School for the Musical Ghouls

The girl left, but Zed's instincts told him to follow the boy. He saw the boy enter the room, so he waited outside carefully, attempting to hear if anything suspicious was happening in the room. Then, he heard the trumpet.

Tammy jolted and sighed a bit,"guys are mean"she thought then bumpt into Zed,"I'm so sorry"she said softly then jolted looking at him then away,"ehem are you new? Your wet"she said and giggled softly.
The girl bumped into him, and Zed was embarrassed that he had been caught. But, he wasn't about to apologize. After all, he had his pride. "I'm wet. What of it? Is there a problem with wet men in wet suits making wet tracks... hmmm?" That didn't come out right. This communication was more difficult than he thought.
If Donatello had a soul, it would be echoing in his music.

The beautiful music danced around the room, bouncing off the walls and vibrating the floor.

He was simply lost, in his own serene world.
Tammy jolted,"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that"she said softly,"erm so do you need help?"she asked as her wings touched the floor.
Isabella sighed, deciding she had played enough guitar for the day. She leaned the guitar against the wall, took off her headphones, and unplugged the AMP. Her bright colored eyes looked outside, and she sighed again. Since she was a vampire, she couldn't go outside at this time of day. But she could walk around the school for a little bit. Plus, she was getting a little hungry.

She walked out of her dorm, shutting the door behind her and walking down the halls. She wandered into the cafeteria, flashing other people vicious glares and making them stumble off quickly. She picked up a glass of fresh blood from the counter, and took a seat down at one of the tables. She sipped the drink carefully, relaxing a little as the salty substance calmed her senses. She flicked her green hair behind her, and than sipped her drink again.

She felt like doing something fun, but she was a vampire. She would get burned if she walked outside. She finished her drink, and was about to get up, when strong arms wrapped around her and began carrying her outside.

"Hey! Let go of me!" She snarled, baring her teeth and hissing at her attacker. These boys always picked on her, but they were going to far this time.

"Oh, is little miss vampire scared of the sunlight?" One of them snickered, continuing to carry her outside. She hissed again as the threw her out onto the sidewalk, and almost as soon as the sun hit her skin, it began burning. She hissed angrily, trying to get up and run back into the shade, but the biggest one of the group pinned her down.

"Not so bad now are ya?" He spat to her, grinning as she began screeching in pain as she burned.
*rune is having troube suprresing his laughter due to being able to hear ALL of this from being part elf*rune: oh, okay...wanna go get something to drink now? Ill tell u if i hear someone get hurt ...if you will tell me if something deadly and evil shows up...i almost miss my old life now, never a moment of having to thing but constantly having to do...not mosts idea of fun.
After some thought, Zed replied in a kinder voice "Not at the moment... t-thanks for the o-offer." He would have to keep his eyes on this one. "Wait, your name if you please."
Danny kicked the guy off freezing all the boys and pulled Issabella back into the shade holding her close,"you okay"he said looking at the sparkling frozen boys.
Donatello finished playing.

He set his trumpet on the ground and proceeded to change clothes.

He put on his Black suit and black converses.

He opened the door and wandered into the weirdest conversation.
"I'm... Zed, Zed Ryker." "The pleasure... is all yours, Tammy...." indicating that he was looking for last name. (Always wanted to say that!)
As soon as Isabella was in the shade, her skin healed. All the burns had vanished as if nothing had happened. Seeing that the person that had saved her was the guy from earlier, she immediately pushed him away and stood up.

"I'm fine." She said in a stubborn voice, her eyes becoming a glowing red color. She turned back to him, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I could have handled them myself ya know." She said, her eyes stern and angered. She knew she would of never been able to take all of them at once, but she was just to stubborn to realize that.

She suddenly sighed, and looked to the side.

"Look. Next time, don't help me." She muttered, walking back into the school and rubbing the side of her arms. She was a little thankful though. If he hadn't of saved her, she would of burned to a crisp and blew away in the wind.
They where exchanging names, how..trivial.

Donatello walked down the corridor, his feet the only noise he heard.

He walked out into the courtyard and found the strangest thing, frozen boys.

Donatello found himself knocking on one of the boys frozen bodies and hysterically laughing.

He then noticed a girl and a boy in the shade. The girl, obviously in some sort of pain.

The girl stood and trudged inside.

​Well that seemed rude.
*rune smiled and took her hand leading her into town then a tavern he orders several drinks for him and her and sits down*rune: hopefully the drinks here are charmed...i dont want to be too drunk*he smiles and laughs*
"Sorry I'm used to just using my first name...... Tammy Pianter"Tammy said smiling. She looked away wondering why all boys where so mean to fairies.
As he was talking to Tammy NoLastName, Zed noticed the boy walk out of his room wearing a suit. "A man after my own tastes... and yet I feel to smite him." thought Zed. Disregarding the stale conversation with the girl, he followed the "demonic" presence of the boy into the courtyard.
Danny rolled his eyes,"I would but student handbook says I need to help the helpless.... And if a fat guy was on me on a hot day hey I'd melt I'd ask for help"he said following her then glared a bit he hated when people didn't thank him he froze the floor under the girl so she would slide and slip,"next time ill watch you burn"he muttered walking past her angrily.

Tammy jolted and looked down then walked away she then flew into the air,"might as well stay the book warm girl"she mumbled and flew to the fountain and continued reading her book,"why bother"she mumbled.

Ember giggled and hugged Runes arm,"totally"she said then jolted and snapped her fingers changing into a blue blouse and skirt looking more professional.
Isabella managed to not slip, and slowly leaped off of the ice. She hissed at him when he walked past her, and than she smirked to herself. She walked back up to her room and got an umbrella, than walked back outside without being burned this time. She noticed a boy following another boy in the courtyard, and she wondered what they were up to. Sneakily, she slid after them, completely unseen.

Her glowing red eyes were the first thing to be noticed if one of the boys saw her. She continued to sneak after them, hiding behind a tree and peeking around the corner to see if they had seen her or not. Luckily, they hadn't, and she followed after them.
haha. These people are so full of hate. That always seemed so when i was around.

He watched the two hurry inside.

Donatello stayed for a moment and snickered at the living ice sculptures.

He was completely aware of the boy that was following him.

Maybe i should eat his soul and be done with it.

Instead he paid no mind to the boy and walked inside the building.
"You there... boy, thing, whatever you are, I can sense your evil intentions... I think." Then, Zed noticed the frozen boys, and made the only logical connection. "...YOU FROZE ALL OF THOSE BOYS!"
Rune: but as i was once told' drink too much and your head'll pay come sunrise! But if the sun dont rise youve got nothing to worry about'*the robot comes by with a plate full of tall drinks of different types and rune swipes his student card paying for the drinks*rune: hmm, enie mine mini mo*he picks a drink at random and takes a long drink of it setting the mug down after*rune: PERCECT!ive never had better drinks
Danny glared,"snow hear my plea freeze her to let her be seen"he said and whatever Isabella was wearing turned into a bright sparkling dress made of snow now she looked like a sparkling disco ball.
Donatello turned towards the lad.

A puny thing.

"I did not actually. I prefer to burn things." He smiled.

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