School for the Musical Ghouls

*rune can hear the conversation and is slightly annoyed*rune: this angel kid...if he continues to be hostile to demons i may plauge him with wier lights...i honestly love sending wier lights to bug people
Zed noticed something behind him. A soft crunch of feet following him. All he saw was a flash of gold, and suddenly he was beside a girl who was hiding behind a tree. Without meaning to he touched the girl, and she disappeared. He wondered what he had just done, but something told him he had just teleported her back to the dorms.

Back to demon boy. Normally, Zed would have run. But, after what he did to the sneaky girl in the tree, he felt emboldened. After all, the scene must have scared the other boy at least a little. Right?
Isabella carefully listened to there conversation, and she couldn't help but sigh a little bit. Maybe she should of just stayed inside or something. Seeing that it probably won't matter if she showed herself or not, she walked out behind the tree and stared at the boy in front of her.

"He didn't freeze those boys." She said in a fierce voice, leaning against the tree and putting down the umbrella now that she was in the shade.

"It was another guy." She said simply, her red eyes glowing brightly in the dark as she studied both boys.

Seeing that she had suddenly been teleported back to her dorm, she groaned in irritation. Turning into a bat, she flew out the window and landed next to the boy. She transformed back into her regular form and shot him a glare.

"That wasn't very nice." She grinned, flicking her green hair behind her shoulders and than falling beside him.
Rune: well i wouldnt say all the realms....techen cant be topped no matter what...i love that city even though its drab its food makes up for it ten times more so...they are a little low tech though..*he takes another long drink finishing the 36 oz. Glass of strong alcohaul and chuckles*
"Do you like to pet trees, boy?" Donatello asked, eyeing the boy with his blood red eyes.

The girl? Shit. i was going to kill this boy.

He eyed the girl, as she eyed him.

She was obviously a vampire. A creature of darkness.

What?!? "Boy... I just teleported that girl to who knows where, and you call me boy?" said Zed. Although, the guy's calm demeanor and red eyes were a little freaky.
"Tammy a fight is brewing stop it"The principals voice echoed. Tammy jolte her eyes hazed and her wings fluttered she flew to the boys and stood between them,"you two stop fighting.... The principal wants to see you"she said monotone then looked at the frozen boys and put fairy dust on them unfreezing them,"you too Danniel"she said and Danny sighed coming out of hiding,"go all of you"she said then looked at the boys who saw Tammy and they jolted running off.
Okay, so demon boy and bat girl. This was turning into a bad sitcom - the Halloween special to be exact. Zed ignored his inner feelings to teleport the girl again and to smite the boy. "What are you two?" he asked.
Donatello snickered.

I truly am a demon. Already going to the principals office.

"Fine fine, im going."

​I hate fairies.

​Donatello walked across the grass, his tail flicking here and there.
Rune: im 1600, if i didnt drink id have given up on life a loonngg timee ago, heck i can out drink a drinker...who drinks..*he obviously is a bit drunk and downs another mug smiling*
"Everything and one that can play an instrument can go here don't be racest"Tammy said glaring,"I'm a fairy you have a problem? The principal is a wizard and my adopted father if you have a problem with race here I demand you be transferred there are many and I mean MANY musical demons and I can't stand when people get racest!"she said then sighed,"to the principal now!"she said.
Rune: okay....this angel kid just insulted my there a rule against transfiguring other students? Because i want to turn him into a mouse...and leave him in the cat realm
"Wait, if you're just a demon, they why did I feel the need to smite you?" asked Zed. "Heck, I don't know why I need to smite anyone or teleport that vampire. That isn't normal for a human-avian hybrid is it? I have nothing against Hell, it's just I thought the guy was something... I don't know... worse than a demon. Not that demons are bad." This apology was going terribly.
"I am a demon, child. Born in the fires of everlasting torment. Bred to torture all living beings and feed on there souls. I also play the trumpet."

Donatello kept moving, his tail resting on his shoulder.

"Apology excepted. Dont do it again though, or i will rip your throat out."
*rune kissed her back and smiled looking into her eyes, he was sure she was the strangest girl hed met, but then again he was the strangest guy he knew, a fitting match*rune: dang...your a good kisser, care to show me again?*he smiles misciviously*
Tammy sighed,"follow me boys"she said and began flying to the principals office she felt sad for some reason,"I haven't seen Jonny any where"she thought pouting as she flew they got to the office and she opened the door books where flying,"I just organized thing Papa!"she said angrily grabbing the flying books,"sorry Tamilia...."the principal said eatting a burger happily."just Tammy is fine"Tammy said sadly looking away,"I hate that name"she muttered an flew out.
"I'd like to see you try. Though, not really. Still, why'd you call me an angel? I am a hybrid of avian and human origin. My creators told me so. I have a document signed by a government paid scientist and everything." said Zed.
Zed sat down in a chair adjacent to his new pseudo-friend who happened to be a demon that he felt the urge to smite but didn't want to because of his taste in suits. Well, can't be any weirder than the powers he gained from being a hybrid. Although, there were people who told him that he was something else... something much better. Of course, he never saw those people again, but then again, why would they bother to talk to him again. He was just an experiment to them.

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