School for the Musical Ghouls

"The trainning room of course..... And by the way we have a system.... If a student is doing wrong immediately tell me don't take it into your own hands please"he said,"this will be the last time you talk to my niece she will guide you there and to the dorm if you want.... If not"he said then took out the school map and circled the dorms and the trainning room,"if rather you not contact her but please if you get lost feel free to"he said.
*rune smiled and decided it would be best not to anger this man, he had a great deal of magical power snd rune wasnt in the mood for a possible fight*rune hiding his aggrivation: it was a pleasure, now before i light on fire...i bid you adue*he walks out of the room and goes to the training room immidiatly sending a fireball that could decimate an army at a wall and then as a follow up he freezes the wall and hits it so hard the building its in shakes to get rid of his anger, he then goes to a punching bag and proceeds to hit it so much it looks like a swingset on rockets from the momentum of his punches*
Tammy was again in the library fixing books and taking inventory she smiled happily enjoying every second of being there.
*rune enters his magic bag coming out with a black full of about 50 rings*rune mutters: no using magic? Fine, but theres no rule against using charmed rings*he puts 4 on two on each hand*rune: thatll do well
Tammy smiled and noticed that everyone had left. She sat at the piano and began playing her music echoing throught the campus everyone loved her music. She even sang slightly she played look at us now by Sabrina Paris on the piano. The principal heard and smiled. Other students that heard and smiled it helped calm them and let the ideas flow.
*rune hears the song and cant help but singing, his voice draws from his magic and his own llife without him even knowing, he sings a song about his life, hardship, the struggles, the battles, the feasts, the partys, the adventure his voice flows through the halls and buildings and he realizes what he was doing halfway through the song and stops himself cursing himself for singing that song, it had too much about him in it. He hoped he hadnt said anything about his secret and very hidden depression but he thought he mite have*

Rune: im such an idiot*he walks to his dorm and slams the door shut then lays down on his bed face first and silently crys into his pillow*
Tammy yawned and began locking up the library rubbing her eyes.(not ganna time skip tothe morning I want to let other people get inon the rp too)

Danny saw Rune and knocked on the door,"oi! You alive there?"he asked and touched the doorknob freezing it accidentally,"woops..... sorry"he said.
*rune gets up and wipes his eyes still leaving a very shiny area around them and opens the door with a trick and looks at danny*yeahh, just not in a good mood...i did sumthin stupid
*rune chuckles*rune:me? Shoot someone down? Ba! Funnyest thing i heard this century, and me kiss tammy? Shes so not my type, but then again....i havent really figured out my'type'....single for 1600 years...blows like a cyclone spirit when its ticked
"wow first time I've heard someone who hasn't fallen for Tammy"Danny said smirking,"she's the sweetist non-slut on campus trust me"he said and sighed,"girls these days aren't as good as they used to be"he mumbled pouting.
Rune: ever heard of tara the princess of kess, or well she was, before i saw it burned down after i came nack from a war, she was kinda like tammy....and anyone i fall for usually has something tear us apart.... trust me when i say theres places that make girls here look like sluts...well most of em...the known lands are like that....i love that place, action! Adventure! Danger! Ahh thats the life...or well my life anyways. Most wizards reside mentor does...along with most of the wizards councel.
"oh yeah your a wizard I'm an ice demon..."Danny said then thought,"so you liked someone that was like Tammy.....well guess what shes off limits..... being the principal's niece only certain people get to talk to her like Jonny and thats it me I'm not allowed but I sneak in a conversation here and there"he said puffing out his chest with pride.
*rune smiled*rune: i dont care if shes off limits, i dont plan on that happening. know a place where i can get hexes removed?*he points to his flaming hair*a little run in with a necromancer king... he cursed me....i dropped a mountain on him, u know the usual punishment for necromancers...using the dead? Bah! The dead having to endure constant pain as their bodys decompose...evil to its core*he shivers*
"yeah we have a witch as a nurse"Danny said,"she's kinda creepy but is ALWAYS caring around a dragon egg she's planning on hatching"he said,"rumor has it she's kinda a rapest"he whispered and shivvered,"be warned"he added.(I'll post her crud up 030)
Rune: a rapist woman...i know playes where they PAY for that...and a dragon egg? Thats most people who hatcn dragons also wind up feeding them...eventually with there own self once it grows big and gets hungry, but i know a few nice dragons...they each have given me a lesson and gift....magic that can be transferred through books, if u dont see one you never would think it true. But then agakn...many people havent seen what ive seen...
Rune thinks: this one is boss, hes got more randomness in them than an evil spirit.. or chaos herself..*he follows

Danny huming*
(I put her stuff up check it out btw heck yeah Danny's boss >.<)

Danny got closer to the nurses office then jolted hearing crying,"sounds like Ms.Ember is crying....."he mumbled worriedly,"that's not a good thing..... probably got dumpt again......"he said then looked at Rune,"good luck with your fire Hexboy!"he yelled then ran off.
*rune quietly knocked on the door and silently opened it*rune:uhm, i have a little problem with a flameing hair hex....i hope its not a problem but its a fire hazard...and also i belive im missing some bone in my neck, why do things always have to land on top of me? And why cant it be a light thing next time...stupid buildings these days just havee to land on me and knock a vertabrae out...(i did, shes hawtXD)
Ember looked at him and sniffled setting her egg down on a soft cusion,"sit down"she said smirking slightly as she rubbed her eyes.
*he sits down and his long ish hair accidentally hits his shoulder , he quickly puts it out not wanting anyone to see what was on his shoulder and moves his hair so it will stay off his shirt*rune: you seem troubled, if i may ask what is wrong? If youd rather not awnser u can choose not too, everyone has their seecrets
"It's fine just my x-boyfriend"Ember said and sat on Rune's lap pulling his shirt down a little to see where the missing virterbre was and licked it,"yup gone"she said then snapped her fingers and Rune was chainned to the bed and put her hand through his hair not burning her hand,"easy"she said and took out a potion,"this isn't so tasty should I help you drink it"she said smirking widely.
*rune moved his fingernails across the chain, one of the charmed rings sharpening his nails to the point tney cut the steel*rune: please, i am no baby...being a wizard you must know how to make potions and very little taste like honey. The few that do although are usually guarded recipies. The seasickness potion? May as well take the sea sickness...*he looks at her and wonders what fool would leave a girl like her, or what fool would leave soomeone more or less*
Ember pouted,"well you couldn't let me have you......"she mumbled then took a sip,"it's whine"she said then took out a needle,"its bone matter replication sit still"she said then put the needle inside and injected the liquid. Ember then pinned him down and licked his lips and kissed him.

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