School for the Musical Ghouls

( okay, tammy should ask if they need help when she hears refference to needing help building a cage and it will require someone with large intellegence, lets gooo lol. i cant wait^_^)

Tammy blinked hearing that they needed help and walked over to them looking at Zed,"y-you need help? Sorry for listening in but since I'm your friend can I help?"she asked as her tight outfit started beeping,"h-hold on"she said and the screen popped up again,"oh the shevles are ready for repair"she said and she typed something up and the shelves poofed back to normal and were fixed,"by the way your damage wasn't too bad to the books just the ones that I took out for Rune"she said.
rune: well we could use your see we have two problems one of wich we will need a immensly powerful cage for....and i mean a cage that can withstand ANYTHING , i can provide you with the materials...i rule all the riches in the multiverse and theres a lot of a very dense very strong and flexible metal about *he points twards the ground at an angle* 3.7 miles in that direction
"Only 3.7 miles? Hah, I'll be back in... exactly 0.4368795 milliseconds." Zed disappeared. Then, 0.4368794 milliseconds later, the others heard a noise outside. Zed had left before asking Rune which metal to get... so he ripped the entire cavern of metal ore out of the planet and dragged in front of the school. "There, got what you need, and I still had 0.0000001 millisecond to spare." he said proudly.
Tammy stood there with her mouth open,"gah!"she said and ran over,"I what were are we ganna how the what the why the"she said spazzing then jolted as guys walked past whistling she jolted and hid behind Zeds wing,"lets go inside and find a way to hide this"she mumbled.
*rune facepalms* rune: you really needed to make the realm more unstable? bah...ill have to seal it so the white walkers cannot destroy it if they come here...*he concentrates for a minute and theres a pang of energy and he sighs*rune:done, altering realms isnt easy to do....and making them stable or destroying them is harder*he separates the metal with his mind and the excess sinks to the ground leaving a 30 foot tall pile of blue-gold rocks*

(oh for future refference heres a white walker:
"I... I knew Rune was going to do that. Yeah, that's why I brought the entire cave. Anyway, quick comment, I have a special present for Rune. It is something even you've never seen before. It has never left Heaven." said Zed
rune: ohh really? i like seeing new things....unless they try to eat me*he rubs his nose and lokang makes a comment while chuckling about the last time it looked like a panda bear but it nearly bit his nose off*
"It is a piece of ore called "Celestialite". On its own, it has no properties. But, when it is added to a weapon, that weapon power increases thousand fold. To take effect, the ore must cover the entire weapon. Unfortunately, I only have enough to cover two of our weapons. The rest of it is being kept by the White Walkers. So, who gets the power up?" asked Zed. (Whoever doesn't get this power up for their weapon can get a magic upgrade from that book Rune found. Then, later, Rune can figure out how to put the charm on all of us, and the guy who didn't get the weapon upgrade can get the ore after we kill the White Walkers.)
Tammy coughed,"guys can we take this inside!"she said and attempted to push them back inside but failed epicly,"fat guys"she mumbled still using Zed as a shield.
rune: nice, i think i should have some and you....lokang has a powerful weapon on its own...death itself creates that scyth...*lokang nods* lokang: i can hold my own with it, you two need it more than i do as i can fight without a weapon as well as with one so it doesnt really matter...

rune:thats the spirit! splitter thoulsands of times stronger*his sword appears at his side in its seath but glowing lightly from inside*

lokang: i agree with tammy...taking this inside would be best*rune turns the huge pile into a small blue-gold coin and picks it up* rune: okay, best not make things too public...
Completely ignoring Tammy's feeble attempts to push them inside, Zed realized something. "This "Celestialite" was located in God's throne room. Perhaps there is a similar hellish version in the King of Hell's throne room, just hidden from sight."
rune: seen some....its called"hellflame" toutching it without being the king of hell? yeah....if youve got a DEATH WISH! even i cant hold it without it draining my life force
"Nnnnnnnoooooo really"Tamy said turning a bright red,"besides isn't there someone your trying to keep this from?"she said twiching being that she hated to be ignored,"normal transformation!"she said changing back to normal and flew inside a bit angry and began zooming threw the books all that was seen was a green light flying around back and forth.
"Well, let's go to the chemistry lab and see what happens if we, say... combine the two. I mean they were kept apart as far as possible, the throne rooms of heaven and hell. Maybe they hold great power together. Let's go find out!" said Zed excitedly.
rune: i cant move have to go to the throne room and pick it up or turn into the king of hell and thats out of the question....when the king is out he has a hellflame sword and the hellflame goes out in the throne room.

lokang: lets go into the library, tammy seems angered.....
Noticing Tammy's anger, Zed agrees. Inside, Zed suggests something. "Here, you take the "Celestialite" down to the throne room and see if it reacts just by being in proximity to the "Hellflame"." However, as soon as Rune touched it, the "Celestialite" burned, so he couldn't touch it.
"Those idiots aren't even taking into consideration that other people want to know about this"Tammy said in hyper speed so all you heard was a highpitched bell ringing. Tammy then flew to a certain area in the library and pulled book opening a hidden passage in the ground,"jerks annoying I -I don't even know what to say!"she said with a bright red face color burning with anger. Tammy flew down the stairs in the secret passage and put the books down the secret room was filled with books she kept to herself that were very important and secretive. Tammy then shut the door all this in a speed that all you saw was a green light and the passage closing after it only opened slightly.
rune: wut tha craappp.....nothing should burn at my toutch...but then again im not sure of everything anymore...can you just put it on star splitter for me? once we kill the white walkers we should be able to get more i think...
"Why can't you grab the... oh, I know. Your weapon isn't heavenly, so I can't bond the "Celestialite" to it If only we could combine it with the "Hellflame" it would work and... wait did you just sense something. I distinctly felt something being... opened, but only briefly. Something is going on, and I need to find out what." said Zed. "Tell you what Rune, I'm gonna find a way to get down to the throne room of Hell and see what reaction happens. But first, I gotta find this secret chamber I'm sensing." he said. "You want to help me?"
Tammy glared reading books about fairies angrily,"I hate being ignored!"she yelled only the highpitched bell being heard again. Tammy slowed down and sighed well maybe I could learn something new"she mumbled quietly and read the books learning more about fairy dust and it's properties.
*rune looks around and points to the location*rune: metal, right there....its a big chamber*He walks over and taps the opening and his foot falls thru and he screams* rune:ahhhggg, one second*the metal pushes him back out* rune: sealed...dang only one way to open a seal is to find its special opener...

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