School for the Musical Ghouls

"... Erm, yes. Is that a bad thing? Pardon my language, but if I'm an angel, I am obviously more inclined to speak older English. I am trying to assimilate your "lingo", so don't be offended. I thought it was a compliment, a synonym for an intellectual." Then, after some thought, he added "I'm real sorry... dawg?" This "slang" was more difficult than temporal physics."
*rune and lokang rush over and the magic barrier shatters at runes touch, rune looks at ember and the kid and immidiatly thinks of the problems on a magical level scanning the kid and the area around them for any magic that would cause this*rune: whats happened?

Lokang: rune...can you really think of this as a non magical level unlike everything else for one second*he looks at the person trying to see anything physical that could do this as he was an expert on almost everything in the multiverses due to his age*
"No he's just sick this is normal if a non-colored is rainbowed up"Ember said touching the boys face,"Ladirota!"she said then touched her lips and kissed the boy all the grey returning to his face.

Tammy blushed a bit,"it's a big insult for me it's how people bully me"she said softly then looked at Zed and laughed,"it's fine I read Shakespeare a lot I can understand if you talk regularly"she said smiling and patted his head,"I thought you were just really really mean"she said softly as her face expression got sad again.
Rune: non-colored...never seen one like that

Lokang: nor have you know*he bursts out laughing and rune hits him*

Rune: shut up! I have!*lokangs ryes go wide in suprise and he gasps*lokang:who?!?!

Rune: well..uhh...ember here*he gestures to ember* rune: i can see why people often brag about it...

lokang: i feel pity for are 1600 and your first time?!? Thats the funniest thing ever man!*rune blushees then slowly fades out of color turning completely invisible*lokang: ohh crap....i really mustve embarrasrd him for him to turn into a spirit
"Well, a man, no, angel of my stature can't afford to be mean. After all, even angels get lonely in the dark, and I suppose with the thousands of years I have probably lived, I needed something to do at night." said Zed. It was perhaps one of the first jokes he had ever said. Scratch that, one of the first that he remembers. The whole fact that he lived millenia or two before he was "made" in the laboratory was going to need getting used to.
Ember was a bright red moving away from the kid. The boy smiled,"that's Ms. Blaze!"he said and ran off. Ember blushed a bit more looking at Lokang,"jerk"she muttered glaring and hugged her egg,"Rune if you don't come out I will never do those things with you again"she threatened.

Tammy laughed,"are you really thinking of all that angel stuff now? You just realized it"she said giggling,"we should get something to eat"she said softly and stood up smiling.
*rune slowly materializes having drifted a few feet off the ground he falls and stumbles blusjing badly and lokang stiffles a laugh*rune: uhh....

Lokang: yes, that was a very good sentance rune"uhh" ...was that quoted by some famous writer? *a few kids nearby laugh and rune blushes even more*rune: keep this up and ill call that big female orc bouncer you cower from every time you see*lokang blushes and lools away*lokang: i do not...
"Of course. I know a good place. Follow me." he said, smiling. Zed grabbed his coat and muffler and gave Tammy hers. He held the door for her, and when she was out, he turned of the dorm lights and closed the door.
Tammy smiled as they walked,"why not take this to the sky's"she said hovering a bit. Tammy enjoyed being able to have a friend that wasn't going to hate her.

Ember smiled and stole a kiss from Rune then smiled having her eye colors change a bit then they went back to normal and she giggled,"well then if you children excuse me"she said directing it at Lokang. Ember hummed walking away hugging her egg.
Lokang: i can see why this one would be the one who you did that with...brave enough to call a grim reaper a child*he tsks and chuckles*

rune: oh please...we both know thats an insult to children*the burst out laughing and rune makes a comment about not insulting oxen*lokang: dont you just love that? I love the adventures weve been on! Thats it when we get outa here we go on an adventure! Maybe fight a few drakons*he smiles* or, hunt necromancers, wrestle some nagases! Dang ive missed doing that stuff

rune: yeah...we did some real awesome things in those 400 years we adventured together...*lokang lays cown and sighed*lokang: well, since we cant sleep in your room i think ill sleep here*he closes his eyes and falls asleep*rune mutters: great, i can go find ember now*he walks out of the training room and looks around for ember cos it was getting a bit late*
"Nothing is faster then a fairy in hyper mode"Tammy said smirking she flew into the air,"come on!"she said and smiled,"it's so nice to have a friend"she thought happily.
"Hyper mode." Zed thought with a chuckle. Two can play at that game. Flexing his 10 ft golden wings, he took off, creating a whirlwind around him.
Ember yawned hugging a pillow on her bed she thought a bit,"is it me or is his room....."she thought looking out the window,"if I repair it ill get sick if the principal repairs it the barrier will be down and all the kids will get hurt"she muttered then groaned,"I wonder which is more important"she mumbled,"I can fix the window now though"she said and snapped her fingers and the window was repaired.

Tammy jolted spinning,"hey!"she yelled and flew after him she looked like a glowing green light she was a little ahead on Zed as she flew over him she didn't know exactly where the place was so she kept moving from side to side to keep her speed and be able to turn whenever he did she then looked down at Zed and smiled blushing.
Suddenly, Zed's head started to ache. No, it felt as if it was splitting open. He closed his eyes and slowed down until he stopped. Then, he opened his eyes, but they were pure gold light and he felt as if he had lost control of his body. He tried to regain control and crashed into the woods below.
Tammy jolted,"what's wrong?!"she yelled flying after him then jolted flying into a bunch of vine that tangled around her,"Zed what's wrong?!"she yelled trying to get to her friend but to no avail the vines tightened around her the more she squirmed.
Zed fell to the ground, writhing in pain. "You need to go, Tammy. There must be a group of demons close by, enough that I can't override my instinct. Please, don't follow me. Go back to the school, and don't tell anyone what happened. I'm so sorry..." he said. And with that, Zed gave into the light within him. Instantly, he stood up. "I must follow my divine ordinance." he said in a voice that wasn't his, "I must destroy the defilers of this Earth." With a flash of bright gold light, he had disappeared. Shortly after, the screams began to echo for miles.
*rune walked into embers room*rune: just thought id stop by before going around the area of the forest to find stuff, i need more moogish berries and i think i saw sum in the forest, cya love*he quicklt walks out needing time to think, he was getting a horrid headace and he knew something menevolent was near*( ill post a female char that will explain this, its a GREAT idea cos rune will now have a literal opposite in the school)

*rune sees zed attacking the demons and stops him his skin set ablaze*rune: you never, and i mean NEVER toutch a demon...what have demons and hell given life? Music! Afterlife! Precious metals and so much more! But you would try to kill them... controll yourself or else the principal will get ticked
Tammy jolted,"what the f***!"she yelled still tied in the vines,"I'm ganna die here"she mumbled and sulked,"I will never forgive you Zed!"she yelled then sighed.(the school is in a different realm with a bunch of students who are demons 030 it's in another realm no death bro no death)
Zed sees the boy... what was his name.. Rune? He can't remember. His mind is hazy, save for one clear objective: Kill all demons. This wizard was getting in his way. The other demons were simply annoyances... No! Zed was fine with demons. They weren't all evil. But, his body wouldn't respond. Angel-Zed had taken over. Angel-Zed flicked Rune of his arm and said "It is the divine will that these creatures perish. It is not my place nor my wish to decide their guiltiness or innocence. However, the humans have a curious rule in their law system: those who aid and abet criminals are themselves criminals. Do not force me to add you to my pool of demonic victims. Your existence as a wizard is condoned, encouraged even. However, that existence will end in the blink of an eye if you dare hinder my duties again." With that, Angel-Zed vanished into a golden whirlwind. He was gone when it died down.
Rune: how dare he...toutch demons then toutch me! The lord and god of hell...angels, when i get the sending heaven medusas head again to turn a good amount of them to stone...demons arent evil...or criminals...ive made it a rule that unless in a open fight shall no demon eat the soul of good...evil things? Well that i encourage...*he stands up*

*emily walked twards the school through the forest a blizzard blowing around her knocking tammy free from the trees*emily: oh how i love these silly creatures in trees*she waves her hand at tammy and laughs crazily*
(Since when is Rune the lord and god of hell? Isn't that a little OP? I thought he was just a strong wizard. I put him at par with Angel-Zed cause I was planning another showdown eventually, hopefully a more epic one.)
"Ow my life span shortened"Tammy mumbled then shot into the sky looking for Zed,"where is he!"she said then jolted falling to the ground her wing was broken."ow!"she yelled when she hit the floor,"I hate my life"she said banging her head on the ground.

(He always was it just wasn't out there and it's possible it counts as a ghoul xD you get used to it)
(In his intro i put"death god" in part of his musical ability explination...wich shows he is related to hell, he also killed satan(due to the refference that satan was dead) had a hellhound summoned to him in the beggining and has a demon called " the king of hell" sealed inside him, not clear enuff? And if rune foghts anyone....well the only thing i know to be truely on par with him would be emily (my new char) cos she is his opposite in base terms(flameborn to wight) and in shaman to wizard terms, but of course he will definitly be able to fight zed later...but wont the prinicpal get ticked?)

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