School for the Musical Ghouls

"You will damage you own ears..... That's the first thing...... The second thing is other people practice how would you like it if EVERYONE around you played so loud you couldn't hear yourself?"Danny said pouting as he tapped on the wall with his drum sticks,"back to the first thing do you have poo brain or something crazy lady?!"he yelled with a silly pouting face.
*rune lookes away and chuckled* rune: ive gotta say i dont like this kitty girl, i met her earlier...and if she was good shed have red the first rule of intermidate teprature adjusting magic' think about the creatures that will be there and put enchantments that wont solely be effected by a creatures presence', of course it seems im a very educated wizard on most types of magic...actually ive mastered all of them except for storm magic and thats only because i ticked the lightning god off so he likes to use my storm magic to electricute me..
"Oh I'm sorry." She gasped in fake innocence, biting her lip and pretending like she cared. Than she suddenly burst out laughing.

"First of all, I have headphones," She said, swinging the black headphones in front of his face. She flashed him another cold stare, and than stopped swinging the headphones.

"And I can turn the volume down if that's what you want." She smirked, but she had a mischievous look in her eyes. Instead of going to turn down the volume, she was going to turn it to full blast. She laughed again, but didn't show any kind of surrender of anything.
"Hey look I don't need concentration..... But just remember karma's a bit***"Danny said and took out a can of spray paint and began writing something over her door then walked away."Beware hideous cranky monster lives here mucho no bueno!!!!!"it read with an arrow pointing down. Danny then took steps back and turned a knob by her door up it was a system for other students to use to make a room sound proof. Danny then walked away after putting on a code and frozze it meaning she couldn't unlock it as well as nobody could hear her and vice versa.

Ember laughed then moved away from Rune,"hmmmmm maybe you should room with me till tomorrow...."she said twirling her hair like a flirt with her finger.
Zed was walking down the corridors of the school, minding his own business. He had just arrived ten minutes ago, courtesy of Air Six Wings. He didn't have much luggage, just a backpack filled with some of his keepsakes. It was probably best he didn't show those to anyone... otherwise, they most likely wouldn't want to stay at the school for very long. Anyway, as he was walking he heard a drum set being played, and the player wasn't half bad. "Although, he can't really hold a candle to my pan flute." Zed smirked at his thoughts. Nonetheless, he walked towards the drum music. He saw the doorway and the drum player. "As I thought, he has some talent, but no class." Zed was probably referring to the fact that the drum player was wearing a hoodie and jeans. Then, he saw... her.
Rune: if you want...*he smiles misciviously and does the trademark wizard beard stroke except he had no beard*rune: well...that was actually fun, i havent been frozen like that in a whole year. Dont you love close calls? The blood pumping throgh your veins...the adrenaline..its bliss*he has a thoughtful and happy look on his face*
"I-I suppose....."Ember said then got on her broom,"get on it's faster"she said.

( xD opening for Donny's chara)

Tammy was reading a book as her wings fluttered. She sat on the fountain,"oh my"she said blushing.
*rune gets on the back and smiles*rune: ive ridden drsgons, thunderbirds and once a drakon but never a brook before, hope its fun!*he holds on preparing for the broom to move*
Zed didn't know why, but he found the green-haired girl fascinating. But, he had an image, or at least he needed to make a new one here. He was adamant that that reputation was going to be one about gawking at girls he didn't know. Trying to avoid the commotion, he decided to take a walk. Then he thought about all the people he'd seen. Make that a long walk. Then, he thought about everything he was going to have to do. Scratch that, he'd have to take a really long walk. So, what did he do? He up and sprouted his six wings andflew out the skylight. What? He needed fresh air, like right then and there. Hopefully, no one saw him. But then, things never seemed to go his way...
"Hold on tight"Ember said and they took off being that she was rising princess style she looked at Rune blushing and kissed his cheek,"sorry"she said softly as they flew into her room.
Donatello was walking down the dark street, completely minding his own business.

It had been a rough trip from hell, Aziz was very apt to him not going.

I almost got my tail ripped off. That prat.

Donatello only had a bag of clothes and his trumpet case as his belongings.

He kept to himself as he headed towards the school, his thoughts a jumbled mess.

A few minutes later he was walking inside the front doors of the school.

Alright, i traveled all the way from hell to join this school. Now i need to find..oh whats her name..Tommy? Toddles? TaShaNayNay? No, Tammy.

I have to find Tammy.
(XDDD Tashanaynay so ghetto xDDD)

Tammy noticed the boy was he the one she was supposed to escort she walked over to him,"hello"she said hovering next to him then smiled,"would you like help?"she asked holding out her hands,"I'm Tammy"she said.
*runes hair is blown back and theirs a huge grin on his face*rune: that. Was. Awesome!*he jumps off the broom and lands lightly on his feet*rune: you went like as fast as a drakon! Or maybe...they tend to seem like they are trying to move fast but actually dont try...
Tammy glanced up at the boy who was flying and smiled waving she pointed at him before she left to let him know he could have it.

Ember giggled a bit,"a school nurse has her ways"she said softly.
Isabella couldn't help but laugh when Danny spray painted her door. She actually kind of liked it, and decided to leave it. She sighed, leaving her door open and sliding the black headphone over her ears again. She closed her eyes in concentration, and began playing. The song she played was very well put together, and extremely fast. She's been playing guitar her whole life, so it's only natural that she was so good.

Once she finished the song, she reopened her eyes and smiled a bit, sliding the headphones back down to her neck. She began tuning the guitar a little bit, trying to get a more higher sound.

(She played these songs:

Oh Satan, she's a fairy.

"Yes, hi, hello, my name is Donatello Morningstar and i just joined this school and i need assistance. Where in the blue blazes do i go now??"

Donatello eyed her, judging every small little detail of her putrid being.

I should eat her soul.

He didnt.
Danny groaned and began playing his drums as loud at possible. He then played fast in 2-2 timing he glared a bit playing louder and louder.

Tammy smiled,"follow me to your room here's your school card"she said handing him his card and began walking,"I'm the schools librarian and the principals niece so it's wonderful to see new people coming here"she said softly.
*rune being the god of hell hears this person saying satan and his voice carrys over into donatellos head*into donatellos head: uhm, its not satan anymore...hes dead, south gate arent you? News never gets there*he severs the link between their minds*rune: so, where do i sleep?
"Here"Ember said as she knocked on a flower that opened it was much more comfortable and cuter then any regular bed.( :o you got that from me xD )
Zed saw the the smile and the wave, and he thought, "At least someone with manners goes here." He landed near the fountain, and laid back on the cold, hard stone. Suddenly, his phone vibrated in his pocket, and it startled him so much he fell into the fountain! He never had a phone before, but his best friend, Braddock, insisted he get one so they could keep in touch. Zed angrily answered his phone. "What?!?" he snapped. Braddock, oblivious to his friend's anger, replied, "Nothing much, just calling to say hello and see how you're settling in, you?" Zed replied in a venomously quiet voice, "I'm fine... I just fell into a fountain and ruined my favorite Armani suit and matching loafers because my "friend" called me." "Right... well nice talking to you," said Braddock, recognizing his friends seething rage, "but I think my girlfriend is calling me." "What girlfriend?" said Zed. "Actually, on second thought, it was a teacher... K bye." Braddock hung up quickly. Still mad, Zed sat on the rocks, soaking wet. "God, I loved this suit, especially the vest... I hope no one sees me like this." Again, however, luck was never on Zed's side. He strode into the school to get away from the other students who he thought were in the dorms. Unfortunately, he ran into a couple, and stopped instantly. The girl seemed normal enough, but the boy... something inside Zed told him that the boy was evil, and he had an urge to... smite him? Where did that come from. Anyway, they'd seen him, so he had to respond, but how?
(Well, u did give me an extra veiw on the outside areas of the underworld where i only thought of the palace)rune: nice....i suppose as long as it doesnt snap shut ill be okay then..but then again what hasnt tried to eat me before?*he smiles and lays down on the flower bed*
Satans Dead? Good, he was such a snobbish prat.

Donatello takes the card, "Thank you Tammy for showing me to my room. I believe i can handle myself from here."

He unlocks his room and shuffles inside.

Donatello sets his bags down and sits in the chair in the middle of the room.

He pulls his trumpet case towards him, opens it and pulls out his silver beauty.

Time to make the angels jealous.

He begins to play.

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