School for the Musical Ghouls

Isabella felt like lying to him and telling him that she could walk out in the sun, and she almost nodded, but than she shook her head at the last second.

"I wish I could. But I can't. Maybe for a few seconds I could." She said, being a little to hopeful. Even though it hurts, when she goes back into the shade she healed. So it probably didn't matter or not.

Someone ran past her, and ran into her shoulder, causing her to kind of lean against Zed. She grinned a little bit, but than looked behind her and flashed the person a nasty look.

"Watch it." She growled, than grinned again when she realized she was still leaning against Zed.

"Sorry." She said to him, standing up straight.

(Yeah probably:P I have school tomorrow though so I'll be on at like 4:00)
"Well, since you're almost as tall as me, there is one option we could try. See, angels have these pretty cool things called wings." said Zed smiling. He flexed his pair of 10 foot long golden wings. "I could fly us to the veranda. Slight problem, or maybe not, you would have to hold on to me pretty tightly, as in hug me for the entire trip - unless you want to fall off halfway there. So, what do you say?" asked Zed.
Tammy hugged her books,"...... I guess I shouldn't have liked him..... He's.... Too cool for me..... He would never like me"she said softly shutting her eyes,"I should..... Get over it I mean what were the chances..... I was so happy when he asked me to be his partner bu he probably wanted her...."she said softly then went up the stairs and closed the door to the secret passage and walked to the piano and began playing. Her song echoed and she sang from the bottom of her heart letting out all of her feelings.


Isabella thought about telling him that she could turn into a bat and fly, but she decided not to tell him.

"Sure why not." She said and smiled a little bit. She felt a little uncomfortable when she wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. She stared at his face for a moment, than quickly looked away when he looked back at her. Her eyes became a bright red color, and she didn't know why.
"Well, let's go. With that, Zed took off, flourishing his wings and creating a whirlwind of feathers and leaves on the ground. He loved the feeling of wind in his feathers, probably because he was born, no, created to fly. Soon, they were soaring above campus. As he picked up speed, he felt Isabella grip him a little harder. "Enjoying the ride?" he asked.
Tammy talk to her uncle for a while after finishing her song then flew over to Zed,"we're switching partners so you can be with someone more talented! I'm sorry for bringing you down so now I have Danny and you have Issabella! I'm so sorry that I didn't realize you wanted someone else!"she told him then looked him in the eyes and flew off,"bye! I'll still work on the you know what's for you"she said then flew to her dorm to start on the cage's design.
Isabella smiled as soon as they were up in the air. She's always loved flying. It made her feel relaxed and free. She looked up at him and hugged him a little tighter.

"Yeah! This is really fun!" She exclaimed, and she actually meant it too. Flying was her favorite. But she was a little scared of the sunlight, and rested her head against his shoulder.

The sunlight shone on her hand a little bit, causing it to burn immediately. She winced and pulled it away from the sun and held him even tighter.

"Sorry if I'm holding on too tight. I don't want the sunlight to touch my skin.." She murmured, resting her face against his.
"It's fine we'll be with the others soon." said Zed. "The meeting place is right over that clump of evergreens there."

(I have to finish a school project, plus Rune and Lokang aren't gonna be there when Zed and Isabella arrive, so I'm gonna log off for tonight. See you Kandy at 3 and you Paradise at 4 xD )
*rune held the kiss for a bi then stoped her*rune: weve got a serious problem on our hands ember, there inside this right now

lokang: since zed isnt trained enough to fight yet me and you will have to do rune....i just hope its enough to kill them

rune: ember, while were gone i need a big favor. i need you to train zed...if me and lokang cannot destroy them than we will at least try to hold them where they are for as long as we possibly can*with the snap of his fingers rune and lokang dissapear and re-appear on a large open plain with a forest near it*lokang: why is it we always fight on plains?

rune: well, to be plain *he chuckles and figures start stepping out of the forest and rune grips his sword while lokang pulls out his scythe a white walker emerges from the woods: 15 feet tall with a huge moonlight sword in its hands. more white walkers emerge untill hundreds of thoulsands of them are on the edge of the plain*rune: here we go again*the white walkers charge and rune and lokang have heated battle with them for hours untill they are both back to back in a sea of white walkers*rune breathing heavily: they dont stay down! no matter how many times i chop them down they keep coming back*his sword slices through another it reforming almost instantly*lokang: i give us 2 more hours! you? rune: i give us as long as we danm need!
Zed and Isabella arrived at the veranda, only to find that the only one there was Ember. "Hey, where'd Tammy go? I can sense that Rune and Lokang are... dealing with our problem. What happened when I was gone." he asked hurriedly. Then, thinking, he said, "Oh, meet Isabella. She's a vampire, but don't worry, I have feeling she won't be a problem." he said, winking at Isabella. "Ember, you can introduce yourself to her while I... wait, did Rune and Lokang tell you to do anything?"

(Kandy, look at Rune's instructions in the earlier post.)
* rune and lokang grow , rune becoming a twenty foot replica of the king of hell with a 15 foot hellflame sword in his hands and lokang becoming a 17 foot replica of death with a huge scythe in his hands* king of hell: unnaceptible! I am going to destroy life!! no other creature beats me to that!

death: just shut up and fight* they immidiatly go to work slicing away at the constantly re forming white walkers but slowly gain a little ground on them as they fight their energy counteracting the white walkers frost magic stopping their blizzard*
"This is not good! Rune just released the King of Hell, and Lokang, even in Death's form, can't stop him. He'll need my help. Ember, stay with Isabella, and keep her safe." said Zed before teleporting away in a burst of golden light. Hopefully, when he returned, Isabella wouldn't question what his powers were.
king of hell: these damn creatures!*he rips one to shreads and it quickly re forms* king of hell: they dont stay dead!

death: three elements of life bring the ones before last breaths..heaven hell and death seal them to feel death....where the hero had once fell he will again fall

king of hell: and the golden rocks will pull them down...* they immidiatly slice at the same time at one white walker and it falls to the ground injured but not dead*death: we have to work together to injure them at lease...without heavens god we cannot kill them*they start working together slicing white walkers down and they leave a wake of injured walkers slowly reforming*
(-.- k kandy, hope u dont mind if we move on a bit without u lol cos me n zed probably will if we can...imay not be on this weekend also lol so ill try to put rune n lokang alone before i go tonight)
While flying over to the two large figures cutting swathes in the ranks of the White Walkers, Zed transformed in to Angel-Zed. "I'm a little small compared to them. I'll fix that." With that, Zed transformed into a twenty five foot angelic figure, complete with 3 golden pairs of wings and a armored robe made of heavenly gold and "Celestialite". "I don't want to be bigger, just on the same level. Sorry, but this is the closest I can get to their size. The next level up is about the size of the... Chrysler Building. What?!?"

Zed touched down next to the King of Hell and Death. Looking down, he said "Hey, I noticed they won't die... well, I'm here to make sure they do." Zed released a pulse of golden energy killing the already injured White Walkers and pushing back the circle of White Walkers closing in on them. "Right, let's finish this. There's a new student, so let's do it quickly." he said with smile. As soon as he said that he jumped into action, followed closely by the King of Hell and Death.
(Aww that sucks:( Hey Gabe I got on earlier than I said yesterday lol:P)

Isabella blinked multiple time when Zed suddenly teleported away. She leaned against a tree, trying to hide in the trees so she wouldn't burn. She heard feet crackling behind her, and she whipped around to see the same group of boys from earlier. Her eyes widened, and she hissed at them

"What the hell do you guys want?!" She spat when the tallest one of the guys grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. He had a wicked grin on his face, and she didn't like it one bit.

"Let go of me, perverts!" She snapped, and she pushed herself away from them. But when she stumbled back, she appeared in the sunlight and immediately began burning. She groaned in pain, but stayed there as the burning sensation got worse and worse. The three boys grinned at her, blocking her way to get to the shade.

"Now that demon boy isn't here., who's going to save you?" The biggest one chuckled, watching her fall to her knees and grip the ground.

"Ember.." Isabella murmured, looking towards her helplessly. The sun completely weakened her, making it hard to do anything at all.
*the king and death both bow their heads and their eyes glow with energy and their muscles buldge* king: one blow

death: we will all end this*they start to grow towering over the white walkers hundreds and hundreds of feet in the air* in unsion: death will find you white walkers, it is time. time to pay for your evil!*they swipe their weapons in unison hitting every white walker badly injuring them*

*emily who had been walking by with the wave of her hand she turns the boys into snakes and sends weasals after them( weasals kill snakesXD) and puts isabella in the shade* emily: you need to be careful....have you tried sunscreen? i hear humans dont burn with it...maybe itll work for you?
Angel-Zed was walking lazily behind the King of Hell and Death as they ripped the White Walkers apart. Then, Angel-Zed simply waved his hand to kill them. "Come on guys, I know I haven't been trained, but I must know something from the 2 millenia that I was on this Earth. Plus, I was originally a general in Heaven's Army. That means I must have been at least pretty powerful. Let me have a go, and you guys can mop up the ones I drop to you."
Isabella looked at the girl, her red eyes glowing brightly.

"I'm no human.." She murmured in a small voice. To show she wasn't human, she hissed and bared her long fangs at her, than grinned to herself. She rubbed her arms, the burning feeling going away as her skin returned to normal. Her eyes were still red when she looked at the girl. This usually meant she was hungry, but you never know with a vampire.

Isabella watched the snakes who used to be the boys get chased down by a weasel. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself at the scene. She turned back to the girl, with the same grin on her face.

"Thanks for helping me by the way. I'm Isabella." She began, smiling at her.
emily: well! thats great! im emily but people call me bethany*she smiles crazily not even phased by the fang baring* k

king: someone else doing it for me? acceptible! is there a semi truck sized drink nearby? nevermind that!

death: king, shutup, what u want....
"Yes, finally some time to stretch my wings, pun intended." Suddenly Angel-Zed disappeared and started spearing White Walkers left and right, performing just as well as the King of Hell and Death. "Hey guys, guess I don't need as much training as you thought." said Angel-Zed as he dodged a White Walker without looking. Then, using his wing, he sliced the figure in half. "Plus, my feathers aren't actually feathers; they're tiny swords, indestructible to anything, except the Original Ones themselves. Still, don't want someone ripping my wings off, that would give them a weapon." Zed wheeled around and released a gust of air such that the air itself cut into the figures and dropped ten of them at once. "Hey Death, King, get over here and end their pathetic lives, will ya."
Isabella nodded, still grinning to herself.

"Nice to meet you. Well, I should probably be on my way. See ya." She began, walking deeper into the dark forest. She didn't look back when she transformed into a bat and flew through the trees. Even in her bat form, she still couldn't go in the sun. Plus, she burned twice as fast, which wasn't a good thing.

She wondered where Zed teleported off to as she flew through the air quickly. She transformed back into her regular form once she was under a huge oak tree. She leaned against the tree, and stared up at the sun. It immediately hurt her eyes, and she looked down.

"Damn sun.."
*they speak one word in usion arnue the white walkers instantly are burned to a crisp melting into the ground and rune and lokang return to their original selves* rune: well, that was fun...havent had a hard fight like that in awhile

lokang: i have a feeling these wherent full white walkers....* suddenly a collosal one steps out of the tree* eldest walker: you are correct in that....while i cannot face you now...we will meet again, remember.....sometimes your judgment can be tricked...and if you are tricked in the final moment, i will not hesitate.*with that said he breaks up into nothing and dissapears* rune: okay...odd.

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