School for the Musical Ghouls

(Actually, yeah that is right. Sorry bout that. You know, I could use research as a way to get back on good terms with Tammy, then give Zed a power up by making him a forgotten archangel. Then, I think Angel-Zed could be on par with Rune. Of course, Rune is always that powerful, and he has control. Normal Zed isn't that powerful, and he loses control. I'll show him learning about his powers over time with the help of the... principal - tada! Thanks for clearing things up.
(Like fu- yeah and if your not careful there really will be an explosion D: I hate those but at most a penalty so stop fighting people Zed cuz the school it 75% demon 030 0%human,10% mermaid and fairy,10% animal hybrid, and 5% wizard and witch not counting faculty)
(One thing is...rune cannot use his" strongest power" without releasing the king of hell to take controll of him as that thint has unlimited power but truely puts the demon name in a evil state due to him wantin to destroy all life... but in terms of an open fight? Rune can only be matched by emily...but in a small space near people hed be on par with zed cos he litterally couldnt release the king of hell)*rmily walks over to tammy*emily: hello silly tree thing, you fell...
Tammy glared she snapped and wasn't in the mood at the moment but her angry face soon dissappeared and she began crying covering her face with her hands,"I'm a fairy"she whined.
Zed awoke in a field, his suit in tatters. "Great," he thought, "two suits ruined in one day. I am so locking myself in my room... with some books about angels. Ah yes, I have to apologize to that Rune fellow. He really is a good man. Perhaps there is a musical partnership in that just as Tammy said... Heavens (see what I did there :cheesy: ), I almost forgot. I have to go make amends with her!" Zed flew off without noticing that although his suit was tattered, his pants were in a worse state entirely... (heh heh heh - have fun Tammy)
*emily leans over tammy* emily: okay fairy...what where you doing in a tree? And you sprung a your wing supposed to bend like that? I dont know about any thing other than wights and we dont get messed up like that.
Tammy slowly got up shaking and began walking to her dorm she ran inside her room crying she decided to just ignore any partnership as a penalty for Zed leaving her there to die she took a shower and put on her headphones playing a bit of piano to calm her nerves. Her wings faded away to repair themselves.
Zed landed near Tammy, only to find that besides her, the Rune boy was there, and so was a unfamiliar girl whose name he heard while flying, Emily. "I am so sorry Rune, I didn't mean to hurt those demons, and I don't want to have problems with you, I just can't control... I recently found out my powers and... well... I'm just very sorry. Please, forgive me,... and don't turn me into toast. Anyway, I need to find Tammy. Sorry again." he said. Just then, as he was about to leave, he noticed that his entire attire was basically in tatters, so he used his huge golden wings to cover himself. "I look like a golden Christmas tree. How revolting. I can't even fly away because if I take off, the rags still clinging to my body will..." he shuddered as he thought. The only way this could get worse was if Fawna saw him in this state.
*rune looks at zed* rune: if it was anything like the king of hell....i should give you a controll charm so you can controll it...when i was young the king could overtake me at will but i stopped getting overtaken eventually...*he looks at emily annd immmidiattly his sword is in his hands and he is in a defencive stance*rune: what is a wight doing here*he sneers at emily and she hisses back at him* emily: stupid flameborn! Go die withbthe others! You always stop wights from becoming dominant and now your all alone in doinf here to learn, to learn how to become stronger than you and then...i will kill you*she walks off and rune emits a low growl the air around him charged with heat*
"Perhaps that would be a good idea. It seems you have some personal issues with the Emily girl. I'll take my leave now." Concentrating as hard as possible, Zed used the last inkling of power he could muster to teleport himself back to campus.
(I was doodling my brother.......)

Tammy began playing her piano a sad song but it was still beautifully played.(

The song echoed through the whole campus for all to hear.
*rune walks around picking moogish berrys and then suddenly has a headache that is killing him*rune: what is...this*he falls over and cant move and a figure stands over him*watcher: dont let your guard down, ever*a sharp dagger runs across his back cutting his shirt and plunging into his flesh*watcher: your warning and punishment*runes vision goes blurry and he can feel blood flowing from the cut, not a deadly blow xo hed live but he just couldnt keep consious and passes out*
Zed heard the sad melody drifting across the campus. He knew it was his fault. He had to make it right. He ran to Tammy's dorm, burst in, and...
"Ember the barrier between realms is down while I'm fixing a few things and a student in the woods was hurt"The principals voice echoed. Ember nodded yawning and flew off she went over to Rune glaring,"WHAT is WRONG with YOU"she muttered angrily then had him levatate and she flew to the nurses office and had him lay on the bed,"what an annoyance I swear"she mumbled worriedly then began mixing herbs and such.

Tammy turned too look at him as stopped playing."g-get out"Tammy said blushing a bit.
( you do know i was going to use the whole"waking up in the forest thing" rite?)*rune wakes up and grumbles*rune: im not a baby...i wouldve survived like that....ive taken worse before from the wafchers..*he feels several million presences that he never noticed hidden in the forest*rune: the uh...realm barrier wouldnt happen to be out? Because....i think there is a bunch of wights hiding in the forest now...but if they stay where they are i wont mind...
"Listen, I'm really sorry, but that wasn't me back there. That group of demons triggered the angel side of me. Don't worry, I'm gonna ask an expert for help on control - the principal. Plus, Rune's gonna give a charm that he used to hold back the King of Hell, so I should be fine. I didn't mean to abandon you, I just didn't know what to do if it hurt you... because your my partner and without you there would be an odd number of students, so I'd go solo." said Zed. After some thought, he added, "But mostly because I didn't want to hurt you."
"The principal is putting the new computer upgrades into the programs fixing your room and trying to keep the school protected the barrier is on the school so if you have your student card you can get in and out..... But if you don't the barrier will electrocute you as a warning"Ember explained.(no sorry )

Tammy glared getting up,"I hate you! Put on some pants and come back never! Jerk"she said pushing him out crying a bit.
Rune: ohh...i hope the wights dont try to attack as wights dont get affectef by electricity...complete dismemberment or fire, yup...only ways to stop them...i wonder if the wight shaman i saw is a student(lets just say emily has alrrady got her student card n stuffs, cos shed probably call the principal a " silly magic man" wich would most likely tick him offXD or itd tick me off if i where him..)
(Same but he's grown up so he's level headed......)

Ember nodded,"I should tell him that later now I need to kill you"she said with an evil grin holding up a knife then laughed,"I'm joking I just got your knife out"she said then put the ointment on the cut so it would heal,"there we go"she said smiling.
"Please, I can explain!" Zed's cry fell on deaf ears. He just stood there, and then his expression darkened. "Well, if that is how it is, so be it. It seems being an angel is just like being a demon, except there a almost none of your kind, you go on crazy rampages, and, oh yeah, people seem to like demons more than angels. Perhaps it is time for me to give the a reason to hate me... no to fear me. The only problem is that Rune wizard. He is stronger than me with that whole King of Hell thing. But, I'm an archangel. After the others' deaths, I'm The Archangel. To fight on par with him, I'm going to need serous training. That new girl seems like the perfect teacher. She must be just as strong, if not stronger. Yes, I'll go train with her, and then I'll purge this school of all the filth, starting with Tammy." he thought. Then, "PANTS!!!"
Rune: well, my girlfriend knows how to threaten me with my life....wait...arent we kinda....u know...rite? Or are we...

*emily walked down the hall her blizzard blowing around her with her laughing like a madwoman*emily: oh i cant wait! I belige this will be the vengance for the wights...i will have that flameborns head on a steak!
While changing, Zed decided to change his look. He decided to go with a slimmer sports coat and a fedora, giving him this look.


"Much better," he thought. Then, he heard Emily's laughter. "Time to go meet up with my new teacher." he thought excitedly. He flew over and landed right in front over her path. Best not to let her just brush past him.
*emily looked at him then laughed throwing her head back*emily: who are you? And why do you think you could speak to me? Im a wight shaman...if i wanted youd be in a block of ice rite now, so state your buisness so i can call you silly*she says it all like it was perfectly sane*

(Kandy....i cant c ur post0.0 on the shoutbox it said u posted after me but i cznt c it)
Tammy sighed,"I was mean....."she thought and began walking down the hall she spotted the two and looked at Zed her wings fluttered out of her back one of the wings twisted and pointed at the ground,"...... Can I talk to you......"she asked but then looked at Emily and back away,"n-nevermind"she said and began walking away she hopped a bit trying to fly off but couldn't she sighed again and turned the corner she then banged her head on the wall,"partner less...... And stupid"she mumbled sulking,"if I wasn't so uptight..... About my wing..... Mama.... Please come back..... I want to go home"she said remembering how her mother died and her father Killed himself. Tammy was always blamed for this and her uncle was the only one who loved her.
"Right, well I understand that you are very powerful, and that is why I am here. I am an archangel. The Archangel, to be exact. We have the same goal. Destroying Rune. You may be his match now, but if the King of Hell is unleashed, you will need help. My angelic powers are the antithesis of his King of Hell. If I train under you, my true form can become strong enough to kill that S.O.B. Don't worry, I'll just knock him off his high horse. The killing blow and the evil monologue thing are all yours." Zed stated clearly. "Will you be my mentor?" he said. He held up a glowing gold hand.

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