School for the Musical Ghouls

Isabella took another step closer to him, her grin only getting wider.

"Want to fly right now?" She asked in a murmur, pushing the window open next to her and leaping up onto the window pane. She flashed him a playful smile before leaping out the window and flapping her wings smoothly. She floated in the air, motioning for him to follow. Once he stepped onto the window pane, she giggled and sped off towards the forest. She dodged trees and shot through the air, closing her eyes and enjoying the cool breeze.
"Sure, let's go." Isabella flew off, and Zed muttered, "First time flyers, all the same." Then, he chuckled. Hearing Isabella's laugh, he thought, "I like that sound. I am going to try to make sure that that sound never disappears... not like her." Determinedly, Zed shot after Isabella.
Isabella looked behind her and laughed. He had caught up pretty quick, and her plan of racing him was probably going to fail. She flapped her wings twice as fast, dodging a tree by only an inch. She probably should be more careful, or she's gonna hurt herself. She chuckled at the thought of her running straight into a tree.

She decided to fly a little bit higher, and shot up a couple of feet. Her gaze went behind her again, and she grinned at him before shooting down towards the ground. Quickly, she pulled up away from the ground just in time. She continued to fly at a fast speed, seeing if he got the idea that she was trying to race him.

She wasn't really watching where she was going again and was about to run straight into a huge rock. She tried stopping herself, but she wasn't the best flyer, and that would of caused her to fall down to the ground. She closed her eyes and braced herself for extreme pain.
Zed saw what was about to happen and sighed, "Why is it that the first thing that flyers learn to do is how to crash?" With burst of speed, he caught up to her, grabbed her a couple inches away from the rock, and rotated his wings at a 90 degree angle, and flicked his wings straight down so that they shot up into the sky. "Just so you're aware, the next time you race someone, a rock in your face is usually not helpful." he said with a smirk.
Isabella blinked multiple times, her gaze blurry. She had no idea what had just happened. It all happened so fast. Once her vision cleared, she looked down and grinned when she noticed Zed's arms around her.

"Yeah I know. Sorry.. Usually when I fly I'm a lot smaller.." She muttered in an embarrassed tone. She wasn't so used to flying like this. She usually flew in her bat form, and she could dodge things way faster. She would just have to get used to it.

She looked towards his face, her eyes drifting towards his neck. Immediately her eyes grew into a bright red color and she licked her lips hungrily. She shook her head, snapping out of it. But her eyes only got redder.

"Crap. Zed, let go. I don't want to bite you." She said in a shaky tone, even though she really didn't want him to. Her eyes once again looked back towards his neck, and she winced, trying to control herself.
When she said that, Zed almost dropped Isabella when she said that. "We have to get down now." said Zed, with a serious expression on his face. With that, Zed folded in his wings, and they both started free falling.
Isabella's eyes widened, and she wondered why he got so serious. When she started free falling, she relaxed and closed her eyes. But the hunger for blood made her snap open her eyes and clutch her mouth. She flapped her wings lightly and landed on the ground. Her gaze was bright with red as she struggled more and more to control.

"Damn it.. Calm down.." She murmured to herself quietly. She took a deep breath, and she instantly calmed down. She looked towards him, and tilted her head a little bit.

"How come we had to come down here? We couldn't still fly?" She murmured in a small voice unlike her own.
Hurt flooded into Isabella's red eyes when she watched him walk away. She quickly grabbed his shoulder and turned him towards her, but didn't look at him. Her eyes were fixed on the ground, and than she looked towards him. There was sadness glittering in her eyes when she looked into his.

"Please don't go." She murmured, taking a few steps towards him. When she was close enough, she wrapped her arms around his neck and slowly leaned towards him. But it wasn't his neck she was focused on this time. Gently, she pressed her lips against his and closed her eyes.
Zed's eyes, on the other hand, widened in surprise. The first thought that ran through Zed's head is "What is going on?". Then, "This isn't so bad." And finally, "Wait, we can't be doing this!" So, that is exactly what he said. He pushed Isabella back gently.
Isabella immediately unwrapped her arms around from his neck and turned her back to him. Her fists suddenly clenched, and she closed her eyes as a tear slid out of her eye. She didn't understand.

Is he scared of me? Is that the reason why he wants to get away so badly? A few more tears slid out of her eyes at the thought of it. She suddenly spread her black wings and shot into the air. She vanished into the sky in seconds, flying over the horizon. She flew way past the school, and continued to fly to the next town she saw.
"God, why do women not wait for explanations?" thought Zed. He shot off after her, and caught up to her in a second. He hovered directly in her way, so that she couldn't leave without listening.
Isabella stopped flying, but didn't look at him. Another tear slipped down her cheek, and the weird thing was, that her eyes were a bright blue color. She glanced at his face for a quick second, than looked away.

"What do you want..?" She mumbled, flapping her black wings smoothly. She was thinking of just flying around him and going back to her dorm, but she didn't. She wanted to know what he had to say before she went anywhere.
"You didn't let me explain. Let me rephrase what I said: If you're hungry it isn't safe for you to be near me. Angel blood is like adrenaline to vampires. You'll be pumped up and very powerful for the next 1-2 hours. And then? My blood will begin to purify you from the inside out. There is no stopping. Within a few minutes after it takes effect, your body would liquefy. Then, your soul would be exorcised, erased from existence. No damnation, no eternal bliss, no resurrection. I don't want that for you. That's why it is safer for you to stay... away from me. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have put you through this. I hope you have a good year at the school." With that, Zed disappeared, almost as if he had never existed. That might as well have been the case because, as far as Zed was concerned, he would never see Isabella again. He would sacrifice anything they had for her protection. "Damn angelic virtues..." he thought.
Isabella watched him disappear and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from sobbing. She wiped away the tears that slid down her cheeks, and she stared down at the ground sadly. She stopped flapping her wings for a second, than landed on the ground gently.

"You're not protecting me." She whispered, walking back into the forest next to her. She ripped off the necklace and threw it into the leaves, letting the sun burn her. She ignored the pain and continued walking casually until she got into shade. Suddenly, she burst out crying and collapsed underneath the tree.
Isabella stood up, her face being hidden by her long hair. When she looked up at the sky, her eyes were the brightest color of red anyone's ever seen. She shifted into her bat form and blew back into the school, but she didn't speak a word when Tammy greeted her. She walked down the hall, finding a random person in the hallway that was walking alone. Out of nowhere, she grabbed the boy and forced him against the wall. She dug her fangs into his neck, and drank his blood heavily. Red splatters of blood appeared behind the boy she had attacked, and she felt that he was beginning to get very pale and his breathing was shallow.

"Why are you doing this?.." The boy whispered when she was done. She licked the blood off her lips, and stared at the boy who's blood began to pool around him. She didn't answer, and left him in his own blood.

The redness in her eyes had not calmed down yet. She was still hungry. Grabbing a girl that walked past her, she bit into her neck as well. The girl let out a high-pitched scream that echoed around the school. Blood dripped down Isabella's chin as she tried to quench her thirst. But nothing was working.

"What's.. Wrong with me?" She asked herself when she was finished with the girl. She simply walked away from the bloody body and stumbled down the hallway.
Zed heard the screams, and found the bodies. "Damn, she's gone on a rampage. I have to stop her." he thought. He closed his eyes and sensed her aura a few corridors over. "I have to stop her no matter what. Even if... I have to do that." he mused with a shudder. Soon, the next victim started screaming and he knew it was her. Again, he stepped directly in front of her, hoping she wouldn't run. After all, vampires are much stronger after drinking human blood.
As soon as Zed appeared in front of her, she put her hand on his shoulders and slammed him against the wall. Her vision was blurry, and she had no idea who she was attacking or about to bite. She leaned her head towards his neck, her fangs brushing against his neck, but not causing it to bleed. Yet.

She opened her mouth wide, prepared to bite down hard on his neck.
With a sigh, Zed grabbed Isabella's face with one hand, pushed her back, and hoisted her by her neck. "You should know that vampires don't really compare strength-wise to angels. I'm was created at the beginning of time, and you're probably a little younger than that. So, here is tip: Don't pick fights, or try to eat from, beings stronger than you." Zed noticed the bloodlust in her eyes, and thought, "Only one way to get rid of that." Zed turned and slammed Isabella onto the floor with enough force to crack the floor and walls of the hallway. Her eyes returned to their normal color and rolled up into her skull. She was unconscious. "I'd better leave before she wakes up." Zed turned and was gone.
Everything was still blurry, but she could still hear. She recognized Zed's voice, and her eyes widened only a little bit.

"Zed..." She whispered before he slammed her into the floor, than everything went black, and his voice faded from her mind.

((2 hours later:))

Isabella's eyes fluttered open slowly and she sat up. Her head ached, and she wondered why. She was sitting on the floor, and she looked around in confusion. What had happened? She couldn't remember a thing. Just the taste of blood. She shook her head, and stood up off the floor. She remembered that Zed was here..

She looked around, seeing that he was no where in sight. She sighed, padding into her room, grabbing her Acoustic guitar and flying out the window. She still remembered she didn't have the necklace, but she didn't care. She continued to fly even though there was pain seeping through her body.

She landed under a tree, and leaned her guitar against it. She heard footsteps behind her. She whipped around just in time to see a boy standing there. Not the person she was expecting to see. He chuckled at her in a mocking way, but she simply ignored him. She was about to pick up her guitar, but he took it and stroked the strings gently.

"Wow. Nice guitar." He snickered at her. She gave him a menacing look.

"Give it back." She growled, her fists clenching angrily. He grinned at her and swung the guitar back and forth slowly.

"Okay. You can have it back." He said, throwing the guitar hard on the ground and breaking the whole thing into pieces.

"Whoops sorry." He laughed at her than sped away at lightning speed. She closed her eyes, managing to calm down. Surprisingly, she just sighed and walked away from it. Not really caring at the moment.
"I have to get my mind off of Isabella. Perhaps a nice long flight... no, she can fly. I'll try a relaxing walk. Yes, that sounds good. Maybe through those trees near the dorms." Zed put on his favorite suit and set off.

(He likes his suits. He looks like this picture.)

Isabella walked along the shade, humming a song to herself. The boy who had broken her guitar had gone back inside, leaving her alone. Her bright colored eyes stared at the ground as she walked, than she sighed. Eventually, the song she was humming turned into a song that she sang in a beautiful voice. Since she was alone, she thought it was necessary

She continued to sing the song she was singing, closing her eyes in relaxation at the perfect tone of her voice. She finished the song the end of the song beautifully, suddenly stopping in her tracks and staring at the hot concrete.

(She sounds like this and sang this song(BTW she didn't sing this song about Zed xD She just made it up.):

(Isabella is dressed like this:

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As Zed was walking, he absent-mindedly took his pan flute out of his pocket. He began to play an eerie Celtic piece. The Irish, the Scottish, and the Celtic musics were his favorite genres of music. The pan flute could create an air of mystery and intrigue like no other instrument, for what other instrument could sound like the wind through the frozen tree branches of the brisk winter, and then change to the heat of the sun on the bright summer plain?

(The song he played was this:


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