School for the Musical Ghouls

(as u said tht one dropped offXD) rune: no like a *He tips and hits the book that opens the door*rune: well thats lucky

lokang grumbles: so off balance today
Tammy jolted hearing the door open and goes into hyper mode angry again not wanting to be bothered by the people who Just ignored her she shot up and was yelling at them but all that was heard was a highpitched squeak. She then closed the door and flew to grab a book and hit them all with one.

Tammy then continued to yell at them moving side to side to keep in hyper spead her face a crimson red but that couldn't be seen.
rune:ouch, we just got maka chopped*lokang and rune bust out laughing and lokang hits rune on the head*lokang: reapper chop!* they laugh harder then gain there composure again and look around*rune: tammy calm down please....we didnt mean to ignore you
"... Or that. I wonder what is down there. Since it is on school grounds, it should be safe. Be ready anyway. Better to be safe than sorry, right?" With that, Zed withdrew the gleaming Sword of Michael. "Hey, check it out. Star Splitter and Death's Scythe are cool too, but you have to admit, the Sword of Michael is pretty sweet. And the best part? The "Sword" is actually a set." He withdrew the second sword. (They are the second and fourth from the left. Plus, the second to last looks cool for Star Splitter, and the last could be the King of Hell's sword. Just suggestions xD )

Anyway, let's get going.
Tammy glared her body was able to be seen now that she was keeping still but her wings still kept her in hyper speed she pouted looking away her face still crimson to show her anger then she looked back at the two and began yelling again but nothing was heard she then looked at Zed and glared. Tammy then stood over where the secret door was now again a green light and the squeak began again.
(star splitter is more the middle red one and the king of hells is more the second to last but fire red with hellflames on it)rune: tha hyper fairy? lokang please translate...

lokang: shes yelling at us...alot

rune: lets leave the hellflame alone for now...i dont want any bad consequences from altering it as the king being released and it are connected
(Like I said the second and fourth from the left are the Swords of Michael) "Look Tammy, we're sorry, I sensed something hidden, and we just wanted to make sure it wasn't dangerous."
(actually star splitter is the gold 1 and the kings is like the second to last but hells flame not metal lol)
Tammy glared angrily at them,"you guys are jerks now you want to talk to me! And you can't go inside how do you know it wasn't a private bathroom hm? It's secret on-"she started not heard by any of them so basically talking to herself she opened it and flew inside then grabbed Runes hand and flew inside pulling him in then let his hand go and pulled out a heavy book on the king of hell she then jolted as it fell on her and she squirmed as a green light.
*lokang picks the book up then helps her up*lokang: pull ups....they help in carrying things...

(w8! got confused, rune did and said tht not lokang)
(Dude, like I said, the go second and fourth from the left are the sword of michael. that means the red and the gold one.) Zed apologized profusely, but Tammy was still pretty pissed off.
(It's okay xD )

Tammy pouted,"I'm still angry at you"she yelled then flew out and looked at the two others and calmed down she turned her backs on them looking away still crimson,".... I thought about it... And...... If you both say sorry we can use the secret chamber as a room that only we know about and I'll let you all come in when you want and it can be used for private measures and one of you is paying for my lunch.... That includes you Rune!"she yelled glaring.
rune: wow....what if i just flippin cook something?* lokang gasps* lokang: take the offer he just put....hes a friggin awesome cook i swear he rarely does it though*rune pouts* rune: i rarely have the chance to
Zed sent an exasperated look at Lokang, then turned back hoping Tammy didn't catch it. "Well, I, for one, am very, very sorry for not thinking of all the possibilities before barging down here." Then, seeing Lokang just standing there, he elbowed him and said "Go on, apologize. Can't be a god if you're not a man, Lokang."
lokang and rune: sorry! we where like derps and we didnt think, we apologize

rune: well lokang is a herp a derp but u know
Tammy smiled then looked at Rune stomping her foot,"nope! You gatta pay for my lunch.... Like a date but not a date!"she said then jolted,"I mean you guys are attractive dont get me wrong but it's just payment....... Anyway~..... decide while I get something"she said and flew off.
"I understood perfectly. Rune needs to come up with a plan because he was the one who pointed us to this chamber, and he was the one who opened it. Lokang and I will stand and supervise. Right, Lokang?"
lokang: yeah yeah what he said!*rune frowns* rune: fine ill pay for her lunch cos u two seem to have your panties tied up but whatever....hopefully it doesnt cost too much
Tammy was flying around the crimson gone but blushed slightly thinking about what she said,"did he figure out the crush?"she mumbled hugging her book.(hehehe! Tammy's got a crush on someone xD figure it out if you already think you know type who you think it is)
"Just so you know, her transformation probably expends a ton of energy. And, with all the excitement, what with her flying around and talking at super speed and getting all flustered, she used even more energy. She probably hasn't eat since breakfast this morning. And I hear they are serving her favorite food in the cafeteria today... so good luck. By the way, now would be a good time to call on those riches and wealth from Lokang's Death God ability. You'll need all the money you can get. Alright. K. Bye." Zed was gone in a flash of golden light and a whirlwind of white feathers. Most people would have sworn they heard the echo of loud laughing as he was leaving.
(Hahaha! Just what I thought okay I'm not ganna tell you if your right or wrong =w= I am so good and being evil bwahahaha! Might be Rune or Lokang too don't forget those options teeeheeeeeeeeee)

Tammy flew back smiling,"so who's...."she started but then fainted she had used up a lot of energy like Zed had said earlier.

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