School for the Musical Ghouls

Zed appears beside them, back to his normal self as well. "True, that was peculiar. However, there is someone who'd like to make you acquaintance. She is a new student, a vampire. Come one, we'll discuss things later, after you meet her." Zed then lead the way back to the veranda.
*emily walks off while cackling to herself* rune: uhh okay...i guess it cant be too bad? being god of hell and its aspects vampires are part of that so i dont think shell try to drink my blood, unless shes incredibly brave

lokang: or incredibly crazy* they chuckle at the inside joke from the past and follow zed8
Arriving at the veranda, Zed finds no one there. "Why is it that no one is ever where they are supposed to be?" he asked exasperatedly. "It's fine, I can sense her. She is hiding under a tree over.... there." said Zed, pointing in a random direction. "Follow me." They arrive at the tree in time to see Isabella hiding in the shade. "Isabella, these guys are Rune and Lokang. You can trust them, they're good people. Guys, meet Isabella. You can trust her, she is a good person, I can tell. By the way Rune, you know magic. Is there any way that you can create a ring or necklace of some sort to allow Isabella to walk in the sun?"
rune: hello isabella, and many you need? ive got like 3 of those in my bag...i charm things alot out of boredom

lokang: ohh, when where you planning on charming your face rune? you need it*lokang busts out laughing and rune elbows him in the ribs*
Isabella couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto her face. Zed really was a nice guy. She's never met someone quite like him before. She looked over at his friends, and grinned.

"I'll be fine. The sun doesn't burn me that bad." She lied, standing up and sticking her hand out in the sun. Immediately the skin began burning, and she winced in pain. She pulled her hand away, and it healed as soon as it was in the shade.

"On second thought, I guess I will probably need it." She said while rubbing the back of her head nervously. Her eyes became bright red, and she flinched again as her stomach growled for food.

Crap.. Not right now.. ​She thought in her head irritably.
rune: bloodlust? sneak attack one of those huge troll things that are everywhere, will satisfy it for about a month to a year*He pulls out a beautiful necklace with a black diamond two rings with a emerald set in one and a ruby in the other* rune: your choice.
"Nah.. I prefer human blood and others." She said while chuckling to herself. She's seen those troll things Rune was talking about, and there was no way she was going to bite one of those things. Besides, human blood is tastier. The necklace Rune brought out made her eyes widen, and she gasped slightly.

"That necklace is gorgeous.." She murmured, her eyes sparkling as she admired the expensive jewels that were on it. She eventually tore her gaze away from the necklace and looked towards Rune.

"You made this? Impressive." She said, smirking a little bit. She wasn't easily impressed. She flashed Zed a smile, than looked back to the necklace in admiration.
rune: being god of hell does have its perks. even without that i still have adventured for 1600 years, with this time i had a chance to collect a large amount of treasure so i can afford to craft things like these

lokang: yeah....good use of a 500 thoulsand dollar necklace...just add a few charms to it that you probably wont need, not like you could use simple metals*rune slaps him in the back of the head* rune: if i used regular metal, it would fry anyone on contact
Sven walked through the front doors of the school with a slight nervousness in his gut. No matter what new thing he did, after 1700 years of life he still gets nervous on the first day. It amazes him that humans could be so stupid as to get bored of life, he had been around this long and still hasn't ceased to be struck by the beauty of the world. He scratched his chin over one of his oldest scars and continued to the principals office with his case in hand. He entered the office and called out a greeting, "Hello, my name is Sven Krov and i am the new student. Is anybody here?" The entryway to the office seemed empty but he called this greeting to the back rooms anyway.
Isabella nodded slowly, tilting her head as she listened to Rune. Her eyes were still fixed on the necklace, and than she glanced up.

"Is that the necklace that allows me to walk out in the sun?" She asked, excitement growing inside her as she imagined herself walking around at daytime without being burned. Her red eyes glittered as she gently ran her finger over one of the black diamonds on the necklace. Her eyes glanced back to Zed, and the redness in her eyes sparkled a little bit. She looked down at the ground when he looked back at her, and she grinned.
rune: i belive so, let me check*he looks at it closely* rune: yes, i was wondering if it was the one that turns you into a turtle but its not thankfully* emily waved like a madwoman and ran to the new person* emily: hi! ohh, pretty scales! are you a dragon?
Isabella laughed a little bit as an image of her as a vampire turtle popped into her mind. She nodded her head, and gently took the necklace out of his hands. She wrapped it around her neck, than hooked it in the back. She looked down at it, touching the jewels on it. She gave Rune a worried look as she took a few steps out of the shade. She held her breath, prepared to feel the pain of burning. But she didn't. She reopened her eyes, and looked at her skin. No burns.

Her eyes lit up with excitement and she covered her mouth from screaming. She was so happy. She hasn't walked out in the sun like this her whole life. It felt good to not be burned for once. She shifted into her bat form and spread her wings in relaxation.

"This is amazing! I haven't felt like this in years!" She exclaimed in a tiny voice. She usually has this voice when shes in her bat form.
rune: i felt that way when i came here* he looks at his clothes* these clothes havent been torn to shreads, burt, disintigrated, or some other thing that would destroy them in awhile...thankfull for that *he chuckles*
Sven looked at the girl and then looked down to see that his nervousness had brought some of his underlying scales to the surface. They were a well contrasted red to his usually tannish skin. He looked back up at the girl and nodded. "Yes, yes I am actually thank you for the compliment. I was wondering where I was supposed to go. I wasn't informed very thoroughly about what to do when i got here. Are you a witch or some sort of magic woman or maybe even a vampire? Your appearance is human. Oh no wait the eyes, definitely some sort of healer, no?"
*rune and lokang are suddenly swept away in the breeze*(will continue when im bak but idk if i can get on till monday)

emily: im a wight! bye!* she ran off*
"Well, that was odd. Maybe I should just roam the halls for a bit then. Maybe there is a student or two who could help me out. I could also scope out the grounds as I wasn't able to before." Sven left the office and began to roam the halls. He noticed that with a bit of roaming most of his scales except the ones on his throat receded back into his skin. Seems his nervousness was disappearing.
Isabella nodded slowly, transforming back into her regular form. She was prepared to say something, but stopped when she felt something on her back. She looked at her back, and her eyes widened. There were long bat wings on her back.

"What the hell..? Rune.. I think your necklace made me keep my wings or something." She said, admiring the long black wings on her back. She actually kind of liked it, and she smiled.

"This is awesome." She murmured, looking back to the others and smiling.

(Her wings look like this:
Sven was roaming the halls when he saw a girl with long black wings in the middle of a hallway alone. There was a guy walking quickly in the opposite direction. "Hello there could you help me?"
(LOL Okay xD I thought it was SO funny how Rune and Lokang were randomly swept off in the wind xDD)

Isabella raised an eyebrow when Rune and Lokang are swept away in a harsh breeze. She burst out laughing, watching them fly away in the wind and disappear over a hill. She spread her long bat wings and flew to the school, landing at the front entrance. She walked down the halls, and stopped when a boy asked her for help.

"What do you need help with?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and folding her bat wings on her back.
"Yes thank you. Um I am new, but nobody was in the office to greet me and show me around or anything. So I am a bit confused, I don't know much of what's going on here. My name is Sven Krov, I am a 1700 year old dragon. And you are?" He asked extending his hand as he used his peripheral vision to study her wings without being rude.
Isabella grinned, shaking his hand slowly and noticing he was studying her new wings.

"Of course. I can show you around. My name is Isabella Rose. I'm a Vampire. Nice to meet you." She said, than retreated her hand back to her side. She smiled at him, than motioned for him to follow her down the hall.

"Do you know what your dorm room number is?" She asked, looking at him curiously. The redness in her eyes sparkled as she passed her dorm room and spotted her electric guitar leaning in the corner. She grinned, than looked back to Sven.
"Nice to meet you Isabella. I didn't receive one in my mail. Do I have one if i didn't receive a letter about it? Also why does this school really lack critical information like this kind of stuff anyway? What is up with the principal and such. I really am unprepared and have been given nothing. Did this happen to you?"
Suddenly Zed came back. "Hey, Isabella, I was wondering if... oh, hello there." After a moment, Zed said, "Ah, a dragon I see... around 1708 or 1709 I believe. What is your name?"
"I think you get everything at the front desk. It's kind of weird there was no one there.." She muttered to herself, looking back towards her dorm. She was gonna suggest he could stay in her dorm. But she realized that might be kind of weird, so she decided not to ask that. Her eyes drifted out the window, and she grinned a little bit.

"Well, Tammy is always at the front desk. She might be able to help you when she's there." She offered, looking towards the front desk and noticing Tammy wasn't there.

Isabella looked up when Zed arrived and she smiled at him.

"Guess what?" She asked, stepping a little bit closer to him. She spread her new bat wings and smiled, seeing if he could guess what she was talking about.

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