School for the Musical Ghouls

Rune: fine, and if you dont tell...i actually have a better idea! Ill turn you into a frog and use you as the renewing esperiment and dissection frog....a fitting punishment for such a wart putrid being in life* he waitd for zed to try divins suggestion*
Zed forcefully grabbed Kitty's face and forced her to kneel. His eyes glowed golden and his voice became a mixture of hundreds of thousands of angelic voices. "You will tell us what we want. Rune will ask you questions. You will answer them fully and you will not withhold any information." He let go and returned to normal. "Now, just ask her the questions like you would talk to anyone."
"Why the third ques...." Zed trailed off. "Ah, I see. Fun." he said, his eyes glowing yellow for the briefest of moments. But, if anyone had looked closely, they would have sworn they saw a streak of red in those eyes. Zed also realized that he had made himself visible, so Fawna probably saw the act of him forcing Kitty to tell the truth. But, he couldn't care less. Right now, the school of music and its snotty "royalty" didn't matter to him.
Fawna looked at Zed,"you know I thought angels where supposed to be nice and forgiving not total ass wholes"she told him with a blank expression then walked back to her room thinking that she had enough emotional excitement for one day.

There was a big boom and Ember and the Principal arrived. The boom was all the upgrades and all the unwanted guests being sent out of the realm. The principal grabbed Kitty,"why do you hate fairies"he asked flatly. Kitty didn't speak. Ember looked at the two boys infront of her she glared and her body retain her normal form being that she couldn't look 16 she looked 20 but in all reality she was 26000 years old or older."you idiots....... A cat hybrid will only talk if you"Ember started with glowing eyes and pulled her tail and ears. Kitty screamed,"okay okay! My step father was a fairy and he did very..... Disgusting things to me.... Ever since then I have seemed revenge against those stupid animals"she yelled as Ember walked to Tammy."your fairy dust has kept you alive this long"she said and emptied a bag of fairy dust over her,"get to your dorms!"Ember yelled floating in the air with glowing Firey red eyes. The students stood there determined,"you dare deify a fire elemental I was born from the first valcano! You defy me?!"she yelled then sighed,"you all love her.... She'll be fine.... Go"she said softly the students nodded and ran off. Tammy was engulfed in the fairy dust,"begin projections!"Ember yelled. The principal looked at the two,"this is how you save a fairy......"he said smiling,"the fairy dust is what keeps them alive"he added smiling,"so she was able to survive this long..... She's getting stronger...... There will be 4 projections her worst memory, Her sadest memory, her favorite memory, and her hardest thing to do memory.... Watch"he said and chairs appeared for the two.

The projections began: the first was when Zed had left her behind in the forest to when she fell and broke her wing. The second was when she was a little girl crying hard and a woman smiled and touched her head,"your parents abandoned you yes?"the woman asked,"did they love you? Listen careful anyone who abandons you hates you.... And ALL boys hate fairies"the woman said and Tammy continued crying with a nod. Her favorite memory began and it was when Zed asked her to be her partner to when they played together but what Zed didn't hear that was projected in the memory was how her heartbeat changed. The last memory was the one that she had to push Zed away then walke to see him talking to Emily the sound of her heart breaking was heard. The projections dissappeared and Tammy came out from the fairy dust like a cocon,"what happened?"she asked with a yawn. Her green wings fluttered.

(Sorry so long)
Rune: i see, so even i didnt know that*he pulls out a notepad and scribnles something down*rune: i need to be more prepared for situations such as this*he looks at kitty*rune: since you had tpo be forced and would not give the awnsers willingly i will not give you eternal punishment...nor will i give you the pleasure of going to the isles of the blest, you will love your afterlife an amnesiac in the fields of aposphel with the other main bulk of spirits with no chance of reincarnation to try again in lofe just like most that die do

Emily: ohh! So little friends are all gone too*she looks at the principal and pouts*emily: now ill have to do it all myself...oh well!*emily skips off tward the library and immidiatly ztarts reading magic books once she gets there*

Rune mutters after emily leaves: im going to rip the rest of the wights apart when i get the chance...along with that emily...a wight knowing magic is even more a abomination than the rest of there infecting and murderous race
Ember yawned and Kitty could careless."anyway i mist be going"the principal said and dissappeared.(I'm going trickortreating now! Bye!)
(Cya....ill hav liek nothin to do all day thnXD)Emily: ohh, this spell is good!*she writes it in her spellbook she keeps on her at all times then copies down a few others while singing: the fireborn the fireborn hes gonna meet a big who*e ill slit his throat and feed him to a goat! rune will die and ill make him into a pie!*

Rune: would anyine be mad if i just lightly decapitated that damn wight shaman woman? Because...shes going to use what she learns here to kill...i know that for sure as a wights only purpose is to kill and kill...then bringthe dead back as wights or others...and i also naturally want to RIP them to shreads*he growls and his teeth morph into a super sharp and pointy version of teeth*
(Kk) *rune looks at zed* rune': tommorow ill have a control device so you can lessen the effect of your powers....for going to go spar a few lost-ones(lost ones are the rotting creatures of the nevarld, nearly invincible and theyve got immense strength that has never been matched in recorded history)*rune walks to the training room waving his hand and several lost ones appear and rune has a fist to fist no weapons battle with them leaving them broken into pieces*rune: not as strong as i was before!*he hits a wall and the entire school shakes*rune: im going to train*he picks up a large crate filled with about 5 tons of metal and runs across the training room several times with it on his shoulders while emily continued reading magic books*
"Alright, thanks." Zed watched Rune fighting the lost ones, and he felt his inner angel aching to come out and fight. He knew he couldn't access enough of the power to fight with Rune, Emily, or the Lost Ones. He began to wonder why his angel was so aggressive. Perhaps he should figure out exactly what type of angel he really is. But first, he needed to go tell that Ember girl why she should never pull rank, age, or the threat of her power on him again.
*lokang wakes up then looks at rune then too zed he gets up and walks too zed*lokang: runes....very aggresive when hes around wights, his amount of self controll around his opposite is amazing...even i can sense the wight shaman here and hate wights...killing people of all kinds then bringing them back as wights or i can see where rune is getting this sudden rage....hes like a like a god...oh wait! He is a god...dang i litterally cant put a name to what hes like when hes mad...he has so much power pent up inside he shouldve exploded long ago but somehow he keeps it in, unless of course around wights wich he usually instantly will kill any wight he sees....and i dont blame him.
"That is why I am so eager to train under him. Hey, can you help me? What was the name of my oldest archangel brother? He was the leader of Heaven's armies, basically God since our father never actually ruled. I am his replacement, which means... with Rune, Emily, and your help... I could take up the mantle of god. Think of that. A Hell god, a Heaven god, and a Death god vs the wights. We'd be able to rid the world of their plague. So, what do you think of my proposition? Will you help me become as strong as Rune?" asked Zed, hopeful to finally have purpose in life. Before, he was an avian, so he was an outcast. But, as The Archangel, he could adopt God's powers and help Lokang and Rune.
Lokang: im not to into the goings on of heaven but i belive it was nethrom who led the armies of heaven...they dissapeared long and where addumed dead...but even if you where a heaven god it would take forever to rid the world of the wights....and to do that truely we would have to kill the white walkers*lokang shivers at the words, the white walkers where a race of people who created the first wight out of ice and evil, their location is unknown and so is their looks but they are used in childs tales to scare young children*lokang: if the wights are so strong they kill millions and millions of people and only are stopped by the stronger beings of life....then i dont know if white walkers could be defeated.
Suddenly, Zed's eyes began to glow. "No, Lokang, the almighty Michael was the true leader of the Army of Heaven. By unlocking the power of the Heaven God, you would be able to destroy the original White Walker. The others are sired from it. Destroy the first, and the remaining will crumble. That is what happened to the Army of Heaven when Michael was slain by hand of Satan. The prophecy can be fulfilled. The location of the prophecy is..." Then, just as suddenly as it appeared, the golden glow disappeared, and Zed appeared to be a little woozy. "What... What the heck just happened? I feel like I just got bludgeoned with a mace." Zed exclaimed.
Lokang: you said some stuff that disproves all theory....rune killed satan...rune has more power in him than the heaven god then, but then he probably cannot kill the white walkers...if im corrsct the spell he placed on the first wighthad more power than anything ive seen...i belive rune alone couldnt beat the white walkers...there have been pplaces decimated...entire realms ruined theyre occupants nowhere to be found, the only explination is the white walkers...and the power to destroy an entire realm? Its physically impossible according to theory, oh and theres a prophexcy about white walkers i heard once...its horrid, says the hero will loose the fight! But then again...prophecys arent always what they seem

**a large wolf appears in frontbof rune and drops a package on the ground, rune wonders why tha hell a soul stealer was delivering things but didnt care he opens the package and reads a letter inside and takes something small out he then walks over to lokang*rune: hey lokang, can u hold this for me while i go find a book of gems?*lokang nods and takes the gem from rune and his eyes glow pure black*lokang: this power, its of...the true reaper...(shizz just got serious wit lokang, he is now not a grim reaper but the TRUE reaper)
Tammy had been in the nurses office with Ember helping her out. Tammy flew to the trainning room to find Zed she flew over to him and grabbed his hand,"I'm sorry!!!!!!"she yelled then looked at Zed and smiled,"I'm sorry I really am..... Ember found emotional charms on me she said that Kitty was planning to get me alone so it made me feel things ten times more then they really were..... I'm sorry...."she said softly,"I shouldn't have gotten so angry at you everyone has there own skeleton in the closet"she said softly,"friends again?"she asked looking at him hopefully her grip a little tighter on his hands.
Rune: lokang.....its seems we mite just be able to take down the white said the hero will fall...but we now are three heroes arent we?*lokang nods and the gem turns into a gleaming black scythe and he puts it on his back*lokang: heaven, hell and death...the three elements that bind life will destroy the things that wish to destroy all of it....madness...knowledge....agression...the three points of life aside from love and a few small ones
Ember appeared infront of Rune as a giant flame,"the Principal wants to speak with you"she said. Ember slowly regained a human form but her hair fingers and feet where still on fire,"sorry after using all the power I can't seem to keep a human form.... Come with me"she said and began walking.
Zed looked down at Tammy. "... Yes, although, it really isn't your place to apologize. I overreacted, and I am truly sorry. Definitely friends again." he said while smiling. "However, right now, I have to go meet with some others. I have a proposal. After I'm done talking with them, we can meet at my place again... maybe be partners?" he said hopefully. "Don't worry, there is no need to reply now. Just meet me at my dorm and that'll be confirmation enough for me." With that, Zed flew to meet Rune and Lokang. "I sense a significant power increase in Lokang. He is almost on par with Rune now. Damn, I need to become stronger. I must commence my training soon." he thought while flying to his destination.
*rune quickly walks to the principals office along with lokang and lokang stays outside the office while rune enters*rune: you asked to speak with me? I assure you i did no wrong today as i only actually was near the kitty girl once she ended her own she was only a spirit ehen i failed to innterogate her, abd the wier lights*he looks around*rune: i dont seem to see any now, and i also created them without even knowinf...i have a bit of an anger problem and when i get angry they tend to appear....i was only trying to hlp and i apologize*he bows*

Rune thinks: so, embers a fire elemental, intruiging....ill have to be more cautious...i dont want another incidenf like the last time i knew a fire elemental....
Zed flew into the room and landed right beside Rune. "Hey, I needed to speak to yo...." he trailed off. "Oh, principal meeting, understood." He attempted to leave the room through door, hoping that that the principal had forgotten his part in this. He edged towards the door.
"Your not in trouble love"Ember said as she sat on the principals desk."Ember please"the principal started,"no your not in any kind of trouble Rune..... I actually want to praise you"he said,"I don't want my niece hurt..... She's my only blood line left"he said then looked at Rune,"I would like to offer you a position that allows you to use your magic..... It's something of a school monator but that sounds odd so you can pick a better name only 4 students can do this.... Tammy is one and you are now as well..... You can pick two others...... I trust you Rune..... Ember explain to Rune how to pick people on your way to the library with him"he said. Ember smiled and stood up nodding,"but of course I'm going to-"she started,"of course"the principal said and put a necklace around her neck. Ember sighed turning back to her human form,"only your charms can hold the powers down"she said. The principal nodded and snapped his fingers and Rune and Ember where swiftes out of the room and the doors closed.

Tammy smiled happily and flew home.
Zed saw Ember and Rune outside of the principal's office. "I'm really sorry for any trouble you got in Rune. And Ember, I'm sorry I didn't flash over as soon as I heard Tammy... I just... wasn't thinking straight. However..." Zed almost told Ember about the plan with him, Rune, and Lokang. "Hey, Rune, a moment please."
*rune slowly walks to the library with ember*rune: so, how do you choose people for this? I think i know one, hes pretty responcible when he needs to be...and he knows alot more than me honestly, if he wasnt such a dang heavy sleeper he probably wouldve been there too*rune chuckles and lokang follows close by hidden manipulating something around him to make him invisible*rune: lokang you can come out! Manipulating the substance doesnt fool my eyes...even though it isnt really magic, i wonder the capabilitys of magic and the substance*rune writes somethkng down about it wantkng to remember it for later and lokang comes out of hiding*

*lokang taps zed on the shoulder and wispers in his ear*lokang: theyre discussing something important, from what i heard some sort of monitering thing...ill awnser whatever question you have, im sure rune would trust my opinion*rune hearing this does a thumbs up at lokang so quick only je would notice*

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