School for the Musical Ghouls

Rune: all precious metals, gems and crystals are made by me..or made by the original hades or satan if you like to call him that... i also know how to create them with a lower crystal...master fire crystals arent easy to get these days*he chuckles* rune: i can sell em for 300 gold easily eacn when i create them, annyywaaayy...what now?
"Be-beep wrong!Precious gems are made by The earth's crust that varies from 3 miles, (5k,) thick under the seabed to 25 miles, (40 kilometers,) under continents. Under the crust is the mantle, which is approximately 1860 miles, or 3000 kilometers thick. It makes up 83% of the earth's volume. The mantle is composed of molten rock, called magma. In the rare occasions where it reaches the surface, we call it lava. The mantle is hottest near the center and heat currents keep it in constant motion. Where the mantle and crust meet, is a tumultuous zone with high pressures and temperatures. The crust is made up of several plates that float on the liquid mantle. As they run into with each other, some are pushed down; others are raised into new mountains. The magma is also in constant motion. Its movement and pressure are constantly acting on the bottom of the crust, creating wear and fracturing. Rocks break free from the crust and are carried away in the fluid magma. Much of this material melts, changing the chemistry of the nearby magma. Some of the smaller particles are destined to be inclusions in future gems. The lower surface of the crust is heavily fractured and contains numerous cavities. Fluids escaping from the magma flow through these fractures and cavities. It is here we find the proper conditions for crystal growth."Ember explained then blinked,"sorry you are still a student basically magma or molten lava shifting around creates crystals"she said dumbing it down A LOT. Lava giggled hearing her name a lot and clapped.
Rune: scientifically, your right, butb this is completely saying that magic isnt in the rquasion isntit? If earth knew of magic and gods...well itd be pandamonium...there are some made of natural sruff but then again...something has to make the actual bonds that change them...observe*a plate of bronze apprears from the ground*rune: crystals in the area for me to summon? Bah*he stamps his foot and it turns into a purple crystal of physical and rune puts it in his pocket*rune: others believe only what gods want them to belive...i cannot produce them without pre-existing metals now though....hell is in a chaos right now...something happened..
Ember jolted,"oh my love I'm so sorry"she said hugging him the blinked,"lets take the fly it'll be fun"she said smiling. Lava looked at Salinor scaredly his smiled creeped her out.
Salinor: whats wront little one? Surely you arent afraid of family? Id hope not, now, onto flying! Watvh how its done*he gets ready to jump into the air and rune jumps onto his back*rune:umm.....whaf does one say in thisf stuation? YA! *salinor takes off beating his huge wings and soaring into the sky the suns light reflecting off him while rune being the daredevil he is stands on salinors head with the wind blowing throufh his hair making him look like a gallient hero riding a shining dragon into batgle*
"Okay Lava open close open close flap flap flap glide"Ember said moving Lava's wins around. Lava nodded as Ember got on her broom and flew up to Sailnor,"okay go!"she said dropping Lava,"this may seem harsh but it's how they all learn"she said softly. Lava screamed then jolted looking at her wings feeling stupid she spread them apart and giggled flying it was natural for her to fly she flew by Sailnor watching his wings she would lose her grip but come back to it. Ember smiled clapping,"good girl!"she yelled.
*rune looks down and sees a lake down below* rune: salinor! lets do that thing with the pressure build on the lake!*salinor dives down speeding super fast and just as he is about to hit the lake he pulls up and rune is shot off his head and into the water salinor breathing a huge collumb of flame after him the water is still for a few seconds as salinor flys over the lake and rune shoots into the air*rune: wahoo! *rune lands on salinors back and laughs*rune: best one yet!! i mustve been like 300 feet down!
Lava blinked and Ember appeared by her,"fast learner"Ember said patting her head. Lava smiled then flew away laughing Ember followed after her she had been sitting on a cloud. Lava fell asleep on the cloud when Ember found her,"so much excitement after being hatched but I did put a spell on you to stay in the egg four weeks after you were ready"she said and petted her head.
*salinor as a joke spins and rune falls off landing in the water he surfaces and shakes his fist spitting out water* rune: smartass! your coming in too! *rune jumps out of the water and grabs salinors tail somehow pulliing him into the water they both re surface laughing*salinor: itll take me a week to clean my scales from all this water!
"That would be wonderful thank you. And I play the saxophone, any kind. And the piano. I have an alto sax with me in my case here", he lifted the case to indicate it,"and can have any other one i might need sent including a piano if need be. but as it is a school for music I don't fear that too much. Please lead the way." He said with a wave of flourish of his hand as he opened the door for her.
Tammy smiled walking out,"well thank you..."she said as she walked out."oh I play piano maybe we could duet sometime...?"she asked smiling she always loved jazzy tunes.
"That would be fun. I love duets and I love jazz, thats why i started playing the saxophone. I did a couple of duets with some famous people when they said yes. Beethoven for one. I helped teach him and as he was mostly human he was able to take some of my works i had him practice and make them into famous workings. I actually quite enjoyed his own personal changes to Fur Elise. I had not originally written it exactly as he did but it was only a few changes here and there. I played Jazz with Stevie Wonder too. That was fun. Oh I am sorry I am rambling. I do that some time. Yes i would be happy to duet sometime. Lead the way."
Tammy giggled a bit as she walked,"wow that's cool you've had a lot of exprience"she said as she walked towards the dorm,"you can leave your stuff here then we can go get your Id card"she said unlocking the door then handing him the key.
"Thank you." He accepted the key and entered the dorm room. He found a couple of beds inside but none we're occupied as of yet. He chose a nice corner bed and placed his saxophone and suitcase down on it. He was happy to see there was an end table next to the bed. He would find that quite useful when he read at night. He needed a nearby spot to put all his books. He had only brought one series with him. He hoped there was a public library nearby he could use. He turned and exited the door locking it behind him. "Thank you Tammy." He began walking with her wherever it was he was to get his ID. In passing he asked, "By the way is there a public library anywhere nearby?"
"You met me at the library remember"Tammy said smiling she then walked towards the area to get his id then inside and went up to a woman,"new student"she said and the skeleton woman went into another room to get something's. Tammy smiled,"not a lot of students are allowed to have pianos in there room but there's one in the library the auditorium the trainning area and my room.... If we ever duet we'd probably meet in my room since you don't look like a rapeist"she said then the woman came out with a camera and a card with a cable connected to it.
"Well yes but i meant a library off campus so I could get a little exercise and a better selection. Public libraries often are connected to other libraries and have larger options. No worries about the piano in the room, I'll make due with what i have and umm no I am definitely not a rapist. Although I guess that is what a rapist would say."
Tammy laughed,"there is no OFF CAMPUS this school is in another realm there is only a town to get food and clothes and the school sorry"She explained laughing.
"How, how the HELL. I walked through a town to get to this school. Why was that not information given to me. Wait nevermind, I was given no information anyway. So this is only an added problem to the many I have already. Ok so if there is a book i would like to request can the library get a copy? Or does it have a magical property of always having what's needed in stock or what?"
"I repair all books but yes if a book is checked out or asked for it will appear if the book on campus is lost it is brought back to the library for me to deal with"Tammy explained smiling as the woman took the picture and have him the Id then walked away.
"Okay then. Well thank you. Where shall we go next?" He scratched the underside of his chin where scales had popped up when he freaked about off campus. They were slowly fading away and that always made him itch voraciously. What a confusing, annoying situation this was. But was it fun, he had to admit, where he came from he knew all the going-ons and such. It was a fun change to have no clue what the hell was happening. It was a serious changeup.
Tammy smiled with a cute giggle then began walking,"well it's about that time for lunch so ill show you around town then the class rooms"she said and began hovering.
"Oh ok then, i could really use a nice juicy steak or something else meaty and delicious so this is perfect. What are the local specialties if any? And anything you suggest? I love trying new things." He truly did and he really was starving. He wished for two things and two only at that moment. One, for a large amount of food, and two, to go to sleep in his bed with a full understanding of what was going on.
Tammy smiled and nodded,"there's a steak house but I'm all veggitarian I don't eat meat it's a fairy thing... So you can go in there and ill be a few doors down at the Spanish restaurant"she said smiling as she flew they got to the gate and she swiped her card to open the door she walked out holding it open for her new friend.

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