School for the Musical Ghouls

rune: a hex...and a weak one at that..shouldnt be hard to fix, ember, watch my finger*he holds his finger in the air and moves it back and fourth then taps her on the head lightly unworking the hex on her*(hes had practice removing hexes, he removed one from a smith worker he knew and several others)

lokang: okay, i wonder how long it will be till it wont matter anyway...without zed me and master rune only have one hope...and that will probably kill me....
Fawna jolted her chest began hurting, "but I don't want you to die" she said and looked at him she then brushed her hand on his cheek, "why do you have to die?" she asked and put her forehead to his then moved away and got up touching the flowers she turned them into ice.

Ember kissed his neck the water people where pretty smart since the hex was go d it unlocked a curse and ember turned into a cat she then meowed this was strong and unbreakable even for Rune it was only going to last a day though.
"On my level? A duet is about two people working together to the strength of the other. You don't measure levels of talent, you measure level of skillful cooperation. I am sure you are plenty good enough.", he said as he pushed open the doors to the gym.
"yeah but if your no good your no good.... I had a partner before but yeah he liked a girl I liked him he kinda regected me haha! anyway do you like the pool?"Tammy said pointing it out then let out and small laugh,"I on the other hand can't swim..... yeah..."she said and chuckled.
(back) "well, okay I will tell you " she begins to tell him ," well , i somehow fell in love with someone i knew that could never love me back and I just have been thinking about him and i can't get him out of my mind and he is just everything i think about I even worte a song about him and " she pauses for a moment
(it means that my settings were messed up xD sorry i'll retype)

Danny blinked not wanting to be mean,"n-no dont say anymore its okay"he said laughing then stood up,"lets play a game!"he said excitedly he was very playful and loved games card games and so on.

(the first thing and this one are two different things xD I was dazed)
" i am glad i don't have to continue , and what game i would love to play a game " she jumped up like a playful puppy just wanting to play and all energized

مرحبا (just testing something)
*rune pulls a pearl out of his pocket* rune: a thoulsand curses upon the people of water, let hells fire rain and hail, let the seas part and let all crash down upon them.*the pearl explodes in his hand and he smiles* rune: they think theyre the only creatures who can put curses...unfortunatly for them...i can put major ones on entire races....with my best effort*he looks a bit pale*rune: now what am i gonna do about u ember*he looks down at ember* rune: i suppose u should wait and lokang have to do something stupid and reckless* he dissapears leaving behind a small replica of him made of silver that will follow and protect ember*

lokang: theres a deadly thread coming, the white walkers...scourge of life..are coming and me and rune must stop them. there would be a safer way but zed has dissapeared so this is the only way we can win, i may live though...i suppose this will truely test my strength*he smiles lightly*
Ember pouted there glaring she smelled around and ran over to where Fawna was and clawed at the side of the seat but unnoticed she jolted smirking and becoming quiet Fawna was her apprentice but he never showed emotions before and had surpased her.

Fawna held his hand,"I could help... Here"she said pulling out a crystal her soft lips pursed against the blue crystal causing a cute blue to her cheeks and her hair grew to her knees turning a silver and her body becoming even more pale. She opened her eyes a bit and looked at him holding it out,"if you get hurt or your in a pintch kiss this and you'll be healed....."she said softly then jolted,"the only back fire for me is I look natural because a lot of my power is inside of here"she said softly looking away,"i-its cold though... and its not fragile.."she whispered.

Danny smirked and took out a deck or cards,"how about I declare war?!"he said mightily.
lokang: this time...its not going to be and runes powers will be strained to the breaking point if were to controll the thing we must use to destroy the white walkers..*rune appears* rune: the walkers are prepairing for attack, we have a bit though, care for one last performance in case it goes to hell?

lokang: it would be my honor, i must go fawna...wish me luck*he smiles and they both jump into the air landing on top of a building they start playing music*(

Fawna looked at the crystal and then jolted at Ember,"oooo fine here"she yelled and threw the crystal at her. THe crystal always had special effects on women. for females it made them more beautiful and flexable. For men it made there powers go to maximum. Ember smirked and wiggled her nose the crystal dissappeared. Fawna rubber her eyes a bit,"Stupid heart I thought I ripped you out...... Neh Ember when you change back I need another surgery my heart has been breaking down and I couldnt breath"she said softly. Ember thought about it and thought it could be heart deffects and nodded.

Danny smirked and began dealing the cards.
*rune and lokang finish the song and dissapear using the passes and appear in the realm of the white walkers, a huge army of them going around a castle of ice* rune: well lokang...lets see if we can truely kill the deathless*they stand next to eachother and rune does the incantation while lokang contributes his power* rune: darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night! Lord of Darkness, shining like gold upon the Sea of Chaos, I call upon thee, swear myself to thee! Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess! GIGA SLAVE!!"* a huge ball of black energy forms above them and rune hurls it at the castle it slowly moving forward* lokang: one last blow* he swipes his arm forward causing black death split from the ground and stream forward behind the giga slave, rune swipes his hand also causing a huge blast of fire mixing with lokangs attack all three attacks connect at the same time causing a gigantic explosion completely obliterating everything around the castle and the castle itself rune and lokang go back to the schools realm their hair now white from strain*
Fawna streched a bit sitting on the cold bed in the nurses office. The principal had release the curse on Ember. Ember looked at Fawna as she put on the glooves and mask she then put on the white coat."you ready....?"Ember asked. Fawna nodded then touched her head a bit,"heh it's always better without this."Fawna said touching her heart. The principals voice came on the speakers,"Ember is now in surgery nobody get hurt if you with to know whos the listing is posted on the door"he said. His voice echoed through empty halls and all the students went to there rooms and stood quiet. If anyone was hurt without Ember they would probably be at high risk of death only the well behaved non problem students stayed out. fawna felt an odd-ness and laid down on the bed closing her eyes as EEmber put on the gas mask to drug Fawna for the surgery,"good night lovely"she whispered before she passed out.
*rune and lokang walk around looking decent with white hair* rune: where is everyone...(they didnt hear the announcement) lokang: i dont know...good thing the lord of nightmares didnt put too much power into that or else we would have had more than white hair to deal with...
Everyone that wasnt a delequent was looking at the sign on the door."Fawna Frost?"one said."third time this week"another added."the cold must not be harsh enough for her heart"one added."isnt it funny how fire is dealing with ice?"one whispered. Ember slammed open the door,"shut up! Go to your rooms or be quiet!"she yelled the cat ears from the curse still in effect and they twiched a bit. Ember slammed the door and looked at her watch then the timer she was waiting for Fawna to go into deap sleep.
After a few hours Fawna came out and looked around then brushed her hair away from her shoulder,"seems your heart melted a bit.... You sure love being cold"Ember said. The students gasped,"the ice queens heart melted?"one said."for who"another added. Fawna looked away and began walking off."Fawna!"Ember yelled. Fawna glanced back with a blank expression,"enjoy your cold heart"she said smirking."don't try to interogate my feelings... its a stupid idea now that they're gone again"Fawna said flatly then walked away. Ember snickered as the students walked off."oh they'll be back"she said softly as her tail swayed and her ears twiched. Ember noticed Rune and tackled him then looked at the two and laughed,"y-you both look like your popers from Fawna's realm!"she said laughing and toppling over holding her stomach.
rune: poppers.... im not even going to ask

lokang: we wher kind of strained too much...even for us together summoning power from the golden lord is a stupid thing to try..
"what the hell do you think the crystals for...."Ember said,"to bad to she pu feelings in there you probably wont get back from her a power crystal from the ice princess oooh lala"she said then the the crystal up,"here"she said handing a piece to Rune and Lokang,"very rare from someone in the ice kindom especially the princess"she added,"rumor has it that someone melted her heart to break it and tried to assasin her i heard that he succeded and now she doesnt want any type of emotion and her memories where wipped clean"she whispered.
lokang: how sad...*he accepts the piece* lokang: if only i stopped that from less bit of pain in the world.

rune: true..*he also accepts the piece*

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