School for the Musical Ghouls

*lokang entered the library as he finished the last few notes of the song and looked around noticing tammy*lokang: hello! I was wondering if youve seen a guy named rune, bout ye high...tendancy to have things explode around him when he gets mad? Oh and also hes a smartarse...always joking or pranking someone*n e chuckles*
As 8 P.M. rapidly approached, Zed thought "I might as well get ready for our rehearsal." He opened his closet and pulled out one of his 20 identical-looking Armani suits. "I guess the second best set will have to do." he thought. Then, thinking of the time, he decided to make snacks. Nothing much, just some quiche with bacon and gruyere.
Tammy looked at him,"I have seen him....."she said a bit depressed,"but I dunno where he is..... Excuse me"she said sulking as she flew out to her room.
*lokang is confused by the sudden bout of sad behavior, he had never seen a sad fairy before and honestly never liked seeing other sad* lokang: a fairy in a bad mood? Dang...i know why rune must be here...completely different from anywhere else...wich knowing him...hes the king of 'different'*lokang chuckles and sits down pulling a book off a shelf*lokang: oh the irony....newly released...runes favorite author, and im reading it before him*he opens it and starts reading through it*
Tammy sighed and changed her clothes she looked at the time 8p.m she sighed looking at the mirror,"why do boys hate fairies?"she mumbled and flew out. (Her outfit and how she looked just add the green wings)

Tammy then knocked on Zeds door with a smile.
Zed heard a knock on his door. "That must be Tammy." He opened the door. "Hello... Tammy?" He took a look at her again. For a regular bookworm, she seemed to clean up well. In fact, had Zed been a boy of normal nature, he might have even said that she was "pretty". But, he wasn't, so he didn't. What he did do was hold the door and escort her into his room. "Allow me to rack your coat."
*rune smiles after finishing and gets up putting his clothes back on*rune: ill cya later okay? I sense a new arrival...and ive been waiting to see him here*he kisses her and walks out heading down to the library lokang hides the book as he walks in*rune: well, hello lokang*rune pulls the book from its hiding spot*rune: thanks for finding this for me, im sure you where gonna tell me you found a new release from him

Lokang: hi master rune...yeah i was saving it for u.oh yes that sea serpent finlly found all its teeth

Rune: bout dayum time....what did i knock them across the entire ocean or something? *rune chuckles and sits down next to lokang*lokang: so, from my understanding we will prpbably need to have partners at this school, care to be partners with me then? *rune smiles and remembers lokangs strange talent with music*rune: nothing would make a better combination, with my voice and your ability to make it sound as if youve got a entire orchestra playing we will be impossible to beat!

Lokang: now thats the rune i know, did you knock that serpents teeth out?

Rune: you dont need to know, lets go back to my dorm, where will you be rooming?(kandy i think they should like room together cos theyll probably want to practice as ,uch as they can, is that ok?

Tammy gave him her jacket smiling,"so what kind of melodies do you like?"she asked as she looked at the piano in his room and sat at it.

(I said that it was there I hope you don't mind 0-0)
Donatello grew bored of his book.

He wanted to do something fun.

He stood and snapped his fingers.

A flaming pit sprouted out of the ground, its flames licking at his legs.

He threw the book into the flames and watched it get engulfed by the hell fire.

He snapped his finger again and the flame pit was gone.

He laughed and walked away.

"I wonder what i can get myself into."
"Well... the music comes naturally, so you can begin to play. I'll harmonize easily, don't worry." Zed flashed a grin that hopefully assured Tammy that he knew exactly what he was doing. "Go on then, start playing."
(Yeah np but Runes room is under construction xD I have a reason for that btw)

Ember smiled and got dressed and was on her laptop hugging her egg as she began typing out the work for her classes.
(Didnt she just like...blow out a window r sumthin?)rune: ahg...i just remembered my room is currently mostly a mess due to a whole freezing solid inccedent....guess we can practice in the training room?

Lokang: uhh, okay i guess.*they stand up and walk to the training room going to a corner of it*

Rune: okay, lets do numb, one, two, three, four.*lokang taps his fingers together making a electronic keyboard noise in the beat of numb by usher and rune sings along with it lokang adding the other instruments into it as they go, both rune and lokang in perfect pitch and tone runes voice responating a good area outside the training room*
Tammy nodded and began playing she smiled she kept tempo her wings keeping it for her,"let me know of you want me to spead up"she said as she played gracefully.

Fawna was singing in the practice room waiting for Donatello.(

(She came in through the window but the wall is broken and the room is scorched xD )
"Well, that is perfect." Zed began to harmonize with her melody. They weren't playing anything in particular, just enjoying making music.
(Hopefully the wall that wasnt dark elven metal, i doubt she has the physical strength to break dark elf metal...even rune would have trouble doing that at his best because that stufds like nearly indestructible)*they finish the song and rune claps*excellnt excellent! Now turn up the music!

Lokang: fine fine...but after this i need a break*on the count of four again from rune they play turn up the music sounding even better than the last song, after they finish lokang sighs and lays back*rune: really get drained from doing that..
Tammy smiled happily playing,"this is fun"she mumbled as she played they were doing well she then began to slow down and played the last few notes,"good job it the music sounded really nice and soft"she said.
"As expected. You were... quite satisfactory as well.", which was high praise coming from Zed. "There is more pressing business, however. That is why I called you here alone, far way from the others, at night. Just you and me..." said Zed.
(XDDDDDDD let me take a moment to process that XDDD)

"what urges?"Tammy asked avoiding eye contact and softly touching the keys on the piano.
"You see knowledgeable. I am exceedingly knowledgeable. There must be an overlap in our knowledge. And where there is an overlap, there is an exclusive knowledge. I was created in a laboratory by splicing bird and human DNA - or so I was told. However, whenever I see demons, I feel the urge to... smite them, even if I have no problem with them. My instincts kicked in when that vampire girl was spying on me, and I teleported next to her and teleported her back to her dorm. I am loath to blame that on "hybrid" DNA. So tell me, what am I?" Zed asked, this time with real sincerity.
*lokang stands up and rune smiles mischiviously*rune: hmm, wanna test just how capable this training room is?

Lokang: if the two of us try our hardest...nothing willbe able to stand in our way*rune seals the side there on off with a magic barrier and cinjures around 60 large golden golems and hundreds upon hundreds of glowing bats made of pure gems the area around them explodes in a hailstorm of fire and explosions as they fight the golems and bats laughing while enjoying the fight many fireballs slamming into the walls and yhe barrier*
Tammy sighed in relief,"oh goodness I thought it was something else"she said looking at Zed then jolted and blushed in embarrassment."Ehem well ignoring what you said about bird DNA you could be an angel if you don't like things from hell or against god hmmmmm how do you feel when your by a cross?"She asked.
"I don't really know. When I'm at a church, I feel... like I need to enter and ask for orders, which is weird. Firstly, if I was an angel, wouldn't I know? And secondly, more importantly, angel don't actually exist... do they?"
There was a scream in the trainning room someone had passed out and was changing colors."Nurse!!!!!"A girl yelled knowing that if she yelled loud enough Ember would hear. Ember did and got on her broom flying to the trainning building and into the room,"what's wrong?!"she yelled then saw the girl and touched her forehead.

"...... Your asking a FAIRY if angels exist what do you thi-"Tammy started then jolted and looked down sadly,"did you just call me a book warm"she asked as her bangs hid her eyes.

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