School for the Musical Ghouls


Danny banged into Issabella,"guess what! Now I'm stuck with you as a partner and the girls are going crazy!"he said then jolted and looked behind him where there was a bunch of crazy girls he grabbed Issabella and ran to a closet and ran inside and locked the door."just shut up or I'll freeze you!"he said angrily.
(Rune is the prisonXD god couldnt find anything else with the potential to hold him in and he sealed him in rune when he was like...two[rlly nice-.-])
Isabella hissed when the sunlight hit the side of her arm. But that wasn't what she was focused on. Danny suddenly came up behind her, dragged her into a closet and locked it. Her glowing red eyes were fixed on his neck, and she licked her lips slowly. She shook her head, trying to shake away the urge. But she couldn't help it.

She placed her hands on top of his shoulders gently, pushing him to the back wall and pinning him tightly. Her eyes stared into his as she slowly leaned towards him and licked his neck. She suddenly opened her mouth very wide, prepared to bite down.
Suddenly Zed was beside them. "I'm just putting this out there, but Iskander did something to me. Something about releasing my inner archangel. So, I'm pretty juiced up right now, like on your level Rune. Although, it isn't really a temporary thing, I'm basically permanently around your level. So, the three of us are on par. Not experience-wise, but thought you should know about my "ordeal"." said Zed, smiling.

(Well, Zed's a little bit older than that... try 2 millenia... most of which he doesn't remember. It is like a writer's dream: a large, blank slate waiting to be made up.)
Lokang: experience is different from power and the same...right now if you tried to fight a white walker? Youd be dead...probablt from falling on your own sword....without training no power is useable

Rune: well, shall we train then?*he snaps his fingers and they all are in the training room*rume' first, draw your sword...ill make 4 lifelike wights for you to try and fight...*four wights appear in the middle of the training room*rune: their swords are dull but unbreakable so this way if tou screw up and one hits you...well we wont have a split heaven god then( xD )

Lokang: experience is different from power and the same...right now if you tried to fight a white walker? Youd be dead...probablt from falling on your own sword....without training no power is useable

Rune: well, shall we train then?*he snaps his fingers and they all are in the training room*rume' first, draw your sword...ill make 4 lifelike wights for you to try and fight...*four wights appear in the middle of the training room*rune: their swords are dull but unbreakable so this way if tou screw up and one hits you...well we wont have a split heaven god then( xD )

Rune: calm down ember...weve just got 40 million realm destroying beiengd in rhis realm headed twards the zed and lokang can fight them once zed is trained enough...i have a feling he will catch on quick though
"Ya noe what for not telling me you'll get a penalty"Ember said and kissed him passionately not allowing him to speak or move away from her.
Danny rolled his eyes,"damn vampires "he thought blushing and looking away he didn't look at her and allowed her to bite down not really caring because he was a ice demon so his blood would still be pure.
"I know impending doom and all, but the whole angel thing involves virtue, and I can sense a certain vampire who is having trouble getting to this school. I'll be back soon" Zed flew off to help Isabella. He landed outside a closet and opened the door. "Hi, I'm Zed. And you are... Okay... Hey, Danny. Nice to see you... donating your blood. Let me guess, she is your new partner right. Good choice. I don't know, but I can sense her talent, and angels are never wrong about potential... usually. When she is done, I'll take to the school. There are some people who want to meet her." said Zed.
Isabella bit down hard, drinking his blood heavily. A little bit dripped down her chin, and to the floor. She pulled away from him and wiped the blood off her lips. She didn't look at him.

"Don't let me do that next time.." She muttered, still not meeting his gaze as she turned her gaze to the door. She didn't want him to see that she was blushing, since she NEVER did that.

When Zed came in, her eyes widened a little bit. But she was surprised. He seemed very friendly, and said she had potential. She already liked him.

"There's no way in hell I'm going out there. Those girls are going to trample me." She said, referring to the girls that were going crazy.
Danny glared,"you and my sister are not on good terms so I don't think so...... Unless your willing to do me a favor"he said smirking widely.

Danny patted Issabella's head,"I don't mind as long as its mine and not anyone else's"he said smiling then turned his attention back to Zed. Danny already could tell that Zed liked Issabella.
"Well, your sister is a little different than I thought... not as bad. But, I'll humor you. What do you need? As for you, Isabella, there is no need to fear being trampled - I won't let that happen."
"Pictures of Tammy's techno form and a video of her getting super nervous"Danny said smirking then held out his hand,"your crush for my love which do you pick"he said smirking.
"Let's think... I'll take your love. Let's go, Isabella. By the way, Danny, I like you, I've got not problem with you. You'll have the video by tomorrow. But, if you hurt Tammy with that video, I'll exorcise you demon a** so fast you won't have time blink." threatened Zed. Opening the door, he lead Isabella out.
Danny smirked,"I actually have a thing for Tammy she'll be mine soon"he said and walked away touching the blood on his neck then jolted at the girls screaming and ran to his dorm room and locked the door sighing.
"Right this way, Isabella. Let's head over to my friends. Trust me, they are a little better than Danny was."

(Hey, Paradise, that is your cue xD )
Isabella couldn't help but grin to herself when Danny and Zed began sort of fighting with each other. She flashed Danny a look, than glanced back towards Zed.

"By the way, when you said I had potential, how did you know? You've never heard me play before, right?" She asked curiously, her eyes now back to there normal color. She looked a little bit behind her, seeing Danny run away from the girls and into his dorm room. She raised an eyebrow, and grinned again.
Tammy slowly woke up and saw Zed with Issabella and jolted looking away sadly,"I'm ganna go work on the cages"she said and flew off leaving the trail of sparkly tears.(bwahahahhaha! Okay you were right Rune I lied xD )
(Nah nothing too bad bwahahah just keep doing what your doing XDDD Tammy likes Zed but Zed likes Issabella XDDD and Danny likes Tammy and Issabella likes no one)
( xD I wrote that they were already there so Tammy could see them)

Tammy hid in the secret chamber crying,"first that Emily girl now the vampire girl...."she said then sniffled,"nobody ever likes the bookworm"she thought as she read books to learn more about the original White walkers.
"Well, the fact is I'm the last archangel in existence. Long story short, the rest of my brethren were killed about an hour ago. But, angel perks include being able to sense the potential locked away in individuals. And I sensed that in you. Is it true that vampires can't walk in the sun, because that is the only way to the veranda where the others are."

(Hey Paradise, are you gonna be on tomorrow?)

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