School for the Musical Ghouls

"Alright, well here goes. Question 1: Who needs to know about the White Walkers thing? Question 2, which is one Rune really needs to judge himself: When should I start my training with Emily. Obviously, it won't be wight training since I'm an archangel. But, I would be getting stronger, and I'd gain valuable knowledge about how to fight wights, which you guys already have, and I might gain insight into her plans, which none of us know about. Also, a comment: Impressive scythe."
Ember smiled and patted Runes back hard enough to send him flying,"haha! Good job Rune good job!"she said then smiled,"with this it's a scanner you scan there cards but take it up with Tammy so she knows who's there too she's not the strongest person but she's in charge of every new student trying to help but if she gets too angry...."she explained holding up the scanning gun then looked around and leaned in,"she..... Changes...... Not her body or anything but if you haven't noticed the principal a wizard has a niece fairy..... Wouldn't you assume she's part witch?"she whispered then winked,"didn't hear that from me"she said.
Lokang: yoy may openly talk about white walkers but never to emily, she will kill you if she finds your planning to destroy them...and the training...well i higly doubt emily will be able to teach you much about killing wights...thats my and runes specialty*he chuckles and pulls out a neclace with a counter on it that had more didgits than anyone would care to count*lokang: the wights are numerous, this is how mant ive slain in my life...not as many as rune as theyre attracted to him

Rune: ahh i see. Tell the library have you read anything in refference to the white walkers(note that trying to fight the walkets is a suicide mission for all except three ceartain people together so ember should be suprised) rune: i need to learn all i can for when i leave here*his mind flashes back to the letter" within 5 years their armys will become too powerful and they will destroy life as we know it" he shivers and looks at her*
"Well, I'm divinely perceptive. I can figure out her weaknesses just by training with her. But, I'll need some training with you guys first, you know, so she doesn't pummel me. So, when is a good time, cause I have nothing to do..... Crap! I think we all got so caught up in this wight and evil business that we forgot we go to a school. Isn't the recital for the first semester tomorrow?!?" (hint, hint: we should do something musical, like a big group thing since none of our characters was preparing... besides Fawna.)
(Well, it is the day before school and theres alot going on....i doubt any one would be ready for a performance and it must b like 11 pm there)
(so, we are going to do a recital? I mean, they are all really good musicians, so I'm sure they could cobble something up. Perhaps it could be an performance where other music schools come to see our talent. That way, instead of individuals or partners, we could show off all together and wow the other schools. sounds fun, right?)
(Its one school in the realm0.0 i dont think theres several schools for musical ghoulsXD good idea tho for like the next day after school at night we should do it)
(Actually all the characters are paired off an by default Issabella and Danny are a pair xD so yeah the recital is a pair/ group/ band thing xD the next day it is so thanks for that idea! And teachers will pick out the students musical levels so not everyone's in the same music class)

Ember jolted and glared,"no..... You should practice for tomorrow I led you here so you can talk to Tammy but she's gone..... So..... Go to your dorm.... Practice sleep do what you want and your allowed to use your powers but just to help stop or punish students but nothing deadly"she said then walked away to her room.
*rune quickly goes into the library and collects any books he can about wights checks them out and heads to his dorm lokang havong fallen face first onto the floor asleep like a tard*
"Yo, Rune, you forgot your Death God." But Rune had already gone. "I am going to have to drag him to their dorm, aren't I?" he said, speaking to himself. "Well, then, after that I better get ready for Tammy." He shook his head, "The life of an archangel... le sigh."
*rune reads the books for awhile(ok either we time skip to le mornin or sumthin happens as its late in the school so students rlly shouldnt b out n about)lokang snores like a fool in his sleep obvoouslty out cold from being tired*
(Maybe not so close maybe the next day would be a day that the school introduces teachers and stuff like an orientation then the kids get the day to practice :D btw I still don't have school for the WHOLE week ;D)

(Yeah time skip *you guys r fast or I'm slow* lets just say that Tammy and Zed saved it for the next day k?)
(Lucky buggerXD i still hav school...and the time skip rlly shoulda happened awhile ago cos itd be a reaaaaallllyyyy long school year if we do 400+ posts a page*imagines le rp at the last day "xxxxx posts"* xD
(I have school now too. But, I have no problem extending this for a long time xD I really like this rp. No huge, long posts, just fun interactions between characters.)
(Yeah okay)

Tammy yawned and went to the bathroom and did what she needed too then put on her clothes. Tammy grabbed her book bag and flew to the auditorium and took a seat in the back."I've always hated this"she mumbled.
*rune wakes up having fallen asleep and stands up looking at his clothes*rune: well if im not really just a student now i can look my stature*he changes his shirt into a flexible suit and tie with dress pants*rune: no, not right...less stuck up and more practical and strong*his clothes turn into a green shirt and a blue cape that goes down to his shins*rune: one last thing*he summons his true silver gold and dark elf metalengraved oakwood staff that shines black*rune: now i look like a wizard/he walks out of his dorm and lokang him and emilynall head to where theyre supposed to go(where is it?)*
Zed flew down from the highest spire of the school. He changed into his best suit and tie. He looked pretty snappy. He pocketed his pan flute, and headed over to the auditorium.
*rune and lokang sit down in the back of the auditoruim and emily sits on the other side giggling to herself madly while rune and lokang wisper to eachother*rune: i dont care if we spend a year , we got five before they come*lokang wispers something back and rune nods and they cintinue to wisper*
Tammy noticed how the students came in she scanned for new students but didn't see any she blushed when guys walked by waving at her,"this school is populated by guys....."she thought getting a brighter and brighter red.
*rune wanting to cause some fun sends several wier lights dancing around the auditoruim changing colors as they go to amuse the students, the wier lights where harmless dispite there bright colors*
Zed began to enter and he saw Tammy. "Hey Tammy, how are you today? Don't worry about the recital, we'll just do what we did at our practice. You start, I'll join in. Hopefully, most of their souls are pure, otherwise my flute is going to sound terrible."
Ember walked over to Rune,"Hun no magic"she said wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek,"I'll see you later"she whispered and walked to the stage."Students! Settle down!"the principal said softly,"oh..... Settle down students"he said and pointed his finger to the air like a rock star and fireworks went off he danced and when he spun around he looked like a cute set teenage boy with blonde hair and he sang. Everyone screamed excitedly as he performed then he laughed when he finished and everyone was in awe,"glad to get your attention!"he said.

Tammy smiled at Zed,"I'm fine....."she whispered smiling at him the blush from the other boys where still there."uncle is so funny"she said and looked at Zed her wings fluttered a bit and she jolted looking away.
*rune smiles and puts the wier lights out then watches the little performance thinking the fireworks where what he was gonna use the wier lights for but didnt care cos it was funny to watch the principal dance*rune: nice, glad the principal can relate to his students*lokang nods and smiles staying silent*

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