School for the Musical Ghouls

Rune: your still on the effect from that potion arent you? If you dont label your powtions you mite wind up a tree by drinking the wrong one*he chuckles* rune: how about we go find tammy and we all get lunch ok?
"No way~ I am SO not ganna be a tree.... Would you still love me if I am~"Ember said and kissed him,"Tammy's probably dealing with some of the new students in the library she gets most of them gathered up answers questions and goes on a tour"she said,"she eats with the new students as well..... So lets eat at a romantic restaurant ALONE~"she said then kissed him passionately before Rune could kiss back she began skipping off happily giggling.
Rune: uhh....okay...*he follows her a bit worried about wasting time, they had about 2-3 days before it was too late and they all would die and he was leery about wasting time but doesnt care anyways as long as ember wanted it*
(Sorry about that btw just trying to stall till Gabe gets on? The days are ganna be longer till he does that way we won't waste the days up and nt be able to do anything)

Ember smiled holding up her broom stick when they got outside,"do you want to.... Steer?"she asked smirking she held out the broom just in case he did.
(I know a way to defeat the white walkers without gabe...but its risky0.0 and rune needs to tell tammy to get that cage ready also) rune: ive been thinking...the old magic art that is back can do alot of things...even this...levitation!*he lifts off the ground no magic being put off from the spell he used as its not regular magic, he lets the spell go and lands on his feet*rune: oh, not ready for that should steer also cos i dont want to put us through a wall*rune chuckles nervously**
Ember thought for a moment her mind drifting into what if Rine acted like a pervert-land,"eeeeh hehe okay~"she said happily then got on the broom.(yeah but it wouldn't be fair to just kick him out lets wait one more day and if he doesn't get on we'll dot he mission without him xD )
Zed walked back into his dorm. He had just been out to lunch with Azrion... which had been eventful to say the least. First, she'd insisted they eat at the most expensive restaurant they could find, which hadn't been hard because of all the fake credit cards Zed kept around. What? An angel has to have some perks. Anyway, then, she'd tired of the small food portions, and after crossing a stop and Mc'Ds off the list, they'd taken to the air. The rest of their "lunch date" consisted of Azrion flying away to catch prey, and Zed following to make sure the attack wouldn't attract attention. He was tired as hell, but he knew he had to talk to Rune about the White Walkers.
Ember was about to fly off but she saw Zed she jolted and pouted,"I wanted more Rune time"she muttered glaring at him then hugged Rune and sighed,"I'll see ya later"she said pushing him off her broom and flew off.
( Ah damn it.. I missed Gabe:/ Well anyways, just wanted to say this is Paradise. I'm on my backup account because I'm on my wii right now and can't seem to log in:/ So yeah LOL )
(Okay I'm back on my original account:P I'm gonna introduce Marcelina now xD )

Isabella walked down the hallway, her eyes staring down towards the floor. After Zed had left with Azrion to go out for lunch, she had decided to go to the cafeteria and get herself something to eat. She was starving, and needed to quench her thirst before things got to out of control. She didn't want to go on another rampage she had before. She shuddered at the thought, continuing to walk forward.

She let out a long sigh, passing the front desk. A familiar voice made her stop dead in her tracks, and widen her eyes. She turned around just in time to see a girl with bright purple hair suddenly leap at her.

"ISABELLA!" The girl screamed excitedly, tackling her to the ground and pinning her. Isabella blinked her eyes multiple times, trying to process what had just happened.

"I've missed you SO much! How have you been? Oh my gosh. You're gorgeous! And your boobs are huge!" The girl rambled on, suddenly grabbing Isabella's boobs and moving them around a bit. Isabella's face became flushed with embarrassment, making her freeze in her place. The girl let go, and crossed her arms over her chest, frowning to herself.

"I was expecting mine to be bigger.." She pouted. The frown on her face vanished, and she leaned her face closer to Isabella's.

"So, you got a boyfriend? Is he hot? Did you guys have sex yet?" The girl continued, smiling wickedly to herself as she leaned closer to Isabella.

"It's nice to see you too, Marcelina." Isabella muttered to herself flatly. Marcelina laughed, hugging Isabella tightly against her. The sudden movement made Isabella's skirt come up, showing sexy lace panties underneath. A few boys paused when they walked past, bringing out there phones and snapping a quick photo. Isabella almost died.

"PERVERTS!" Marcelina suddenly yelled after the four boys, who were now running off.

Marcelina continued to hug Isabella, making her let out a sigh of irritation. Marcelina suddenly laughed, getting off of her and helping her up.

"Sorry about that. It's a habit." She placed her hands on her hips and smiled. Marcelina was one of Isabella's childhood friends. They used to be the best of friends, and they pretty much still are.

"So, you transferred? Congrats."

"Hell yeah! Why wouldn't I come here? This place is freaking awesome!" Marcelina yelled it so loudly that multiple people turned around and stared awkwardly.

Isabella burst into laughter, almost collapsing onto her knees she was laughing so hard.

"Did I say something funny?" Marcelina asked, chuckling a little bit to herself at her friend's random outburst.

"No. I'm just glad your the same."

Marcelina smiled sweetly, than widened her eyes in surprise when Isabella grabbed her hand and began leading her down the hall.

"Come on. I'll show you around."
*rune appears in front of the boys who had taken a picture of isabella and he grabs there phones in a blink of the eye* rune: ohh, now what do we have here? would you like to be in this girls place? *suddenly there pants are all down and rune snaps a picture and posts it on the internet* rune: now, to delete these*his fingers move like crazy deleting the picture on each phone and he gives them back and laughs his ass off then he dissapears and reaapears in the area of isabella and marcelina*rune: dont worry about those boys, theyve been punished for it...and possibly with a little interest*he chuckles*

*lokang jumps down and kicks rune in the face sending him onto the floor*lokang: THAT was for leaving me behind*rune stands up*rune: ay lokang any hope that ill live through your random face kicks to actually make it to 2000? or is that too much for you*they both start laughing*lokang: ohh, who are these two?*lokang looks over at isabella and marcelina*
Ember quickly appeared by Rune and tackled him to the floor hugging him,"Rune~"she said and began tongue kissing him for a while the intensity of the kiss turning heads. Ember pulled away for air but quickly continued.
*rune falls back and kisses her back* rune: hey ember, whered ya go?

*lokang stands there trying to keep from laughing at the all mighty ruler of hell, savior of more people than you could imagine and much more being bested by a girls tackle.*
"To eat I knew that you would want to talk to Zed"Ember said touching his lips then licked them and bit them,"oh hi Lokang"she said looking up at him and smiling her chest was showing a lot and from his view he could probably see all of it,"did I inturupt your time with the best guy ever?"she asked smirking.
lokang: not at all*he turns around and seems to de-materialize then dissapears but hes only moving incredibly fast*rune: ember....if im the best guy ever...then im with the perfect girl~ cos your the best girl ever, zed kinda ignored me but whatever...
"Nobodies perfect love I have a passion problem"Ember explained,"I love to blaze and burn"she said as her eyes turned red and her hair lit on fire then she changed back to normal.
rune: well, passion is always a good thing. too much and its ok...none? cannot exist without passion*he floats to his feet somehow and sets ember down on her feer he then drops to the ground*rune: my old powers seem to be returning...just in time too*he smirks deciding not to use any of his powers untill needed*
"So how do you feel against my flame?"Ember asked touching Runes skin with her Firey hand,"is it too much?"she asked leaning in.
rune: perfect....the one of them..we where born from the hottest fire in the multiverse, so i cant be burned. you could put me in an inferno and i wouldnt even care..also we have some other powers*he smirks* but i preffer to keep this form as its much less flashy*he leans in too and kisses her passionatly*
Ember blushed kissing back then pulled away giggling she turned into her natural form and spun around like a firecracker. She came back together and hugged him,"oh my~"she said,"I would LOVE to see your natural form"she said hooping a bit.
rune: okay, stand back...*he steps away from her and lets his energy flow a line of fire going across him and a blinding flash he looks about 25 with a shaved face black sunglasses that hide his eyes which are two nuclear infernos and he has a insanely hot body with toned abs and great muscles he is wearing a suit with a black tie* rune: my true flameborn form is this....its a bit show off-y to me...

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