School for the Musical Ghouls

Azrion stepped through, in her human form. "Hey little bro. Long time no see." She plopped down onto one of Zed's beanbag chairs. "What, no hug for you big sis? Lemme guess, you're still mad at me for trying to eat that vamp girl, right? Well, don't worry, I wasn't actually hungry, just bored... although," she said as she eyed the room,"it seems like you two were pretty bored too." she said, chuckling to herself. "Tell ya what, let me get ready and we'll go out for a bite, just the two angels." As she was leaving the room, she picked up a pink Victoria's Secret lace bra and tossed it to Zed. "Hey, at least she's got good style, right?" said Azrion. She winked and closed the door on the Zed, who just stood there, with the bra in his hand, trying to process what just happened.
(LOL Kandy xD )

Isabella scrambled into his bathroom, closing the door slowly, but not all the way. She heard it was Zed's sister, and she could tell she was in her human form. She blushed a little bit when Azrion picked up her bra and flung it towards Zed. When Azrion left, Isabella couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. She didn't want Zed's sister coming into the bathroom and finding her hiding. Especially when she was completely naked.

She peeked her head out of the bathroom a little bit, than grinned towards Zed. She noticed he had a shower, so she was probably going to use it since that's what she usually does in the morning.

"Hey Zed? I'm going to take a shower." She said simply, winking at him before whipping around and turning on the shower. She stuck her hand under the water, finally deciding it was the right temperature. She stepped into the shower, deciding not to draw the curtain.
Rune: well....what do you want? *he suddenly gets an idea and jimps onto the floor he sits down and pulls out hundreds of sparkling gems and crushes them to dust wispering an incantation from the recently brought back magic adding other things and after a minute it turns into a beautiful gem unlike anyy seen before he picks it up and creates a queens crown for it and puts a spell on it to prottect from theft, he stands hp and kneels in front of her* rune: a beautiful one of a kind gift, for a beautiful one of a kind woman. Will you accept this?( ive figured out what the book will do! The giga slave and raguna blade spells! Both draw power of unimaginable levels! Litterally on the level of the ancient ones or morebecause they are the embodymwnts of....THE NIGHTMARE GODDESS! Whom is so powerful that even part of her power[raguna blade] can cut through entire dimensions and kill gods! But the giga slave isnt really calling on her power....its calling her into excistance herself 0.o)

*runes eyes widen in shock and he has time to put up a barrier before the wall explodes and a voice booms from nowhere*vlice: boy, this is no time to be giving gifts*the crown shatters in his hands*voice: when your own kingdom has just crumbled

Rune: n-no....hell...gone? I cant belive it...*he stands up*rune: i dont care what the going to kick the ass of whoever did this. Ember once this is done ill make sure you have a gift that fits you...that wasnt good enough, for now....ive got a book to read*he dissapears back to his dorm and opens the book tammy gave him*rune: this is it....the clair bible...or part of it
[to Kandy, thanks btw, I have trouble getting computer connections on the weekends, although i am selling my guitar and going to raise money over the next few months and hopefully will get my own laptop for me only, so here's to hoping]

Sven had been waiting about half an hour when an attractive woman walked into the room and began messing with stuff on the desk. She seemed to have not even noticed him, but with his advanced hearing due to his heritage he was able to hear her say she was a fairy. "Excuse me miss. I am the new student Sven Krov. I have no clue where i am supposed to be, where I am rooming, or even the general layout of the building. Can you help me please?", he asked with a casual politeness. He was actually quite tired of everyone's sudden disappearances every time he needed help figuring out what the hell it was he was supposed to be doing. But this woman hadn't done anything to him so he should not be rude he thought.
Ember blinked and twiched,"I hate when a man leaves after sex"she mumbled then snapped her fingers and got dressed she began creating potions then looked in a mirror,"such a pretty human form"she thought then jolted a man appeared beside her. He looked as though created by water,"the elements need there queen back Ember or should I say Lava queen"he said and bowed,"get away you damned water element! You messing my floors and my fire!"she snapped taking her true form once again wich was sexier then her human one,"excuse me but the earth realm needs there goddess! There queen! There lover! The passion in th-"he started,"in other words the fire is evaporating your lovely ponds lakes and seas of is the sun melting the icecaps AGAIN"she said."ehem.... Yes...."the man said."fine!"Ember said and dissappeared.

(it's fine :D )

Tammy looked at the boy and smiled kindly,"I should forget Zed!"she thought then took a deap breath,"of course ill help you!"she said and pulled out a map of the campus,"hmmmmm.... These are the dorms this is where we are.... Did you get your id yet?"she asked smiling as she circled the dorms on the map.
*rune closes the book after reading it and stands up* rune: ragna sword and the all mighty giga slave....imagine that! right here in my hands....the secret two god slayers..amazing*he hides the book and walks out of his dorm* rune: find lokang, go to the principal, find zed, find tammy and hell itll be all set! easiest thing ever*he goes and finds lokang near the principals office tells him the prophecy was wrong and it meant five days not years and he knocks on the principals door lightly*
The principals door opened Ember was by the principal her body all tattered up her human form looking horribly beaten,"the damned things that like your body ember!"he said then looked at Rune,"yes?"he asked. Ember looked at Rune holding her broken arm,"Ember go take care of yourself"he said."my problem is much bigger then the students! If the water demons find there way here then all of the students will be in massive danger let alone the ice ones!"she snarled flipping the table. The principal sighed it was something usual she did and he didn't care,"I'll deal with it soon Em-"he started,"no! Now!"she yelled glaring. The principal smiled,"ah the passion and rage a fire element can have"he said laughing. Ember blushed with embarrassment then snapped his fingers and she was lot on fire. Ember just stood there quietly now please.
rune: ill save the what the hell for later and state the fact that the school has two major- no immense threats that ive been working to stop and soon it will be the time to end one of them. you may have heard legend of a race before the multiverse called....the white walkers? shocked? i was too, but it seems the legends are true...and these beings are a threat to the school.*he looks around and makes sure its just them making a barrier around the room so no others may hear* rune: and know the story of the being god outside the multiverse, hes been captured by his two elder brothers and theyre a threat among themselves. both these threats have one goal i know of: to destroy the multiverse. now me, two other students and the other moniter have been working on this and i belive its time we faced the white walkers, whom are outside this realm so we will need to exit it in order to catch them off guard and not fully amassed to defeat them. now for what i was saving. WHAT THE HELL???? another threat*He facepalms* rune: like we really need water demons running amuk at a time when the realm of demons was just broken? and ember, please get me the names of those who did that to you.....i will beat them untill they resemble a troll(note a troll is ugly as hellXD)
Ember smiled looking at Rune and hugged him,"oh how romantic"she said her body heat caused his clothes to burn at her touch,"hehe Rune~"she said and kissed him then kissed his cheek a bit leaving a scorch mark on his cheek and steam flowed away,"I'm sorry am I bu-"she started flirting,"Ember not the time or place anyway Rune you have full permission just get me a suvonyier"the principal said taking the threat likely,"even if the threat distorted the universe the realm will be still standing this realm is protected for all years to come I personally take care of that only the regeastured students can come in but that town is taking up too much of my power so it might be dropped and we will just have a mall like area in the useless basement"he said."and the water demons?"Ember reminded but didn't look at the principal instead she was playing with Runes calor and melted the buttons on his shirt rapping one leg around his waist."oh that's easy what is the one this that can defeat water"he asked,"more heated fire for evaporation?"she asked then licked his neck,"yup so we just create a firery barrier"he said smiling.(if Rune wasn't also a fire elemental he'd probably die 0-0)
( runes a flameborn, bit different from a fire elemental...)rune: uhh....yeah...the walkers wrecked the known know the place where most magic was created? gone. ripped apart the realm like nothing...and they tried to destroy this one earlier but me and the two others destroyed them....they numbers are past possible understanding....and their magic is so powerful i could feel the realm starting to be destroyed but i sealed it a bit more after that derp zed decided to rip out a cavern of ore from the earth instead of letting me do what i needed, so we are in trouble....ive recently found some special information that could defeat them though. and about the about one of their heads? a sword from them? ohh....i remember they took the dragons stones.. powerful items that i think you could use a few of...ive heard rumors that they boost the power of spells easily up to about one of them?
"Wonderful just wonderful"The principal said looking like a child. Ember rolled her eyes,"maybe a teacher should accompany you a powerful-"he started,"I'll do it you don't HAVE to explain my beauty and power to such young ones"she said concededly. The principal nodded,"here"he said and gave then what looked like a ticket,"you can use this to travel freely throughout the realm"he said and made multiples of the ticket,"nobody but Zed,Tammy,Lokang,yourself and Ember anyone else who try's to leave the realm will be obliterated please let the other know that"he explained smiling. Ember smirked,"I get you to myself for a while before we leave"she said and kissed him.( xD sorry)
rune: uhh, gotcha.*He kisses embers cheek and smiles* rune: first.....ive got to find tammy, then zed and we all will need to prepare for the conditions i expect to be in the walkers home realm....thoulsand mile winds, tsunami's, explosions and other destructive things fit nicely with them...ember i think you should wait outside the realm while we fight them....i learned a could be the end of the walkers....or the end of everything in the realm if i screw up, wich could happen....summoning the lord of nightmares is pretty dangerous....or stupid...even for me*He chuckles* rune: Lets go find tammy then?
Ember blinked then glared,"like hell I will! If I stay out of the realm it BE HELL"she said then smiled and kiss him,"I'll just do this"she said turning into a red humming bird and sat on his shoulder,"see?"she said smirking."and off we go!"she added.
Isabella got out of the shower, wrapping a short towel around herself. She walked out, and grinned a little bit. She looked toward Zed, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you going out with Azrion?" She asked while bending over to pick up her clothes. She grinned when her towel came up a little bit, than she quickly stood up straight and pulled it down. She walked towards the door, opening it. She spotted Rune and Ember down the hall, and she blushed. She didn't want them to see her in a short towel like this.
(They're in da principals office but I get your drift no worries xD btw a troubles a brewing cuz Zed is ganna have to leave and Isabella can't go xD )
(D'aww:( That sucks hah. Well, I made Isabella's childhood friend, so she should be fine:P)

(JUST A WARNING: But Marcelina, Isabella's friend, is like one of those crazy anime girls who won't shut up and does the most embarrassing things, but doesn't notice xD Soo.. haha)

(OMG Where is Gabe?? :P )
(Bakana! This is turning into a total wtf moment! I mean i havent seen gabe in 2 i need to figure out how ta blow da hell out of the walkers without him? Well....the giga slave mite defeat all of em at once but thats a last resortXD)

Shawn began walking down the hallway, his acoustic guitar in one hand, and a map in the other. He had just transferred here from another school not to far from here. He wanted to take his career in music a little further, so he managed to convince his father that he would go to this school. So far, he loves it here. It was just how he had imagined it.

He looked down at his map once again, squinting a little bit as he tried to find his dorm number. Finally he found it, and he sighed in relief.

"Finally." He muttered, suddenly bumping into somebody. He stumbled back a little, seeing he had run into a boy with red hummingbird on his shoulder.

"Oh. I'm sorry about that. I wasn't really watching where I was going." He said, grinning sheepishly and scratching the back of his head.
The humming bird(a.k.a Ember) hit the floor turning back to normal,"well ow!"she yelled then stood up dusting herself off,"Rune he hurt me~"she said hugging his arm.
Shawn rose an eyebrow, looking at the girl that clung to Rune.

"Hey, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry if I hurt you." He stopped scratching the back of his head, and than sighed a little. Okay, maybe the people here were a little weird. But he was sort of okay with it. His old school resembled this one in a way, and he was used to it. Not knowing what else to say, he grinned nervously.
Rune: because i am trying to save energy and sort of in a rush, i will not blast you to long island and back. Dont let me hear you hurt my ember again*he kisses embers cheek andlooks at her*rune: you ok?
Ember smiled,"of course my lovely"she said softly hugging Runes arm closer,"ah I wish you would sing for me my sweet"she said in super loveydovey mode due to her potion she had drank yesterday.

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