School for the Musical Ghouls

"My tiny brain? I'm afraid you haven't been near a mirror recently. Had you thought to take a look, you would have noticed the obvious lack of mental faculty. Perhaps such ignorance is common on your status level, or maybe those wretched orbs you use as sensory organs were malfunctioning. Either way, exchanging titles is sign of equality or the signing of oneself to a master. I wouldn't take anyone of your class on as a... companion. I am part of no pyramid. I am the sun and the sky that you pyramid attempts to reach, and yet it fails so miserably. I wouldn't want the cacophony that you call music to ruin my beautiful melodies." And with that, Zed flew off again. Perhaps he had flourished his wings a little, just to annoy the obviously wretched girl. However, he supposed her demeanor wouldn't show it. Although he had been rude, Zed felt a slight twinge of... amusement and curiosity. Maybe he'd enjoy this school after all.
"Oh what a bore"Fawna said and frozze Zeds wings sending him crashing to the floor she got up putting her books in her bag and allowed the wind to carry her to the floor she landed by Danatello she looked at him then a piece of paper she had in her hand,"you got the highest score on the entrance exam next to mine of course and your instrument and mine go very well together"she said,"My name is Fawna Frost...... Would you like to be the highest competitor at the school and possibly gain the ability to play at the concert at the end of the year?"she asked.

(I kinda felt bad for Donnyv so I wanted to rp w/ him ^w^ that and I'm evil)

Ember jolted and shook her head,"no darling it was VERY helpful and you learned something new!"she said and hugged him,"your learning things"she said and kissed his cheek.
As Zed was falling, he thought, "That insolent girl. As if her ice could freeze my wings." With that, Zed flexed his wings and destroyed the ice crystals into a shower of reflective ice. "This is a little to theatrical for my taste. It seems that Fawna girl is with Donatello. Perhaps I should pay a visit to Tammy."
Donatello was, bemused.

He snickered and replied, "You want to work with me? A poor little demon could never reach the stature of such a high born ice demon."

His tail flicked at the bugs that played on the grass next to him.

He turned the page of his book, crossed his legs and looked up again at the girl.

Batting his eyelashes he waited on her.

Your move princess. he thought. I'll show you which is truly evil.
*rune smiled and kissed her obviously still very drunk he leans into her*rune: maybe...i can learn...somthing else*he smiles misciviously and kissed her again*
Ember jolted falling onto the bed,"e-erm well then"she said turning a bright red.

Fawna kept her blank expression,"status has nothing to do with this but everyone else is too idiotic for my tastes and you well you are at the top better then the others..... So I have chosen you"she said. Fawna began eatting her pockey with a blank expression.
(Oh right Tammy :D )

Tammy was in her room she was playing piano nobody was there so it wasn't a problem. Tammy smiled as her gentle soft fingers glided across the piano the music beautifully creating an image of a first drop of snow on a Christmas Day.

Donatello continued to read, musing over what she was saying.

"So be it, i will work with you." He said, not looking up from his book.
No one responded to Zed's call. "Well, if she isn't here... that bookworm is probably lolling her day away in the library." So off he went to the library. He "avian" hearing picked up soft melodies coming from the library's piano. However, perhaps crashing down from the ceiling straight into the grand piano wasn't the best covert investigation plan. Oh well.
(I posted lokands char stuffs) *rune lays down next to her and hugs her wispering into her ear*rune: come on, you wherent so shy when i first met you...*he kisses her neck lightly*
Fawna nodded enjoying not having to say to many words. Fawna wrote a room number on a piece of paper,"this room in the trainning building..... We will practice there"she said giving him the paper and began walking away. Danny did cartwheels past the two. Fawna stopped and shot a glare at her brother the only person in the world who could make her blood boil,"what are you doing?"she asked twiching,"I'm a monkey bagel at a donut shop"Danny sat then looked at Donatello and smiled,"hi!"he said. Fawna sighed,"sorry for his stupidity"she said going back to her blank expression and looked at her brother.

(Ill fix what I changed for Tammy gimme a sec)

Ember blushed,"t-that was before you pushed me away"she said pulling him closer.

(nvm I'm lazy)
Donatello laughed.

"Its fine."

He put a cigarette in his mouth, flicked his finger and inhaled.

He exhaled, smoke coming from his nostrils.

"So, a monkey bagel..sounds..delicious?"
Rune: well im usually really shy when i first meet people..and also you kinda suprised me when u kissed me 'cos ive never been kissed othr than by you..*he looks into her eyes and kisses down her neck(small time skip for rune and ember soon? Ill use lokang for the gap between the time skip for them and the rest of the time for the others so i wont b like stuck for the time between now and when they catch up)
(I don't understand but okay Rune)

Tammy jolted slamming her hands on the keys and falling back,"kyaaaaaa!!!!! W-what is wrong with you?!"she yelled twiching a bit. Tammy slowly hovered to her feet,"why are you so mean all the time?"she asked as tears welled up.

"ew bro.... I'm straight"Danny said. Fawna then walked away getting crowded by her usual followers and some new ones as she walked into the school.
"No, please, it wasn't my intention to appear rude. I simply... wasn't thinking. Fortunately, this grand piano only costs about as much as my suit, which happened to fall into a fountain. Also, I have some... business to discuss, so I'd rather make it quick. Will you be my partner this year?" asked Zed clearly and precisely. He didn't want to mince words, he had work to do.
Tammy blinked,"my partner?"she asked then thought,"one condition....... You can't be mean to me"she said and smiled cutely,"ah but before that why do you want me as your partner?"she asked putting a finger on her cheek and looking up pouting.
Ugh. Cuteness. How irritable. But, he had no other choice. "To put it bluntly, I would like beat Fawna and become the best at this school. If the requirement for that is not being mean to you, so be it. However, I am not lenient, and I don't tolerate inability or indolence. So, you had better be "up to par", as they say. I have heard your playing and deemed you worthy of my partnership, so now, you must listen to me." said Zed. Then, after thinking, he said, "Please and thank you." There that should do it.

(Read my character description as it details what his pan flute sounds like. Depending on whether or not you want the characters to be partners, it can either be the most beautiful music Tammy has ever heard, or it can be the most terrible, grating noise ever. Your choice.)
(Kandy, im guessing lokang is accepted? Lol) *lokank walked through the halls having earlier picked up his student card and today he was wearing a suit and dress shoes wich he coul tolerate walking in even though they wherent the right size, he absently rubbed two fingers together creating the same sound as a guitar and played 50 ways to say goodbye's guitar part while walking*lokang: i wonder if master rune is here...seems a bit too serene for him though..
(Oh xD it was Its just that your already a member so if you make a new chara it's automatically accepted)

Tammy gasped enjoying the talent Zed had,"wow"she thought in awe,"but to beat Fawna we need a lot of practice as a team and a lot of talent"she mumbled then thought,"you know it doesn't need to be just partners it can be a group or band....."she thought to herself but the ln shook the thought out of her mind,"when do you want to practice?"she asked as her wings fluttered,"oh and if anything I do bothers you just let me know okay?"she asked smiling.
"Yes, well the talent won't be a problem, as you heard. But, the teamwork... Perhaps we could meet at my dorm. It is empty, and there is no one near, so no interruptions. Say 8 P.M.?" He saw no problem in meeting a girl in his empty, abandoned dorm at night. After all, they were just practicing, what else? Then, without waiting for a reply, Zed swept out of the library.
"W-wait! What?!"Tammy yelled after him then sighed and banged her head on the piano,"boys are stupid..... And rapeist...... And HATE fairies....."she mumbled sighing,"am I ganna die?"she asked looking up worriedly.

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