School for the Musical Ghouls

Isabella stared straight forward. Not moving a muscle. The blood continued to drip down the corner of her mouth, dripping down onto the concrete below.

A human heard the commotion from in the building, and walked up a flight of stairs that led to the roof. When she appeared, she screamed loudly, putting a hand over her mouth in terror. There was blood splattered everywhere, and it looked fresh. She spotted a girl in the corner, leaning against the roofs edge. She inched closer, seeing that the girl was dead.

"Poor girl.." She murmured quietly to herself, taking a few steps closer and being careful to avoid the blood on the ground. Once she realized what it actually was, she gasped.


( xD I know right lol. She's pretty happy ha)
(Aw crap.. Forget the girl was a human. I meant a witch xD )

(OMG Gabe is killing me with the suspense:D What was the complication?????? UGH I'm flipping out !!!!!)
"This is not good." thought Zed. He had thought the infusion of the soul would be seamless. However, this was not so. It seemed that... the body was actively rejecting the soul. "Oh god, she is going to hate me... if Danny doesn't kill me." As an afterthought, "Like he could." Zed had freed her from having to rely on Danny, but now she would need to rely on him to keep the soul in check.
(Whew.. I thought she wasn't going to be able to come back to life or something xD )

Isabella's fingers suddenly twitched, and she blinked her red eyes. The witch in front of her screamed, scrambling away and down the flight of stairs where she had come from. She looked around in confusion, wiping away the blood that was on her mouth. When she saw the blood splattered on the ground in front of her, she remembered.

Shaking away the memory, she stood up, a little wobbly at first. She had a major headache and she felt very sick. She coughed for a few seconds, and than groaned in pain.

"Damn.. I feel horrible." She muttered to herself, rubbing her head again and staring up at the sky.
"For your information Danny, you were the one interested in Tammy. I did make both of them cry, but at least I'm not jumping my affections. Tammy is a good, no a great friend, and she deserves better than me, and so does Isabella. They deserve someone who can care for them, someone who sees them in a light that no other can perceive. I am trying to do this with Isabella. I am trying to love her like she deserves. It wouldn't have been fair for me to try the same with Tammy. But, now you're free. Can you be that man, the one to comfort her and be her rock, the one to be what I wasn't, what I couldn't be?"
Tammy looked at Zed and rubbed her eyes,"no forget it just forget it pretend I didn't say a thing..."she said smiling,"I'm sorry for being such an annoyance to you Zed"she said and bowed then flew off."...... Listen up.... Don't come anywhere near Tammy.... Forget that her and I ever came into your lives.... Pass that on to Isabella too"Danny said and ran his fingers threw his hair he did that to think,"see ya never"he said and dissappeared with the wind.
"How do people interpret what I say in a way that isn't what I said?" Zed exclaimed. "And I am definitely not forgetting the two of them. Tammy, who is a great friend, not an annoyance, and Danny, who obviously cares for her, aren't thinking straight. But, perhaps it would be best to give the two some time."
Isabella took a few slow steps forward, trying to regain her balance and not topple over the edge. She was on a ten story building, and it wouldn't be good if she fell over the side. Her wings, for some reason still shook in fear, and she wondered why. She remembered where Zed and Danny were, and she decided to head over there.

She tried flying, but she only ended up falling back down again. She scratched her head in confusion and tried flying again, and she almost fell straight over the edge.

"Oh great. Now I'm stuck on a freaking rooftop." She growled to herself, looking over the edge and shuddering. It was really high, and she didn't like it.
Zed flew over to Isabella. "Hey there, Isabella. Alive again I see. Heh...." he said nervously. "Slight problem that I didn't get to mention..." He paused and muttered something that sounded like "Oh god.", or perhaps more appropriately "Oh father.". "Your soul doesn't seem to want to stay in your body. The problem with that is that it can escape every few hours, so... you're gonna need to stick with me... forever." Zed explained hurriedly. During the quick explanation, he slowly brought his wings forward to deflect the impending s***storm.
Unusually, Isabella did not freak out. She stayed calm and tilted her head towards him.

"I'm fine with that." She said, bursting out into a random fit of laughter. She thought it was funny how Zed got all scared and tried to protect himself with his wings. Like she was gonna hurt him or something.

Than she stopped laughing, and her brain finally triggered what he meant. She was a little bit dopey, since she just recently came back to life. Her eyes turned bright red, and her wings spread out from behind her.

"SO I DIED FOR NO REASON?! WHAT THE F**KING HELL?! I WENT THROUGH ALL THAT DAMN PAIN FOR NOTHING?!" She snapped, her eyes turning completely black. It looked scary as hell, and her outburst didn't help much either. She cursed multiple times under her breath, and than clenched her fists in complete fury.

(Her eyes looked like this:
"Uh... well, on the bright side, I was told that I was great company... by you. So, now, we're... permanently together. Unless you think dying is a more attractive prospect than spending an eternity with me, which is understandable. After all, you wouldn't be the first." Again, Zed looked as if he was remembering something from the past. Suddenly, the emotion overwhelmed him, and he crumpled to ground, heaving dry sobs.
Isabella was about to snap something rude again, but she immediately shut her mouth when Zed crumpled to the ground. Her eyes returned to there normal color as she knelt down beside him and wrapped her arms around him tightly. She hated it when other people cried, it made her feel horrible. She hugged him a little tighter, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"I'm sorry.. I-I didn't mean to freak out like that.." She whispered softly, rubbing his back soothingly. She understood why he was so overwhelmed with emotion. It was because this has happened to him before, except that person chose to die instead of stay with him.

"I'm not going to die again, Zed. I'm staying with you.." She said, closing her eyes as tears slid down her face.
"It was millenia ago, back when I was still a general in Heaven's army. My partner... I couldn't save her from a surprise demon attack. So, I resurrected her, expecting her to be happy that she was back with me. Instead, she blamed me for her death, rightfully so, I suppose. I should have done something more, I don't know what, anything really. I could've stopped it. That night, in front of my eyes, she pierced herself with her own angelic weapon, a sign of a disgraceful death. Her name was smudged from the crystalline memorial of those who died, her memory forgotten to those who didn't know her well. But, I still remember her scream, the look of blankness when I brought her back, and the look on her face before she died again. It was a look of relief, relief that she had finally escaped me. What kind of monster am I that I can't save the ones I care about most?" Zed murmured. "The only one left for me was my sister, Azrion. But, in time, even she left. I had no one. The angel who was supposed to be there for the loneliest of men was all alone, and it was all his fault."
Isabella hugged him tighter as he told her what happened. She could relate to his pain easily, and eventually she was crying so hard that she almost ran out of tears.

"I understand how you feel.. I grew up alone. My parents were horrible vampires. They would feed off me as food, since they couldn't find there own humans to drink from. They bit me every single day, draining every last drop of blood I had from my body, and they didn't even care. They acted like I wasn't even there. And the only way they acknowledged me.. Was when they were drinking my blood." Her grip on him grew tighter as the memory of her parents biting her flashed in her eyes.


"Mommy.. Daddy.. Please don't." The small girl whimpered fearfully, scooting back further into the dark corner. Seeing she could scoot back no further, her eyes widened in fear. She was trapped. Tears crept down her face slowly as she watched her mother lean down, and bite her neck. She winced in fear, watching her own blood flow down onto the carpet. Her mother pulled away, licking the red liquid off her lips. The mother walked away as if it were nothing, and ignored her daughter's whimpers. The girl's hands shook violently as she sat still, letting her father bite into her neck as well. More blood spilled onto the carpet, and she watched in horror. After her father was done, he walked away, leaving his frail daughter sitting in her own blood.

"Why..?" Was all the girl said, as she stared at the dark liquid on the floor.

Back into reality..

Isabella blinked her eyes as the flashback vanished from her mind. She looked at her hands, and they were shaking. She began sobbing, tears spilling down her cheeks.

"They didn't even care.."
"Well, I think it's time that we try to forget about the past... not that that is really possible. We have to take it in stride and remember that we have each other now, which is what matters." Zed said, slowly getting up and helping Isabella stand up. He gently wiped the tears off of her face. "A beautiful face shouldn't be streaked with tears because it'll only end up hiding the beauty within." he whispered into her ear. "Speaking of being together, it's probably time you met my sister - for real."
Isabella sniffled, smiling a little bit when Zed brushed her tears away. She nodded her head slowly after Zed said that she should meet his sister.

"Okay." She said, beginning to stop crying and push the flashback out of her mind. Before he turned around to leave, she took a few steps towards him, stopping when her face was very close to his. It was pretty obvious what she was about to do.

Gently, she grabbed his chin and pulled him closer to her. She stared into his eyes for a moment, before leaning closer to him and kissing him softly. She closed her eyes and stepped a little bit closer to him. Silently, she hoped he wouldn't push her away like he did before.
This time, Zed didn't stop her. On the contrary, he kissed her back passionately. He moved his body into the kiss, and, having been there, he could legitimately say that he was in Heaven. However, before they went too far, he gently broke apart the kiss for a breather. In shallow breaths, he said, "...There are two options... one is to go meet my sister now... the other is to go to my dorm and... so, your pick." With that, he dove back into the kiss, barely giving Isabella time to think about what to answer.
When he stopped for second, Isabella breathed heavily, trying to regain her breath. She was going to say:

"I think you're sister can wait.." But Zed began kissing her shortly after, so she really didn't have time. She gently pulled away for a few seconds, regaining her breath.

"Can't you teleport to your dorm?" She asked, her eyes sparkling as a wild grin appeared on her face. She was afraid he was just going to make it short like last time, but she was obviously wrong.
"Well, I can... but, why would I? Look around we're already here." he said with a cheeky grin. Suddenly, the woods were gone and replaced with his dorm room. But, it didn't look like his dorm room. It seemed like someone had done some decorating. "The sprucing up was done by Azrion... yes, the griffin. Don't think about it too much, although you won't have too much time to think at all." he said with husky smile. They fell back onto his bed... (time skip xD )
Isabella giggled when they suddenly appeared in his dorm room, and she admired the decor. Like he said, she didn't have much time to think, and in a matter of time, they were both on his bed..

(Wanna time skip to when they wake up or something?? :P )

In the morning, the bright sunlight shone through the drapes, and Zed woke up feeling more satisfied than he had in years. He moved to get up and felt a figure of warmth on his side. The events of last night rushed back to him, and he smiled to himself. More gently now, he tried to move his wing. However, it seemed that Isabella had taken a liking to the softness of his right wing, and she looked so at peace just sleeping there that he couldn't bear to wake her up. Ah, well, it was only 7 A.M., they had time. Turning back onto his side, Zed covered Isabella with his right wing, like a blanket, and snuggled in next to her.
Isabella's eyes opened shortly after Zed had covered her with his other wing. She felt him snuggle up next to her, and she smiled. Seeing that it was 7 A.M., she sighed softly and laid her head on his chest gently.

"Zed? Are you awake?" She asked, suddenly yawning for a quick second. Her eyes drifted lazily up to his face, than she paused when she heard several knocks on the door.

"Hey Zed? Can I come in?" She heard a muffled voice call out. It sort of sounded like the lady from the front desk. Her eyes widened when she heard the door knob turn a little bit, and she froze. She flashed Zed a nervous look and accidentally rolled off the bed, creating a loud THUD noise.

"Ouch." She muttered, sitting up and rubbing her head.
In an instant, Zed was dressed and at the door. Somehow, he'd manged to put on a freshly pressed, clean new suit and comb his hair in a split second. He moved for the door and signaled Isabella to hide in the bathroom. Zed opened the door and saw...

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