School for the Musical Ghouls

*rune smiles and kisses her again passionatly back then leaning into her he pulls away chucling slightly*rune: sordy, im really...uhh...u know...when im drunk*he chuckles and takes a small sip of a very alcohaulic drink*rune wispers: tastes like sayin wine...but theyd never be able to get some of that .
"What are your talents"The principal asked referring to them musically,"you will be paired up with my beloved niece if you pass the test you can stay if you both suck your both out that's your punishment for causing a ruckus ill see you tomorrow"the principal said flatly.

Ember rolled her eyes and kissed him again,"just enjoy this"she said sitting on his lap now. She kissed his nek when he drunk.
"So.. trumpet, eh? Good instrument. You weren't half bad when I heard you outside your room. Not that I was outside your room when you played. Not that I would know if you played because I wasn't there." said Zed, clumsily. "I play the pan flute." he said, fully expecting gasps of awe and amazement. Not.
*rune smiled, he definitly was enjoying this and he kissed her again*rune:mmmh, i wonder...*he kisses her again and closed his eyes enjoying the kiss*
Ember smiled kissing Rune back,"what a passionate man"she whispered and kissed him again.

(Sorry I was ganna wait for Donny but whatevs)

The principal nodded,"and treat her nice if you don't that's another penalty and I will stip you of the ability to touch an instrument and play it."he said angrily.
Rune: heh....u wanna take these drinks to go? Or else you mite have to carry me back to the dorms*he smiles and kisses her lightly wispering in her ear a few students in the corner of the tavern with there eyes wide in suprise*rune: your a passionat woman...oh people r like...wetting themselves in the corner over there*he cracks up and slaps his knee and looks over at the ppl with a demon face scaring them they turn away and he laughs harder*
Well, it seemed Donatello wouldn't speak to him again until at least tomorrow. So, Zed jumped out the window. Obviously, not to commit suicide. He just needed to clear his mind, and time really flew when... well, when he ​flew.

However, Zed was a split second too late in noticing a girl and boy riding on a broom stick. The last thought he had was, "A broomstick... seriously, a broomstick?!? What is up with this place?" Then, he fell to the ground in a moaning heap, to say nothing of the couple on the broomstick.
Tammy sighed and began playing piano even singing softly."dancing wings faded things things i almost remember"she sang as she played the piano. The song echoed throughout campus.(

(I need to do SOMETHING to keep everyone interested so >:3 that's what Fawna's ganna do just a quick intro and someone can find her ^w^ )

Fawna walked onto the campus she didn't control it but there was snow falling down on her not a heavy type but soft and gentle. Fawna walked by Zed she took a glance at him and helped him up then slowly walked away. She was cute pettite but kept her reputation as the ice queen. Fawna was well known around the school for it but she didn't feel like waking up in the morning. She slowly walked to the principal's office an glanced at the demon she then walked out due to the fact she just wanted to see the new student but didn't feel the need to talk to him or associate with him being that she was a princess in her realm. Fawna carried herself with her head high and her nose in the air. She wasn't a very emotional girl infact she was just the opposite she didn't like emotions or feelings because they caused problems. Fawna walked past the Isabella girl and stopped she glanced back at her,"I'm sorry for my brothers idiotic...... Personality"she said then walked away she found herself on the roof. She hated when people talked to her so she never waited for a response, and was never hot blooded with anyone, she would always keep a calm cool mind,"the tests are soon"she said softly her elegant voice carried through the air."who should I pair myself with......."she thought looking at all the students. "I must find a partner soon"Fawna thought with a slight glare then went back to her blank expression.
Zed noticed the curious girl that had helped him up on the school roof. He was intrigued by her similar indifference to the others of this school. Perhaps she was one of the few he could be friends with.
Fawna took out hot chocolate bunbuns and some pockey she sat in an ice chair that to her seemed the most comfortable she ate her bunbuns awaiting the tea from her ice butler which she had created to serve her. He had all the intellegence of a real butler but no mind of his own and only followed orders. He began making tea for Fawna and set the tea tray on the table. Fawna yawned enjoying the cold weather she had created on the roof.
After hearing the principals nagging and watching the avian fly out the window, Donatello got out of his chair and walked out of the office.

He walked down the corridor, down a flight of stairs, and outside into the courtyard.

Donatello sat on a white stone bench and started to read a novel he had yet to finish.

He noticed a girl sitting on the roof, What a curious place to sit. he thought.
Fawna looked up when she felt multiple stares this wasn't unusual to her she was used to it so she didn't care. She looked at a sheet of paper on a clipboard righting things down and crossing names off,"most of these people can't reach my intellectual levels let alone my musical ones....... They say the stupid are bliss..... But I plan on getting the best score possibly on every exam so my partner must be on my level or better...... Impossible the second one with these entrance exam scores"she thought as she took a sip of tea. Fawna looked at the books she carried in the small book bag she had,"might as well think about lyrics"she said softly as she began writing things down and her butler dissappeared as snowflakes and was drifted through the are.
Zed landed next to the girl on the roof. "Well, I was going to attempt to speak to the Donatello boy, ... but he didn't respond. Perhaps some time to forget about our... altercation." he thought to himself. "In the meantime, I'll see who this new girl is."

Wait. What approach should he use. Ah, yes, the direct approach was all he could muster at the moment. "Hello, I'm Zed. And you are... "
*rune got on the back of the broom and held on to ember lightly*rune wispers into embers ear: lets goe

*rune got on the back of the broom and held on to ember lightly*rune wispers into embers ear: lets go
"Busy"Fawna said not looking up at Zed she then thought,"this boy..... He was on the floor...... Ill pitty him"she thought then looked at Zed,"Fawna Frost Mr. Zed....... It seems you haven't introduced yourself well.... I don't know your full name but I'm sure your flattered that I'm talking to you at all being that your in front of royalty"she said softly with a blank expression. Her eyes drifted to her book and she closed the book.
(I think you logged of rune, but my character sorta bumped into you guys on the broom. then, he left to talk to Kandy's new character on the roof. So, you and ember a kinda in a heap on the ground.)
Ember smiled and nodded she flew back to her room then jolted,"the egg"she thought and jumped off the broom and hugged her egg,"are you okay? I'm sorry mommy left you here without a babysitter"she said hugging the egg.

(Naaaaaaaah just ignore those two xD there drunk they don't care XDDD)
Zed's pride flared. No one spoke as they were above him. "Actually, flattery isn't quite the word I was thinking of. Afterall, it is you who is getting the rare privilege of speaking to me."
(Well u kinda ran rifht into the broom cos we hadnt taken off yet so u like...only made him stumble at nestXD he wrestled a drakon[large ancient serpent that is older than any dragon])rune: i know some spells i could teach you to create servants to watch the egg while your out...
Fawna now looked directly at the boy not angry or irritated but intrigued,"whatever your tiny little brain will alow you to interpret through those hideous eyes of yours"she said as her beautiful blue eyes scanned the boy looking him up and down,"now if you would like to exchange titles commoner I'd be glad to educate you but it seems your out of reach of my status..... New kid..... Your basically fresh meat for the dogs of high schools circle of life but more of a pyramid your below even becoming MY partner"she explained then yawned slowly loosing interest.

"That's so cold hearted and I'm YOUR teacher not vice versa anyway an egg bust be bathed in my love~ they have to her body warmth to hatch if they grow cold enough they could die"Ember explained cuddling her egg.

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