School for the Musical Ghouls

Isabella heard a beautiful noise, and she stopped for a moment. What she was listening to was a pan flute, and whoever was playing it was obviously very talented. She sighed, wishing that boy hadn't been destroyed her guitar. She began singing the same song from earlier, but a little bit louder. She started walking again, padding further and further into the forest. A troll she passed listened to her sing, completely mesmerized by her voice. She continued to sing, until she eventually stopped.

She sighed when Zed once again popped back into her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about him, and the thought of his lips against hers made her shudder a little bit. She shook the thoughts away, continuing to sing again. She noticed the troll she had passed was following her, and she raised an eyebrow.
Zed sat down under the shade of an oak tree. They say humans got comfort from doing that because oak trees are old and solid and provide a feeling of security. Even though Zed was infinitely older, he still felt safe. "Ah, the true magnificence of my father's work." he thought. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise. It sounded like... a griffin. Zed's head was filled with pain for the briefest of moments. His eyes misted over - he had a flashback. When it was over, all the thought was, "No way, it can't be..." and then he was gone, traveling to the source of the sound. After all, griffins were notorious for liking to prey on trolls... and whatever else was around.
Isabella couldn't help but smile when the troll stood directly beside her, staring up at her with big eyes.

"Hi there!" She said in a friendly voice, leaning down and scratching the top of his head. He grinned at her and made a noise that sounded like he was laughing happily. Both Isabella and the troll froze when they heard a noise.

"Oh no.." She murmured, looking up at the sky as something flew over head of them both. She gasped, picking up the small troll and bursting into a quick run. It would be a bad idea for her to be flying around. It was see her for sure.

She heard the noise again, and she looked up just in time to see a beak snap at her face. She ducked just in time, and than began running again. It swooped at her again, this time clawing her across the face. She groaned in pain, touching her cheek. Blood dripped down her face, but she ignored it and ran forward with the troll shaking fearfully in her hands. The griffin made another loud noise, circling and swooping down at them again. It stabbed her in the back with a talon, and she let out a screech of pain. It flew back into the air and prepared to swoop again.
Zed saw the griffin, and it had prey in its sights. There was only one way to stop the griffin - Zed flew right into it and tumbled into a boulder with it. Their collision knocked an entire row of trees down and the trails in the dirt were at least a foot deep. Zed brushed himself off and restrained the griffin, hoping that whoever was being attacked wouldn't try to come and kill the griffin. Even with his restraints, it was still dangerous.
Isabella hugged the troll tightly, looking up to see Zed fly into the Griffin and land somewhere else. She wanted to follow, but decided not to. The troll looked up at her with big eyes again, and she smiled a little bit. The troll wiped away the blood from her face and flashed her a cute little smile. She put the troll down, and he stumbled into a hole and disappeared.

She sighed, rubbing her back and pausing when she felt a wet feeling on her hand. When she brought her hand to her gaze, it was soaked in blood. Her eyes widened, and she gasped.

"I-I didn't heal?!" She exclaimed loudly, gaping in shock at how much blood was on her hand. She touched her cheek, and the severe scratch was still there.

She clenched her fists and ran towards where Zed had knocked down the Griffin. She found the Griffin by a huge boulder, and she stared down at it. She wanted to kill it so badly, and she was prepared to. She hovered in the air, prepared to leap next to it and snap it's neck.
Zed sensed a presence about to harm the griffin, so without thinking he slammed his wing into the figure, sending it crashing through a row of trees, almost impaling it on a tree branch. Then, he saw who it was, facepalmed, and thought to himself, "Why does this happen to me."
Isabella groaned in pain, rolling over onto her back. She stood up, a little wobbly, and rubbed her head angrily.

"What the hell is your problem?! That Griffin tried to kill me! God, damn.." She practically exploded, not looking up to see who she was yelling at. She dusted off her dress, than groaned in pain again when she touched her back, which was still bleeding badly. She sighed, dusting off her arms angrily. She opened her mouth to say another thing, but than she saw who it was.

Her eyes widened only widened a little, but not as much. Anger still invaded the redness in her eyes when she flashed him a glare.

"Really?! God.. Of course!" She spat, exploding again. She was going to stay something else, but decided just to walk off and ignore what had just happened.
Zed was already irritated, so Isabella's outburst did not help. In fact, it pushed him over the edge. He supersped in front of her. "Hey, what is wrong with you? First, you go around killing people and I have to revive them. Then, you get attacked by a griffin, and you try to kill it. Why?" he said incredulously.
"What's wrong with me?! Am I the one hitting people with my wings and sending them flying into a freaking tree?! No!" She snarled, getting up in his face and staring him down with bright red eyes.

"I only tried to kill the damn Griffin because it tried to kill me and this other troll! And I didn't kill those people on purpose. I was on a rampage I couldn't control." She growled, her eyes glowing brighter with every word she spat to him. She knew she shouldn't be talking to him like this, but she was pissed.

She whipped away from him, storming off in the other direction. The blood from the stab wound continued to drip down her back, and she groaned in pain. She tried wiping away the blood, but it didn't help much.
Zed wasn't about to let her get away, so he grabbed her and immobilized her just like the griffin. "A lack of control isn't an excuse. You have to try to learn that self-control. I went on a rampage and killed hundreds of demons. You know how I got stopped? I got a sword through my heart. That was pretty effective. Since then, I've worked on my self-control. And don't say that killing humans is part of your nature. I know it is, but killing trolls and other creatures is part of this griffin's nature. It is part of my griffin's nature. Isabella, meet Azrion, my griffin, my angelic steed, and... my sister."
"Well, maybe you should just throw a stake through my heart. Maybe that'll stop me." She snapped to him. Her fists clenched in pain from the injury on her back, and she looked at the Griffin that was a few feet away. That.. Was his sister?! Her eyes widened, realizing why he had protected the Griffin in the first place. But that also irritated her.

"You could of at least told me she was your sister before you slammed me into a damn tree." She muttered to him in an irritated tone. Her red eyes studied the Griffin, than she looked away.

She wanted to walk away from this. Zed made her emotions get all screwed up, and she didn't know how to act.

"Just.. Let me go. I need to go back to the nurse's office and get this stab wound fixed.." She murmured in the same voice she had used after she kissed him. The wound really did hurt, and since she couldn't move, it was even more uncomfortable.
"I didn't know it was you, and I had just found out she was my sister. And maybe I will throw a stake through your hear... of course, I'd just resurrect you. But first, there is need for the nurse's". He flashed away from where he was and was instantly behind her. He put his hand over the wound on her back, and his hand began to glow with a gentle warmth. "There all fixed... except for that right there." He lifted his hand and put it on her cheek. He healed the cut on her cheek and turned away. "Alright, you can go, but you are taking my sister with you. Don't try to hurt her, or you'll end up hurting yourself. And you," he said to the griffin,"don't go shredding any other people or monsters. I'll find you some other source. Okay?" Zed could have sworn he saw a glint of mischievousness in the griffin's eyes. Suddenly, it sprung out of its restraints, flipped Isabella onto its back, and took off towards campus with a joyful screech. "Rune, Lokang... when you guys get back, I'm gonna..." Zed grumbled, all the way back to school.
Isabella winced a little bit when he healed her, and her eyes were filled with affection for a quick second, and than it vanished. She stood up and brushed off her dress.

"I'm not gonna hurt the Griffin." She said simply, raising an eyebrow and looking over to him. When the Griffin was released from it's immobilization, Isabella widened her eyes when it flipped her onto it's back and took off towards the school. She looked behind her at Zed, and sadness swirled into her bright gaze. She didn't mean to get so angry at him. It was just hard to control her temper sometimes.

When the campus came into view, she slid off the Griffin and fell onto the ground below. She hovered over the ground before she smacked into the concrete. She looked up towards the Griffin, seeing it circle the school. Deciding the Griffin would be fine, she headed up to her dorm room. She noticed her door was wide open, and she immediately grew suspicious. She looked around the room to see if anything was missing, and of course the first thing she noticed was her Electric Guitar was gone. Frantically, she looked around for it. That guitar was very special to her.. And now somebody took it.

Her eyes glowed bright with fury, but than she noticed a note on her bed. She opened it quickly, and read the words on it.

"I have something important that you need to see. Meet me on Timbaland St. at 7:00."

That was all the note said. She wondered who wrote it. But she shrugged at looked at the clock. It was 6:30, and she decided to leave right than. She leaped out the window, soaring north and over the town. She swooped down and stopped at the sign that said Timbaland St. in big letters. She sighed, looking around. She probably shouldn't have came. This was going to be some kind of trick or something. She walked by an alleyway, and stopped patiently.

Suddenly, she felt a hand cover her mouth and pull her into the darkness.

"Shh." Was all she heard, and than she felt the most unbearable pain she's ever felt in her life. She screamed, but it was muffled because of the hand on her mouth. Tears slipped down her cheeks and she sobbed violently. She felt blood drip down her chest, and hit the concrete below, creating a soft PITTER PATTER sound. The person who had grabbed her yanked the stake out of her heart and flung the bloody stick to the side.

"You killed me sister.. You deserve this." The person snarled in her ear. The hand on Isabella's mouth suddenly pulled away and she sobbed loudly in pain. She gripped her chest, becoming weaker and weaker with every second that passed. Her tears and blood mixed together as she lay on the cold concrete, completely frozen by the pain ebbing into her body. Her eyes closed slowly, and her breathing became shallower and shallower.

How stupid I was.. To think that whatever it was this person had to show me was important. She thought bitterly to herself. Her breathing was practically nothing but soft wisps of air now.

"Maybe.. This is.. For the.. Best." She managed to sputter out, blood trickling down from the corner of her mouth and adding more to the pool of blood surrounding Isabella. Her eyes suddenly opened, but the light in her eyes was dead and lifeless. Her breathing had stopped shortly after. And she stared at the brick wall in front of her, falling into the deepest sleep of them all.. Death itself.

(Sorry:P I like to create a lot of drama in Rp's lol)
Sven was shook his head and replied ."Actually I am 1699 years old and my birthday is in a few short days. I am very excited as the 1700th birthday a dragon normally grows wings. It is a overnight process even. I have waited for a long time." He was struck with surprise when the two of them flew off in a flurry of wings and wind. "Well that was sudden. Well guess I can go back to the office and see if this "Tammy" is there." Sven took a slow and relaxing walk back to the front office to see if the woman Isabella spoke of was there.
(Can you just gimme a run down 0-0 I have a hard time concentrating on big paragraphs on 7 pages 0-0 that's why I read manga anyways gimme da run down and I'll jump in somehow)
Danny was run into town he sighed hiding in a dark alley way as all his fans passed by he jolted seeing Isabella's dead body,"what the-"he started looking at the stake in her heart,"you still there?"he said poking her face then looked around to see if the culprit of the crime was still there.

(And for Hail when when he gets on)

Tammy slowly walked to the office she looked in her small compact mirror her eyes were bak to normal,"the beauty of being a fairy"she mumbled putting it away and sighing she walked into the office putting her books down and began fixing her uncles desk since he wasn't there.
Isabella didn't move. She was completely dead. Her lifeless eyes stared forward, staring at the brick wall in front of where she lay. The person who did that to her was on the rooftop above the two, staring down at them with angered eyes. He leaped down, landing beside Danny.

"This is none of your concern, demon." The man snarled to him, kicking Isabella's dead body. Blood was still dripping out of her chest, even though she was dead.
*rune and lokang find themselves in a dark room, a familiar place theyre sitting at a table with an extraordinarily beautiful woman at the table*rune: whaatt nowww? You know....if youd come into the multiverse itd be much easier...

goddess of energy: now, wheres the fun in that? Its so crazy to see what happens whem the multiverse is without you for a bit!

Rune: yeah....i thought the pre existing ones where here according to zed?

Goddess of energy: of those two and god? Bah! I was here long before them, who do you thing created energy?!?" Me! Dummys!*she hits them over the head hard enoufh to tip their chairs over and they flip up again rubbing their heads* rune: need to bee so hard, but if were outside the multiverse....a negaverse? How is that possible...thi one seems to be infinite

goddess of energy: well i do control....oh....ALL ENERGY! You know, for wise multiverse saving beings you two are real idiots sometimes

lokang: gee, thanks....any particular reason youve brought us here?

Goddes of energy: oh, no particular reason other than to tell you your plan with the cage probably wint work, byyheeee!*they suddenly appear infront of zed*rune: heybzed
Danny jolted his eyes dazed over and the ice prince with in him was making him feel cold and arrogant,"none of my concern?.... Heh oh but your wrong see.... She's a pritty well known acquaintance of mine and I don't like the fact that you've murdered her in the schools realm.... This causes a lot of problems..."he explained smirking then snapped his fingers two ice maids pinned the man to the wall giggling."now if you don't mind..... I'll be removing this"he said and took out the steak from her heart,"now.... This is the only way I know how to save you....."he said the only way he could save her was giving her an ice heart sadly she would be cold to everyone but the one who gave her the heart. Although if she is too far from a ice demon her heart could melt."Frost"he said his breath leaving snow in the air. The man was then frozen and Danny glanced at the ice maids who nodded and smashed the men and dissappeared."now"Danny said creating an ice heart and putting part of his own in it only a tiny piece enough so if it melts she would last 3-4 hours. He put the heart in her chest and smiled as her wounds began healing.
The man squirmed a little bit underneath the maids grip. He was prepared to yell something at Danny, but couldn't when he was suddenly frozen.

Isabella's fingers flinched slightly, and than she ended up opening her eyes fully. They were bright red as usual.. But she looked insanely hungry. Since she had lost half of the blood in her body, it was only natural. She sat up from where she lay, flicking her gaze to Danny's.

"Danny..." She whispered in a tone that could stun a man with awe. She took a few slow steps towards him, wrapping her arms around him and pressing herself against him. She made him back up until his back was against the wall. When she was hungry, she acted strange and not like herself. Especially around boys.

Her eyes sparkled when she stared straight into his, and she gently ran her hand through his hair. Leaning towards the side of his neck, she kissed his neck softly than opened her mouth wide and bit down. She drank more than usual, and tightened her grip on him as she became more and more satisfied from hunger.
*there heads grow large lumps from getting hit and rune chuckles*rune: you see that fish over there? *he points to a wall*rune and lokang at the same time: koala*they both fall face first into the ground obviously needing a nurse*(aka emberXD)
Danny sighed allowing her to drink he could always replicate his own blood by eatting ice. As Isabella drank he chewed on the ice,"your lucky I got chances in here and I am a gentle man"he said flatly.

(Ooooooooooo okay but I dunno where they are soooooooo ill try)

Ember appeared infront of Rune and glomped him,"hello~"she said and kissed him happily she had sadly given herself an emotional boost potion thinking it was whine and wanted Rune."I missed you"she said and locked his neck.

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