School for the Musical Ghouls

Rune: i wanna.....wat i want? Lokang:koala! *lokang passes out* rune: naww...notta koala you silly giblleeee...*he looks like hes getting a concussion*rune: energy goddess...smacked me upside the head...owww*he falls into embers arms*rune: promise me you wont be like the energy goddess? She is....annoying...and a pain sometomes..literally and figurativly*he looks a bit more focoused*
Isabella stopped for a second, licking away the blood off her lips. She slid a finger under his chin and turned his face deathly close to her. There noses were practically touching. She leaned forward, and placed her lips onto his softly. She held the kiss for a few moments, than pulled away.

"Are you such a gentleman now?.." She whispered to him, her eyes continuing to sparkle. This was normal for her. Hunger screwed up her mind and made her do things. She kissed him again, but a little bit more passionately. She stopped and opened her eyes. The sparkle in her eyes suddenly vanished, and she blinked multiple times in confusion.

Her eyes widened when she realized she was holding Danny very close to her. She let go of him and blushed.

"I know it's tempting Danny, but it might be a good idea for you not to let me drink your blood. I get all weird and do things." She said, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. She suddenly stopped, and her jaw dropped.

"Danny! Did I kiss you?!" She exclaimed, her facial expression showing pure shock. She had no memory of even drinking his blood. Or kissing him.
Danny stood there in shock,"erm.... Um.... Yeah"he said and shook out of it blushing as it began to snow by him it was a sign he had ate a lot of ice and his body was trying to help him feel better,"erm other then that your welcome for your new heart..... But now you can't go too far away from me so sorry"he said and patted her head then began walking,"come"he said smiling at her for an ice demon he was really nice.

Ember blinked,"hmmmmm your going to need to come to my office"she said but healed Lokang instantly then snapped her fingers and Rune was healed,"you look bad Rune you might need a ful check up"she whispered smirking at him as she licked his ear.
Rune: i was hit with....700,000 tons of force over the head...i honestly need some enjoyment*he kisses her passionatly and lokang stands up*lokang: im gonna....step out ....this is awkward*he zips out of the area and runs to the area of the principals office as he had a vission while running and knew hed need to be there in thw area soon so decided to wait near his office*
Isabella touched her chest, feeling a heart beat. Her eyes widened in fear, remembering what had happened. She saw the man frozen in the corner and she took a few steps backwards. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. The pain she felt when that man stabbed her, was unbearable. She could almost feel the throbbing torture that spread through her entire body. But the part where Danny said he gave a new heart made her eyes widen even more.

Out of nowhere, she put her hands on his shoulders and pinned him against the wall in front of her.

"Are you telling me I...I died?" She asked quietly, staring directly into his eyes and awaiting an answer. If he told her yes, she was sure to begin crying. And she didn't want that. She hated crying in front of people. It made her feel weak and vulnerable.
Danny gulped he didn't want to make her cry or sad,"erm.... To tell you the truth you had a moment of seeing the white light but no your alive dont worry I promise I won't let anyone or anything hurt you"he said saying the last part softly and hugge her a bit,"are you still hurt? Did he leave any scars?"he asked looking at her with worried eyes this wasn't love but friendship.(friendship yeaaaaaah xD )

Ember kissed back then got up smirking,"well then I guess I'm going to have to treat you very very well but I never go easy"she said smirking as her hair became fire to show her passion then she began walking and it went back to normal.
Isabella was a little surprised when his voice got soft at the end of his sentence. Than, he hugged her, and that practically made her heart melt(Not literally xD ). Nobody has hugged like that in a long time. She had to admit she liked it a lot. Even though she sensed a lie in his explanation, she decided to ignore it.

She rose an eyebrow when he asked her if she had any scars.

"Well, in order to show you if I had any scars, I would have to take my shirt off." She grinned a little bit, trying to see if he would blush again. But it was the truth. Slowly, she unzipped her jacket, showing just a little bit of her chest. She unzipped her jacket lower, even though you could almost see her breasts. She didn't really care.

"See any scars?" She asked looking down. She saw none, and she couldn't help but grin to herself when she looked back up to Danny. She zipped up her jacket again, flashing him a cute smile.
*rune follows ember still a bit dazed and they wind up in her office*rune: so, nurse...i seem to have an injury that i need you to fix. Let me shownyou*he kisses her and leans into her*
Danny smiled,"good your okay"he said smiling being that a lot of girls did that type of thing to him,"can we leave the alley way I don't want to stay here-"he started then heard fangirls screaming he jolted and turned around pulling Isabella close making it seem like they were kissing as the girls passed by his face was extremely close to hers when the girls left he looked away,"why won't they leave me alone I choose this nerdy form and they still chase me I might as well got back to the original."he said pouting as he let her go.

Ember giggled at Rune being so close she stumbled back to lean on the bed,"well I'd like to inspect every part of your body to see what's wrong"she said and kissed him passionately pulling his shirt off.
*rune thinks crap! The scars arent faded yet! he silently casts a hiding spell on his arms and shoulders and they look completely normal*rune: see anything bad? Or good?*he smiles misciviously*
Isabella heard the fan girls as well, and thought Danny was going to run away like usual. But he didn't. He did the thing she least expected. Her eyes stared straight into his, and she blushed majorly at how close she was to him. Her heart was racing, and she felt as if her breath was taken away. When he looked away, her heart slowed down and she began breathing normally. She wondered why she acted that way.

"I thought you always wore glasses?" She asked him, turning towards him and grinning a little bit. She had to admit, she could see why the girls chased him. He was very cute and she strangely felt attracted to him. But of course, that's what she suspected all girls to feel like when near a cute boy.
"I dunno yet maybe a closer look"Ember said and pinned him to the bed licking his chest,"seems everything's in order"she said out of breath then laid on him and kissed him again,"Rune I'm having trouble holding back"she said and pulled the covers over them.(time skip?)
Rune wispers: then lets go(ches!*doesnt belive content is appropruiate for our more immature viewers so this is why tije skip works so well* kandy...have you noticed that in rps our charas wind up going out? xD are you using this as your evil plots somehow?)
"Nope this isn't my normal form"Danny said and snapped his fingers changing to his natural form.

(Actually I don't do that on purpose it's just my taste xD it's imbedded in my charas tastes I like strong muscular guys *not too muscular* who can protect me and is sweet as caramel but funny and adventurous and I also like the nerdy type that is so funny to tease ^w^ but I'm not flirty with guys I'm actually very weird with them if I like a guy I usually try to make them laugh a lot so I act weirder then I usually do like when I'm hyper bwahahah!)

Ember woke up hugging Rune then noticed that the sheets and blanket were burned,"guess you got me heated Rune"she said smirking.
Isabella's jaw practically dropped. He was gorgeous, and she couldn't tear her eyes away from him. Eventually, after staring for a long 15 seconds, she looked away and blushed. Clearing her throat, she scratched the back of her head embarrassingly.

"Hey, maybe we should get out of this alleyway? It's kind of cold in here." She said, beginning to walk slowly out into the town. Her eyes spotted the fan girls on the other side of the street, and her eyes widened.

"Oh great.. How are we going to get out of here without those girls trampling you, and possibly killing me?" She asked him. Her eyes stared flatly at the girls, knowing that any second they were going to see her and Danny.
Danny grabbed Isabella by the waist and pulled her close,"walk slowly and quietly"he said and began walking with one hand in his pocket and the other around her he walked looking straight ahead,"we're going to my dorm"he whispered and turned the corner away from the fangirls and walked a little faster.
Isabella blushed again when he wrapped an arm around her waist. But she didn't mind that much. Her eyes glanced over to the girls, and she noticed that they were sort of staring at the two of them. Recognizing her, one of the girls pointed towards Danny and screamed:


Her eyes widened as the whole group of girls began sprinting after them. Isabella spread her long bat wings slowly, prepared to fly upwards.

"Danny! We need to go!" She exclaimed as they got closer and closer with every second that passed. Her eyes became a little nervous, and she looked towards his face.

But than an idea popped into her mind. She looked behind her, seeing that they were almost right behind him. Turning him towards her with his arm still around her, she took a step closer to him.

"I have an idea.. Just remember that this is an act... " She whispered to him, sliding her hand over his cheek and pulling him closer to her.

"Make it look real. It'll make them stop." She whispered to him before closing her eyes and kissing him passionately. She grabbed his other hand and put it on the other side of her waist, As she had planned, the fan girls stopped in shock, there jaws gaping wide.
*runes eyes widen in shock and he looks at his hand*rune: could it be? The ancient back? Lightning!*a ball of light springs into the air, clearly not magic like the types wizards and wiches use*rune: ember...that was amazing but i need to get ready...the ancient arts hve returned...the same ones that helped beat the white walkers last time are back...the final battle must be near for the walkers...*he stares at his hand*rune: the ancient arts...whose powers performed wrongly could envelop the multiverse in a void of chaos....amazing..*thw light goes out and rune smiles and lays back*rune: fought some walkers, got hit over the head by a goddess of energy and had a ancient art return...pretty dull day eh?
Danny blushed deeply then slowly closed his eyes and kissed back pulling her close. The fan girls cryed and ran off. Danny slowly pulled away then jolted,"ah thanks"he said running his hands through his hair and looking away.

Ember pouted,"well I wouldn't call it dull"she said a bit offended then kissed Rune again,"must you leave my side?"she asked softly.
*rune kisses hwr back and smiles*rune: ill stay for a bit....hopefully the white walkers have somw common sense*he yawns*rune: cos if they attack....theyll have to wake me up first...and that isnt easy*he falls asleep hugging ember *
Ember smiled,"how cute.... Your adorable when you sleep"she said brushing her finger over his lips,"I want to be with you I hope you feel the same"she said and put her head on his chest.
Isabella giggled when he looked away, and she slowly removed his hands from her waist.

"No problem. I think those girls hate me now." She said with a wild grin as she watched them run away crying. She laughed again at the scene and turned back to Danny.

"What do you wanna do now that those girls aren't chasing you anymore?" She asked with a playful smile on her face. Her red eyes glittered softly when she giggled again.
Danny looked at Isabella,"lets go eat"he said then noticed then sun and handed her an ice umbrella after creating it in one hand. It looked beautiful after he finished creating it and as he created it,"lets go "he said holding out his arm for her to grab.
Gratefully, she took the umbrella carefully out of his hand and held it above her head. She grabbed his arm and slowly walked beside him. She had to admit she was a little surprised when he said they should go out to eat together. She was expecting him to just go back to his dorm room and play his drums or something.

"Where should we eat?" She asked, looking towards him again.

((Back in the alleyway...)

The man broke out of the frozen state he was in, and shook the ice off of him. He looked around the alleyway, noticing the two of them had disappeared. He grinned to himself, picking up the bloody stake off the ground and walking outside.

"They couldn't have gone far.." He said to himself, following the way they had gone. He turned around the corner, spotting Isabella and the boy from earlier. A creepy grin spread across his face as he inched closer to them.
(W8, rune gave isabella a charm thatlets her walk in the sun remember?)*rune wakes up a minute later and yawns*rune: ember...are we please say yes

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