School for the Musical Ghouls

(rune= taken lokang= not good with women....obviously zed..)*rune jolted and woke tammy up and gave her some ambrosia(superfood)

rune: u okay?
Tammy nodded,"yeah I'm fine"she said and sat up,"so who's paying for my lunch"she said and hovered to her feet,"even though one of you are paying we should all go together and get to know one another"she said smiling softly.(a girls feelings aren't controlled that way bwahahahhaha!!!!!!!)
(Females-.- you will always be the reason men are in insane asylumsXD) RUNE: uhh okay, im paying cos zed like bailed like a troll and lokangs a derp soo n lokang will go with u then i guess?;
Tammy smiled and nodded,"okay I'd like to hear more about you guys ah but first"she said then closed the secret chamber and began walking to the town,"I want ice cream, pizza, cookies, fries a burger and a smoothy"she said softly a bit dazed about food,"s-sorry bet that's a disgusting thing to think about..... Me eating all that food"she said blushing embarrassedly.

(Heeeeeeeeey that's mean and maybe Zed could pop up somewhere with Emily bwahahahahahhahahhahahahah!!!!!!!!!!! Evil)
Rune: eh....ive eaten more than that...every time i go to many citys theres a feast, remember the feasts and parties i threw in hell lokang?lokang: lit up the sky with wier light firework shows fkr a month once wich was impressive...but its not disgusting...everyone needs food(its teh truth tbh-.- i will probably NEVER got female logic...thts y i am bi:D itd be nice to have a bf as guys are easy to firure outXD) *rune and lokang walk with her*
"Thanks!"Tammy said happily and walked into her favorite shop and waited for Rune to order.(guys are fun to mess with and super cute to bad all the guys in my school are butt heads annoying butt heads and abusive jerks! That's right Luis if your reading this I still hate you for giving me a bruise an being mean to meeeeeeeeeeeee so go die! *he knows I rp on this website so I wouldn't be surprised if he was stalking this =_=*)
(Its easy to mess with a guys feelings, or my own i guess....all the girls in my school r mean*would be suprised if anyone i knew irl was stalking this* so....i guess ill have to start looking differently if im ever gonna get anyone in relationships always fail tbh.) Rune: eh no problem*he orders all tne stuff for tammy pays for it and then orders two double cheezeburgers and fries for him n loka g and they pay for it too then they get the food n sit at a table*
Tammy began eatting happily,"mmm tell me stuff about yourself but not..... Anything long"she said then continued eating happily.( xD wow what does tbh mean?)
(To be honest=tbh)rune: well, me and lokang are the leaders many things?lokang: 361 orginizations...

Rune: okay wut he said, im the god of hell and lokang is a grim reaper but he is now death himself, which mite i say is pretty bad ass!

lokang: way to describe it is the word you use 20 times a day

rune: eh wutever, im a wizard also...and a flameborn..and a few other things i think, either of you seen ember lately? Havent seen her all day..

lokang: you mean ember the one who you blushed so bright you liiked like a inferno at? *rune blushes and hides his face*rune: yeah her and i do not!
"Hey guys, glad you guys are having a good time, but..." said Zed, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. He looked terrible he was bruised and barely standing. His left arm looked to be broken and his wings... had been torn clean out of his shoulder. "A little ambrosia and healing would be nice. Oh, and don't go to my dorm unless you want to get beat up by Iskander. Fun... times..." Zed then proceeded to faint, a large puddle of his golden angel blood pooling around him.
"She's probably looking for me I was supposed to go to the nurses office for a check up but I didn't feel like it"Tammy said then Ember appeared behind her and smirked she tapped Tammy's shoulder and Tammy jolted scaredly. Ember laughed then hugged Rune licking his neck,"hello~"she whispered in his ear.

Tammy jolted up and grabbed her pixie dust and sprinkled it around him healing the big cuts,"Ember!"she yelled. Ember nodded and levitated Zed then teleported to the nurses office with everyone. Tammy spazed yet again untill Ember smacked her up the head,"give me your fairy dust t should heal his wings fairy dust can heal anything"Ember explained looking at Zed. Tammy nodded and gave her a bag. "Rune feed him ambrosia ill just put this in a potion"she said and began putting herbs in her pot.
Isabella sat on her window pane, dangling her legs over the edge and staring at the moon. The cold breeze whipped her hair around, making her close her eyes. The iciness in the wind made her relax for some odd reason. Suddenly, she fell off the window pane, and hit the concrete with a loud THUD.

She stood up, completely unharmed and blinked her bright eyes. The sweet scent of blood drifted into her nose, and her eyes suddenly grew bright red. But this wasn't any blood. It was angel blood. Isabella licked her lips, than suddenly gripped her head.

"Calm down.. Don't go crazy." She muttered to herself. Than she took a deep breath. Usually the smell of blood made her go crazy and go suck the blood of the person who was hurt. But this time she actually managed to control herself.
Ember remembered that there where vampires at the school and put u a barrier so they would be able to come in to get Zed. Ember finished creating her concoction."he needs to drink this for his wings to grow back"she said. Tammy began thinking,"my room has a lot of barriers maybe to be on the safe side I should get Zed to move into my dorm"she said determinedly.
*rune force feeds zed some ambrosia*rune: must this one always get slapped around? *his ears prick to attention*rune in a strange voice: 42,500,616 figures appearing in rappid succession, probability of mass force assault 99% , moving at approximatly 5,600 miles per minute, temprature decrease of 200-300 degreez in area of figures. Creatures: white walkers. Realm holding from re-enforced barriers will be vounerable to destruction in 3 days 5 hours 32 minutes and 7 seconds or if original re-enforcer is destroyed*he shakes his head and lokangs eyes are wide in disbelief*rune: what i do?
Suddenly, Zed's eyes jolted open, and they were filled with golden light. "There is no need to be alarmed. I am taking over because Zed injured our body. Allow me to fix the wings." As he said that, a gleaming new pair of wings instantaneously sprouted from the stumps of the old ones. The golden feathers looked as if they'd been preened minutes ago. "Before I go, one last thing. I sense a vampire. Whatever you do, don't let her drink the angel blood. She may feel incredibly energized by it now, but it can get addictive. And on the inside, it will begin to purify her. Vampires are not natural, be we have come to tolerate them. However, our blood feels no emotion. It will destroy her within hours. If you want her to live, don't let her drink the blood... Oh, most important thing about my blood: don't let Rune touch it, otherwise..." Before Angel-Zed could finish, Zed took over. "What happened?" he asked.
(Just so you know runes blood is pure...he wasnt the born god of hell but originally a flameborn that took the mantle )

Rune: i could ask you the same question about i just did...

Lokang: well zed you got taken over and just sensed the white walkers here...
(I know, but there will be a reaction. Your choice: have rune accidently touch it or not. Basically, the King of Hell, having slaughtered so many angels in his past life, will begin to surface. He won't get released, but there will be some definite features appearing on Rune. If Rune has enough control, he'll push it down and not touch Zed's blood again.)
(Actually the king was originally friends with angels then he went completely MAD and god decided to seal the king inside of rune to stop him from destroying all life...but rune could control it as the king can only get out when rune wants now, although if rune faints without the kings energy being low he can escape...)

(Also...definite features? Unless he turned into a mini king of hell...ohh now i c:D)
Isabella's eyes grew twice as bright as the scent of blood began getting to her head. It was getting harder for her to control herself. She shook her head and suddenly took off into the night, trying to get away from the scent. She ran into a forest, and than stopped. The moonlight shone through the darkened trees, creating an eerie glow on Isabella's face.

She stared up at the moon for a few moments, and than began walking forward. She heard a few crackling noises behind her, and she turned around quickly. Her glowing red eyes searched the clearing, but she saw nothing. She cursed under her breath and began walking further.

Her eyes suddenly got extremely bright, and she fell to her knees. Her breath became heavy and quick, and she gripped her head again. Pain seeped into her body, making her grip her head even harder.
(Remember thought, God would probably have sealed the King of Hell in a prison of some sort. So, the King of Hell must have escaped into Rune intending to possess him, but Rune was strong and brave enough to accept responsibility, and God decided to agree.)
Tammy hugged Zed,"you almost I dunno what to say you were bleeding it was crazy"she said then her wings began fluttering quickly and she jolted turning into a light and spazzing out again letting go. Ember sighed,"easy way to get a fairy out of hyper mode"she said and grabbed Tammy's wings and hit her with a pot and she passed out."Tada"Ember said smirking.
(Yeah I was busy. Somebody should of ya know, updated me or something. Just forget that I said it's nighttime in my posts. She's still freaking out, just out in the daytime instead.)
Rune: the wight walkers!?!?! HERE?!?! Oh no no no! Someone get a....whatever the hell can kill a white walker!

Lokang: the brave runeofflame, flailing when in the face of white walkers!*he punches rune and sends him across rthe room*rune: thanks, i needed that....lets get ready first...i dont feel them anywhere near so we can teach zed how to handle a sword and then the metal he has thing and then we can kill this assault force!

Lokang: oohrah

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