School for the Musical Ghouls

*rune kisses her again*rune: no need for thanks, wizards dont lie....well...most of the time...but some of us like to break a few rules from time to time.
Marcella stood in an empty room, leaning down and plugging the AMP into a power outlet. She couldn't help but grin to herself as she turned up the volume on the AMP to high. She stroked the electric guitar in her hands, preparing herself for the amount of sound that was about to blast out of the speakers behind her. She slipped on black headphones, and took a deep breath.

Almost out of nowhere, she began playing the guitar EXTREMELY well. The sound was insanely loud, and made most of the students that pass by look into the room and gape in shock. But of course, the sound was not as intense for her. More quiet she would say. She bobbed her head slightly to the beat, walking around the room and closing her eyes. It took a lot of concentration for her to play this good. She strummed the guitar so fast, you could hardly see her fingers moving. Once she was finished, she couldn't help but smile to herself and slid the headphones down to her neck. She really loved playing guitar.


Danny surprisingly had his dorm next to hers and began playing his drums despite his random outbursts from time to time he wasn't random with his playing infancy he kept time and rhythm very well. He could hear the girl next door and twiched,"doesn't she know other people have to practice too and it's late she should've just went to the trainning room"he mumbled then got up twirling his drum sticks in his hands. Danny walked over to the girls room and played a beat on her door that was completely off with hers but loud so he could ruin her concentration. He even kicked the door a bit like he would to the bass of his drums. Some of the students glared at her door as they passed by wishing that they could go to sleep."is she new or something"one said,"save it for tomorrow jerk"said another,"why is she even here if she can play so well I hope she gets chewed out"another said. Danny shot a glare at them and they all scattered.
Rune: well i best get back to my dorm soon, i need to set it up for the night because i assume its bland-ish and i need to add some things to it*he stands up and smiles*come by or call me later if u want to*he hands her a slip of paper with his number on it and walks back to his dorm, he sits down on his bed and pulls out a regular old guitar and strums a melody on it lightly while singing along to it*runes song: the cold ice is falling , landing on our shoulders. Feel its sting, fear its bite...the steel fills the air and the fire burns stronger, stronger, stronger(repeat the past part of the song) the cold will come again, but the flame will never fail, the flame will never fail.
Ember smiled she soon walked over to his room and smiled wondering what the song was about she waiting till he was finished before knocking on the door she opened it making a silly face then held up her egg,"Hydros here too!"she said smiling then held up a bag,"cake"she said softly.
*rune smiled* rune: well hello, by the look on your face im betting your wondering about the erenal enemy...the wights, theyre creatures of ice and dark partial to fire magic wich is why they attack me alot...fighting the wights is what the song is about, millions of many times ive fought hoards of them thaat could crush an army in the middle of their great blizzards.*he looks at the bag* rune innocently: is it chocolate?
"Maaaaaaaybe"Ember said setting the bag down on the table and spinning around,"big"she mumbled then looked at Rune and brushed her hand over his softly allowing him to feel how soft and gentle her skin was."do me a favor and don't speak of wars infront of my egg.... I want it to be nice and kind"she said softly.
Rune: fair enough*he yawns*i forgot some people dont live lives like me*he chuckles and smiles at the same time* but then again...if life wasnt easy...well where would the fun be? *he leans on her and puts his arm around her shoulder*u cold? Its a bit chilly in here...figures the headmaster would put a fireborn in a cold area*he chuckles* but then used to it
*rune thinks for a second, he knew he needed to train in combat daily and he handnt trained all day*rune: i think ill go down to the training room soon...a little sparring with golems will be fun...of curse most would consiter that more an eternal torment...i remember the story of my mentors first encounter with a golem...he mustve been trying to get around it for hoouurrss*he laughs and lays back in his bed*
Ember jolted falling back with Rune due to the fact his arm was still around her shoulder. Ember blushed a bit and got off him then walked over to the cake and opened it and cut it into slices.
*rune looks at the cake wondering if it was chocolate, he LOVED chocolate. No matter how much chocolate he eats he never seems to gain weight partially due to him burning over 5000 calories on a daily basis*
"It's chocolate"Ember said softly handing him a slice without showing her face she pulled her hat down to cover it as she ate her slice.
*rune quickly eats the cake and wipes his face getting a few crumbs off it*rune: thanks, i loovve chocolate cake...did u bake this yourself?
Ember smiled at him and quickly ran over to him and kissed him then ran out closing the door she slowly down after she got far enough then got on a broom and flew to her room.
*rune sighed and layed back in his bed his room changing around him, the walls turning into gold the floors true silver and the cieling dark elf metal, a chandeleer falls then catches itself made of black diamonds*rune: great, reminds me of the underworld....*he puts two earphones in and listens to some songs, singing along with them in perfect unison, he finishes about 3 and takes them out*rune: so cold in here....*a layer of frost forms on his arms and his breath can be seen*rune: i-is*ne falls over sideways*
Ember smiled a bit and got into her room that looked more like a garden then anything she put her egg in a soft fluffy mutated flower that was like a bed a produced heat."sigh..... I wonder what to do about that boy......."she said softly she looked out her window wich was across from Runes and smiled,"I hope he gets settled nicely..... The cake has my room number so he should be fine"she said and put on a lab coat throwing her hat to the side and some goggles,"now to get more herbs"she mumbled as she put on rubber gloves and began going through her plants.
*runes body lights on fire as a natural defence and the area around him turns into a blaze, he searches the magic in the area for the cause of this and finds it, a temprature adjustment enchantment that wasnt advanced enough to take accound of the beings and due to being a fireborn his room thought it was around 1000 degreez and made itself -1000 to compensate for his pressence*rune: gonna freeze at this ratem, if i had saw this earlier id be able to stop it but-*his bodt freezes over the fire going out*rune thinks: twenty minutes...i can survive twenty minutes like this...what can i do? Any spell- gah! No magic, if i could just move my hand...i could use some anti-magic...
"Miss Blaze!"the principals voice echoed."y-yes sir!"Ember said saluting,"a student is in danger"he said. Ember nodded and spun around her clothes changing.

Ember then flew to Runes room bursting through the window and laughed a bit,"woopsy ill fix that later"she said her eyes then glowed and the magic in the room was destroyed and the charm was burnt to a crisp not even leaving ashes. Embers her then radiated to Runes body and melting the ice.
*rune sighed with relief and he looks at ember*rune: who put the charms on this school? Im suprised any elemental creature hasnt been killed by that yet, i need to pay more couldve killed me if i wasnt able to survive cold weather for some time...thank you*he hugs her* you saved my life..
Ember turned a bright red,"yes well it was probably Kitty"she said.(the Cat girl from the pizzeria)"she's good at that type of thing..... We're going to get her a weeks detention with ms. Slug"she said softly then looked at Rune,"erm.... I'm half naked do you mind ummmmm....."she said softly and blushed pulling her hat down to hide her face.
Marcella raised her eyebrows as she heard loud pounding on her door and a few voices. She rolled her eyes in irritation, walking casually towards the door and swinging it open. She gave the boy with the drumsticks a long, cold stare before saying:

"What do you want?" She said it in a snappy tone. She flashed the other people that walked by a glare, and they seemed to immediately walk away. She gained a reputation around this school, and that was the classic badass chick who doesn't give a crap about what other people say or think.

She tapped the side of her door impatiently, waiting for the boy with the drumsticks to yell at her or something.

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