she wouldnt either.

Ember smiled and kissed Rune,"so cute"she whispered then flew to Lava.(shes a girl)
*lokang checks his phone for the time and smiles* lokang wispers: few hours till all hell breaks loose...mays well enjoy it with company*he slowly follows her* * rune follows her worried how long it will be till he needs to face the white walkers*
Fawna glanced back at him with a smirk she turned around,"so Lokang.... What do you like to do for fun?"she asked.

Ember looked at Lava happily,"you know sometimes i hate that I cant make my own children....."she said softly.
rune: huh? you never told me you couldnt have kids...that must be horrible for you

lokang: oh the usual things, used to not do much for fun honestly untill i met my lord, you see grim reapers are naturally born with no emotion so it is still hard for me to determine what i find "fun"
Ember nodded,"well I can but its very rare I can't really have a lot and I don't have a lot of eggs to even make one..."she said touching her stomach.

Fawna blinked going back to her blank expression,"well that's bad...."she said thinking it was pittiful to not be able to have emotions although she was only used to showing two herself and they are deathly angry and horribly sad sometimes devious.
lokang: its helped me survive as a grim reaper, a little known race that is hated by most who know us, doesnt really matter to me....grim reapers are meant to be hated by most, nobody wishes for death*he smiles but its easy to see he doesnt like taking about the subject*

rune: oh...that sucks*he looks a bit stumped for words*
"Funny I've always wanted to die"Fawna said in all truth she hated herself and was a tad suicidal but didn't let anyone know because she was only suicidal because she had such a weak body. She hated when others were so happy with there lives infront of her when she was suffering and they could never tell how envious she was of them. Fawna looked away then looked up,"anyway what do you me by 'normal things' please explain what you enjoy"she said.

Ember laughed,"it's fine I have my dragons to keep me company for eternity"she said.

(Sure sounds moewtastic)
lokang: games, some tv, sports, deadly battles, festivles, celebrations, feasts and things like that, and dont wish for death, all other races can experience it but mine. mine are always reborn after least thats what ive heard from the other grims when they arent trying to kill me
(In the sign up area on the second page or so 0w0)

Fawna jolted,"battles?!"she asked wanting to train,"could we maybe spar?"she asked. Fawna then looked away when he spoke of death,"don't worry it goes deeper then you think"she muttered.
lokang: yes but unfortunatly the scythe i have would do this to most things it toutches* he taps a rock with it and the rock disintigrates* lokang: fortunatly that it wouldnt do that to me if it toutches me....but most weapons it would unless they where incredibly powerful
"Maybe you could hold up against me"Fawna said smirking then looked at a tree it turned blue then broke into shards,"I am a princess after all"she said her cold blue eyes glimmering.

(never replied to Ember)
lokang: hmm, how about something else quite hungry i guess, would you accompany me to a lunch?

rune: and youll always have me too*he puts his arm lightly around her shoulders and smiles*

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