School for the Musical Ghouls

The principal smiled and raised his hand,"now here are your teachers!"he yelled and he called the teachers out and they did a performance,"Ms. Blaze your nurse and health magics teacher!"he yelled. Ember threw her egg in the air and jumped up she spun around by her egg in mid air and made the air warm and comfy then blew a kiss out and created a sparkling area with a steamy air. She then landed and caught her egg then smiled waving."now we will call students up and they will name there pair or group members!"The principal yelled then he called up students and crossed names off on his list to get to every student,"Zed!"The principal said waiting for Zed to come up to the stage.
Alright then, time to go. Zed went up onto the stage. "My partner is Tammy," gesturing for her to come up, "and together, we'll be improvising a tune for the piano and... my pan flute. Don't knock it until you've heard it. (My character description describes how it can either be the best or the worst instrument someone's ever heard. Its heavenly origin means it's amazing to the pure hearted, and terrible to the evil spirited.)
(There's no evil students demons not evil the evils wouldn't be there xD )

Tammy blushed getting on stage she looked at Zed and blushed going to the piano she froze nervously her body shook,"nervous"she mumbled then banged her head on the keys,"sorry sorry"she said getting up and bowing then jolted and fell flat on her face then jolted up as everyone laughed she took a deap breath feeling she couldn't mess up anymore and began playing. Her fingers glided and the song was beautiful.
(Emilys evil but she as being dead doesnt feel pain, she would naturally hate the sound but she wouldnt feel the pain)
(It isn't physical pain, it is pain in her core, whatever core that is, and that manifests as pain. But, she is definitely strong enough to grit her teeth and take, albeit maybe shaking a little)

Zed ended the piece with a lively Scottish flute solo. The crowd applauded, and Zed actually felt a little proud. Not too much thought, after all, this was just an informal recital. After his performance, he headed over to talk to Rune and Lokang. He had an idea.
*rune and lokang where talking*rune:okay! How about right as we start plaaying i light the stage with ghost fire? Come on! It wont hurt any student and will look amazing

lokang: would you like to wakr up with ghost fire printed across your forehead saying your a twat?

Rume grumbles: no you derp

lokang: fine, i belive we probably will be called up soon so what song? *rune thinks for a ,inute*rume: teumpet lights*lokang smiles*lokang: bout dang time! I love that song(hey tommorow ill trt to be on at my usuall time but if kandy comes on after i leave tonight yall will b stuck for awhile cos i cant get on at school)
(I have FREEDOM!!!!!!! xD but you guy usual get on around 3 o'clock my time I noticed yesterday cuz that's when I left for trick or treating I got 3 fudging garbage bags FULL of candy* my mom was driving around so she carried my stuff in the car and but my name on it* I can eat all I want FOR FRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEE all year round my Halloween candy usually lasts me till the day right before Halloween cuz that's when I eat the caramels :D btw I LOVE the term derp)

Tammy flew back to her seat blushing she had never been looked at by so many guys she began think,"what if they make a fan club ahhhhhh that's be to embarrassing I don't even like anyone like that"she thought then suddenly a bunch of guys yelled her name she sat dont and hid her face with her hands."next up is Fawna!"The principal yelled. Fawna got on the stage,"Danattello is my partner"she said the stage was then cleared and she sat on a chair,"but I will performe today alone because he's not here right now"she added sitting on her ice chair the beat began and on every beat she pointed around making ice speakers appear then on the last beat she had an ice mic in her hand and stood up and began singing. She danced around and people clapped to the beat some where too astonished to move. As she danced the speakers shined and the spotlight followed her around she looked like a sparkling gem she danced fluently and the light snow falling helped her look more dazzling her voice was like unimaginably beautiful.(

) She slowly finished and when she did the speakers exploded into sparkling rainbow snow and evaporated leaving the mic Fawna threw it in the air above her and it exploded into the same sparkling snow making her even more appealing and everyone yelled at the top of there lungs even Tammy was yelling she had enjoyed the performance and this was Fawna's power alone imagine with Danatello. Fawna sparkled as she got of the stage her cold blank expression really sold as everyone yelled,"we love you ice queen!". Fawna turned around and pointed her finger at the people who were yelling,"Freeze!"she said softly then continued to her seat and sat down. The principal even clapped,"amazing truly amazing!"he yelled,"next is Lokang"he said smiling then walked off the stage.
*lokang stands up and walks to the stage he then clears his throat and speaks* long: hello, my name is lokang imisan( i think thts wut i named him) and my partner is runeofflame* rune stands up and walks to the stage* lokang: we will be performing 'trumpet lights' *lokang starts up the tempo and rune sings the opening lines at the percise time there music filling the air in the auditorium and for several miles with energy beyond compare and runes voice bringing everyone even morre into the song while singing and as they finish the stage explodes into hundreds of wier lights glowing a dazzling glow and at the last beats they shoot into the air and explode in a shower of sparks that fade just before they reach the ground*(

heres the song its pretty good)
*rune smiles wildly and him and lokang bow* rune: thank you all!* students cheer and scream rune and lokangs names and they simply walk of stage and as a final little performance front flip and back flip spinning in the air all the way to there seats and sit down*rune: great performance lokang*lokang nods* lokang: likewise

The principal clapped,"last is Emily"he said and clapped and got off the stage. Fawna yawned then glanced back at Tammy seeing she was still alive.
*emily stood up and walks onto stage and sits down a set of drums appearing in front of her* emily: hello all you people! now my turn to show how its done*he plays a song and sings lightly along with it and the floor vibrates with every beat the melody toutching peoples hearts and while she plays a huge blizzard forms around her showering the students with hundreds of tiny ice cystals she ends the song bows and walks back to her seat*(yo yo yo wit dat ho ho hoXD)
*rune and lokang look over at zed*rune: surely, what do you need to discuss? were trying to find more out about our mission but i didnt bother to look for the specific material as i thought id be able to find refference to it in books about the wights...not too much information though*rune sighs and waits for zed to reply*
"Well, I have to go on a little expedition. You see, you have your dark elven staff, and Lokang has his black reaper scythe. I need to find a personal weapon as well, and I think I found one. I'm going to travel to heaven and retrieve the Sword of Michael, the strongest of the original archangels. With it, I'll be closer to unlocking my full potential as the Heaven God needed to kill the White Walkers. I was wondering if you guys could cover for me. Don't tell anyone where I am; the location of Heaven needs to be kept secret. Tell them anything, just not why I left. I would really appreciate the help guys." asked Zed, hopefully.
( xD words...)

The principal smiled,"good job partners groups and bands! The teachers have chosen you the students and they will be posted tomorrow for today practice with your partners there is no guarantee that you will be in the same class with them though! Good bye!"he said then disappeared with the teachers. The students then began walking out. Tammy flew over to Rune,"good job I liked your song"she said smiling.
rune: i understand....the sword is a powerful tool and we will cover for you. hurry back though as i dont think people will be fooled for so long, if this works once we get out of here we will be able to go to the place to find the white walkers....but even i dont know how we will be able to beat them....i recieved a letter saying they are amassing an army of unimagineable amounts....over 3,650,590,000,000,000 white walkers....gathered since the beggining of time....if only i knew who sent the letter i could find out more possibly...go, the recital will cover you leaving and returning and if anyone asks ill tell them you had indigestion*lokangs eyes widen and he stiffles a laugh*lokang: like that demon?rune: yes, like that demon...*rune shivers then laughs*

rune: oh hi tammy, thanks yours and zeds was excellent....ive got to ask you as you seem to read alot of books....have you ever seen any in the library on a ledgend called the white walkers? i need to find out more of them because they are little more than legend for all most know....*he has a serious look in his eyes*(best name for books would be"the menace before matter, the icy deaths, white walker chronicals, and all tht that stuff)
"Thanks." With that, Zed flew off. "First thing is first: where is Heaven? It is in a place that only the true angels can reach someone of your level can't go there. But, I can take you there." How do I know that you won't just take control and start killing demons? I have regained my composure. Now, allow me to take you there." With that, Angel-Zed took over, and angling his wings upwards, he flew off away from the earth at hypersonic speeds.
(There not on earth~)

Tammy thought,"hmmmmmm...... I think there might be..... Come"she said and began flying to the library,"did the principal tell you about the guardians? That's what I call us it's better then school monitor"she said smiling.
*rune and lokang follow tammy and rune and lokang both chuckle at the mention of the monitors*rune: well, interesting thing....your uncle made me a monitor yesturday although i perfer to think of it as watchers(refferencing a people who watch young wizards and witches and give advice and very rarely help when they need it, all people know of them but they are more myth than fact)
"Yeah but we don't watch wizards and witches we watch everyone and GUARD them!"Tammy said getting a bit into it then jolted as they got to the library,"sorry"she said nervously."okay time for my transformation!"she said then closed her eyes and her wings faded,"Techno fairy transform!"she said and glowed changing her form.

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