School for the Musical Ghouls

(Great, ill just finish out the posts i need for my quota solo-style thenXD) *lokang continues to fight thhoem and emily walks by waving like an idiot*
(sorry the storm nocked out my wi-fi it's spotty but yesterday I couldn't do shiiiii- anyway)

Ember laughed grabbing Rune's hand,"nope a chick-flick it is!"she said and ran to the movie thearter and saw that the movieabout the girl that had lost her memory and the guy kept trying to get her to fall in love with him was screening. Ember smirked and got the tickets then ran inside and got popcorn and soda then went to there seats.
*rune follows not really enjoying chick-flicks but he deciddd hed bear with it for ember and he sits down as the movie starts*
Ember watched the movie at first she was just doing it to torture Rune but then got into it crying a bit hugging Runes arm and laughing a little then at the end she clappe with all the other girls there,"that was awesome"she said rubbing her wet eyes.
Ember looked at Rune and kissed him,"I'm happy I can remember about you everyday"she said softly and began eatting the popcorn walking out hugging Runes arm she then jolted seeing a couple fight she pouted,"now that's not how you treat a man"she mumbled an put a spell on the girl to explain how she truly feels and everything became okay again. Ember smiled feeling like she did her job.
Rune: you wont need to remember about me everyday, becauuse well already be making new.memories *he smiles when he sees them stop fighting and holds ember close*
Rune: i kinda in the mood to do something exciting though.....dragon riding? I know two who love to fly and would take us...
Rune:, dont freak out..*he pulls out his magic bag it swinging a bit in front of him as he pulls it around him and he speaks into it wispering his secret password and then talking to the first lord of time, salinor*rune wispers: salinor my friend, come out please. I know youve been in the sanctuary for long and want a place to stretch your wings*the air seems to ripple around them and in a flash a huge 150 foot long dragon made of shining silver is in front of them looking magestic and powerful*salinor: hello master rune*it bows its head and rune smiled*rune: hello salinor, ember, this is salinor the first lord of time, salinor this is ember*the dragon looks at her and studys her then softly chuckled*salinor: hello ember, i see you tend to young honorable thing.
Ember smiled happily bouncing,"cool cool cool cool cool"she repeated just bouncing. Ember jolted her egg cracking,"eh-ehhhhhhh?!"she yelled then jolted and threw the egg in the air then snapped her fingers and a big bathtub appeared with hot water inside,"eggs must be opened in hot water or they'll get sick really fast then they can swim this way they can be safe"she said as the egg cracked open she held her breath the beauty of the egg opening was outstanding. Ember quickly got a towel,"I'm glad another dragon is here maybe it's first flight will be easier"she said smiling. The water bubbled and the dragon came out and made a cute noise when it rose to the top Ember was the first person it saw and jumped to her. Ember caught it quietly and covered it ears,"no noise"she whispered and began checking if it was female or male. It was a girl. The little girl dragon began crying,"mama? Mama!"it yelled. Ember took a deap breath uncovering its ears and eyes,"Lava"she said with a smile,"L-Lava?"the dragon asked and Ember nodded."your names Lava and I'm your Ember"She said softly hugging the baby."ready to fly now"Ember said softly.
*rune and salinor have a silent conversation in theyre minds* rune to salinor: ive never seen dragons like this

Salinor to rune: that is because all drafons are different

Rune to salinor: fair enough

*rune looks at ember with a look that says "can we make noise nowz?"*
"Yes you can talk"Ember said smiling."Lava Lava ahahahah!"Lava yelled giggling then saw the big dragon and jolted then hid in Embers chest. Ember jolted and laughed.
*salinor looks at the newborn dragon and his mouth forms a smile*salinor: dont be afraid little one...after all i am your great-great-great-great-great-great-great*he proceeds to say many greats* salinor: grandfather...dang im old*rune busts out laughing at salinors words and agrees with him*rune: dang salinor...that was good. I dont think its usual for most dragons to be able to talk just after birth

salinor: most cant..some can though

Rune: ahh, a special one then...and a name for a great dragon indeed

Salinor: but it is a little odd for a drafon..although most of us are called by more than one name.
"Um, it's Sven but thank you. I have not yet gotten my id. Or anything for that matter, could i maybe have one of those maps for myself. And when exactly are classes and things. I haven't really been explained of anything. Mind enlightening me?" He was annoyed as hell at being so clueless about the place but he would have to deal for now.
"Oh okay sorry ill explain... This school if for music it's on a whole different level then any other realm it's name is its concept we all play an instrument and are put in classes accordingly..... The Id you get from the woman outside she gets your picture taken and your credits are inserted into the card for food, books, and other nessesites.... The school gives out pouts based on your grades be careful not to spend and never let anyone but a teacher get your card"Tammy explained smiling then handed him a map,"if you want I could show you around the school?"she offered smiling.

"Oh she can talk because I spoke to her as an egg"Ember explains smiling then held up Lava to Salinor,"lets fly"she said. Lava jolted and began crying being so close to Salinor,"oh Lava it's okay"she said turning into a flame. Lava enjoyed the fire and laughed happily. Ember smiled changing back and looked at Rune,"sing to her ill be right back"Ember said handing Lava to Rune then flew off. Lava jolted and began crying,"mama!!!!!!"she yelled whining.
*rune holds lava and then he starts singing lyrics to a song to lava filling his voice with the peace and love from the song itself soothing lava(

the first part of the song....the second is just annoying to meXD)
*salinor scratches his head when lava starts crying and lays down as rune plays his song filled with the energy of the music*
Lava fell asleep in Runes arms as Ember came back,"fire crystals dragons love 'em"she said then looked at Lava,"good job"Ember said and kissed his cheek lovingly.
*salinor facepalms and so does rune with hiree hand*rune: you get something ive collected thoulsands jpon thoulsands of for sagecrafting? Ay...i dont care*ne kisses her cheeck back and salinor smiles*salinor: i wonder..... how dragons became so different after the lords of longer are those of the true silver born...*rune chuckles*rune: if every dragon was made of true silver then any whom get corrupted would be a REAL men dragons can also be corrupted, aint that right salinor?

Salinor: redok smacked you throufh twelve feet of solid stone when he was should know
Ember shook her head,"you have to make it yourself or it doesn't mean anything"Ember said smiling then hugged Rune,"your so silly darling"she said giggling.

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