School for the Musical Ghouls

(theyre off campus in the town at a resturaunt)lokang: let me help you with that*he toutches her wrist and it heals the pain gone and he looks slightly pained but then smiles and sits back in his chair*lokang: i can take pain away from others as well as injuries..

rune: hmm, let me see*he roars aggain and the other roar responds* rune: oh i know, an eecho stone*a small stone flys into his hands* rune: a good prank stone and rare though...i havent seen one in ages*he slips it into his pocket*rune: cant leave this lying around
Ember laughs,"you attract so many things!"she said the laughing then hugged him and made a stupid face,"bleh"she said then giggled.

Fawna had a slight blush then looked away thinking her feelings were just anger,"I couldv'e handled it myself.... but thank you....."she said looking away.
lokang: i guess so, your powers of healing do seem admirable...after healing a wound left by another reaper when you helped me

rune: hmm, i suppose i do, but that was more my magic doing that for me....ive learned a great many tricks like that, watch this*the stone comes out of his pocket forming into a small stone person and dances around crazily rune lightly chuckling*
Ember giggled a bit,"Rune it's so cool"she said softly then kissed him,"we should probably get Lava somewhere warm k?"she said and picked up Lava and began walking away.

Fawna turned red then got up,"h-how annoying!"she said then looked at Lokang and jolted then looked away,"but ehem... I accept your compliment"she said with her head held high then she sat down when there orders arrived.
Sven walked into the steakhouse joyously breathing in the aromas of frying meat. He sat at a corner table and waited calmly for the waiter to come around to him. Finally the waiter made it to him and asked for his order. "Yeah i would like one of whatever your largest steaks are and cook it rare please. Mashed potatoes and gravy for the side and a large Coca Cola please." The waiter was off and delivered the order to the kitchen. Sven could smell the steak cooking already, the rich irony smell of the blood, the beefy smell of the meat, the thick heady smell of the potatoes, and salty sweet smell of the gravy all mixing perfectly in a blend that makes you feel like you died and were resurrected with that specific scent, like you should worship it. When the warm heaping three pound mass was delivered along with his tall soda he was salivating. He muttered a quiet prayer in his native tongue and dug in enjoying every bite as if it was the last one he would ever take.
After Tammy finished eatting she sat on the roof of the stake house to wait for him. She found herself gagging at the aroma of dead animals. Her wings fluttered and she covered her nose with her hands and continued waiting after a while she began looking down to see if he was leaving.(it's a surprise to see you online on a Sunday 0-0)
(i am back )

After exiting the nurses office she came out and thought { hmm maybe i can go and get a bite to eat } she looks around for a nice place to eat then spots one and she thought , { i guess that will do for now}
Fawna saw the girl come in she looked at her phone her big brother Danny had texted her abiout the girl she walked over to her."welcome new girl.... My brother told me about you and as such I am here to see to it that your welcome would be satasfactory........ My name is Fawna Frost earllier you met my brother Danny Frost........ Please accept my friendship"she said with a light smile. Fawna let her guard down now thanks to Lokang she was beginning to think it was his fault that nothing could make her feel more akward or nervous. She shook the feeling off and smiled again and extended her cold pale hand.
she shooke her hand and said ," nice to meet you. my name is Stephanie " she kinda smiled never meeting such friendly people before

(gtg bye )
Sven left the money for his bill, wiping his mouth contentedly as he left a sizable tip for the waiter. He walked out the front door thinking this would probably be where he came to eat often. He wondered if there was a pizzeria nearby though and a sweets shop. He would have to find out later. He smelled the scent of hispanic food and an odd sweet scent and instantly recognized it as Tammy. She was sitting on the room above him. He turned and looked up at her with a small smile on his face. "My lunch was great, how did yours' go?"
( :o you online saaaan!)

Tammy smiled floating down,"good... sorry about this but I was wondering if you can eat this?"she asked handing him a mint and backing away covering her mouth,"would you like me to shw you the class?"

Fawna patted her head,"what would you like to know see or do?"she asked.
"Oh sorry, inconsiderate of me huh? Here i can do better then that." He pulled out a full pack of his favorite gum, Root Beer Float, and took two pieces out to chew on them. "Yes please lead the way." He began walking with Tammy back towards the school.
Tammy hovered then looked back at him,"you haven't recieved a schedual yet?"she asked then looked at him,"this would be faster if you gave me your hands"she said holding out her hands and hovered over him,"but don't look up"she added.
Sven turned around looking at her. "No not yet." He walked over and placed his hands out and looked down.
Tammy grabbed his hands and flew back to the school."I'll get that fixed when we get back k?"she added smiling at him. She klanded on the grass by the door to enter the school,"I'll show you most of the classes I have tho so you can find me easily"she said as she opened the door.

(nm Fawna's still talking to chu tho~)
(okay) Stephanie says ," I would like to meet others , see the stores , and what ever else you want me to see or do "
"Okay thank you. Flying is fun by the way. I look forward to it, it's only a two days until my birthday and that is when dragons get their wings. On their 1600th birthday. So which class should we start with."
"If you wanted to meet other people you wouldve hung out with my brother..... Let go see the stores since your new I bet you want some clothes and books right?"Fawna asked.
Tammy giggled,"your old...."she said jokingly,"lets start with the music room since your a pianist"she said.

Fawna began walking out towards a shop. Her pale skin was a little to sensitave for the sun so sh took out an umbrella and looked over at the girl,"do you have a favorite book?"she asked.(0-0.... lovely)
Fawna blinked,"is that a book?"she asked a bit oblivious to sarcasum.

Tammy hovered a bit but then decided to walk by him,"so chocolate or vannilla?"she asked yet the question had a lot of other interpritations it couldve been to a negative mind.

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