School for the Musical Ghouls

*rune was utterly stunned, he had never been kissed before*rune: uhm....u-u jusf kissed me...nobody has ever done that before(16 year old raping a 1600 year old?lol)
Ember blinked,"wow your still talking?"she said and kissed him again. Ember then wrapped her legs tightly around his waist so he wouldn't move to much.(0-0 I guesssssssss but in human years he's 16 riiiiiiight?)
(He appears about 16, i belive she is making a mistake by trying this and is in fact pushing him away woth his personality)*rune pushes her away and gets up walking to the door*rune: i-im sorry but i barely know you... you are very beautiful but im not that kind of like to get to know a person before doing sorry*he walks out and walks to his dorm and sits down on his bed the reads a magic book fo falm his nerves*
(Yup sadly that's who she is xD )

Ember jolted and pouted,"darn so close"she mumbled then sighed and hugged her egg,"warm"she said softly,"your never ganna leave me Esence"she said smiling."but he did have a lot of charms"she mumbled.
*rune walks back after a minute and softly opens the door*rune: okay, im not the kind of guy who would do things within five minutes of meetinf someone but id like to get to know you better*he looks at the egg*whose the parent of this egg? I know many dragons....slain a lot of evil ones...but i probably know the dragon that created this egg..
Ember glared,"no! My egg!"she said stubbornly. Ember hugged it close then looked at Rune,"I'm sorry for treating you like that okay?"she mumbled hoping he wouldn't try to steal her egg. She then looked him over,"how your arm"she asked looking away.
*rune looked at his arm*rune:uhh, its ok...been broken several times...then again what hasnt been broken when your my age? Ive pretty much broken every bone before....did u know you can break your trachea? Wierdest fealing really...and i wont steal your egg, im bound by wizard law to never steal
Ember looked at him glaring then loosened her grip on her egg."okay then I trust what your saying"she said ten took off her hat and yawned,"if you haven't heard your body isn't allowed to heal quickly because of the realm barrier...... Sorry....."she explained then smirked,"but feel free to come at any time....."she said then blinked as she noticed a potion missing by her desk,"oh darn kids these days"she said reffering to the younger kids from the elementary campus.
Rune: still split between i think my healing will still be quicker than mosts...the king of hell isnt very easily'stopped' by barriers....even i can barely hold him in...but i can feel his effect lessoned...or i doubt the training room would still be standing after the two first hits i did on that wall...ive seen citys destroyed with less..whats the training room made of?and dont worry about the potion, ive got alot of them stored so if u need to replace one tell me, its a pain to get them but heck its better to be stranded with a nagas eating your shoulder with a potion to fix the venom than witnout one*he chuckles*
*rune hugs her and smiles*rune: well, when u want too how about we go for a drink? I havent had anything in...bout a month
Ember smiled,"why not"she said smiling then jolted,"no wait I can't leave here...... I have to tend to any and everyone that needs me"she said then sat back down sadly and hugged her egg.
*rune looked around at the office*rune: no magic....unlesx omething serious went down i doibt anyone would need help, and besides ive got elf ears....i can hear up to 20 miles..but if u would rather stay its okay, ive got some wine...somewhere in my bag..
Ember smiled and leaned on Rune,"I'm glad...... It's good to have a guy friend....."she said patting his head,"don't worry I won't do anything sexual to you"she added softly.
*rune knew he was now friendzoned and frowns slifhtly then puts on his normal fake smile*rune: yeah, friends are...good to have
Ember smiled then pouted,"but I wish that I could touch you like before but sadly you'd probably push me away again and I'd hate to have that feeling"she said brushing her lips against his then moved away.
"Okay..... My name is Ember Blue"Emeber started,"I'm a witch and I have learned everything I can about healing magic I don't like fighting very much it makes me worried and I love dragon eggs because I love little baby dragons did you know dragon teeth are used in a lot of potions?"she said then frowned,"and I've had over 39 boyfriends and they all dump me because of my dragon obsession that they find weird"she said softly.
Rune: well, i love dragons! Well the good ones at least, i have met many evil ones....theres a few good ones though...i even met the oldest dragon alive....the lord of time....a dragon of true silver
Ember smiled and looked at Rune dazedly,"ah Dragons are so cool the way they can protect there lived ones and adapt so quickly to harsh weather conditions it amazing"she said softly and held Runes hands,"aren't they just so cool?"she asked.
Rune:yeah, but my favorite thing about dragons is that there magic, they can even learn magic too.....more so than wizards and witches can in some cases...
Rune:my real passion magic...i love magic! I used to use it alor...for little things you know, changing clothes cleaning up....oh crap...i didnt bring any clothes with me! I usually just magically change but now im screwed..

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