School for the Musical Ghouls

(The maids shattered the frozen dude 0v0 Danny ain't got no patients for those who kill his friends I remember typing it cuz I don't like murderers)

Danny smiled,"hmmmm what do you like to eat?"he asked,"I'll pay"he added as they walked.

Ember laughed,"well what do you think"she asked pressing up against him waiting for an answer in her favor.
(Oh yeah xD Sorry I forgot he shattered lol.)

Isabella smirked, licking her lips when a delicious image of cheese pizza flooded into her mind.

"Cheese pizza.." She said, practically drooling. She chuckled, snapping out of the stupid trance she was in. It was probably unusual for a vampire to eat pizza, but Isabella LOVED pizza. Especially cheese pizza. She almost began to drool again at the thought of it, and than she sighed.

She suddenly blinked her eyes multiple times, and than a mischievous grin appeared on her face.

"Danny? Is this a date?" She said, stilling grinning to herself. She hoped he blushed again. It was so cute.
Rune: well i hope its a yes...cos i really ember*he blushes* rune: nobody has ever loved me though...*he looka a bit sad and sighs then looks into embers eyes*
Ember looked at Rune her eyes sparkled as she batted her eye lashes at him,"oh Rune you make me feel like I'm going to burn out.... You make me want to burn brighter then the sun! I love you"she said and then looked away,"but a lot of girls have been around you lately and you've even given one a gift but you still haven't treated me with one"she mumbled pouting.

Danny thought about it blushing slightly then smiled,"I suppose it is but that angel brat probably won't like the idea of that"he said his expression a bit serious when he talked about Zed.
Isabella looked down as soon as he mentioned Zed. Her eyes sparkled with sadness, and she struggled to hold back tears. She suddenly lost her appetite, and she sighed sorrowfully.

"Hey, uh.. Danny? Can we do this some other time? I lost my appetite.." She murmured, even though cheese pizza sounded extremely delicious at the moment. She looked up towards him, hoping he would understand. She really wanted to stay, but for some reason the mention of Zed made her feel weird.
Danny blinked,"hm? Sure how about this I go get that pizza you really want and then we can go somewhere else okay?"he offered wondering if she knew that they couldn't be far from each other. Danny then blinked as two fan girls went up to him,"Danny when are you going to sing again?"one asked,"sorry I don't do that anymore"he said a bit sad about it,"but you were the best in the ice realm your sister couldn't hold a candle against you!"the other added,"sorry girls I lost my love for singing"he said smiling."Danny if a girl marry's you being that your the ice prince of your realm will they be the queen by you?"one asked,"erm it depends if I marry before or after Fawna"he explained."how?"another asked."well.... If I marry before Fawna I'm the king if I marry after I stay a prince"he said. The girls pouted a bit then glared at Isabella,"I wouldn't be to happy if any of you hurt her.... In fact I might become as cold as Fawna"he said pulling Isabella close and turning his back on the girls glancing over his shoulder at them. They jolted and ran off. Danny smiled patting her head,"I told you I wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt you"he said smiling.
Zed paced his dorm. "Right, time to prioritize. First, speak to Rune and Lokang. Then, find Azrion and Isabella and apologize. Good plan? Good plan." Zed went off to find Rune and Lokang
Isabella nodded slowly, her gaze drifting back to the ground again. She listened to the two fan girls that walked up to Danny and asked him why he didn't sing anymore. Her eyes looked back towards him, and than she noticed the two girls were glaring at her. She shot them a look, and than stopped when Danny pulled her close. When the fan girls were out of sight, she turned towards him.

"You used to be a singer?" She asked, a little surprised. She always thought he played drums. Than she had another question on her mind.

"And you have a sister? You never told me this." She said, raising an eyebrow and grinning.
"Well, I can't find Rune and Lokang right now, so I'd best go look for Isabella. Hopefully, Azrion isn't being too much trouble." he thought. When he arrived, he saw Azrion pouncing on little mice. "Where is Isabella?" Zed asked. He shared a look with the griffin and understood. "I'll just sense where she is and... damn, she's with the Danny guy. Why does he have such a problem with me. He seems nice enough, definitely better than Fawna." thought Zed as he flew to their current location. As he got closer, he felt a disturbance in Isabella's life force. "Weird. I'll check that out."
Isabella sensed Zed, and her eyes widened immediately. She inched away from Danny, turning her back to him and looking at the road.

"I'm.. Sorry, Danny. I have to go." And than she was gone. Just like that. Clueless as she is, she completely forgot she needed to stay near Danny if she didn't want her heart to melt. She flew about a mile away, than a deep throbbing feeling in her chest caused her to stop.

Oh no.. I forgot. She thought in her head, trying to fly back towards Danny. She didn't have the strength and the pain in her chest grew more and more painful. She collapsed onto a rooftop, coughing violently. She scolded herself silently for letting herself be so stupid. She managed to stand up, but ended up falling back to her knees again.

"Damn it.."
Zed saw Isabella collapse. He couldn't believe it, but somehow, she was dying. He knew there was only one way to save her: To let her die fully, and then resurrect her quickly before her soul passed on. That wasn't not a very wide window of time, so he knew he would have to stand there and watch her die. He didn't know if he could bear it, but he knew he had to if he wanted to see her again, which he did, very much so. Hopefully, she wouldn't see or remember him standing there, allowing her to die a death she didn't deserve.
Danny quickly ran over to her and got ice wings he glided up to her and hugged her his cold body next to hers refrozen the heart inside of her,"don't run away so much.... You can't leave me side"he said softly and kissed her forehead,"and yeah I used to sing..... But like I said before I don't anymore.... And Fawna the ice queen of the school and the princess of my realm is my sister"he explained smiling.
Isabella coughed violently again, blood trickling down the side of her mouth. When Danny hugged her, she immediately felt better. The pain vanished, and her eyes looked relieved. But hurt quickly filled her red eyes when she listened to Zed.

"You would of just left me there to die?" She whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek slowly. She shook her head at him, and turned her gaze downwards.

"I can't believe you.."
"Right now, that frozen heart is all that is keeping you alive. I have no problem with Danny, but you would be tethered to him forever more. If you died, I could have immobilized your soul, and resurrected you with my connection to Heaven. But now, the only way to do that is to kill you again. That is your choice to make. Die and be reborn, or be forever tethered to him."
"Your a damned idiot!"Danny yelled at Zed,"you wanted her to die?! I bet you want her NOT to be a vampire too right?! Haven't you thought about her?! Being a vamp is who she is and I you can't accept that then your stupid!"he yelled glaring then wiped the year away and he blew and made a beautiful snowflake necklace that sparkled in the shade,"for you Isabella.... If you have this on you have last 4 days without me.... And they bring out your beautiful eyes"he said trying to cheer her up. Danny then put the necklace around her neck,"don't take it off okay"he said.
"You are the fool here! I didn't want her to die. But, I didn't want her to have no freedom. Her dying would have no impact on her vampirism. She would be resurrected as is, simply with a new body. I love her for what she is now, and I have no reason to change that. I... I just didn't want her to suffer, to have to be indebted to someone forever. Trust me, it never ends well, no matter the good intentions involved." Zed looked as if he was remembering a time long past. Suddenly, he realized he said the word "love". Everyone knows things never end well with that word in the mix.
"Zed don't you know? Vampires don't have mortal souls they count as a demon and if they die they can't be brought back from heaven or hell they vanish completely because they were born dead and need blood to live"Danny explained.(I watched a lot of Japanese vampire shows don't mind my logic)
"I realized. I was to immobilize the the soul, before it vanished. I was going to simply get a body from Heaven. Her soul would be the same as ever."
Isabella listened to Zed, and her gaze looked back up to him. Maybe the was a good idea.. She looked at Danny, than back to Zed.

"I'll do it.." She said in a quiet voice, standing up away from Danny. Her hair blew gently in the wind when she spread her long black wings.

"Danny.. Don't follow me this time." She flashed him an apologetic look before shooting into the air and flying a few miles away. Once again, her chest began throbbing, and collapsed onto another rooftop. After a few minutes of extreme pain, she coughed violently, making blood splatter all over the concrete in front of her. Tears slid down her cheeks as the unbearable pain shot through her once again. She clutched her chest, her breathing getting shallower and shallower with every moment that passed. Her wings began to shake in fear as the pain increased even more.

Blood trickled down the corners of her mouth as she leaned against the roofs edge. She began sobbing, struggling to breathe. After a long 5 minutes of extreme pain, she fell still. Her breathing stopped, and she stared off into space as she died.
Danny sighed a bit the jolted hearing the flutter of wings and looked past Zed,"Tammy?"he mumbled. Tammy looked sad an a bit depressed,"did you love her the moment you saw her?"she asked stepping onto the roof and looking at Zed her eyes were red,"you knew my crush was developing you should've told me you liked someone else!"she yelled. Danny jolted and looked at her,"Tammy..."he said."I-I should've known you hated me.... Boys always hate fairies...."she said softly. Danny walked over to Tammy who was crying by Zed,"listen he's just stupid okay"he said. Tammy collapsed to her knees crying,"I-I.... He was my first crush!"she said. Danny sighed petting her head,"you made two girls cry.... Both are wonderful but you made both cry..... You probably don't care that either of them are crying"he said with cold eyes. Tammy slowly got up her body shaking her wings losing there flutter and just dropped,"I hate this feeling it hurts"she said softly.
Zed followed her, but this time, he couldn't watch her die. He shielded himself with his wings until he sensed her life ebb away. He saw her soul leaving the body, and trapped it in an angelic sigil. Instantly, he teleported to the ruins of Heaven and retrieved her body. Sensing the soul trying to get free, he came back quickly and embedded the soul in the new body. There was one complication...
(Interesting :D no offense Isabella you gained the most hearts I've ever seen! Danny AND Zed dats epic =w= accomplishment!)

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