School for the Musical Ghouls

Ember giggled and hugged Rune her fire burning brighter and the area around them began melting some metal landed on her head and made steam then evaporated,"oh my love together we burn brighter then the sun"she said as her body rapped around Rune and she kissed him the area now turning into lava the principal then locked off the area they where in and sent it to another realm a frozen tundra realm so they would cool down the place was hexed to never melt and it was colder then any area known for every hot body it got colder. Ember jolted her fire burning down and she turned blue in her natural form she screamed,"eew!!!!!! Blue!!!!!"she yelled then cuddled Rune getting hotter again and kissed him passionately so she would be brighter.
rune: this place would be beautiful if it didnt have all this ice on it...*he holds ember close his fire hidden deep down his control keeping it there*

*rune sees something move and he quicly makes ember go to the ground and lays down on his stomach*rune: damn! were in the white walkers wonder theres so much snow
Ember blushed,"that was so romantic"she mumbled happy he threw her down. Ember then jolted,"eh?"she whispered then began shaking her body turning blue she then crawled under Rune trying to get warm her body was still blue and she shook.
*rune creates a barrier pushing the cold back partially separating them from the realm but the white walkers feel it and suddenly millions of them come from the area around*walker: so, what do we have here*he licks his lips* walker: some food for us?*rune stands up and shakes a little snow* rune: not today, ive fought your kind can die... so leave now before i destroy you*the walkers all laugh and slowly advance licking their lips*rune: ember....stay behind me*he steps in front of her*rune: dont move untill i say so*he starts the words to an incantation of the lost magic reccently returned Darkness beyond twilight. Crimson beyond blood that flows. Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows. In thy great name, I pledge myself to conquer, all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hands. Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I posses: Dragon Slave! a huge beam of red light fires off from his hands and smashes through the walkers finally stopping a short distance away*rune: move! its gonna detonate!*he grabs embers hand and moves super fast miles away and turns around seeing the blast go off, a huge explosion that could destroy pretty much anything*rune: we have to get out of here....i cant do another one of those now
Ember was so happy,"he's holding my hand"she mumbled and turne into a huge flame she slowly began flying pulling Rune along and laughed,"silly I'm a fire elemental WITCH!"she said and they went back to the realm in her room she jolted crashing into a flower landing with Rune ontop of her and they were tied together by the vines in a very sexual position the vines where fire and magic proof but would loosen after a while. Ember jolted turning a bright red biting her bottom lip.
*rune lightly grabs one of the vines*rune: please my friend, let go of me so i may move free*the vines loosen a lot and rune slips out and gets ember out too*rune: ive got ways with plants and-*he grabs his stomach a large blood stain on his shirt*rune: that dragon slave...used alot my power up... i need something to replenish my energy or else ill be useless for awhile...
*lokang walks in and picks rune and ember up*lokang: you two need to stop getting into crap or else youll wind up getting killed one day* he takes them to a secret spot in the school and gives them each a potion* lokang: last of the brew, not really'allowed' though, if you get what i mean*he chuckles* but sometimes the best things arent allowed....and why some rules are meant to be broken*rune drinks it and his strength returns to him and he stands up* rune: your a life saver lokang....and very wise at times
Ember looked at the drink worriedly and took a sip her fire and she smiled,"thanks"she said then hugged Runes arm giving Lokang a thumbs up.
rune: so, ember, what do you wanna do now? i havent seen zed around much...nor anyone i guess we have some free time
rune: well...we always do what i want to do and i wanna just be with you no matter what we do so...i guess so*he smiles*
Ember smiled softly,"aw Rune..... Your so romantic"she said softly and thought,"lets go to the movies"she said smiling and began walking out.
rune: uhh, what movie then? i dont know much about them*he pulls out his phone and checks good movies in the playing list currently*rune: oh. my. god. theyve got one about my master! they dont even know this isnt just a movie but a real story! the time he saved the kingdoms of auslia from war~ hes such a friggin famous wizard for the crap he has done even though im usually the one who does the work*he chuckles* rune: wanna go see it?
Isabella suddenly let go of Marcelina's hand, and walked beside her at a normal pace."So, about your boyfriend," A sly grin fell upon Marcelina's face, and instantly Isabella knew she was up to her usual tricks."Yeah?" Isabella asked, turning her gaze towards her."First of all, what is he?"Isabella grinned, answering the question immediately."An angel."Marcelina's jaw dropped, and she stared at her in disbelief."No way! How the hell did your get hands on an angel?!" Marcelina exclaimed, continuing to ramble on about about how lucky she was. Isabella did nothing but smile.The two girls continued to chat about it, giggling here and there. Isabella was about to say something, until someone ran into her and wrapped there arms around her waist."Well, if it isn't Isabella Rose. Long time no see. I was beginning to miss the warmth of your body." A boy said in a seductive voice. Isabella squirmed and tried pushing the boy away."LET GO OF ME, JUSTIN!" Isabella yelled out, squirming again. Justin was famous for being the biggest pervert in school."PERVERT! Leave her alone!" Marcelina snapped to him, trying to rip his arms away from Isabella."Now, now.. Don't be a bad girl." He said, mainly speaking to Isabella. At that instance, he pulled up her skirt and ran his hand over her butt. Isabella screamed out in shock, trying to push him away. "Please stop.." Isabella whimpered as his hand grew tighter.
*lokang appears behind him with his scythe out looking scary and taps his shoulder*lokang: you know, i am not very fond of people like you...i wonder how many pieces my scythe could cut you into, if youd like to continue what your doing im sure i can find the awnser...
(OMG My wii is being stupid and making my paragraphs all screwed upp://)

Justin grinned, letting go of Isabella's ass, but kept his arms around her."Your just mad you can't get a girl of your own. Like this one for example." He leaned to down close to her face and grinned."She's hot, and has a nice ass and breasts. She comes with the full package, if ya know what I mean." He began chuckling to himself as Isabella's face became red with embarrassment."Let go of me." She repeated again, flashing Lokang a miserable glance.
*rune appears next to lokang*rune: tsk tsk tsk, ive had to take time with my girlfriend and use it coming here to deal with this...swift punishment...ox, toad, mule or ...oh a fitting punishment for you! A blue footed boobie*suddenly the boy is changed into the bbird named"blue footed boobie" and rune leans down next to it*rune: fifteen minutes like this ought to make you learn your lession. Luckily im here or else you woulee be dead, never let me catch you violating girls privact afain or ill put you into a vortex of horrors. Lokang, if youd please stay with these two in order tto protect them from anymore IDIOTIC attempts people make on them id appreciate it*lokang bows*lokang: it would be an honor, now....ironic, the boob grabber is now the boobie...heh, i like your style*rune dissapears and re-appears next to ember*rune: sorry a pervert was messing with a girl
Zed had just finished talking to Azrion... and what she told him was not what he wanted to hear. "This can't be," he thought, "I am supposed... I want to..." His thoughts trailed off. Right now, he wanted, no, needed to spend some time with Isabella. Succeeding in sensing her aura, he found that Lokang was there, so she was safe. There was also a friendly, new aura. "Another new friend... I hope she isn't one of the types who says hi and then tries to kill you." he thought with a smirk. With a swirl of feathers, he was gone to their location.

(Sorry for not being on, but I had an absolutely HUGE research paper due. Don't worry, I'm back, and I've had time to think of some plot twists xD )
Lokang: oh hello zed, glad to see your okay..havent seen you in a bit. You shouldve seen rune turn that kid into a bird...*he points to the bird*lokang: shoukd wear off soon..but i really wanted to test how many pieces hed go into..i wonder if i can still test it*he swipes at the bird purposly ,issing and then laughs as it runs*lokang: stupid pervers deserve worse than that, anyways how are you?
"Hey, Lokang. I'm good. About that boy, I was wondering what a... a boobie was it... was doing at our school. I can handle it from here. But, tell Rune that we are gonna have to speak soon, I can sense the time is near." Turning to Isabella with concern, he said, "Are you OK? He didn't do anything else did he. You know, if he did, I could take him to Heaven. Heaven has its... dark side. I swear, if he tries anything again, I am so going to..." he started muttering about insanely gruesome deaths that all involved being resurrected multiple times and then killed a different way.
Lokang mutters: now i got nothin to do...the grims are never really wanted*he turns around and slowly starts walking away obviously in a low mood*
Isabella turned around to see Zed, and a look of relief appeared on her face. She was about to say until Marcelina interrupted.Hi! I'm Marcelina, Isabella's best friend. It's nice to meet you. Oh and by the way." She suddenly pushed her face close to Zed's with a serious expression on her face."You better take good care of Isabella, or I will smack the living hell out of y-"Isabella put a hand over Marcelina's mouth and pulled her away from Zed."Okay, Marcelina. I think he gets it." She mumbled, letting go of her. Isabella grinned making a silly face that said: "Don't listen to her. She's crazy."Marcelina and Isabella burst out laughing, almost falling over.(YAY Gabe's back:P)

(Sorry.. My dumb Wii screws up my writing xD )
*lokang walks most of the way down the hall and hits his arm on a sharp edge of a locker he grabs his arm with his hand to stop any bad bleeding and thinks savor the pain, its the only thing you where made to feel, and the closest to love you will ever feel
As soon as the smell of blood wafted into Isabella's nose, almost immediately her eyes became a bright red color. You could see it on her face that she was trying to control herself, but it wasn't working.. She took off down the hall after Lokang, approaching him from behind. Marcelina gasped, running after her."Isabella!"

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