School for the Musical Ghouls

rune: theres much you dont know about the watchers... i was one once and cannot tell their secrets by an oath on my life, also why the transformation?

lokang: now im wondering.....if the white walkers where before matter, arent they older than drakons?*rune nods and lokang sighs hating the thought*
"Fairies have 3 transformations and because I'm a book warm mine are normal, Techno, and Historical"Tammy said smiling then a see through screen appeared and Tammy began typing on it,"I can search the whole library to find books that you want it's easier then doing it the natural way"she said and a bunch of books appeared off of the shelves and flew over to her,"seems this is what we have if you don't want to wait it won't take to long to find more"she said not looking at anything but the screen as her fingers tapped against it.
rune: we need all the information we can on them....even the tinyest thing can help, were going on a little trip once we guessing well have to wait untill after the school year but thats ok...i will ask you never to tell anyone about the fact me and lokang are looking into the white walkers other than zed as he is also a part of it cos theres a student here that the white walkers and if she finds we are searching for them-*lokang intterupts*lokang: shell kill us in out sleep*rune nods*rune:my sentiment exactly
Meanwhile, in Heaven, Zed takes back control. "Right I'm her... Wait, what happened?" The pearly gates had been torn asunder, and the towering beauty of the buildings had been brought to the ground. The waterfalls that once flowed white with the energy of pure souls now flowed red with the blood of the angels. "How can this be?" Zed thought. Then, he heard it. The soft beating of a wing. He immediately flew to that spot. He spotted a fellow seraph lying on the ground, three of his six wings having been torn off by some incredible force. "Go, brother, fly. Leave this place. It is no longer safe. Stay alive, so that you may lead us when the time of angels comes again." With that, the last of the angels disintegrated into gold dust, which was carried away by a breeze. "I have to get out of here" Zed thought.

But, just as he was leaving, he was brought crashing down to the golden roads of Heaven. "Not so fast little bird. I have a message for you and your friends. Tell them to stop coming after the White Walkers. It won't do any good, killing the original one. Sure, the others will die on the spot. But, they are not the true evil in the universe. Why do you think God didn't stop the destruction of Heaven? It is because my people have captured him. We are the darkest forces in the multiverse. We, the Original Ones. God has a family as well. He created the universe without our consent, and it is our will to destroy all that He created. I am Iskander, the oldest of the of His brothers. Fear me, and fear us, for we will bring the end." That is the last thing Zed heard before he was sent hurtling back to the planet from which he came.

(I am going to make a character sheet for Iskander soon. By the way, Zed lands in the library, and his speed means that he destroyed the section of books about White Walkers. Luckily, the others can ask him about the Original Ones.)
*zed had landed on top of rune and lokang, they groan and stand up*rune: lay off the food will ya? i feel like i got hit with a train

lokang: agreed

Tammy nodded,"please read what I got you so far while I search"she said tapping a little faster. Books from the shelves came flying off and changing spots,"what the...."Tammy said and a big book came out,"program failing"she mumbled and the heavy book slammed to the floor,"sorry it's a book on spells.... It was hiding..... Rune you should take it don't let anyone know you have it.... If its hiding its probably important"she mumbled.

Tammy walked over to the guys,"need help?"she said softly holding her hand out.(hohoho have fun Zed *payback*)
rune: uhh sure...magic books hiding, have that problem alot in my library honestly...*lokang coughs and quickly says hiding from your arse and coughs again while rune picks up the book* rune: hopefully i find something good here..

lokang: bigger problems? thats like....saying there is bigger problems than the things that will wipe out the multiverse soon....*rune gets a letter and reads it then stomps his foot*rune: DANMIT! the known lands! gone! 57 trillion people taken....and the signs of the white walkers are there....and im sensing a old energy stirring somewhere in the multiverse, stronger than me even...
"Yes, but the White Walkers are part of the multiverse. God created them along with everything else. But, He couldn't control them. Even worse, He is the youngest of a family of creators, beings who exist outside of the multiverse itself. God got captured by his two older brothers, and the oldest, Iskander, destroyed Heaven with a bat of his eyelash. Now, they are easily manipulating the White Walkers. Even if we kill the original White Walker, and the other ones disappear, we are going to have to deal with the Original Ones." Suddenly, a bright light shown in the library. "Here Zed, you will need this if you want to kill the White Walkers. Won't do yo much good thought." said the voice of Iskander, which chilled all of them to their bones. Then, they heard a laugh that turned the air freezing cold and instantly killed all the vegetation within a mile radius. "There, that was Iskander." said Zed. "You can see the effects of his power. He is so strong that none of us can feel his true power. His power is on a dimension that none of us, even Rune, can't comprehend!"
"What are you guys all talking about?"Tammy said tilting her head slightly,"oh wait you don't have to tell me anything if its personal"she added,"I'll just erm let you guys talk sorry"she said and walked to another area and began fixing up the library.
rune: manipulating the white walkers? not possible...(trust me, the plotline for the white walkers is gonna be interesting cos of my plan for the original wight) lokang:original ones....i heard of them before...cant remember exactly but they where supposed to be gone

rune: i say...after we kick some white walker arse we go and get ready for our other enemies(cos the white walkers will be extremely less powerful compared to the ancient ones and rune, lokang and zed get a unique power from destroying them in the end i think...)
"There is a problem. We can't kill the Original Ones. They exist outside of the multiverse. Death is their creation, a limitation placed on this multiverse. Death has no meaning for them. The best we could do is capture them in an exceedingly powerful cage. The only one who could make that cage would have to be extremely, no insanely smart. And we would be too busy fighting the White Walkers to help. They would have to take the risk and be independent. They might get attacked by wights. I can't think of anyone who would take the job. Can you?"
lokang: did you just say that death was their-*rune gasps and slaps lokang on the back*rune: brilliant! if death made them, death should be able to find them...and we got a death god and a hell god here, what could be more suited to find them than us? and the cage....*lokang looks at rune and gasps* lokang: no, not setne! please tell me you wouldnt risk letting that menace back out of the un-dimensional planes?*rune nods*rune: the only one i know who could create that powerful of a cage is setne and hes the only one who i know that cant be harmed by physical attacks...lokang: so be it, while we fight the wights when we are ready setne will build a cage...
(It is meant for Tammy xD That's why I said the person must be smart. Plus, Tammy can become more independent. Character development, tada.)
(she could help setne wiff the cage when he comes?0.0)

(setne has infinite knowledge but lacks a physical form so she would actually fit right into that....ive got an idea for the cage from somethin i saw in a movie)
(Perhaps keep and eye on him. But, remember, the Original Ones could be listening right now. Who says they aren't going to Setne as we speak!?!)
(but its ur choice tammy, she can work alone or with setne?)

(setne is a menace, but he wouldnt help anyone but rune so hes safe...and the original ones cant manipulate him as hes been known to manipulate gods with just his speech)
(alright, since Tammy is going to be alone, we can go try to get Setne, find out he has been destroyed by some unknown means, but his knowledge can be absorbed by someone with enough potential, ie. Tammy.)
(awwh ok, i guess its up to tammy to build the cage but the thing is how will they even get out of the dimensions to cage the original ones and also they cant leave the school so they cant fight the white walkers, im wondering if the principal would let them go fight them later on in the year if they asked?)
(If the principal is told by THE GUARDIANS that they need to leave to protect the school then yeah scan the cards Rune! )
(Well, the Original Ones will come into the dimension if the White Walkers don't succeed in destroying the universe. So, somehow, perhaps we can get Fawna in on the plan. She just needs to know that we need to get away. She'll do it because then there is less competition and annoyances. And, if Kandy wants, Fawna can use her cunning to figure out more than our chars want her to know xD . Also, who'd Rune select as the two other guardians?)

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